• Published 17th Sep 2023
  • 1,958 Views, 59 Comments

We Don't Have Time for a Slow Burn Romance! - RunicTreetops

You and your marefriend Moondancer have an important role to play at the end of an event called the Princess Procession. However, an accident involving an enchanted manga now has you speedrunning a slow burn romance story before the parade ends!

  • ...

The Part Where They Visit a Hot Spring

You stretch out your back against the warm rock behind you. Your eyes are closed and your hands are behind your head, but once you hear your back finally pop, you place your hands back into the delightfully warm water of the hot spring. A sigh escapes you as you allow yourself to relax, even if only for a little while.

You open your eyes, taking in the area around you. It's an open-air hot spring, and the gentle snowfall continues into the night. However, the steam from the hot spring, combined with the walls on all sides blocking out the wind, means that so long as you're sitting in the water, you're extremely comfortable.

The spring itself is lined with smooth stone, and a few larger stones stick out of the water in some places. The thick wooden walls on all sides make up the rest of the inn, and there are an assortment of racks and barrels for storing things and keeping things dry. Towels are available all over the place, and you're using one yourself to remain covered up (even if the water itself does a fine job of doing so).

You aren't alone in the spring, either. A group of other stallions are standing around here and there. Some chat amongst each other, some are a bit more rowdy than they probably should be, and some are trying to quietly enjoy the sensation, much like yourself. You recognize these stallions as your "classmates." As you and Moondancer learned upon entering the inn, it seems that the manga's story dictates that you have come here as part of a school trip. Not quite the private, romantic getaway you, er, might have been hoping for, but at least you get to experience it in some form.

You glance over to the far end of the hot spring. A massive wooden wall cuts through the area, easily fifteen feet tall. You may not have ever been to a hot spring before, but you've read more than enough manga to know that on the other side of that wall, the mares are enjoying their half of the hot spring.

You quietly smile to yourself. You hope Moondancer is enjoying this as much as you are. You begin to close your eyes again, but before you can, your attention is grabbed by a group of your "classmates" approaching you in the water, clearly making a conscious effort to remain quiet.

"Hey, Anon!" One of the stallions leans in close to whisper to you. He also has a towel wrapped around himself, as do the rest of the stallions, but you're not really sure why. Ponies don't usually wear clothes anyway, so what are they trying to cover up? "Got a minute?"

You give the stallion an uninterested look.


"Your height could be really useful, you know!"

"...Excuse me?"

The stallion nods his head to the side, clearly gesturing towards the large wall separating the stallions from the mares.

"C'mon, don't you want a peek, too?"

"I'm sorry, 'a peek?'"

"Yeah! You know, at the girls! They're right there! If we support each other on our shoulders, we could easily peek over that wall!"

You look at the stallion with a mixture of confusion and disgust. Meanwhile, he just beams at you.

"No. Absolutely not."

"Aww, why not? I know you have the hots for Moondancer!"

"My relationship with Moondancer is none of your concern. Plus," you say as you pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance, "I'm not a disgusting pig like you."

"You're telling me you've never considered getting a good look at-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, because the answer is no. I actually have these things called a 'moral compass' and 'basic respect for others.' You should try them some time."

"Pfft. Whatever, dude. Just don't be mad when we succeed!"

With that, the group of stallions saunters off, apparently to recruit some more of their classmates to the cause. Ugh. Teenagers. How gross can you be? Even if they did manage to look over the wall, there's nothing to see! Are you the only one who is aware of the fact that ponies don't normally wear clothes? Because you feel like you're going crazy.

Trying to push the matter out of your mind, you close your eyes, do your best to focus on the moment, and return to your relaxation. A few minutes later, however, you are once again forced to look up from your state of peace due to an unexpected sound.

Sure enough, four of the stallions have grouped up next to the wall and trying to precariously balance on one another to reach the height necessary to look over said wall. You narrow your eyes as they do so. The rocks beneath them are slick, and their hooves are still wet, too. If they keep trying this, they're going to-



"Ha ha!"

You mock the group. They deserve no better. You receive a few spiteful stares before the stallions manage to recompose themselves. To your surprise, they immediately start to try again. They fall a second time, but they did a bit better that attempt. Seconds later, they're already trying again. They're, uh, getting really good at this really quickly, aren't they? They might actually succeed.

What are they even trying to accomplish? What will they see, Moondancer in her everyday appearance but sitting in a hot spring? Yeah, sure, go ahead and ogle that all you want, you pervs.



...Ugh. The more you think about it, the more the idea of them peeping on Moondancer, whether there is any point to it or not, makes your blood boil. You look up at the ridiculous stack of stallions, now three ponies high. One more and they'll be able to see over the wall. With a sigh you finally emerge from the water, making sure to keep your towel for decency as you make your way over to the wall. The stallion struggling on the bottom greets you with a cocky smile.

"What, did you finally decide to join us? Check it out, we're almost there!" The stallion struggles to look up, but you see the last stallion needed to reach the top of the wall almost on the third pony's shoulders. You look back down at the stallion, who just smiles at you. You give him a cold glare before rolling your right shoulder. "Hey, you feeling alright dude? You look kinda mad."

You say nothing. The stallion's eyes go wide as you wind yourself up. Then, all at once, you punch the stallion with all of your might directly in the face. The stallion, who was struggling to support the weight of three other ponies, goes flying several feet backwards, and the other stallions in the stack also end up going every possible direction but up. Four distinct thuds are heard as they all hit the rock below.

You're pretty sure it's the manga that gave you the strength to do that. Your right hook is NOT that impressive in real life.

Either way, the stallions all look at you with a defeated expression. They look like they want to say something, but they are too afraid to do so. Instead, you simply walk back towards the door that you entered the hot spring from, whistling loudly enough for the mares on the other side of the wall (Moondancer specifically) to hear you as you do so.

It's time the two of you moved on.

You and Moondancer slowly walk through the old, wooden hallways of the inn. Since everypony else is still in the hot springs, you have pretty much the rest of the inn to yourselves.

"So? How did you like the hot spring?"

"It was pretty enjoyable," she responds, "but to be honest, I think it'd be better if I wasn't surrounded by a bunch of mares talking about their boyfriends the whole time."

"Wait, really? That's all they did?"

"Ever heard of the Bechdel Test?"

"I have."

"Good. Because a lot of manga do not pass it." She sighs. "This one included, apparently. Anyway, what about you?"

"My experience was about the same. Very relaxing, until I was reminded that my 'classmates' are with me. Only they weren't talking about their marefriends."

"Let me guess. They were trying to peep on us?"


"Did you join them? Usually the male protagonist gets roped into it one way or another."

"Aw, come on Moondancer, have some more faith in me than that. I actively stopped them from doing it."

"How so?"

"Right hook."

"Really? Last I checked, your right hook is NOT that impressive."

"I know, right? Manga logic, I guess. That punch panel would probably have a lot more detail than the rest of the chapter, I imagine."

"Hmhm, you're probably right! Still, thanks, I guess. I'm not really sure I'd appreciate getting ogled, regardless of if the ponies doing it were real or not. Though I think I'd be okay if it was just you."



"...Well, I'm not sure I'd appreciate them ogling you, either. A-anyway," you say as you attempt to change the subject while both of your cheeks get a bit red, "what do we do next?"

"Normally there's an overnight sort of thing that happens during these hot springs arcs, but we don't really have time for that, do we?"

"No, no we do not. I guess we just have to hope that we find some other trope to run into instead."

As if on queue, the two of you turn a corner into one of the rooms that you were allotted. You both share a glance as you recognize what you see in the middle of the empty space. It's a small table, somewhat close to the ground with a very large blanket draped over it and a bowl of oranges resting on top of it. You smile at each other and end up saying what you're both thinking simultaneously.

"Kotatsu scene."

Without any hesitation, you both practically throw yourselves onto the floor on opposite sides of the table. You tuck your lower bodies beneath the table and rest your upper bodies on top of it, relishing in the comfort that the heat provided by the lamp hidden beneath the table provides. After all, once you stepped out of the hot springs, it got cold again very fast.

"Ahhhhhh... this thing is great." Moondancer closes her eyes in satisfaction.

"Yeah," you reply, "I've always wanted to try one of these."

"I think there's a store in Canterlot that sells them, but Celestia knows I can't afford one."

"Maybe we can both pitch in to buy one some day." You close your eyes as well, content to just enjoy the moment.

"...You know what, Nonny?"

"What's up?"

"Even if we end up missing the Princess Procession and embarrassing ourselves in front of the nation and then possibly getting punished by the most powerful figures in the country... I'm glad we're here. It's been fun."

You let out a long, contented sigh.

"Maybe it's just the kotatsu talking, but I feel the same way. Looking back, this has been a great time. I've just been so stressed out about our time limit that I wasn't really thinking about it."

Moondancer smiles, though she doesn't open her eyes.

"It's strange, really."


"We really haven't been dating for all that long, but I feel like I know you so much better than anypony I've ever met. I just feel... I don't know, relaxed around you, I guess? I don't know how else to put it."

"I feel the same way, Moonie." You playfully nudge her leg beneath the table, causing her to accidentally snort in amusement. "I wish we could see each other more. It sucks that we both have reasons to be tied down to our hometowns."

"Hey, maybe if Twilight takes Celestia's job one day, you'll get to live here in Canterlot, too."

"It's a nice thought, but what are the odds of that?"

"I don't know, but... somehow, I feel like we'll be able to make this work."

"Well, if nothing else, I'll be doing my best to make that happen. I want this to work. I want to be around you more."

"Dude, all the time that I spend not with you, I spend wishing I was with you. Er, is that clingy of me to say?"

"Only if it's clingy for me to say I agree."

"R-really?" Her face goes beet red, and you find your own doing the same. "Th-that's good."

You both struggle to find any other words to say. You sit there for a few more quiet moments, your eyes closed as you just take it all in. After a little while, you feel Moondancer's hooves on your hands. Immediately following that, you feel yourself being gently pulled towards her via magic. You practically have to force your eyes open, and you do so just in time to see her own eyes, inches from your own, close voluntarily as she gently presses her lips against yours. You return the gesture, making sure to hold her hooves just a little bit tighter as you do so. In that moment, you wonder if you even care about the Princess Procession all that much anymore.


However, when you finally back away from Moondancer and open your eyes, you're caught off guard by what you see. You both gasp at the environment now surrounding you, the brightness of it immediately causing you to recoil. Although you're still under the kotatsu, the small inn room has disappeared, leaving the two of you stranded in a white void.

"Wh-what? Moonie, where are we?"

"I have no idea."

Hesitantly, you emerge from the kotatsu. You hate to leave that warmth behind, but if you don't do so now, you might never want to leave. As soon as you're both free from its clutches, it disappears right in front of you, leaving the two of you alone in the endless expanse of white.

Suddenly, the whiteness seems to get brighter. After a few seconds, you have to shield your eyes from the light hitting you from every possible direction.

"What's going on?! What comes after the hot spring?"

"Argh, dang it! I totally forgot!"


"Poni Can't Communicate isn't finished yet! We've reached the end of the manga!"

"Wait, so now what? Do we get to go home?"

"I-I don't know! This is the only enchanted manga out there, remember? I have no idea what's happening!"

The light continues to grow in intensity, and it feels as though a wind is hitting you from every direction at the same time. Unsure of what else to do, you use your free hand to grab onto Moondancer. You kneel down and pull her towards yourself, being sure to hold her tight. In response, she holds onto you just as much. The wind gets louder and louder, the sound drowning out even your own thoughts. It continues to increase in intensity, and it feels as though your body is about to get turned inside out.

Then, all at once, everything stops.