• Published 1st Oct 2023
  • 125 Views, 0 Comments

To Challenge the Pie King - LegendarySprout

Caramel challenges Braeburn to an apple pie bake off.

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Chapter 1

Caramel wasn't one to travel a lot, as living in Ponyville usually means all his needs are covered within a block or two. As for friends, more are likely to come visit him than for him to come visit them. This was one of those exceptions however as Caramel, ordered by the Apple family had came to Appaloosa in search for more assistance. Only one pony was fit for this task and that happens to be the beloved apple sheriff. He and Braeburn had finished their discussions some time ago regarding this with the smaller pony accepting the offer. Deciding the couch wasn't comfortable anymore, they now sit at a table still talking. There was still time to be killed however and Carmel wasn't one to leave early considering its been a while since the two have last talked. During a brief period of intermission, the taller one, being the snarky instigator he is decided to offer up a challenge.

"You know Brae, I been getting into baking recently and I believe my pies can go one on one with yours."

Brae raised an eyebrow at this, a slight smirk forming on his face, "Really then? Let's see about that."

Braeburn raised up and walked over to the kitchen, prepping it with the needed ingredients and utensils enough for the two of them. A few minutes past but dialogue eventually filled the room again.

"Right Caramel, no external ingredients and we must have our pies in the oven at the same time. Deal?"

"Sounds fine by me, but don't be surprised when you get a face full of pie."

Brae almost cringed at the thought of such a delicious treat being wasted like that, but continued playing on.

"Ah wouldn't be sure of yourself, there's a reason why Ahm the only pie baker in this town."

"You're on," and with those words said signaled both stallions get quickly to work.

Caramel came into this with the intention to use everything he's learned in the kitchen to make a pie that will crush that sheriff's heart. He knew from the moment he challenged him to be the underdog so every trick is a must use in this case. His first customization was to add some extra butter when making the crust, believing the extra creaminess would help add some texture. Continuing, extra spices would be thrown into the filling to help develop more complex flavors combined with the apples, hoping to make the mouth of anypony water when they take that first bite. Finally, he'll simply cover the whole top with crust to make a basic yet deceiving outside look, great for a fun little addition to the surprise factor.

Braeburn meanwhile started making his pie with full confidence, ready to have his perfected recipe be put to full use. For the filling, he prefers to use a mixture of red and green apples that are hand-picked across Appaloosa to introduce many flavors. His best trick by far is making a secret sauce, primarily of sugar and butter to then mix in with the cut up apple for the filling. Brae was never much of a fan of straying too far from traditional recipes when he first tried this technique but after trying his first pie with it he was never able to look back. Finally the pie is finished off with a clean lattice pattern for the top of the crust, allowing the viewer able to smell within a hundred hooves away a sneak peek of the contents stored inside.

The two continued to create their culinary art pieces, putting on their final touches when the oven notifies that pre-heating is completed. The two apple pies enter the oven for its one and only trip and the anticipation of either pony coming out victorious begins to form.

The two ponies are treated to the delightful sound of the oven clocking in at zero. As the oven lid is opened, two beautiful pies appear letting the sweet aroma of apples fill the house. Braeburn slowly took the delicate desserts out and places them side-by-side on the table to cool. From Brae's perspective, his pie clearly looks cooked to perfection, a testament to the amount of practice that was spent in the kitchen. Caramel's looks to come out great as well and while some might say it didn't win the category for best looking, it is only half of the puzzle to a perfect recipe. Enough time passes filled with chatter of the two before the pies are cools and the ultimate test arrives.

"Well Ah must say you've done an impressive job but Ah sadly got you beat right here," he dives his utensil into the pie and puts the contents into his mouth, taking a good moment to process its full flavors.

Nailed it. He then shifts his gaze over to Caramel who does the same for his pie. For the taller pony, he hopes his big taken leaps of faith will be just enough to win Brae over. Delicious, but second opinions are needed for this experiment. The two take their utensils then shove into each others pie, taking in similar amounts.

Caramel's pie was delicious, the extra butter surprisingly elevating the simple, yet rich flavor of the filling when combined with the crust. The choice to put extra spices within the filling while risky, resulted in a surprisingly good payoff. Looks like someone will be taking down more mental notes than they thought. He should be nervous at this realization but one quick glance to Caramel made him breath a sigh of instant relief. In the corner of their eye, he could see the tan pony's eyes almost light up with the utensil, glistening through his best attempts to hold a poker face. With this assumption, he knew this bake off was officially over.

A few seconds past before Brae decided to give a a little tap on the shoulder of the still dazed pony, assuming he isn't completely out of this world from how good that pie is. He know his own pies are good but even Caramel is overexaggerating it a little bit. Finally breaking out of the trance, he turns to the other and attempts to keep a neutral expression.

"I think you need to take a another bite of mine."

Caramel knew Braeburn wasn't buying it, his own thoughts practically written all over his face. How could someone make a apple pie this good? It really puts his own cooking skills into perspective but its best he probably doesn't think too hard about that right now.

"Looks like Ah remain on my throne, now do you still want that pie to the face now?" Braeburn smirks at Caramel.

"What, no! We never shook hooves on that!" Caramel pouted.

"Ahm kidding dude, plus Ah wouldn't want a waste a good pie, even if its yours."

"Ok now you're just being rude now."

"Trust me man, you did very well for a first timer. Presentation needs work, that's all."

Tension was visibly released from Caramel's face as he said this, returning to a more naturally neutral expression.

"That means a lot, thank you. Guess we should dig into these?"

"Sounds like a swell idea," Braeburn replied.

The two now sit on opposite ends of the table like they have before, chewing away on their respective pies little by little, enjoying the silence and little humidity in the atmosphere.

"Hey Brae," Caramel suddenly spoke up. Braeburn looks up to him, still chewing.

"Would you mind teaching how to make some of those pies of yours?"

A few moments of silence is all the response the pony ahead of him would give before showing him an empathetic smile.

"Sure Caramel, sure."

Author's Note:

Quick slice of life I wanted to make before working on some bigger stuff.

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