• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 330 Views, 3 Comments

Applejack and Rarity: Scenes from a relationship. - alafoel

Slice of life style story about Rarity, Applejack and a few extra Apple family shenanigans.

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i. Morning Breaks (And Roosters Complain)


Applejack woke up by herself - she always did when she got a good night's sleep - otherwise it would be the singing of birds rousing her from her slumber. Either way, she was almost always the first awake on the farm. The early sun beamed in gold through parts in the curtains, and as Applejack's eyes adjusted she could see the dust dancing in the light. She lay there for a moment, watching it. It brought a calm over her, the overexertion of harvest season finally finished. A yawn, a smack of lips. She pushed the blanket aside and hopped out of bed - the canter across to her mirror was a nice opportunity to stretch.

Her reflection wore a weary smile and unkempt mane, part of her still half asleep. As she considered herself in the mirror, her eyes caught - again - on the photo tucked into the corner. Her and Golden Harvest. A simple scene: the cream-yellow pony, with her pouffe-ish mane and carrots adorning her flank, stood by Applejack, waving off to the camera. Truth be told, it wasn't a great photo - Big Mac never had been good at taking them - but it was the only one Applejack had of her and Golden Harvest. Seeing it every morning had sort of numbed her to the photo, so she didn't consider it much. That's just what was there, reason fading to background noise over the years. As she brought her focus back to herself, she attempted to smooth out the more egregious ruffles in her fur. With the end of harvest season, she finally had the chance to care about her appearance again. Not that she cared much, of course, but she felt it her duty to maintain a certain level of decency to her look; especially considering she was going out for lunch today. But before she could consider lunch, she needed to consider breakfast.

Being the first awake, breakfast duty usually fell on her. Not that there really was a 'breakfast duty', it's more something she imposed on herself. Routine, feeding the family. It kept her together in the early morning. She slipped on her hat, shoved her door open with her flank, and began down the stairs. In an old building like this, the wooden steps had a tendency to creak, so Applejack made sure to step lightly. She didn't want to wake anypony else - they deserved their rest. Especially Granny Smith. As she was getting on in age, she spent a lot more time sleeping. She deserved a break. Everything she'd done for the family. As she continued down the stairs, she wondered what to cook for breakfast. It felt like the morning for a sweet treat. Apple fritters. They'd all love that.

By the time Applejack had gotten to the kitchen, the sun's orange glow had brightened up - lost some of its warmth - but perfectly flooded into the kitchen, bathing it in white light. Applejack pranced between the cupboards, getting the ingredients and utensils. Let's see. She wasn't gonna cook for Granny Smith - she rarely woke up before noon anymore - so that just leaves Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Big Apple and her. Two each for her, Mac and Apple Bloom. Big Apple was a growing colt, but he didn't need that much yet. And besides, she knew Big Mac would inevitably end up sharing one of his fritters with Big Apple. So seven fritters in total. She could do that - mixing up the dough, cutting up the apples… Roll, fold, crimp. Roll, fold, crimp.

As she got into the rhythm of baking, she heard thudding - the creaking of stairs. Big MacIntosh must be awake. He never cared to quiet his hoofsteps in the morning, it just never occurred to him. As the heavy steps grew closer, Applejack called out to him - "Mornin'! Fixin' to be a nice day today. Fritters for breakfast - sound good?"

She already knew Big Mac's response. "Eeyup." Big MacIntosh let out a yawn as he cantered into the kitchen. Applejack was done preparing the fritters, so Big Mac gave a helping hoof as she fried them and plated them up.

"Why don't ya go wake up Apple Bloom and Big Apple? I'll set up some water for everypony down here." Big Mac nodded, and sauntered back off upstairs - creaking and thudding along the way.

Soon a hurried scampering rung down the stairs - Big Apple galloped into the kitchen, saying only one thing: "Fritters!" It was his favourite. Despite his name, Big Apple was a little small for his age - certainly the smallest colt in his class. His short red mane hung clumsily over his orangish fur, a messy tail accentuating his blank flank - yet to get his cutie mark. He galloped into the kitchen, ready to wolf down his food. Applejack stopped him.

"Now y'all know we have to wait 'til everypony gets here before we eat. Now sit down, I'm sure Apple Bloom and your dad are on their way." When Applejack spoke, her family listened. Even if she was only Big Apple's aunt, she held power. The Apple family was close.

"Awwright," Big Apple did as asked and sat across the table. Soon, just as expected, Apple Bloom and Big MacIntosh came in and sat down too. The whole family was here, and breakfast was ready to begin.

They started to tuck in - most were eating slow, but Big Apple had already almost finished his. Applejack started conversation with the family - "Everypony all ready for today?"

Big Mac answered - as expected - with a simple "Eeyup."

Apple Bloom offered more of a response. "Yup! Ready to start on the fields again! Get all this done and it'll be next harvest before we know it!" A teenager now, Apple Bloom was more ready for physical work on the farm.

"Now that's the spirit, Apple Bloom! I'm out for lunch with Rarity later, but I'll be sure to drop in 'n' help out when it's done." As the two talked, so did Big Mac and Big Apple, though quieter between the two. Then, Big MacIntosh took one of his fritters and carefully split it with his hoof; giving half to Big Apple. Big Apple wolfed it down.

"Excuse me!" Big Apple had barely finished the fritters when he spoke, got up and readied off to his room. "I'm off!"

Big Mac glared at him. "Nope! You're staying here. You got school today." Big Apple groaned as he slowly trotted over to the table again.

"Aw, come on! Can't I get just one day off to help 'round the farm? Do I really gotta go EVERY day?" His voice boiled up in a southern squeak. "It ain't no fair when Auntie Apple Bloom gets to do what she wants, and she ain't much older'n me!"

Big Apple made a show of sitting back at the table. Apple Bloom awkwardly avoided his gaze. Applejack was the one to eventually respond. "'Course ya have to go to school ev'ryday! That's the way it is! You gotta learn and grow before you're ready to just go off and do what's for you. Now I been there when I was young, just like Apple Bloom and your father. I know for a fact that school ain't THAT bad. You gotta go." Big Apple just furrowed his brow and shot Applejack a frown. He didn't even bother responding.

Big MacIntosh looked over to Big Apple, storming in his little seat. He mulled the situation over for a moment. "I'm sorry, Big Apple. Your Aunt's right. It's the weekend soon anyway, we can see about doing somethin' then." Big MacIntosh brought a hoof round Big Apple, rubbing his back.

Big Apple still wore a foul mood, but gave in. "Awwright then. I'll go in." As soon as he finished the sentence, Big MacIntosh brought him in close for a hug. Big Mac was a strong hugger, holding Apple in close. "Hey! Hey!" Big Apple protested, but his angry face had already melted into a smile. Soon, Big Mac let go and Apple started flailing his hooves across his fur as if dusting himself off.

"Tell ya what, I think Big Mac's busy this mornin' so how about I take ya inta school? I gotta go out later anyway." It'd be nice for Applejack to spend more time with Big Apple. It was nice having a young foal in the family again.

"Okay. Y'think we can stop at the market on the way?"

"Aw, c'mon. Y'already had two fritters!"

"Nuh-uh! Only one'n a half!"

Applejack stopped for a moment. She mustered up the sternest tone she could - "Ah'll think about it. Now it's probably about time for us t'start gettin' ready, alright?" She looped around to Big Apple's side of the table, bringing him back near the door. "Now g'bye, y'all!" She gave a wave to Apple Bloom and Big Mac.

Mac smiled and nodded. Apple Bloom gave a hearty "See y'all later!" Applejack and Big Apple both slipped out the front door as Big Mac started cleaning up the table and Apple Bloom cantered off to ready the farm work for the day.

Applejack and Big Apple trotted in silence at first. Big Apple knew the route, so he led, Applejack following behind in slow steps to make up for Big Apple’s short legs. A cool wind had picked up by this time in the morning, and it’s whistle could be heard between houses as it swept through Ponyville. Applejack decided to break the silence. “Look, Big Apple. I know how ya feel. I was gettin’ tired of life in ‘n’ out like you when I was your age. Feels like the same thing ev’ryday, right?” Big Apple slowed his walking down some - not talking, choosing just to nod. “I was there too. I just wanted to get out, see the world. Do somethin’ different at least. And I did. I went off to Manehattan and I-”

“WOAH! You went to Manehattan? When you were my age?” He stopped suddenly, dirt picking up with his sudden heavy hoofsteps. Just staring at Applejack, he turned around.

“Yeah, I mean I was a little older. Like I was sayin’, I left the farm and w-”

“What was it like?”

“I’m gettin’ to that part.” She paused for a moment, just to rub it in, and the two started walkin’ again. “Now I left the farm for Manehattan all by myself - we had family over there I was gonna visit. Still do have family there, I reckon. Anyway, I got there and it was a lot like what I expected - all the buildin’s are so tall… Tower right above ya. And it was so busy, even at night the streets were fulla ponies and lights on everywhere. It was big, ‘n’ flashy. But it didn’t mean nothin’. The people there weren’t as kind as everypony in Ponyville. None of ‘em knew me, an’ I didn’t have Big MacIntosh or Granny Smith there with me neither. Yeah, it was big ‘n’ flashy but it had no heart. I had to come back home… Everythin’ I thought I hated ‘bout Ponyville… The routine was stability, the small town jus’ meant everypony had more love to give ya. It weren’t flashy but it weren’t overwhelmin’ neither. I jus’ had to come back home, get back to the farm. That’s when I got my cutie mark. I mean, I knew I had to be here. I guess what I’m tryna say is, I know you’re growin’ big ‘n’ it feels like everythin’ here’s too small… Like nothin’ changes. But someday soon you'll grow even bigger and realise it was all changin’ with ya. That you grow with your roots.”

Big Apple stared for a moment, a blank expression on his face. “...is it true that in Manehattan they have shops ‘n’ cafes open ALL NIGHT?”

“Heh. I didn’t think you’d quite get what I was sayin’ there. I jus’ want you to know that it won’t always feel so… frustratin’ or small. Anyhoo, I think we’re about at the market.” As the two cantered closer to the town center, little stalls dotted themselves along the side of the path. Carrots, fruits, herbs… The market was mostly food, cooking ingredients. The occasional stall sold fabrics or trinkets, but people came to the market to sort out what to eat. That’s certainly what was on Big Apple’s mind - darting between each stall eyes laser focused looking out for candy, cakes… Anything with sugar.

A few stalls caught his eye - one especially with its brightly colored lollipops - and he nudged Applejack, getting her attention. “Can I? It’s only a couple bits.” She considered it for a moment, but Applejack just shook her head and kept walking. Big Apple did not keep walking, planting himself in the dirt. “Aww come on! Please!”

“Well if you act like that, your not gettin’ anythin’! Now get up.” Big Apple begrudgingly did as told, picking up his canter again alongside Applejack. On the way he dejectedly - and dramatically - stared back at the candy stalls. Of course Applejack noticed - “Now hold on. I think I got a better idea.” The two kept walking, the market stalls falling further and lesser. Then they found themselves standing in front of Sugarcube Corner.

“APPLEJACK BIG APPLE HI HI HI HI!”, the two didn’t even have to enter for Pinkie Pie to take notice. In fact, she rushed out to greet them, bouncing around the entire time. “It’s so great to see you! What are you both doing here?!” She began circling the two, hopping round and round and round.

“Well, I was just takin’ Big Apple to school here an’ I thought it’d be nice to stop by Sugarcube Corner. Y’know, get a treat maybe.”

Pinkie Pie burst out into excitement - “Treats! Oh I LOVE treats!”

“Oh, I know Pinkie. Big Apple does too. ‘S’why we came.” Applejack started up the steps. Just as Big Apple followed, Pinkie rushed ahead and opened the door for them.

“Hi Pinkie!” Big Apple was close with most of Applejack’s friends - they were pretty much family after all - but Pinkie Pie especially ingratiated herself with Big Apple. Pinkie couldn’t help herself from spoiling him, her heart melted knowing such a cute colt was her own friend’s brother’s son. The world was beautiful in her eyes.

“Oh goodness, it’s just so great seeing you both I mean it’s been so long, well I mean not that long since I’ve seen you, Big Apple, since you come round here every day for school but APPLEJACK IT’S BEEN SO LONG!” Pinkie’s speech had the rhythm and speed of a train, puffing along every thought lodged in her head.

“Well I’ve been so busy with the apple harvest lately, but that’s all finally done. You know how it is.” Applejack didn’t used to hide away so much over harvest season, but after a few years of spreading herself too thin between work, friends and family, everypony decided it was probably best for her to focus on one at a time. It was lonely, of course, but she still had everypony back at the barn. And it only made it all the sweeter when she saw her friends again - and in Pinkie’s case, all the more louder.

“That is FANTASTIC! I’m SO EXCITED!” Pinkie Pie had made her way back behind the counter at this point, but galloped back out to hug Applejack. Then she hugged Big Apple too for good measure. “I LOVE YOU GUYS!”

“We love ya too, Pinkie.” Applejack responded. Big Apple was too embarrassed to say it himself, he just smiled and blushed. “Now let’s see about getting Big Apple somethin’ to eat.”

Sugarcube Corner had a wide selection of cakes and pastries, and Pinkie Pie was more than eager to show them. She began gesturing at the food on display - "Well, we have cupcakes an-"

"Awwright! Let's get that!" Big Apple looked up to Applejack, hope and enthusiasm within him. Pinkie was a little disappointed that she didn't get to show off everything, but more than that she was happy to be with her friends.

"A cupcake. ONE cupcake - y'already had fritters for breakfast. I really shouldn't be doin' this…" She thought for a moment, bringing her hoof to her chin. "One condition!"

Big Apple seemed a bit shocked - but Pinkie Pie even moreso, going so far as to let out a gasp. Big Apple desperately asked, "Aww, what is it?"

"Ya don't tell your father about this." She let out a sly wink to Big Apple, grinning as she spoke. "An' that goes for you too, Pinkie."

"Yes, ma'am!" Pinkie saluted as she spoke. "I mean, I don't really know why my father would care about what Big Apple had to eat today but-"

Applejack's grin faded to a more pointed disposition - "I meant don't go tellin' Big Macintosh."

"Oh. Hehe. That makes more sense. Anyway, ONE CUPCAKE COMING UP!" It was almost acrobatic the way she picked and plated the cake - or maybe a dancer is a better comparison. Swift and graceful in one movement. For show, but not inefficent. Within a blink or two, she had the cake ready to serve.

Applejack started reaching for her bits - "Thanks, Pinkie. Now how much do I owe ya?"

"Oh, don't worry. Take it!" Pinkie held out the cupcake with full force.

"No, no. How much? I can't just take it for nothin'."

"Seriously, it's on the house! I mean, figuratively of course. Right now it's on this plate! But if it's for Big Apple, it's free. That's the rule."

Applejack considered this for a moment. "Well, in that case it ain't for Big Apple. It's for me. I'm just plannin' on givin' it to him."

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes, suspicious. "Hmm… Okay. One bit."

"One bit? Now, c'mon, that hardly seems fair. I know how much effort you put in over here. I ain't payin' one bit."

"Ughh, okay. TWO BITS. That's my final answer! I'm NOT going higher!" She was practically tearing herself apart to accept this. Still, Applejack handed over the bits and Big Apple took the cake. He didn't waste a moment before chomping into it.

"Thanks awful, Pinkie. It was great seein' ya!" Applejack and Big Apple waved as they left (Big Apple letting out a muffled 'bye-bye' between chomps of his cake).

"What? No! You can't go! We still have so much to catch up! SO. MUCH." Pinkie seemed genuinely worried about this revelation.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie, but Big Apple's due in school! I'm not lettin' him be late. I'll see ya later on, we can catch up then." Applejack continued out the door.

"UGH. I HATE school." Pinkie splayed herself tired across the counter to accentuate her point. Even hitting her head against it a couple times. Big Apple knew how she felt. He let out another wave to her as he went on his way, the door closing behind him. By the time he'd left, the cupcake was already finished.

The rest of the walk to school wasn't very eventful, though Big Apple was definitely in a better mood. Soon they arrived at the schoolhouse, Big Apple rushing in to talk to his friends. "Oh, well see ya!" Applejack wasn't sure if he heard her before he scampered off. Applejack continued into the building. It was a small-ish class. Everypony hung out near the back, chattering and sorting out anything they'd taken with them. At the front, Miss Cheerilee looked over papers at her desk. "Hi there, Miss Cheerilee!" Applejack thought it kind to stop and chat for bit, at least while Big Apple wore down and settled in.

She looked up from her lesson plans and smiled. "Hi, Applejack! It's great to see you, I can't remember the last time you brought Big Apple in."

"Oh, Big Mac's just got some crops to sort today. Nice chance to walk in Big Apple. He's not too much trouble for ya?"

"Oh, no. He's a smart colt. Sometimes he can get…", Cheerilee whirled her hoof a little. "Distracted. Doesn't always want to do the work. But he's very capable, he's a great student when he's focused."

Applejack chuckled to herself. "Distracted. Heh, sounds about right."

Cheerilee felt worried that Applejack hadn't understood her - "No, he's a good student. He gets along with his work. I don't blame him for being a little distracted sometimes. Everything at home…"

"Everythin' at home?" Applejack was a little offended at this remark, and only tried a little to not show it.

"Well, with his mother…" Her eyes darted back and forth between Applejack’s gaze and the ether.

"Right. We're gettin' through that. We're a strong family. We're gettin' through it." The air had become heavy, awkward. Silence for a bit. Not quite the greeting either two had wanted. Cheerilee continued to avoid eye contact - Applejack decided to speak up again. "It's great seein' ya. I mean, I know he's a good student… Y'all have a good day now." She meant what she said, but the words still came out thick and humid.

Cheerilee snatched up the chance to bring the conversation back around to something normal. "Nice seeing you too! Tell Big Macintosh I said hi!" Applejack gave a nod as she cantered out. Cheerilee went back to her papers. The foals all played around and chatted, waiting for lesson to start. Somewhere in there Big Apple was joking around too. The awkwardness faded, air becoming breathable again. The door shut behind her and Applejack found herself outside. She had a meeting with Rarity for lunch.

Applejack arrived at the cafe early. Rarity had already arranged an early lunch, but Applejack turned up even earlier. It's not a surprise, going straight to the cafe after taking Big Apple to school. She had some time to kill. She thought about going back to Sugarcube Corner, catching up with Pinkie Pie some more. If she did that she'd probably end up late. Heck, if she went to talk to any of her friends she'd probably lose track of time - even if they weren't so… clingy as Pinkie was. So she had time to think. Applejack didn't spend a lot of time thinking. Well, not a lot of time reflecting. Of course she spent time thinking, but never got caught up in it. It's not that she wasn't sentimental, she was just busy with the present. She was almost always doing something. Helping with harvest, planting seeds, meeting friends, helping out around town - whatever. She was busy. The only time she really had to reflect was in bed at night, and by that point she just wanted to sleep. But now she had time.

She didn't want to feel like a freeloader, so she bought a drink and found a table. As she cantered over to it, she thought about what Miss Cheerilee had said, about 'everything at home'. She wasn't trying to say anything, Applejack knows that. It wasn't something she really wanted to consider further, but it lay there in her mind. Everything at home. Home was fine. The family was fine. That's all there really was to say on the matter. Home was fine. Still, the phrase lay there. Applejack chose not to probe further. She sat for a moment, just staring at her coffee. She poured in some sugar and stirred, watching it swirl slowly in the cup. She didn't really need the energy. It was a bad habit.

Well, at least Big Apple was doing well in school. She guessed as much anyway. She'd be lying if she didn't have her doubts, but she had faith in him. He was a smart kid. He could do anything some day, Applejack was sure of that. If he just learnt to put himself into it. To try. Maybe they spoiled him too much. Extra fritters at breakfast, cake on the way to school - and only Celestia knows how much Pinkie Pie has gotten him over time. It was hard not to spoil him. That little smile. It broke right through you. Why would you want him to be anything but happy all the time? That would sure make a nice world if that were possible. Maybe she did need to be more strict. Big Mac probably wouldn't take on that role - bless his heart, but he could be a bit soft sometimes.

Applejack thought back to when she was young. She wasn't always so good either. Calling her a rebel would probably be going too far, but she certainly acted out. She even ran away. Actually, ran away is a strong term for it: Big Mac and Granny Smith let her go, and she had family to stay with. After Manehattan she calmed down a bit. Home is where the heart is and all that. She found peace and comfort. She was ready to fit in, she wanted to after all those days acting up over nothing. She was ready to be good. She acted nice, kept herself honest - she even started looking for a stallion to settle down with. That didn't go anywhere of course. Never really did.

Just before Applejack was ready to consider all the regrets and mistakes in her life, Rarity entered the cafe and made her presence known.

"Oh, HELLO darling!" Her shrill greeting could almost be mistaken for a shriek. "It is just WONDERFUL to see you. Oh, I do hope I didn't keep you waiting!" Despite arranging the lunch as just a casual meeting, she wore a bright and elegant dress, even wearing jewellery in her mane. She looked beautiful, but she always did. That was pretty much her thing. She started an elegant canter towards Applejack, but gave up and galloped the second half to the table.

"Aw, no worries. I was just takin' Big Apple into school an’ thought I'd drop by early for a drink. You ain't kept me for nothin'. In fact, I think ya might be early!" She was early, a bit. She considered it being fashionably early - she couldn't bear being late.

Rarity sat at the table, across from Applejack. "Oh I just have so much to tell you! I've been so busy lately." She placed her front leg across her forehead, looking off dramatically to the distance, as if posing for some Baroque portrait. "But I’ll wait before I bother you with all of that, how have you been?"

"Oh I been busy too. Workin' on the farm an' all that, you know how it goes with harvest season. Nothin' all too interestin'...” Applejack looked off a moment, scanning her memory for any highlights. “Well, Big MacIntosh is tryna grow some carrots again this year. See if it turns out any better than before. Other’n that… Uhh, he tripped in the mud a few times and we had to hose him down t’get him all clean. Hehe, that was a hoot. Big Apple had some fun with that. S’pose that’s all, really. I imagine you’ve had a much more interestin’ time than me."

Rarity shook her head, eyes shut a moment - “I don’t deign to judge like that, darling, but I do suppose my time has been a touch more exciting than yours. I got some dress orders in from Princess Celestia, special designs for the garden opening ceremony, you know?” The words fell from Rarity’s mouth with a casualness, as if nothing out of the ordinary.

Applejack, however, did not take them so casually. “Garden openin’ ceremony? What, in Canterlot?” She was still processing the words that came in as she let these out.

“Oh, darling, you didn’t know? Princess Celestia dedicated one of Canterlot’s new gardens to Twilight, her being Celestia’s most faithful student and all. The Magic and Harmony Gardens. It was a whole ordeal. Anyway, they needed somepony to design dresses for th-”

“Wait, hold on. Twilight’s got her own garden off in canterlot now? And none-a-y’all thought to tell me?” The gears in her head had finished turning, and Applejack was just as lost.

“We discussed telling you, but you were in the middle of the harvest. We all decided it was best not to bother you, Fluttershy didn’t want us to be an imposition.”

“W- I- I mean, I know I said not t’bother me durin’ the harvest… But that’s… I mean, that’s big news! Usually durin’ harvest all that happens is one of y’all does up your livin’ room or somethin’, not like… Special audience with the princess! That’s big news!” She flailed her hooves outwards a bit, drawing emphasis. To show how big the news really was.

Rarity paused for a moment, considering her words. “...granted, looking back it does seem like the sort of thing we should have mentioned. But we wanted, as friends, to stay dedicated to our word. We didn’t want to do anything to affect your harvest. Fluttershy was quite worried about disturbing you, and then Pinkie Pie had us do one of those Pinkie Promises. You know how… obsessive she can be with those. '' She grinned afterwards, awkwardly hoping she could win Applejack over.

Applejack sighed. “Ya wanted to help. Be good friends. That ain’t the sort of thing I’m gonna get mad over. Just, y’know, in the future if that sorta thing comes up, it’d be nice to know.”

“Oh, of COURSE, darling. In the future, I’ll make sure to properly consider the situation at hoof. But as I was saying, Princess Celestia had me make up some dresses for the opening ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity, I was able to bring in some more floral designs - I think there were really great ideas in there to bring back for my Spring collection next year. Oh, and they came out just MARVELLOUS. You’ll have to see Twilight’s dress when she comes back. I just worked myself to death on-”

“When she comes back? What, she’s still in Canterlot?” In an unwise gesticulation of shock, Applejack accidentally bumped the table. She awkwardly drew back, dusting down the tableside as if it would heal.

Rarity half cringed as she continued to speak: “Did I not mention? She decided to stay with her family back home after the opening ceremony. She comes back next week.”

“Okay, hold on. Twilight get’s her own garden and now she’s stayin’ off in Canterlot. Is there anythin’ else y’haven’t told me? I mean Rainbow Dash didn’t happen to join the Wonderbolts while I was away, did she?” The joking tone she’d picked out could only half mask how serious Applejack was being.

“No, no. Really, Twilight was the only one to have anything that important happen. I mean, of course I made the dresses for the ceremony and Pinkie did the catering too, but other than that it’s been… Ponyville as normal. Speaking of the dresses, though, I really put myself completely into making them. You see, there was only a short amount of time to finish them, and with the completely new designs, I was starting from scratch. I worked myself practically to death! I barely slept. It caused - ahem - some issues with Vinyl Scratch. She said I was putting my own work before her. We had a row. I’m sure you know it wasn’t our first…” Rarity traced circles in the placemat with her hoof. “Anyway. Straw that broke the pony’s back. It’s not like she didn’t have enough things to hate about me already. So we’re through.” The hoof stopped it’s circles with a smack against the table. A small one.

Applejack reached across the table to comfort Rarity. “Oh gosh, Rarity I am SO sorry. I hope you’re all alright.”

“Don’t worry. I think it was for the best. Relationships aren't worth it.” Rarity took in Applejack’s hoof. “You’re really not missing out on anything.”

Applejack hadn’t been in a relationship since she was a teenager. From her friends' eyes, she hadn’t been in a relationship ever. Still, this is the first time anypony seemed to acknowledge this. None of them ever really rushed into relationships - well, except Rarity. Applejack didn’t realise any of them even picked up on her choice. Rarity’s remark caught her quite off guard. “Uh, w-” She paused for a moment. “I getcha. Back when I was a teenager, there was a stallion thought I’d settle down with. I tried it out with them, y’know going on in a relationship ‘n’ all. Anyway, he was the sorta guy wanted to get through it fast. Pushy about it. I weren’t ready for that sorta thing. I couldn’t deal with it, so we split. I think- I think I get what you’re sayin’.” She was sort of speaking without thinking. She definitely didn’t know why she suddenly shared this with Rarity. Applejack probably hadn’t spoken to anypony about it since it happened. But here she was recounting it over lunch. Actually, recounting it over a single coffee. They hadn’t even ordered yet. Rarity looked like she was going to say something before Applejack spoke up again. “How about we sort out getting something to eat?”

“Well now, that’s an idea.” Rarity started waving down anypony close to the table - “Waiter! Oh waiter!” Applejack wanted to stop her, but knew she had no chance so just elected to bury her head in her forelegs. Eventually, a pony who actually worked at the cafe came over to the table to extinguish the commotion. “Waiter! Can we get some menus for the table? We’re going to order soon so some menus would be nice. Thank you, waiter.” The pony nodded, and cantered off to fetch the two some menus. Typically, customers would fetch menus themselves as they entered or readied to order. Rarity had never acquainted herself to the customs of cafes. She treated everywhere she ate as if a high class restaurant. Of course, with her there it was high class. Soon the menus came. “You know, this carrot platter looks exquisite. I’ll have to try it.”

Applejack didn’t even look up. “Carrot platter, huh? Big Mac’d love that.”

Rarity continued to scan the menu, before it occurred to her. “OHH, because of his dead wife, yes.” She then realised immediately what she’d said, plugging her mouth with her hooves as some sort of silencer. Surprisingly, Applejack didn’t seem to react much. Rarity took her hooves from her mouth, preparing to say something less… awful. “That sort of thing does seem to run in your family, doesn’t it?” She didn’t quite succeed.

After Applejack had finished looking over the menu, she finally responded to Rarity. “Her name was Golden Harvest. I jus’ want you to remember that. Anyway, I’ll get the hot corn. Sounds mighty good.” Applejack got ready to go and order at the counter, but before she could stand Rarity was desperately trying to flag down another employee. Eventually somepony came and took the order.

With commotion subsided, Rarity turned her attention back to Applejack. “Oh, now what were we talking about earlier? Before we got distracted.”

“I believe you were talkin’ about overworkin’ yourself.”

Rarity considered this for a moment. “I wouldn’t say it’s overworking myself.” She stared off, ransacking her memory and experience. “I think it's necessary work. If I didn’t put my all in, why, those dresses would be… Abhorrent. They really did come out well this time. You’ll HAVE to see Twilight’s dress when she gets back.” She reached across the table to touch Applejack’s hoof, trying to share the excitement.

“Well, I’m lookin’ forward to it! I don’t doubt that you done somethin’ nice with ‘em. I think I get what you say about puttin’ the work in, too. I mean, just come out of harvest and I was pushin’ myself every day with that. I do it every year but it sure feels like it’s gettin’ more work lately. That’s good, though. More work is more apples is more bits. Least I get some rest now.”

“Rest! What I would give for rest!” Rarity punctuated this with another dramatic pose. “I’m afraid I’ll soon have to start with my planning of the winter season, I simply cannot let myself fall behind.” She sighed. “We do find ways to make ourselves quite busy ponies, don’t we?”

Applejack simply nodded. “That we do.” Soon a waiter came and the food was there in front of them. The fresh, pan-seared corn on the cob for Applejack, with a side of sourdough bread. For Rarity, a simple platter of boiled carrot served whole with a parsley garnish - it didn’t look all too filling, but it had an elegance to it. Applejack began to start on her meal - something about it was just so delicious. Maybe eating out after so long only eating at the farm, maybe the freeing feeling of finally being on break. Or maybe it was just that good. She found herself scarfing it down.

Rarity had begun hers too, but rather than shovel the food in her face she used her magic, bringing the carrots up to her mouth as she took very, very small bites. She spoke between them: “Well, now that you’re finally free, I thought it would be grand for us all to meet up again. When Twilight gets back from Canterlot. Pinkie’s already begun to arrange a party for it. It is lonely without you. Missing one of our elements of harmony.” She took some more bites, then brought a napkin to her mouth as she padded down an imaginary stain.

“Heh, the elements of harmony. I haven’t thought about all that in the longest time. Stoppin' Nightmare Moon was so long ago it almost feels like… Like a dream. Didn’t ya feel like when we got those it was the start of somethin’? Like, that we’d use ‘em more than just once?”

A few more bites of carrot, and Rarity considered this. “I suppose it was odd to be given them and then have them taken away so quickly, but how often does a crisis like that face Equestria? If they’re meant to be used only when something’s gone wrong, I’d say we lucked out only having to deal with them once. Though I do think it would be nice if Celestia would allow me them for some of my ensembles - I have just the gown to go with that tiara.”

“You’re right about that I guess. The lucked out part. Not the thing about the outfits. Savin’ the world once is probably more than enough for me.” She chuckled at the absurdity of everything she was saying. She’s guaranteed to appear in Equestrian history books for the rest of time, she met the princess - hell, she’s friends with the princess now - she even has her own stained glass window in the castle. And there she was wondering about more. It seemed she was starting to understand how Big Apple felt. “Ah well, either way It’s nice enough here now with all-a-y’all.” A brief moment to contemplate friends and family.“Y’know, it’s been just the longest since I’ve seen Sweetie Belle. How’s she doin’?”

“She’s doing wonderful. Her and Scootaloo are still touring with that theatre group, that whole ‘song and dance’. Haha. I believe they’re doing a production of Filly On The Roof. Sweetie Belle - she’s not the main role, but she has her own solo piece. She’s working her way up.”

“Well, with her voice she’d have to! That’s just great. I always knew they had talent in ‘em, and gettin’ Equestria to see it too… Heh. That’s fate, I reckon.”

“I trust Apple Bloom is doing well. Oh, I do hope those three get the chance to meet up again soon, they were such good friends when they were younger. What did they call that club, the Cutie Mark Crusaders? They were so cute together.”

“Cute, when they weren’t goin’ around makin’ a mess. I don’t know how many times I had to clean up that clubhouse for ‘em. Y’know, I don’t think the Cutie Mark Crusaders ever went away. By the time our three had finally gotten their cutie marks, I think some other fillies had joined. Tried to keep it goin’. I’m sure I’ve seen some colt in Big Apple’s class wearin’ one of those darn sashes. Anyway, Apple Bloom’s doin’ dandy. She’s happy here on the farm, but she sure do miss those two sometimes. I think Big Apple’s feelin’ a little cooped up lately too, but we all been through that. He’s young. Can’t be helped, I s’pose. We all got growin’ up to do.”

“Quite, quite.” Rarity didn’t really gather all that Applejack was saying, but she seemed knowledgeable enough, so Rarity just agreed. “That does remind me, I recall you asking about some sort of dress for Apple Bloom, yes? With all my season wear done and the Canterlot clothes out of the way, I’d be free to do it.”

“Oh, yeah. A few weeks ago she was jus’ wonderin’ about gettin’ a nice dress for when she’s goin’ out an’ all. I don’t quite remember the details, you’d be best to ask her.” Despite this recommendation, Rarity continued to ask Applejack questions about the dress. She couldn’t help herself, in all her years of couture none of it brought as much joy as designing something for a friend or loved one. Something about the marriage of the personal and the elegant. The way it brought her own philosophy in with her friends. She tended to get carried away. Most of Rarity’s questions were met with a simple “I dunno, you’d have t’ ask Apple Bloom”, but Rarity continued to question, and soon much more time had passed than either realised.

As the conversation tumbled down to a slow, Rarity checked around at the clock. “Goodness, would you look at the time. Oh, I’m ever so sorry to have bothered you with all that.”

“Ah, it ain’t no bother. Friends and family, right? Worse things to get carried away over.”

“I suppose that’s true - as much as I try, I cannot forget Pinkie Pie's brief infatuation with the trombone." She shook her head somberly.

"Haha, I remember that! I don't think anypony got a good night's sleep at least a week. No worse'n when the Wonderbolts were comin' to Ponyville. Had to cancel last minute, a course. Dash talkin' up nonstop then cries loud enough to register a noise complaint. I mean, at least she had some reason for all that though. Broken dreams an' all. Pinkie's mind is… Impossible. Never know what drives her beyond some instant feelin'. Can't do much to bring her down though, reckon no matter what she's gone end up happy. Simple pleasures."

"Oh, yes. Simple. Now you and me are much more refined." Applejack laughed at this. "No, don't laugh darling. It's true!"

"Refined ain't the word I'd use for myself. And callin' everypony else 'simple' ain't the kindest thing, neither! Now jus' 'cause they're a little lower maintenance than you 'n' I don't mean nothin' against 'em!" Applejack had taken on the tone she used to scold Big Apple, almost forgetting who she was talking to.

"Yes, yes. You know what I meant." Rarity withheld her eye contact, brushing off her fur with a spare hoof. "You can be quite the lecturer sometimes."

"Ah, I'm sorry. Y'can get used to talkin' up right and wrong with young ones. I didn't mean to- Ah well. I’m sorry."

"All I was trying to say was that we keep ourselves moving. Do you really think Pinkie's going to quit working at Sugarcube Corner? Twilight graduate from being a royal student? We keep working, it's like you said. Moving on to bigger harvests."

"Everypony else is keepin' movin' too. I mean, Twilight just got herself a royal garden! I think we all got bigger harvests. And Pinkie ain't gonna quit at Sugarcube Corner but you sure ain't gonna quit at the boutique neither!" Applejack was grinning as she was saying all this, but anypony at another table might assume she was in the middle of a fight. The Apples never really had it figured out either side of talking too loud or too quiet.

Rarity looked at her empty plate for a moment, quieted herself down. "I suppose you're right… It's just this… Spark." She looked back up at Applejack, some shine in her eyes. "I don't know. Maybe it's- No, I don't know." A smile, of sorts, came across her face. Whether or not they were moving onto bigger harvests, right now they were resting. Sitting here, together, in slow motion. Applejack found her first grey hair the other week. She didn't think much of it. Rarity would have found her's by now if she didn't constantly dye her mane - it was part of her weekly routine, keeping that perfect shade of purple. Applejack looked back to the clock on the wall.

“Aw rats," she started shaking her head. "I really oughta be headin’ back to the farm soon. They’ll be wonderin’ where I am.”

Rarity began to shift in her seat, readying to leave now. "Oh I’m sorry for running on so long like that. It’s just we all miss you so. Well, I do suppose we'll see each other at Twilight's party."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Applejack grinned as she stood up.

“Really I did not mean to keep you so long, it was awful of me. But it was nice to see you.” The two went in for a hug. Applejack held tight. She usually did.

“I love ya, Rarity. I want you to know that.” She couldn’t bear any longer to live a life where she didn’t tell the people she loved how she felt. It was awkward at first - saying those words to all her friends - it still could be awkward sometimes, but it was important to her. Awkwardness is nothing compared to regret. So she said it. “I love ya.”

Rarity began to pull from the tight hug - after it had already made its presence known - “Oh, I know darling.” Rarity had not yet become comfortable with the same words. At times, the phrase felt like poison to her. All the times she said it and didn’t mean it. All the times she meant it and wished she hadn’t.

The two stood for a moment, in silence. Applejack was the first to canter off. “Y’know, you’re real beautiful, Rare.” She didn’t think about the words as she was saying them - the facts evident as they were. As she left the cafe, Rarity just stayed behind and looked on. Applejack had the family waiting. Rarity was in much less of a rush.

“Any luck with the carrots this year?” Applejack sat at the table, looking over at Big MacIntosh, bathed in the warm glow of sundown. It was getting earlier and earlier at this time of year, making Big Mac a grand orange as he readied the dinner for the night. It was just him and Applejack in the kitchen. The rest of the family was off doing their own thing - Big Apple had gone straight to his room after school, Apple Bloom was on the front porch talking with Granny Smith. So it left just those two.

Big Mac fiddled with a pan for a bit, frying up some tomato. He let the pan from his mouth, and readied to speak: “Nnope.” He cantered across the kitchen as he went to chop up some lettuce for the meal. Applejack had offered to help, but Big Mac liked to cook alone. He liked to do most things alone. It wasn’t that he enjoyed his own company too much - or detested that of others - it just always felt wrong to be an imposition on anyone, force them to do his work for him. So he worked alone.

“Rats. Just ain’t the same without her, is it?” Applejack chuckled to herself. Two harvests of perfect carrots and even more chasing the high since. She already knew how Big Mac would respond, he didn’t need to speak. He always was a quiet pony, wanting to be sure of his words before he spoke - sure that he never minced them or said something he didn’t mean. He considered every line. Usually, by the time Big Mac had figured out what he wanted to say the conversation had already moved on, so he started over thinking what to say again. Things were different with Applejack - the two were close enough that she was always ready to wait and hear what he had to say. Or just share in the silence with him. At points their communication was almost telepathic. For now, they relished the quiet as Big Mac went to fry in some onion with the tomato. “I love ya. I really do.”

He took in the words, fried up some more veg. The gears in his head turned - and turned once more, now plating the food. He set it out across the table, readied the words to respond. He was sure of them now. “I love you too, Applejack.” After that, the two said nothing more. There was nothing more to say.

Somewhere across town, Rarity sat alone in Carousel Boutique. She sketched out some ideas for Apple Bloom’s dress - vague and messy, still unsure what was really wanted. The floor was glossy and cold. The air was cold. She was cold. Throwing out the paper in front of her, she readied another. Readied more designs. They were not good. She knew this. She had not eaten dinner. She did not plan to. Crumpled paper hit the rim of the trash bin. It fell out. The bin was already full. She was cold. She sketched out more designs. They went in the trash. The sunrise had fallen now, dusk had begun to take hold. It was too early to go to bed, but Rarity did it anyway. At least it would be warm.