• Published 4th May 2024
  • 162 Views, 26 Comments

Castlevania: Magic of Friendship - WiltedBloom2013

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Prologue: Hidden Potentials

Europe, 1797... One year after Alucard saved Richter from Dracula's Castle

Scootaloo looked at her two friends with more uncertainty than ever before... It started as a normal day, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were going over their plans to get their Cutie Marks. The three were going to try to get exploring Cutie Marks... but somehow entered a portal that took the three far away from Equestria... worlds away even.

Scootaloo was looking around the Castle as the trio of fillies walked through it's eerily hallow halls, all the blood and torture devices that were hooked up. Sweetie Belle was at the front of the group, simply because she wanted to be, it was well lit in the castle after all. Apple Bloom was slightly behind Sweetie Belle, standing to Sweetie's left. Scootaloo was all the way in the back of the trio, she really didn't like this place. "Are we sure this place is safe?" Scootaloo asked after seeing another torture device in this strange castle, but both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle groaned before Sweetie Belle replied, "YES! WE ARE SURE SCOOTALOO! WE HAVE FOUND NOTHING BUT THESE DEVICES!" causing Scootaloo to step back with her ears down. The trio kept going farther, and they reached the castle keep before long... but Scootaloo dashed off towards the entrance of the castle, not wanting to continue anymore.

Outside the castle walls...

Scootaloo dashed and dashed... she didn't stop dashing until she unintentionally dashed right into a tree... oof...

Where even was Scootaloo? This certainly wasn't Equestria but it also felt somewhat familiar, an odd familiar like... she is certain she's never been here yet... some part of her knows this place... it feels.

She got off the ground, castle staring ominessly at her in the background and the moon shining its light on her. She trotted forwards, hoping to find some familiar faces.

50 some-odd minutes later and a walk that felt like hell.

Okay, she had to admit she was probably not going to find any familiar faces... She already had gone through basically hell by walking this much, nearly being attacked by some bats along the way to this left behind shack... Scootaloo sat in the corner, staring a Rapier down but not picking it up considering it'd feel better as a weapon Rarity'd use...

... why is Scootaloo considering somepony having a weapon? And Rarity of all ponies?

She looked around and found some old books, now, normally she isn't one to read but... this seemed like a good time.

Using resources found within Castlevania, several people have come together to make what we consider an ultimate weapon we have dubbed "Fatal Wind" this special Rapier can attack much faster and if wielded by the right person, might even be useful for moving faster. Unforunately, we've lost a number of team members due to our trip into Castlevania and we can only hope that whoever reads this and finds Fatal Wind doesn't try to storm Castlevania alone.

As Scootaloo finished reading the page she looked towards Fatal Wind and... picked it up. She felt as if her hooves could move faster than she could move previous and this effect stayed even with the rapier stored away.

"So guess I'll be taking you Fatal Wind, might be fun using you." Scootaloo said aloud.

Then... there was a knock knock.

Back in Castlevania...

Apple Bloom groaned, finally noticing that Scootaloo's gone, "Sweetie, Scoots bailed on us," she said plain and simple, causing Sweetie Belle to groan as well. "Great, just fantastic," Sweetie Belle said in mild annoyance. The duo were climbing a large stair case with an ominess clock tower in the background, the stair case had a fancy looking red carpet and the fillies climbed on regardless.

At the top they found a room with many candles and a large table, a tall fanged creature standing before the fillies... Dracula Vlad Tepes. "Greetings, I have been expecting you two," Dracula said as he stepped closer to them, "I can sense something deep within you both," he added. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked confused at that statement what did he mean by "something deep within you both" it just didn't make sense. But when the arrival of Dracula's right hand man, Death, Apple Bloom certainly felt... something... and by the sense of it... it wasn't nice.

Death carries his iconic scythe as he looked at the fillies before pointing at Apple Bloom, "You there, come here," he said as Apple Bloom trotted over causiously, "W-what's up?" Apple Bloom said with a tinge of fear. Death said not much but took Apple Bloom from Sweetie Belle, leaving the unicorn with the castle's lord.

Sweetie Belle looked at Dracula who simply lead her to thethrone room and had a seat where he drank a glass of wine before saying, "You and your friend have some potiental that needs to be coaxed out, Death took your friend to coax her's out, and I'll be the one to coax your's out."

Back with Scootaloo...

Scootaloo was roaming the streets of a ran-sacked town, what inhabiants are here looked at Scootaloo and ran inside, probably mistaking her for one of the many monsters that roam about outside the town. It wasn't long before Scootaloo found a tall bi-pedal creature in a blue outfit, "Excuse me, could you please tell me where I am?" Scootaloo asked the strange creature who immediately turned around holding... a cross almost ready to throw it... is it serious? "Uh... what are you doing?" Scootaloo asked the creature who just took a step back before another one of those creatures, except this time dressed in black with a white mane came out of hiding and put a limb in front of the blue clad one, "Calm Belmont, this creature means no harm," it, no, he said as the blue-clad one, Belmont, put the cross away.

Much time passed as Scootaloo introduced herself and got to know both Belmont and the other creature. Firstly, she learned that Belmont's full name is Richter Belmont, and secondly she learned the name of the black-clad one, it being Alucard. Scootaloo also spent time explaining her situation, "So... you and two others ended up in front of my father's castle, which you explored until you got to the top floor where you ran away from it," Alucard summerized as Scootaloo nodded with a "that's right" at the same time.

And so... an adventure unlike any Scootaloo had seen before starts...

Author's Note:

Be ready, the prologue is split into two chapters, one for Europe/Castlevania and one for Equestria... because... why the fluff not?:derpytongue2: