• Published 11th Oct 2023
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Equestria Ninjas: Ninjas vs Animatronics - Dinomite123

The Turtles and Rainbooms have to survive Five Nights at Freddy's.

  • ...

Night 5

In the lair, the turtles, Rainbooms, Dazzlings and the rest come with a plan to shut down the animatronics once and for all.

"So, we know that the animatronics are being controlled by something or someone," Donnie said, looking over his notes. "We just need to figure out how to get to the source."

"But how do we find him?" Casey asked.

"Maybe we can use the security footage from the pizza place," Donnie suggested. "We could try to trace his movements and see where he's been going recently."

"What about the missing kids?" Aria asked, looking around.

"We need to find out what happened to them," Leo said. "They must still be somewhere."

"But the cases were many years ago, who know what happened to them." Donnie said. "Maybe they're still alive but hidden somewhere."

"Maybe." Sunset said. "But we can't give up hope."

"Wherever they are, we have to save them," Rainbow Dash said.

"So tonight, we head to Freddy's pizza and shut them down once and for all and solve the cases of those kids." Leo announced.

Leo raised his hand out for the team to huddle together. One at a time, each of them put their hands on each others and raise them into the air.

Later at midnight, they made it to the pizza place. They entered the and were prepared for the moment.

The team walked through the empty and dimly lit pizza place, their eyes scanning the room for any signs of the animatronics. As they made their way to the back room, they could hear the faint sound of mechanical whirrs and creaks.

"Show time!" Mikey battle cried.

At last the scary animatronics appeared

"NINJAS ATTACK!" Leo cried.

The battle was on.

The animatronics were relentless, attacking the team with razor-sharp claws and teeth. But the team was prepared, each using their unique skills to fight back. Twilight used her magic to levitate objects and hurl them at the animatronics. Raph used his strength to deliver powerful blows, while Donnie used his intellect to find weaknesses in the animatronics and exploit them.

Aria used her singing skills to distract the animatronics, making them more vulnerable to attacks. And Mikey, well, Mikey just fought with all his might, his nunchucks moving faster than the eye can see.

Sonata ran to the computer system with the clippers.

Mikey and Pinkie were fighting Circus Baby.

"We have to take her down," Mikey said, gripping his nunchucks tightly.

"I'm ready when you are," Pinkie replied, brandishing a cake from her bag.

The two charged towards Circus Baby, only to be met with a barrage of attacks. The animatronic was fast and agile, dodging their every move and striking back with equal force.

Mikey swung his nunchucks, trying to hit Circus Baby, but the animatronic was too quick. Pinkie threw her cake, hoping to stun the animatronic, but it didn't even make a dent.

"It's no use," Mikey said, sweating from the effort. "We have to find another way to take her down."

Suddenly, Pinkie had an idea. She pulled out a portable speaker from her bag and turned it on. The speaker emitted a high-pitched, screeching noise, causing Circus Baby to falter in her movements.

"Now's our chance!" Mikey shouted, charging forward with renewed energy.

The two worked together, using Pinkie's distraction to get close to the animatronic. Mikey swung his nunchucks with all his strength, landing a solid hit on Circus Baby's head. The animatronic fell to the ground, stunned.

Donnie and April were engaged in a fierce battle with Springtrap, the animatronic that had caused so much chaos and fear in the haunted pizza place.

Donnie had designed a special scanner that could detect the animatronic's movements, giving them an edge in the fight. However, he soon realized that Springtrap was much more powerful than they had anticipated.

Springtrap charged at April, throwing her to the ground with a powerful blow. Donnie leaped into action, using his bo staff to strike at the animatronic.

Despite their efforts, Springtrap proved to be a formidable opponent. His movements were unpredictable and his attacks were devastating. Donnie and April knew that they had to take him down quickly, before he could cause any more damage.

Donnie suddenly remembered a device he had built that could disrupt the animatronics' power system. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and aimed it at Springtrap, unleashing a blinding burst of energy.

The device worked, causing Springtrap to stumble and falter in his movements. Donnie and April took advantage of the opportunity, attacking with all their might. Donnie struck Springtrap's weak spots with his bo staff, while April expertly dodged the animatronic's attacks and delivered powerful kicks.

Finally, with one final blow, they managed to take down Springtrap. The animatronic sputtered and fizzled, its movements slowing until it finally lay motionless on the ground.

"We did it," April said, panting from the exertion.

Raph and Rainbow Dash made their way through the dark, twisted corridors of the haunted pizza place, ready to take on the nightmare animatronics that lurked within.

As they crept through the shadows, they could hear the faint, unsettling sounds of the animatronics' movements. Suddenly, the air was filled with a piercing shriek as Nightmare Foxy charged towards them, its razor-sharp claws gleaming in the dim light.

Raph moved with lightning speed, dodging the animatronic's attacks and delivering swift, decisive blows with his sai. Rainbow Dash soared overhead, raining down powerful kicks that sent the animatronic reeling.

But they were quickly surrounded by more of the nightmare animatronics: Nightmare Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Chica, all bearing down on them with deadly intent.

Raph and Rainbow Dash fought heroically, their skills and agility allowing them to keep the animatronics at bay. It was a grueling battle, with the animatronics constantly adapting to their moves and attacking from unexpected angles.

At one point, Raph was hit by a surprise attack from Nightmare Bonnie, leaving him momentarily stunned. But Rainbow Dash flew to his aid, striking back at the animatronic and giving Raph the chance to recover.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of fighting, Raph and Rainbow Dash emerged victorious. The nightmare animatronics lay in pieces around them, their power sources disabled.

"Well, that was a workout," Raph said, panting from the exertion.

Rainbow Dash looked equally exhausted, but also exhilarated. "Yeah, but we totally rocked it!" she said.

Meanwhile, Sonata was trying to cut the wires of electric system with the purple virus.

"Sonata, what's taking so long?" Adagio grunted.

"I'm not really good with technology." Sonata answered.

"Let me help." Donnie ran in.

Donnie quickly joined Sonata, examining the wires and the purple virus she was working with. He recognized the virus as a powerful program that could hack into the electrical system and disrupt the animatronics' power source.

"Okay, let me see what I can do here," Donnie said, pulling out a set of tools and starting to work on the wires.

Sonata looked on nervously as Donnie worked, occasionally giving him advice or suggestions. Adagio paced around impatiently, glancing nervously at the nearby animatronics.

Suddenly, there was a loud buzz and a hiss of steam as the animatronics' power source flickered and died. The animatronics slowed and stopped, their movements jerky and unnatural as they ran out of power.

"We did it!" Sonata exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

Donnie grinned triumphantly. "Nice work, Sonata. That virus really did the trick."

The turtles huddled together for high three.

"We did it!" Mikey shouted.

"Finally, now this nightmare is over." Raph said.

"Now, all we have to do is move on to the cases about those missing kids." Donnie added in.

"Come one, guys. Let's move on." Leo ordered.

Then the turtles noticed everyone else were behaving like zombies.

"What's wrong with you girls?" Raph wondered.


"Ciao, tartarughe."

Mikey recognized that voice anywhere.

"No...NO, NO! It can't be!"

Then a big pizza blub came out, it was none other than...Pizza Face!

"But..how did you...?" Mikey tried to find the right words.

"Does it really matter to you all?" Pizza Face asked.

"Yes, we remember you were eaten by sharks at the beach!" Leo yelled.

"Well, that's a whole different story. I'm here to have my own feast here and you picked the right place."

"So you can continue your cannibalism?" Raph growled.

"If that's what you call it, then yes."

"Let out friends go!"

"I will, but first....

Pizza Face barf cheese at the turtles causing them to stick to walls with cheese trapping them.

"I assume one turtle grinder was delicious, but maybe four would be good." Pizza Face smirked.

"Nooo!" They both shouted.

Pizza Face commanded the zombified ninjas to follow him.

"Perhaps a few more calzones would spice up the mood." He said.

He wrapped the girls in calzones and topped toppings on the boys.

"I wonder what I can have for dessert."

Then both Pizza Face and the turtles hear a humming noise. They turned to see glowing eyes in the dark, at last it reveal it be Freddy Fazbear and the rest animatronics.

"Mama Mia, the animatronics here are alive!" He said in surprise.

"I thought we shut them all down." Donnie shouted.

The animatronics got closer.

"So, you've come to join my party, huh?" Pizza Face smiled. "Why don't I dress you all up in cheese!"

He vomited cheese on their head, believing they could be mind controlled.

"Uh, Pizza Face." Mikey called. "You forgot one thing."

"Oh, your right. I forgot to add pepperoni."

"No, they're animatronics. Which are robots. Robots can't be mind controlled."

The animatronics ripped off the cheese off their heads.

"Oh my!"

Foxy charged at Pizza Face and lunged at him. But Pizza Face gulped him up.

"Nice try, but there is nothing robots can do to harm me." He smiled.

But suddenly, he felt his belly being lunged and then. Foxy's hook tore his belly open and ripped it all the way down and he was free. Which leaves Pizza Face to be a flat blub.

"My, you robots are savage." Pizza Face cried.

Then, the animatronics got close to him looking like they were about to eat him.

"Wait! You don't want to eat me! I'm a chef, well, was a chef. But I can cook a good pizza for all of you. No...no...NO, PLEASE!"

The animatronics devoured Pizza Face. This left the turtles shocked at the sight. At last, Pizza Face was nothing but a little slice.

Freddy picked him up.


Freddy munched up the last slice, Pizza Face as gone.

Freddy and the rest got close to the turtles who are stuck to the walls with cheese.

"Quick, dudes. Eat your way out!" Mikey said.

"It's too late!" Leo shouted.

They shut their eyes to brace for their lives. But then they see they saw that they were no longer stuck to the walls with cheese. They were set free by Foxy.

The see that the rest set the rest of the team free from the giant calzones and pizza. They were back to their normal selves and felt dizzy.

"What happened?" Sunset felt dizzy.

"Guys, Pizza Face was back. But don't worry he's gone again thanks to Freddy and Bonnie and Chica" Mikey told them.

"Wait, what are you..."

They see the animatronics and were scared.

"I thought we shut them down." Aria said.

"Maybe not all of them." Donnie whimpered.

They were ready for battle, until...Chica showed them a pizza tray with steaming pizza on it.

"Look, I know your trying play a trick on us, but it ain't gonna work." Raph said.

"No, no, no. We're not trying to play any tricks on you," Chica replied. "We just thought you might be hungry after all that fighting. And what better way to celebrate than with some delicious pizza."

The turtles and their allies exchanged surprised glances. They couldn't believe that the animatronics had suddenly changed their tune. But not only that, they can also talk!

"Did she just...talk?" Twilight stuttered.

"Of course we can." Freddy said. "What think we are? Dummies?"

"Well...why haven't you all been saying anything all this time?" Mikey asked.

"It's just been our way, I suppose," Bonnie replied. "We were programmed to entertain and serve, not have conversations."

"Okay, so you're not trying to kill us, and you can talk and make amazing pizza. What's going on here?" Donnie asked, his curiosity piqued.

Freddy explained that they were just trying to have some fun and make new friends, and that they didn't mean any harm. He also told them about the other animatronics in the restaurant, and how they were all just trying to entertain the guests.

"But what about the nightmare animatronics?" Leo asked. "They were definitely trying to harm us."

Freddy's expression darkened at the mention of the nightmare animatronics. He explained that they were a group of malfunctioning animatronics who had gone rogue. They had been causing havoc in the restaurant, scaring the guests and attacking anyone who crossed their path.

"But we've been watching you guys for a while now," Chica added. "We've seen how you fight together, how you take care of each other. We realized that you are more than just guests. You're our potential friends."

The team was stunned by what they were hearing. They had come to the restaurant expecting to fight for their lives, but they had found new allies instead.

"Well, if you're really our friends, then why didn't you say anything before?" Aria asked, still wary.

Firstly, Freddy began to speak about the history of the missing children.

"I was once a child, just like those who were taken. We were all lured into the back room of the restaurant by a man who promised us cake and treats. But instead, he trapped us and we were unable to flee. We were then killed and our souls were trapped within these animatronic bodies. We've been here ever since, unable to move on... until now."

"You mean...?"

Everyone gasped at the shocking reveal.

"All this time, the missing kids that were gone all these years ago....are you guys!" Donnie said.

"At first, I was suspicious of you all. We were programmed to attack anyone who entered the restaurant after hours."Bonnie replied. "But as we watched you, we saw that you were different. You were not like the others who came before. You fought and stood your ground despite the danger."

"Aww, you poor thing. You must've suffering in those bodies all these years." Rarity sadly said.

Freddy nodded in agreement. "It hasn't been easy, Rarity. We've been stuck in these animatronic bodies, unable to move on and be at peace. But with your help, we can finally find closure and move on to the other side."

"It's so sad to think that this is how you ended up," Leo said, his voice full of sympathy.

"We never imagined this is how our lives would end up either, but we're determined to make the best of it and find a way to rest," Bonnie added.

Mikey stepped forward, a determined look on his face. "Don't worry, guys. We won't let you suffer anymore. We'll find a way to help you find peace."

"And we're so glad that you are," Freddy said, smiling.

"But first..."

"Let's eat pizza!" Chica exclaimed, grabbing a slice.

And with that, the team and the animatronics sat down to enjoy a peaceful meal together, each one feeling grateful for the unexpected friends they had made that night.

In the morning, woke up in the same position. This time on the tables. They see the animatronics are still alive on the tables.

Then a few minutes later,

"We've been looking for a way to set ourselves free for years," Foxy explained, "But we've always been trapped in our animatronic bodies. However, we recently discovered that there might be a way to set us free. There's a powerful amulet that can break the curse and set our souls free at last."

"But we can't do it alone," Chica added. "We need your help, especially since we can't leave the pizzeria or our animatronic bodies."

The turtles and their friends looked at each other, knowing that they had to help the animatronics in any way they can. After all, the animatronics had already proven their worth and loyalty in helping them fight off the nightmare animatronics. They knew that they all needed each other in order to put a stop to the evil forces that were haunting the pizzeria and preventing the animatronics from moving on.

"We'll do whatever it takes to help you break this curse and find peace," Leo said, speaking on behalf of his team.

The animatronics smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of relief and hope for the first time in a long time.

"And here's a souvenir." Chica holds an old menu of the old pizza resturant.

"A pizza menu? Thanks!" Mikey snatched it out of her hand.

They went to the electric system and cut the wires and they were finally shut down. The souls of the missing kids were finally set free.

Later, the team went back to the Shellraiser and drove off.

"Wow, we think we accomplished our mission." Donnie said.

"Man, those poor kids have stuck there for years." Mikey added.

"Indeed, it's a tragedy what happened to them," Leo said. "But thanks to our teamwork, bravery, and determination, we were finally able to set their spirits free."

"Yeah, we make a great team. Croak and Roll!" Michelangelo exclaimed.

Everyone laughed, feeling a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing that they had made a positive impact. They continued driving in the Shellraiser, tightening their bond as a team and reminiscing about their adventure.

As they drove off into the sunrise, they felt pride in their hearts, knowing that they had done something genuinely good and brought closure to a dark chapter in the pizzeria's history. They knew that wherever they went or whatever challenges they faced, they could always count on one another, united under their shared purpose and courage.