• Published 19th Sep 2023
  • 591 Views, 23 Comments

A Sunlit Dance - Reily

Sunset and Twilight try to get dates for a dance

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Chapter 3: The bestmade plans

In the poorly lit girls' bathroom, twenty minutes before school started, Twilight began to pace back and forth with her footsteps echoing with every step.

It’s not even a real date. Just a pretend one. How hard can it be to ask someone out? Why not try practicing asking right here right now?

She scanned the empty bathroom, her own reflection wavering in the fogged-up mirror. The only thing judging her being the constant humming of the light fixtures. Her voice trembled as she whispered to the mirror.

“Ahem…here goes. So umm Flash this is kinda sudden and awkward, but…but do you think you’ll go on a date with me? Not a real one. A practice one.”

Twilight gripped her face.

“No no no. That will never work. Guys don’t like that. Not even for being asked on pretend dates”

As soon as she finished saying that; another girl entered the bathroom and Twilight promptly ran outside and checked the clock.

“Oh no! It’s ten minutes till the bell rings for class. Where could he be?” Twilight thought to herself.

Her heart pounded as she ran from hallway to hallway desperately looking to find Flash. After a frenzied search across the school, Twilight finally manages to track down Flash at his locker.

"F-Flash would you like to go on a…", Twilight started to freeze up and hyperventilate.

"Sure. I'll go to the dance with you" , Flash said confidently with a thumbs up.

Twilight's gaze dropped to the ground in disbelief, a knot of regret forming in her stomach.

But what about Sunset? I really screwed the pooch on this one, Twilight thought to herself.

Later, near the end of the school day, Sunset was strolling through the crowded hallway on her way to the last class, her gaze calmly scanning the students opening their lockers as she searched for Flash.

I can't believe how I used to treat him. Hopefully this should help make up for things, Sunset thought to herself.

Flash proceeded to look in her direction as soon as she passed his locker. Flash nodded, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand after gym class, "Oh Sunset. Sup?"

Sunset tried pulling him aside further into the locker bay, hoping to avoid any passing students.

Gotta make this quick. Class will be starting soon and all the foot traffic means prying eyes, Sunset thought to herself.

"Omg is that Flash and Sunset!? I bet she's going to try to become queen of the dance again. Go get him Sunset!" , yelled Muffins as she enthusiastically cheered Sunset on.

A massive crowd started to form around Sunset and Flash whispering to themselves, and Sunset glared at them.

"Look. Flash I've strung you along while I was queen of the school for the past few years. I kinda owe you one night. No me trying to make others look bad. Just you, me and a nice friendly dance, no drama . Though please don't try anything funny" Sunset narrowed her eyes as she raised a pointed finger, making the universal symbol for ‘I am watching you’.

Flash glanced at everyone surrounding him then voice wavering while looking off to the side said "Sure, I'll go with you." , with an awkward smile. With the bell signaling the start of homeroom, the crowd slowly dispersed.

"Uhh, got to go Sunset. See you sometime", as Flash walked as far away from Sunset as he could.