• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 1,492 Views, 44 Comments

Raven’s Last Flight - Chemtest

An ancient Necromancer is kidnapped by Chrysalis along with three other fillies

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“Centuries ago there lived a stallion named Lord Thalm, a visitor from the distant land of Grogaria, renowned for his amazing ability to use Necromancy, one of the best at it in the whole world. While he visited my lands, he took a Yellow Changeling and ran experiments with her, wondering how changelings were able to resist any and all disease. In meddling with her, however, he ended up accidentally creating a plague, what would be nothing more than a fever to a common pony, but was deadly to the Yellows, who’s immune systems have never fought diseases. Due to them being all so closely related, incest is common among changelings due to them not being born with any defects, the disease was able to ravage their entire population. Only one Yellow changeling survives. Another, Lord Vogrim, experimented on Parasprites, and he gave them the ability to eat anything they pleased, his mistake almost destroying Equestria. In Zebrica, there was the War of Blood and Bone, a horde of Necromancers and Vampires attacking them, only able to be defeated by Emperor Alexander and the combined forces of the tribes.”

Raven slowly opens his eyes, closing them as bright light enters them, assessing the situation around him. He’s laying in a soft bed, soft enough that it feels like it’s made out of cloud, and he can hear a kind, motherly voice speaking to him. He feels warm, a bit hungry, and a bit sore. Slowly, he sits up in the bed, opening his eyes, shielding them from the light of a nearby window, slowly able to make out someone is sat in the room with him. She is Celestia, tall and elegant Princess of the Sun, wearing royal regalia.

She looks at him as he wakes up, giving him a small nod, “I take it you heard what I said. Necromancers have posed a threat to this world before, to my little ponies. To hear that those three fillies had gone missing, only to see them next to something bleeding Necromantic magic, you can understand my reaction. You are powerful to have survived that blast.”

He slowly looks at her, speaking wearily, “You’re the one who blasted me. More powerful than you, it would seem.”

She grins slightly, slowly raising an eyebrow, “Rather confident for one I was so close to killing. The only reason you aren’t dead is because I didn’t wish to harm the fillies, if they weren’t there, I would have blasted apart your soul with the very essence of the sun. In fact, I was a second away from doing it, but I was stopped by the fillies. You made quite the impression on them, Death, not entirely positive.”

He looks to the side of the bed, seeing a glass of water there, along with some bones, with him constructing the bones into a hand, “Raven.” He picks up the glass, taking a sip from it, then looking at her, “Raven’s Breath.”

She looks at him with a neutral, hard to read, expression, “I see. Raven. Those fillies are the only reason you’re alive, Raven, and I apologize for blasting you with magic. I used a lot of magic to restore your flesh, even though I’m sure you’d not mind being a skeleton. I couldn’t save your robes, however, and new ones will be made.”

He nods along, looking into her eyes, “What happened to the Crusaders?”

She takes a second before she nods, “They are with their sisters and their families now, safe in the palace, under my direct watch so they will not be kidnapped again, at least until this threat is taken care of. You know what threat I speak of.”

He takes another sip of water, before then answering again, “The skeletons I gave to Chrysalis. Four thousand of them, more than twice your army’s size, from what I’ve heard. Chrysalis will be coming soon, you must know. With your sister leaving and me an unknown, she will assume the worst and activate the plan as soon as all is in place. Your cities will fall without you even noticing, and then it will be too late.”

She snorts slightly and leans back in her seat, looking down upon him, “So you came here to gloat. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I will at least thank you for returning the fillies.”

He grins softly, shaking his head, “I don’t care for gloating. I don’t care much for you, either, Princess Celestia Solarium Ordver, nor do I care for the feud you seem to have.”

She frowns slightly, leaning slightly closer to him, “Do not read my soul again or there will be consequences, Raven.”

He grins a bit more, “Read your soul? I read a book, Celestia, written by an ancient Emperor. I’ve read quite a lot over the last few weeks, I’ve learned a lot that is useful. Those Crusaders, my… friends, they taught me, however, that life is worth more than learning. That’s why I will not care to learn what the outcome of this spat is, it doesn’t affect me. I came to return them to their sisters and their lives, and then I planned to leave for a distant land, that I might begin my life anew and now burden them with my destiny.”

She frowns more, “You would call this a spat? All I have done is defend my land, my little ponies, from a mad mare who’s still upset that she didn’t gain fame a thousand years ago. She tried to defame my greatest General, and she did so with no evidence, in fact, everything was against her, and because of that she has invaded my realm, ruined my niece’s wedding, permanently scarred my most loyal Captain, and kidnapped three innocent children, along with you.”

He looks her in the eyes, “Oh, that’s the lie you like to tell yourself, I’m sure. I don’t like you, Princess Celestia, your attitude, your voice, your style, but at least you see me as an equal, unlike Chrysalis. She saw me as both lesser and greater, a very strange thing. She fights in vengeance of the ones she lost, her family and her love, her friends, and the lack of any action by you due to her accusing your general. But no, you’re correct, she did do all of that. She ruined many lives because her own life was ruined a millennia ago. She’s a walking child, traumatized and far less mature than the fillies who walked beside me, and you’re no different. You deny that you could be wrong about this, you push all the blame to someone else, and you claim they’re mad. You’re a holier-than-thou narcissist who believes she’s a goddess trotting the earth, though you’ll never admit it, because you want to believe you’re humble, you want to believe you’re kind, and just, and wonderful in so many ways. I’ve seen your type before, Celestia, and you sicken me!” He puts down his glass with too much force, breaking it in his bone hand, frowning.

She looks right back at him, and then stands, now truly towering over him, “You believe you know me, Raven? You know nothing, because to me, you are nothing but a child lashing out at the world for being unfair. I read your story, Raven, your family dying, accepting the darkest power possible, becoming something horrible, and it doesn’t sicken me, no, I pity you.” She leans in close to him, her magenta eyes harsh and hot, “My father was slain in the midst of the deadliest war this world had ever seen. My uncle, Discord, went mad and made the world mad as well, while my other uncle, Sombra, went mad and become a dark tyrant. I had nothing except myself and my sister, but I didn’t bow down to a darker power, I preserved through it. I fought Discord and Sombra, I hunted the Elements of Harmony, I did things so brilliant that your mind could never comprehend them. I am Princess Celestia Solarium Ordver, Mother of Phoenix, Goddess of Day, Ruler of Equestria, Protector of Ponies, Flame Empress, Savior of Life, and I pity you.”

He stands on top of his bed, leaning up to get even closer to her, “You believe that you are so good? No, you don’t, you know that that’s all a lie. I can see it all.” He smirks slightly, “Five hundred years ago, five centuries after you banished your sister, what a happy relationship with that poet, Teardrop Exalted, she was too good for you.”

She scowls, the temperature in the room increasing steadily, “You will cease.”

He smirks yet more, the bones slowly attaching to his hooves, “You loved her so much that you violated the rules, you made her immortal, Princess Teardrop. Off she went to the south, Storm Templar, a routine mission to establish relations. Oh, but they killed her, didn’t they? They slew her as soon as she landed, and you waited, mhmm, you waited three days for her return, but she never did return.”

She presses against him, “I told you to not read my soul, Necromancer.”

He smirks even more, continuing on without hesitation, “They killed her, so you finally broke, you gave in to the voice deep inside you. But that voice is a figment of your imagination, Daybreaker was nothing but a coping mechanism, so you wouldn’t remember the smell of charred flesh, so you wouldn’t hear the bubbling choking, so you wouldn’t remember how it felt to make the streets run so red with blood that your hooves were forever stained. It wasn’t you that slaughtered the Storm Creatures, it was Daybreaker, it was she who destroyed a thousand years of governance, it was she who slaughtered men and woman alike, it was her who pretended not to notice the surrendering. You know it just as well as I do, Celestia, beneath this kind exterior, you’re a monster, no different from Chrysalis, no different from who I used to be.”

She scowls yet more, and then draws up her hoof, a magical blade of fire extending from it, stabbing up through Raven’s chin and through the top of his head. At the same time, he would slash a little blade of bones attached to his hoof, cutting the throat of Celestia, causing her eyes to widen and making her step back, blood leaking and staining her white coat, dripping to the carpet below. Raven isn’t the same, his wounds were cauterized by the heat of the blade.

Raven collapses backwards first, his eyes open, lifeless, before he then summons a burst of power, taking a deep breath as his wounds all heal, sitting up in the bed, watching as Celestia bleeds out, looking at him. Her body is suddenly overtaken in a burst of flame, turning to ash which settles on the carpet, much like how a Phoenix would die. However, after just a second, the ash would reform itself, Celestia rising from the ashes, giving him a small glare. The two immortals remain locked in glares for a minute, before the adrenaline and pain catches up to them both, causing both to begin to pant for breath, recovering.

Celestia takes a seat on the floor as she takes a deep breath, looking at him, “You’re right, Raven. I have done bad before, I’ve done… terrible, terrible things. But I’ve grown from the mistakes I’ve made, what I’ve done, and now all I want is to protect my ponies.” She looks down, “I will be honest… I fear for their safety if I don’t have your help.”

He slowly looks at her, breathing out slowly, “You revived.”

She looks back at him, and then nods softly, “I had a pet bird once, a war hawk, named Philomena. When she was injured and almost dead in the battlefield, I… I split my soil, giving half of it to her. I created Phoenix, and made myself truly immortal at the same time.”

He slowly blinks, “You’re a Lich. You split your soul and keep part of it in a soil jar.”

She nods softly, “Yes… I am a Lich, Raven. And I’m… I’m sorry if I was hostile. I have been very stressed.”

He slowly nods, and then lays his head down again, taking a deep breath in, and then out, then speaking in a soft voice, “I have the voice too. I never gave mine a name, because it was always part of me. I was too hostile to you. I judged you too harshly, and it’s because I’m jealous, truthfully. I don’t know my destiny, I never have, but I always thought I did. I’ve done horrible things in the pursuit of a goal, and it’s led to nothing in the end. Now I’m trying to change, and you… you’re like a version of me, someone who did what I’m trying to do. And I’m angry, because I’m here, not there. I’m over sharing, I apologize.”

She looks at him, and then softly smiles, “You aren’t. I understand, Raven. I believe within everypony there is good, and I can see it brighter in you than most. You remind me of my student, Twilight Sparkle, you both are master mages and scientists the same, and both are… emotionally unstable. I won’t force your hoof.” She stands, “I recommend you get some rest, Raven. I have duties to attend to.”

She gives her a small nod, “Thank you for the hospitality, Princess Celestia.”

She smiles as she turns to leave, “Just Celestia, please.” She then trots out, closing the door behind her.