• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 185 Views, 3 Comments

"Sunset's" Crown: Through the eyes of Garble - PsychoFluttershy1

A first person POV through Garble as he helps Sunset Shimmer win her crown

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Chapter 1

*Beep beep beep*That's the sound of my alarm clock as I lay on my bed, looking up to the ceiling. My eyes are still half closed as I turned my head and saw it was 6:00 in the morning. As I started to get up from bed, I took a look around my room and couldn't help but notice the huge amount of homework scattered across my desk. However that was not on my concern at the moment. Right now, I needed to get ready and meet Sunset and her gang at the back of the school before it starts. Sunset had texted everyone in the group chat she needed all of us to get her crown back. Whatever reason she wants that crown is none of my business but nonetheless I get dressed and go downstairs to fix myself some toast. As I was eating, my father comes downstairs. He's already in his work clothes as he too has somewhere to be at 6 in the morning.

"Morning, son. You off to another one of your club meets?" he asked

I nodded. "Yea. I gotta get there before 6:45" Of course, this was not true. I did have somewhere to be but it was not for a club meet. I only told my parents that or else they would get suspicious of me meeting a group of students at the back of the school before it even starts. "What about you?"

"I got called in. My boss said he needed me to come in as soon as possible. So what's this club meeting you always going to?"

"Oh it's nothing really. Just a nature club that we decided we're gonna have meets in the morning because its easier and won't interrupt our schedules during the school time." I lied.

"Ahh I see," My father slightly smiled. "Well it's already 6:15 so I suggest you get going or else you'll be late."

"Alright," I said as I quickly finish my toast and went upstairs to brush my teeth. Thank god he bought it because there was no way in hell he would be okay with me meeting other students in the back of the school early morning. I went downstairs and grabbed my backpack and car keys. Right when I walked out the door I heard my father call out

"Have a good day at school, son"

"Thanks, Dad. I will" I replied as I shut the door behind me and started to walk.

As I'm driving to Canterlot High, my phone which was being held by a built in holder started to ring. Trixie was calling me. There was a red light so I stopped and picked up. Putting my phone on speaker I responded, "Yeah, Trixie? what's up?" I continued driving as I was speaking.

"Garble, Trixie needs to know if you're still coming"

"Yeah, I am. I'm driving over right now. Be there shortly. Did you need anything?"

"Nothing really just wanted to make sure. Sunset is pretty pissed about Fluttershy turning in her crown yesterday. The Fall Formal is tomorrow so she needs our help to get it back for her"

"Okay. I'm almost there just give me five minutes." I said. I hung up and continued to drive. Canterlot High was just in sight. After a few minutes, I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. Thank God I remembered to bring my jacket because it was pretty chilly as I stepped out of my car. The breeze wasn't too harsh but not gentle either. I made my way towards the back of the school where Trixie and Sunset were already there.

"Good. you're here now." Sunset says as she looks at me. "Something happened yesterday that pissed me off! That bitch Fluttershy turned in my crown!"

"Yeah, Trixie already told me." I said. "And where are the others?"

"Hoops, Dumbbell, and Score are coming here shortly. Gilda as well," Trixie answered.

"Okay, what about Snips and Snails?"

"They were too lazy to show up. But don't worry about them. We need to discuss how to get Sunset's crown back."

Three more boys and a girl started to come over. Sure enough it was those Trixie had mentioned. All the boys were wearing athletic clothes and jackets. Gilda was wearing a brown leather jacket, jeans and black shoes. She cracked her knuckles.

"So you need me to beat up that Flutterbitch or what?" She asked while laughing sadistically.

"No, Gilda. We don't." I said.

"Since when did you care about her?" Gilda raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't," I replied flatly. "But beating up Fluttershy isn't going to make the crown magically appear in Sunset's hands will it? We need an actual plan, Gilda. Not everything can be solved by sending someone to the emergency room."

"But she turned in Sunset's Crown!" Gilda said irritated.

"We know. But like I already said, beating up Fluttershy won't get us anywhere. Our main concern is getting Sunset's crown back. How many times you beat up Fluttershy afterwards I don't care but right now, the crown is our main priority." I was getting a bit annoyed. This girl thinks that beating up a student will somehow get Sunset's crown back. If Fluttershy still has the crown in her possession, then it's a different story as Gilda can just threaten her into giving back it back, but since she already turned it in there was absolutley no point beating her up for it. It would get us nowhere.

"Garbles right, we need to focus on getting Sunset's crown back," Score said. He turned towards Garble. "So what do you need us to do?"

"Hey, Sunset did you mention this one girl yesterday? The one who apparently tried to talk shit on you?" I asked

"Oh yeah, that fucking whore. She thinks she can walk all over me. Didn't bother to remember her name."

"Okay you three" I pointed at the three boys. "I need you to keep an eye on this girl. She has light purple skin with long dark purple hair and a light blue shirt with a purple skirt and pair of purple boots." I look at Sunset. "Is that right?"

Sunset nodded. "That's correct."

"Keep an eye on her. She might be a major obstacle for us. You too Gilda. Keep an eye on the other students. Make sure no one changes their mind on voting Sunset. If they seem to, do whatever it takes to make them reconsider. Got it?"

"We do"

"of course"



After our little discussion, we parted ways to go to our classrooms when Sunset called Trixie and I over. She looked at us with a serious expression. "I need everything to be perfect today and ESPECIALLY tomorrow! You two make sure things run smoothly. That crown is important to me. Do not...let me down."

Now I hate to admit but when she said the last 5 words, I got a slight chill down my spine. I wouldn't have been so worried if I failed Sunset but she is an "all-powerful unicorn" or at least claims to be from another world. Me and Trixie are the only ones who know this since we are the ones she trusts the most. I have no idea what this "other world" she's talking about, neither does Trixie but we weren't going to take any chances. My anxiety went up slightly but nevertheless I reassured her.

"We won't"

"Trixie, will make sure you have that crown back! So you could claim your rightful place!" Trixie said.

Fluttershy walked alone in the hallway. She had asked to get a drink of water from the fountain and had been excused to do so. At the fountain, she bent forward and drank from the fountain but before she realized, there was a hand covering her mouth and the other yanked her hair pulling her back. She let out a squeak and felt someone slam her into the door. She yelped in pain but whoever attacked her wasn't done because they opened the door to the bathroom and threw her in. When she turned around, her face turned. "Wait. G-Gilda. W-what do y-you want?" she whimpered as she looked up.

"What the hell do you think, Flutterbitch?" Gilda replied cruelly.

"A-are y-y-you still m-mad about me turning i-in that c-crown?" Fluttershy was on the verge of tears.

"C-c-can y-y-you s-s-speak n-n-normally?" Gilda mocked. "Of course I am! You know how important that crown was to Sunset!"

"I already told you it's not he-" Gilda interrupted with a kick to Fluttershy's stomach. Making the timid girl yelp in pain. Whatever tears she held back was now released in huge waves of sobs as she begged Gilda to stop.

"W-w-wait please I'm sorr-" a punch to her eye made her scream in pain. She cried even harder as her hand went up to her now black eye.

"Oh boo-hoo this is what you get, Flutterbitch! Didn't you learn to not take things that don't belong to you?" Gilda shouted. She continued to beat up the poor girl all over her body from head to toe. The pain from all the bruises caused a warm release between Fluttershy's legs and the bathroom filled with a urine stench. She blushed with embarrassment and sobbed heavily. Now wishing she hadn't turned in the crown. This of course did not go unnoticed by Gilda.

"Look at you wetting your self like a baby! That's what you are! A pathetic crybaby and the only friends you have are fucking stray animals!"

"Gilda!" said a not very happy voice.

Gilda turned around to see Trixie behind her and she looked anything but happy.

"Did you not listen ANYTHING we just said?! We asked you to keep a watch on the other students. YOU'RE WASTING PRECIOUS TIME!" She screamed.

"Woah, bro just chill out. I'm almost done." Gilda said calmly

"NO! Don't tell me to chill. We need everything to be perfect and everyone to stick to the plan! TELL ME HOW IS BEATING UP FLUTTERSHY GOING TO HELP?!" Trixie was livid with her face red.

"So you're not mad Flutterbitch turned in Sunset's Crown?" Gilda shot back. She was beginning to dislike the way Trixie was speaking to her.

"I am mad about that but there's nothing we can do is there?! Like Garble already told to your thick skull, beating someone up isn't going to help us at all!"

"You're getting really pressed over a crown. What's even the big deal about it?"

"That's none of your concern! Now come on!" Trixie snapped and left the bathroom.

After the door closed Gilda muttered "Fucking whore". She decided she was done with Fluttershy but not before she threatened her. "If you tell anyone about this? I'll break your legs in 3 different places got it?"

Fluttershy nodded with tears in her eyes. "Y-yes j-j-just please go a-away." She sobbed. Gilda left the bathroom leaving the poor girl to cry on her own.

"So yeah. It's like Gilda doesn't even care!" Trixie was telling me. We were both on our lunch break. I sigh and laced my fingers through my hair.

"I'm beginning to regret letting her join us. She doesn't do anything we tell her to do. She doesn't even care how important this is...What about Hoops and them?"

"They at least care enough to stick to the plan. Everything else seems to be going smoothly."

"Good." I said. "What have Snips and Snails got on that one girl?"

"well nothing really yet, but I'm sure they'll find something."

"Okay. We gotta find a way to make Twilight unable to compete. I have few ideas." I said.

Fluttershy continued to sob on the floor until the bathroom door opened. Rainbow Dash gasped in horror. "Fluttershy?!" she ran towards her and knelt down ignoring the smell of urine. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Her face suddenly went red with rage. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!"

Fluttershy remembered Gilda's threat and refused to answer. "I-I just slipped" she tried to lie.

"Fluttershy, you definitley did not slip! Tell me who did this! Wait...It was Gilda wasn't it? When I find that slut, I'm going to really let her have it!"

"N-no please. She's going to think I told you a-and" She couldn't speak anymore and sobbed uncontrollably. Rainbow's face softened and she pulled Fluttershy for a hug and comforted her. "Hey you don't have to worry but Gilda needs to be taught a lesson and the teachers aren't going to do anything." She continued to hug her more until Fluttershy finally calmed down. "And don't listen to Gilda's threats. As long as you stay by me, I'll keep you safe," she reassured.

"O-okay. Thank you, Rainbow." She sobbed quietly.

After our lunch, we start to go to our classes. My phone started to vibrate and I saw it was Sunset who was calling me.

"Yeah, Sunset?"

"How is everything going? Does everyone still seem to want to vote me?"

"Yeah it's going smoothly. Nothing too bad has happened yet."

"Good. We cannot have any missteps. Understood?"

"Yes, Sunset."

"What about that one girl?"

"Hoops and Dumbell haven't found anything on her yet. But they'll keep looking."

Sunset hung up and I darted to my class.