• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 524 Views, 10 Comments

A Tale of Two Dragons - Serina

Spike enters his beloved video game, "Spyro the Dragon," thanks to a whimsical twist involving the Spirit of Chaos. Teaming up with Spyro in the Dragon Realms, they embark on an epic adventure to combat mysterious threats.

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Seeing Double Purple

Spike had always been a bit of an oddity in the land of Equestria. While most dragons were fierce, fire-breathing creatures, Spike was small, purple, and, well, not very dragon-like at all. He lived in the heart of Ponyville, where he worked as Princess Twilight Sparkle's loyal assistant. His days were filled with helping with chores, reading books, and generally just being helpful to anypony that needed assistance.

But there was one thing that set Spike apart from his fellow dragons and ponies alike: his love for video games. When he wasn't assisting Twilight, he could often be found in the corner of the library, huddled in front of a glowing screen, engrossed in one game or another.

One sunny afternoon, while the sun cast a warm, inviting glow across the library, Spike was deeply immersed in his latest obsession, a classic game called "Spyro the Dragon." The game told the tale of a young, heroic purple dragon named Spyro, who embarked on epic adventures to save his realm from evil forces.

Spike's eyes were glued to the screen as he guided Spyro through treacherous terrain, battling menacing foes and collecting precious gems. Spyro's fearless attitude and unwavering determination fascinated Spike, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "I wish I could be just like Spyro. Flying around, saving the day, and having epic dragon adventures. That's the life!"

Unknown to Spike, a pair of mischievous eyes peered at him from the shadows of the library. Discord, the spirit of chaos himself, had been observing Spike's gaming sessions for some time now. Discord had been doing some more research in the library for their next D&D game, but this was an opportunity as a chance for some truly chaotic fun.

With a sly grin, Discord snapped his fingers, creating a swirling vortex that began to envelop Spike and his gaming console. The young dragon's eyes widened as he was pulled into the vortex. He could hear hysterical laughter fading into a soft echo as he fell deeper.

Spike tumbled through the vortex, a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes whirling around him. It was a sensation unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Panic set in as he realized he was no longer in the library. When the chaos finally subsided, he found himself in a place that seemed strangely familiar.

He looked down at his claws, and gasped. Spike's heart raced with panic and then excitement as he took in his new surroundings. He stood on a grassy plateau overlooking a sprawling, fantastical world.

"Whoa," Spike exclaimed, "I'm actually in the game!"

As Spike marveled at his new dragon form, stretching his now larger wings out behind him. While he took in the breathtaking landscape before him, he was suddenly interrupted by a cheerful voice from behind. He turned around to see a small, purple dragon with vibrant orange horns and wings approaching him.

"Hey there!" the purple dragon said with a friendly grin. "I haven't seen you around here before, but it’s always nice to meet a fellow dragon! I'm Spyro, What's your name?"

Spike was momentarily speechless, trying to process the fact that he was face-to-face with the very character he had admired and wished to be like while playing the game. He finally managed to stammer out, "I'm Spike. I... I can't believe this. I'm meeting THE Spyro!"

Spyro chuckled, his cheerful demeanor putting Spike at ease. "Well, Spike, I’m just Spyro, but I'm not surprised you already have heard of me." He sighed shaking his head with a grin. "The dragons' gossip travels throughout all realms. Welcome to the Dragon Realms! It's not every day we have a newcomer. How did you end up here? Portal from another realm?"

Spike took a deep breath and explained the strange series of events that had led to his unexpected arrival in the game world, from his casual remark in the library to the vortex that had transported him here. Spyro listened attentively, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"That's quite the adventure you've had already," Spyro remarked. "But don't worry, you're not alone. I'll help you find a way back to your world, right sparx?”

Sparx nodded his head and buzzed in agreement.

Spike had been so overwhelmed in awe of meeting one of his digital heroes he hadn’t noticed the glowing gold companion flying above Spyro.

Spike felt a wave of relief wash over him. Having Spyro as a guide and ally in this unfamiliar realm was reassuring.

"Thanks, Spyro," Spike said gratefully. "I really appreciate your help."

Spyro nodded with a determined expression. "No problem, Spike. We'll figure this out together. First things first, let me show you around the Dragon Realms and see if we can find any clues!"

Spike gazed around in awe as he stood with Spyro on the grassy plateau overlooking the vast Dragon Realms. The landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, with rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling lakes.

"This place is incredible," Spike breathed, his excitement growing.

With that, Spyro led the way, gliding effortlessly through the air with his powerful wings. Spike watched in amazement and then realized he had wings too. Hesitantly, he extended them and flapped experimentally. To his surprise, he lifted off the ground, hovering unsteadily.

"I can fly!" Spike exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

Spyro grinned and chuckeled. "Well, you do have wings, tiny dragon! Now, come on, follow me."

They soared through the sky, taking in the breathtaking views of the Dragon Realms. They flew over emerald forests where ancient trees reached for the heavens and crystal-clear lakes where multicolored fish darted beneath the surface. As they flew, Spyro pointed out various landmarks of the realms.

Their exploration eventually led them to Dragon Village, a bustling community of dragons nestled in a picturesque valley. The dragons welcomed Spike warmly, intrigued by the newcomer from another world. Spike felt a sense of belonging among these brave and friendly creatures.

Spike marveled at the diverse array of dragons that populated the village. Some were large and imposing, with scales that glistened like precious gems, while others were smaller and more agile, their wings adorned with intricate patterns. It was a vibrant community, with dragons of all ages going about their daily activities.

As they mingled with the dragons, Spyro and Spike heard rumors of strange occurrences in the Dragon Realms. Mysterious disturbances in the magical balance of the world had caused chaos in certain areas. Spyro's expression grew serious as he listened to the tales.

"It seems like something is not right here," Spyro said, his voice tinged with concern. "Spike, we need to investigate these disturbances and find out if they're connected to your arrival in the Dragon Realms."

Spike nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I'm with you, Spyro. Let's get to the bottom of this."

One elderly dragon named Elder Dracar approached them, his scales a majestic shade of silver. His wise eyes held a hint of concern as he spoke to Spyro and Spike.

"Young travelers, I've heard whispers of these disturbances you speak of," Elder Dracar said in a deep, resonant voice. "The very balance of our world seems to be in jeopardy. It is said that a darkness, unlike any we've seen before, threatens to engulf our realm."

Spike exchanged a worried glance with Spyro. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Spyro nodded, determination in his eyes. "We'll do whatever it takes to restore balance to the Dragon Realms."

Elder Dracar smiled, his approval evident. "Your courage is commendable. To begin your quest, seek out the wise seer, Lumina Starshroud. She resides on the highest peak of the Skyward Mountains. She may hold the answers you seek."

Spike and Spyro thanked Elder Dracar and knew their next stop would be to the Skyward Mountains, a majestic range of peaks that pierced the clouds. There they could continue to find the answers in the midst of chaos.

Spike looked towards the mountains, their peaks shrouded in mist and mystery. The call of adventure had tugged at his heart for as long as he could remember, and today, he could resist it no longer. He yearned to explore the towering peaks and hidden valleys that stretched beyond the horizon.

But as he looked towards the mountains and then back in the direction he had come, a twinge of doubt crept into his mind. He hoped Twilight would understand his absence and not worry too much. After all, he was her loyal assistant, and leaving without a word felt like abandoning his responsibilities.

Spike had been by Twilight's side through countless adventures, magical mishaps, and late-night research sessions. He was not just her assistant but her confidant and friend. They had shared laughter and tears, triumphs and challenges. Leaving her behind was not an easy decision, but he needed to follow his own path for a while.

Unbeknownst to them, a peculiar creature in a nearby alley was listening intently, absorbing every detail of their plans. He was intrigued by the dragons' aspirations and the promise of adventure that hung in the air. With a grin that revealed sharp teeth, he hatched a mischievous plan.

With a snap of his fingers, the peculiar creature vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a faint echo of his eerie laughter. He had decided to join their journey, albeit in a way that would remain hidden from the dragons' keen senses.

This should be so much fun...

Author's Note:

Spyro has held a special place in my heart since my childhood days. I own every Spyro game, actually. I enjoyed playing some more than others as I'm not a huge fan of the Skylanders or New Beginning series. Achieving platinum status in the most recent Spyro Reignited Trilogy was a personal triumph and it sits as my personal favorite for anything Spyro related. It's serendipitous that today marks the 25th anniversary of Spyro the Dragon's release, providing the perfect occasion to finally unveil this long-awaited story from my drafts. I sincerely hope that all of you out there enjoy it as much as I do!

Comments ( 10 )

Which version of Spyro is he in?

The Classic/Original, Legend of Spyro, or Skylanders?

The story takes place right now in the classic/original. That may change later on in the story... :raritywink:
I will say that I am no expert on Spyro lore even though I am a fan, so I may unintentionally mix something up later on. Trying not to! :twilightsheepish:

I agree with OP Omni God-Emperor Doom! Which version of Spyro IS Spike in?


Looking up on the Spyro Fan-Wiki, or watch the game playthroughs on YouTube will help ya.

Yeah, good idea. I already saved an almost hour-long Spyro iceberg video too! To be honest, I wasn't going to release the story yet because I wanted to brush up on the lore but the anniversary being today was too good of an opportunity and I practically had chapter 1 done so I pushed it through. :raritystarry:

Classic/Original. That may change throughout the chapters though. :raritywink:

Spyro nodded with a determined expression. "No problem, Spike. We'll figure this out together. First things first, let me show you around the Dragon Realms and see if we can find any clues!"
Spike gazed around in awe as he stood with Spyro on the grassy plateau overlooking the vast Dragon Realms. The landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, with rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling lakes.
"This place is incredible," Spike breathed, his excitement growing.
Spyro nodded with a determined expression. "No problem, Spike. We'll figure this out together. First things first, let me show you around the Dragon Realms and see if we can find any clues!"

You have some repeating sentences

Thank you! Ironically, that is where I picked up to finish the story today! :facehoof:

Thanks very much for getting this story started. Yeah, I'll admit that I am kind of a Spyro fan myself and this is a really appropriate 25th anniversary story. I also like that this is going to be predominantly Classic/Reignited (I could definitely see Spike commenting about how Moneybags reminds him WAY too much of the Flim-Flam Brothers), though with maybe modified versions of some of the BETTER elements of "Legends" and "Skylanders" (as Mythology Gags as it were) if this is set AFTER the Classic Games.

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

Since this is the classic trilogy, the rated E ranking for this thick, It makes a lot more sense. If this were the Legend series, this would be rated T because it's actually a darker story if you think about it. And for Skylanders, I guess it could be rated T because some Skylanders have some dark lore In some of the characters' backstories.

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