• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 2,016 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Dragon Vs Scorpion

Tommy's voice broke the silence as they sprinted through the deserted streets of Ponyville. "We can't outrun him. We need to find a way to stop him."

Rarity and Rainbow Dash exchanged worried glances, their faces pale in the dim light of the raging storm above. "What do we do now?" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"I don't know!" Tommy shouted as they ducked out of sight of the giant warrior. "Normally when we fight Rita's Giant monsters..."

Tommy was soon cut off by Fluttershy. "You actually fight something that size!"

"Of course" Tommy confirmed with the pegasus. "But right now I don't exactly have what my friends have"

Tommy's voice wavered, a hint of desperation creeping into his tone. Rarity and Rainbow Dash glanced at each other, understanding the weight of his words. Fluttershy's eyes widened in concern, her hooves trembling slightly.

"What do you mean, Tommy?" Rarity asked, her voice laced with trepidation. "What is it that you lack?"

Tommy let out a deep, shuddering sigh, his breath forming wispy clouds in the chilly night air. The weight of their situation hung heavy on his shoulders, and regret laced his voice as he spoke. "I don't have my Megazord," he admitted, his words tinged with defeat. "Without it, I fear we may not stand a chance against this monstrous warrior."

Twilight's voice broke through the silence, her tone hopeful. "What if you could summon it here?"

Tommy's response was swift and dismissive. "Can't do that when it's back in my home dimension."

But Twilight persisted, her analytical mind working quickly. "Perhaps that wouldn't be an issue after all," she proposed. "Think about it, Tommy. Even before your coin was repaired, you were still spiritually connected to the Dragonzord. Especially since you called upon its power to heal me. Based on what you've told us about the Rangers and Megazords of your world, I hypothesize that these powerful creatures would answer your call whenever you need them."

Tommy's thoughts swirled as he considered Twilight's words. Memories of the events of the night flooded his mind - the green energy pulsing through his fists, his weapons appearing at will, creating a protective barrier and even overloading Scorpion with his own power. And most notably, using his powers to heal the one he loved. It was almost unfathomable to him; growing up as just an ordinary teenager, he never imagined having such extraordinary abilities.

He turned to his friends, determination set in his jaw as he handed Twilight to Spike for safekeeping. "Someone take care of Twilight," he ordered firmly.

With Twilight safely cradled in the arms of the mighty Dragonzord, Tommy summoned his trusty Dagger into his hand and brought the dragon flute to his lips.

"Old friend" His heart raced with anticipation as he spoke to his megazord. "I need you...now more than ever," he whispered, placing the dragon flute to his lips and playing the song of the Dragon

'Old friend...I need you...now more than ever'

The urgent call of his master echoed through the air, stirring the Dragonzord from its deep slumber in the sea. With a flash of bright red eyes, the mechanical beast known as the Dragonzord rose from the sea like a myth come to life. The sound of its master's flute guided it towards land.

An urgent alarm wailed within the confines of the command center, causing Alpha to frantically scan the controls. "Alpha, what's happening?!" Zordon demanded.

"It's the Dragonzord, Zordon!" Alpha exclaimed, his fingers flying over the control panel. "It's been activated!"

Zordon's face registered shock and confusion. "But how is that possible?"

Alpha continued to search for answers. "I don't know, Zordon. But it seems that the Dragonzord is moving on its own."

Both Alpha and Zordon turned their attention to the viewing globe, which displayed a stunning image of the Dragonzord emerging from the ocean depths. Its powerful horns gleamed in the moonlight as it unleashed a mighty roar that shook the very foundations of Angel Grove.

Before their eyes, the megazord was engulfed in a brilliant green light before disappearing from sight.

"Aiyiyiyiyi!" Alpha cried out in disbelief. "The Dragonzord is gone!"

Zordon's expression shifted to one of concern as he asked, "Can you locate where it went, Alpha?"

"I will do my best to track its whereabouts, Zordon," Alpha replied with determination.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Tommy’s feet began to rumble and shake. The more Tommy played his flute, the more violent the ground shook beneath him. A green aura enveloped Tommy’s body while he played and the aura grew in size. Twilight and her friends briefly looked back to see a mesmerizing spectacle. Something was beginning to materialize from the bright green light that and illuminated the entire area with its green sheen. As Tommy kept playing his flute, a massive shadow loomed overhead behind him. Then, what could only be described as a giant metal monster stood behind Tommy in the light of the moon’s rays.

Everyone stared at the colossal machine in awe, The sheer size and power it emanated were beyond anything they had ever witnessed. The towering mechanical beast moved with grace and purpose, its mighty roar rattling the very air around them.

Tommy grinned as he gazed upon his Megazord. "It's good to see you, Dragonzord"

Rainbow Dash's wings fluttered with excitement. "Whoa, that thing is huge! Are you telling me you can control that?"

Tommy just looked to Rainbow Dash and merely grinned at her, a green energy covered his head until his Helmet materialized.

“Dragonzord!” Tommy said. “It’s time for battle! Let’s show this world what you’re made of!” Tommy went back to playing his flute and Dragonzord let out a fierce roar before charging forward.

The giant warrior turned its attention towards the mechanical beast, its eyes narrowing with fury.

"You Ranger's and your pathetic toys" Scorpion said charging the mechanical beast. "I'll destroy it before I turn this town into a smoldering crater"

As the Dragonzord and Scorpion clashed in their titanic battle, the ground trembled beneath their feet, creating cracks in the earth with each powerful blow. The Dragonzord's tail whipped through the air, striking its opponent with devastating force, while Tommy skillfully guided his megazord with precision and grace.

Rarity watched in awe as the two mechanical giants engaged in a fierce dance of destruction.

"Let's see how he likes this" Tommy said playing another tune on his Dragon Flute

Everyone's eyes widened as they witnessed the Dragonzord launch missiles from its finger, exploding around the giant warrior. Scorpion, both fearsome and unyielding, withstood the fiery onslaught, and his counter-attack was both swift and ferocious.

Casting an infernal chain from the depths of his fiery arsenal, Scorpion ensnared the Dragonzord with a sudden jerk, pulling it towards the heart of his searing power. The metal behemoth stumbled against the burning grip, the heat causing the armor to glow an ominous red as if warning of the impending adversity.

With a warrior’s focus, Tommy played a new sequence on his flute, one that summoned the Dragonzord’s intrinsic strength, urging it to break free. Yet, the creature of steel was not quick enough. Scorpion, relentless in his might, unleashed a whirlwind of strikes, each hit resonating like the strike of an anvil, denting the once impervious hull of the Zord.

Tommy narrowed his eyes and blew into his flute as loud as he could. With pinpoint precision, Dragonzord grabbed both of Scorpion’s fists and glared at the undead warrior. The mighty metal beast opened its jaw and bit down its sharp metal fangs on Scorpion’s shoulder.

But Scorpion was as resilient as he was formidable. With a shudder of raw power that seemed to emanate from his very essence, he shook off the mighty jaws of the Dragonzord. Flames encircled him, forming a blazing aura that seemed to regenerate his strength. Scorpion broke free, his shoulder mending as if by some dark sorcery. He then launched himself high into the air, his silhouette a spectral shape against the moonlit sky.

Descending with a vengeful fury, Scorpion unleashed a fearsome dive kick, striking the Dragonzord squarely in the chest. The impact resonated through the valley, sending a shockwave that knocked Tommy off balance. Each movement Scorpion made was precise, calculated to exploit the mechanical goliath's weaknesses.

As the Dragonzord staggered from the force, parts of its armor cracking under the relentless assault, its systems blinked in warning, reflecting Tommy's growing concern. The Megazord was powerful, but it was not invincible.

“He’s not gonna last long with my commands alone,” Tommy said. “Guess I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way.” Tommy then raised hand towards the Dragonzord. “Dragonzord! Allow me to pilot you!”

“Pilot?! What do you mean pilot?!” Applejack wondered when Dragonzord’s eyes glowed red and Tommy was turned into pure green light and shot towards Dragonzord’s head.

“TOMMY!” All of his friends yelled.

Sorry Only Gif I could Find With Tommy entering the cockpit

Tommy was suddenly standing in the cockpit of the Dragonzord, his heart racing with exhilaration and anticipation. As the digital readouts flashed across the control panel, he instinctively took control of the mighty machine, feeling the raw power flowing through his veins.

With a deep breath, he focused his mind and issued his next command. “Alright Dragonzord, Let's show who him what you're really made of!”

The Dragonzord let out a mighty roar, its metallic skin glowing with a fierce aura. Scorpion, sensing the change in his opponent, lunged forward with renewed vigor, his eyes blazing with a cold, calculating fury.

Tommy, fueled by his newfound connection to the Dragonzord, adjusted its movements with precision and grace.

The clash between the two titans was fierce, as the Dragonzord and Scorpion exchanged powerful blows. Scorpion's strikes were relentless, his armor gleaming with a demonic aura as he bore down on the Megazord with all his might. The Dragonzord, however, was not to be underestimated. Its agile movements and pure power began to turn the tide of the battle, as it refused to back down against its foe.

Twilight and her friends watched in amazement as the gigantic beasts fought for control of the battlefield. Pinkie Pie let out a cheer, "Go, Dragonzord! You can do it!"

Meanwhile, back in the cockpit, Tommy was in his element. He was completely connected to the Dragonzord, feeling its every move and anticipating Scorpion's next attack.

Tommy swiped his hands in a fluid motion, a silent cue that the Dragonzord followed with absolute obedience. Its tail, charged with energy, whipped through the air with a sound that pierced the chaos of battle.

The Dragonzord's tail slammed into Scorpion with an unforgiving crack, the force of the impact echoing through the metal chassis and reverberating through the night. The Kombatant was caught off guard, his body launched high into the air like a comet trailed by spectral fire, before crashing into the side of the mountain with a deafening boom. The ground shook from the impact, leaving a trail of scorched earth and broken fragments in its wake.

But despite the brutal onslaught, Scorpion miraculously survived, slowly crawling out of the wreckage with a look of fiery determination in his eyes. He glared back at Ponyville, where he had been defeated, snarling with renewed rage. "This...is not over," he growled.

As the dust settled over the battlefield, the Dragonzord remained standing tall and strong, its systems pulsating with energy. Tommy's commanding voice echoed from within its cockpit. "Stand down, Scorpion," he warned. "When I pilot the Dragonzord, our minds become one and our combat skills are perfectly synchronized. You may be strong, but we are unstoppable."

Scorpion scoffed and removed his giant mask, revealing his twisted, scarred face. "I killed you once before," he sneered, "and I'll do it again."

"Sorry," Tommy replied coolly as he turned to look at his friends on the ground below, particularly at Twilight Sparkle. "But I made a promise to someone precious to me that I would never lose or be killed."

Infuriated by this declaration, Scorpion charges towards the Ranger and his Zord, shouting threats and curses. But Tommy remains calm and focused as he takes action with his Zord.

The Dragonzord's tail begins to spin rapidly, emitting a powerful green and yellow energy that resembles a drill. "It's over!" Tommy shouts as he directs the Zord's drill-like tail towards Scorpion. "Dragon Tail Lancer Strike!" Tommy proclaims triumphantly, his determination and skill defeating his enemy once again.

With one swift strike, the Dragonzord pierces through Scorpion's chest, ending the fight with a deadly blow.

"No..." he gargles out, his own flames consuming him from within. "Not...again!"

A deafening scream escapes Scorpion's throat as his entire body explodes into a fiery inferno. As the smoke clears, Tommy stands unscathed in the midst of an emerald light. He leaves the megazord and joins his friends on solid ground, removing his helmet to reveal a victorious grin on his face.

Suddenly, before the young ranger could say anything to his friends, he was tackled by a purple blur and something soft mashed against his lips.

"Twilight!" Tommy exclaimed, flabbergasted as he realized the source of the soft mash. His girlfriend had jumped into his arms, her eyes brimming with tears of relief.

Tommy's response was immediate and tender, his arms wrapping around Twilight's slender frame in a protective embrace. As their friends cheered and clapped around them, Tommy and Twilight stood in the midst of their joy, sharing this victorious moment. Twilight's face, flushed with emotion, was a radiant illustration of her affection and pride.

Twilight's words trailed off as she suddenly began to cough uncontrollably, her hand flying to her mouth. The unicorn's body shook with the force of it, and when she pulled her hand back, it was covered in a slick red substance that stained her fingers and the ground beneath her. Fear flashed in her wide eyes as she looked up at Tommy, her voice trembling as she whispered, "Something's wrong..."

Tommy's heart clenched at the sight of Twilight's distress. "We need to get her to the hospital," he said urgently.

But before they could even take a step, Rainbow Dash was already by their side. "Give her to me," she said firmly, determination etched on her face. "I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria, I'll get her there."

Without hesitation, Rainbow scooped Twilight into her arms and spread her colorful wings. As they prepared for takeoff, Tommy leaned in and gave his mare a tender kiss on the lips.

"I love you," he murmured against her skin, cupping her cheek in his hand.

With those words lingering between them, Rainbow took off into the sky with Twilight in tow. Tommy followed close behind but couldn't resist turning back to look at the Dragonzord, which was now covered in a brilliant green glow. With a soft smile, he whispered his thanks before it disappeared from Equestria forever.

After hours of tireless work, the small robot Alpha finally located the elusive energy signature of the Dragonzord. His metallic hands trembled with excitement as he relayed the news to his mentor, Zordon.

"Zordon, I found it!" Alpha exclaimed, his voice filled with pride and determination.

Zordon's face, though frozen in its ethereal form, showed a deep sense of contemplation as he absorbed the discovery. "Where is it?" he asked calmly.

Alpha hesitated before answering, his sensors whirring and blinking as he processed the information. "It's...it's back in the ocean," he finally said, confusion evident in his mechanical voice.

"Excellent work, Alpha," Zordon's features remained unchanged, but his voice echoed within the walls of the Command Center. "The ocean," he repeated, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Alpha's internal mechanisms buzzed with concern. "Should we inform the Rangers, Zordon?"

"No," came Zordon's resolute response. "The Rangers have already suffered enough from the loss of Tommy. Until we have concrete evidence that he may still be alive, we must keep this information between us."

Alpha nodded obediently, though he couldn't help but feel uneasy about keeping such important news from their team. But he trusted in Zordon's wisdom and knew that the truth would eventually reveal itself in due time. For now, they needed to proceed with caution.

"Understood, Zordon," Alpha replied dutifully, his sensors still whirring as he followed his mentor's orders. It was rare for Zordon to withhold information from them, but Alpha knew better than to question his ultimate authority and foresight.

As the heavy doors of the hospital burst open, Rainbow Dash rushed in, her hooves pounding against the tile floor. The staff looked up in surprise at the sudden commotion.

"Somepony help!" Rainbow shouted, panic lacing her voice. "My friend is coughing blood!"

Immediately, a team of doctors and nurses sprang into action, surrounding the struggling mare. They used scanning spells and medical equipment to assess her condition until one of the doctors came to a conclusion.

"It's a magic overload," the doctor announced urgently. "We need to get her to the extraction room!"

Rainbow nodded, her heart hammering in her chest as she followed closely behind as they rushed Twilight down the hallway. The extraction room was a rarely used chamber designed specifically for removing excess magic from a pony's system. Twilight was placed on a floating medical bed and whisked inside, Rainbow never leaving her side.

"I'm sorry, Miss Dash, but we need you to wait outside," the doctor said firmly, blocking her path as one of the unicorns lifted Twilight from Rainbow's arms.

Panicking, Rainbow watched through the glass as Twilight was hooked up to various machines and given an IV. She could hear snippets of conversation from inside.

"Her heart rate and pulse are elevated...we need something to calm her down..."

"That's a serious crack in her horn, better patch that up fast..."

Incoherent and delirious, Twilight mumbled out a name.


Frowning with concern, Rainbow strained to hear what was happening as Twilight seemed to fade in and out of consciousness.

"Twilight? Twilight Sparkle, can you hear me?" The doctor's voice sounded muffled and distant as Twilight began to come to.

"Twilight, I need you to focus on me, okay?" The doctor spoke gently but urgently. "You've been in an accident but don't worry, we're here to help you. We need the magic extractor," the doctor called out to one of the nurses as they prepared for the operation.

Rainbow watched with bated breath, her hooves tapping nervously against the cold, hard floor of the observation room. Through the thick glass walls, she could see Twilight lying on the operating table, her body cocooned in a shimmering shield of magic. The doctors and nurses moved with precise movements, their faces etched with concentration as they worked to stabilize Twilight's condition.

As the magic extractor was activated, a soft hum filled the room. Rainbow's heart clenched with pain as she saw Twilight's body convulse and contort in agony. The extraction process was grueling, but it was necessary to remove the excess magic that threatened to overwhelm her system.

"It's going to be alright, sweetie," reassured a gentle voice from beside Rainbow. A kind-eyed nurse placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as Twilight cried out in pain.

"It hurts!"

"I know, darling. But we're going to give you some medicine to ease the discomfort." With practiced ease, the Doctor injected a sedative through Twilight's IV tube as the canister reached the halfway mark.

"How are her vitals?" asked the doctor, his eyes focused on the monitor displaying Twilight's heart rate and pulse.

"The sedative is taking effect," replied the nurse, adjusting some knobs on the machine. "Her vitals are stabilizing."

The doctor nodded in approval, his attention returning to Twilight as she slowly relaxed under the influence of the medication. The extraction process continued, carefully siphoning out excess magic to restore balance within her body.

Rainbow clenched her hands together, her gaze never leaving Twilight's form on the operating table. The air in the room felt heavy and suffocating, thick with worry and uncertainty.


The sudden voice snapped Rainbow out of her thoughts and she turned to see Tommy running towards her, still dressed in his Ranger suit and armor.

"Where's Twilight?" demanded Tommy, his eyes scanning the room.

"She's right there," Rainbow said, pointing through the glass.

Tommy's gaze followed her finger and he saw his beloved mare lying on the table, her once bright eyes now barely open. A small smile graced her lips as she caught sight of Tommy.

Tommy's heart raced with concern for his girlfriend as he watched her lying on the operating table, her body battered and broken. He could only watch through the mirror as the doctors worked tirelessly to patch her up. Hours passed before the doctor finally emerged from the operating room, removing his mask and letting out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Doc, how is she?" Tommy asked anxiously, desperate for any news about his beloved Rainbow.

"She's stable for now, but she has pushed her body to its limits," the doctor replied gravely. "Aside from the cracked horn, there are signs of deterioration throughout her body."

"Will.. will she be okay?" Tommy's voice trembled with fear as he looked to the doctor for reassurance.

"We are draining the excess magic in her system right now," the doctor explained to the worried ranger. "We'll need to continue this process regularly for a few months until her magic levels return to normal."

The doctor's expression softened slightly as Twilight's friends arrived, worry etched on their faces.

"If you hadn't gotten her here when you did, I'd say she may have had just one day left before the magic inside her tore her apart from within," the doctor revealed grimly.

"What can we do to help?" Fluttershy's gentle voice broke through the tense atmosphere.

"For now, we let her rest. She should be ready for visitors in a few days," the doctor assured them before turning to leave. As he walked away, he was handed a chart detailing Twilight's vitals which he quickly signed and handed back to a nurse.

Turning back to Tommy, the doctor noticed the exhaustion and pain etched on his face. "And what about you? Tommy, was it? You look like you've been through hell."

"I've had worse, doc," Tommy replied with a weak smile before wincing in pain. The strain from the battle had finally caught up to him.

The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder and led him to another room. "Well, let's have you looked at too. It's better to be safe than sorry." Tommy followed, grateful for the concern and care of the kind doctor.