• Published 31st Aug 2023
  • 1,601 Views, 73 Comments

Afraid of the Light - BiniBean

  • ...

The Crown

Chapter Two: The Crown

Things had fallen apart fast.

"Did anyone, anypony, any blasted being in the universe consider that, maybe, just maybe, I don't want to rule?" Celestia spat out with hatred in a small lavish room filled with the decoration of gold and antique furniture that any pony would dream of being among. Celestia turned to the only other soul in the room, her teacher, Starswirl the bearded, who she was almost as tall as now and still growing due to her new powers.

A month ago, on pure impulse and a rather quick decision, Celestia rose the sun, followed by Luna when the guardians of the sun and moon failed to do so one morning. They were unicorns one moment, next they had sprouted wings and were called goddesses. They were told they had to rule the new country. It was in their destiny. They were born for it.

But Celestia hardly thought a sun cutie mark equalled needing to rule. She wasn't keen on the idea. Sure, she had considered teaching magic when she got older. But leading a whole country for who knows how long was not on her bucket list.

Now, minutes before she and Luna were supposed to be crowned, she found herself pacing back and forth, angry at Starswirl, angry at the universe, angry at herself even for even thinking for a moment she could raise the sun. It doesn't matter that she could, it matters that it caused her current situation.

Starswirl was an old wizard, he was getting up there in the years, and she always thought he obviously knew better than her in all subjects due to his experience, but for once, she had serious doubts about his logic. He was the one to mainly convince the three tribe leaders to step down and allow his pupils to take the throne.

"Celestia, you are an alicorn now. You are not some...unicorn anymore. You have a destiny to raise the sun as your sister does for raising the moon, those sorts of talents should not be wasted on just those tasks. You are both worth so much more than that." Starswirl pushed with an annoyed scowl. "I do not understand why you are so resistant to this. Your sister Luna-"

"My sister does not understand what is happening. All she sees is fame, recognition for her magical abilities, recognition that you failed to give her enough of when we were unicorns may I add, and the lies the nobility and you are spreading of what we are." Celestia interrupted, rage burning in her eyes. "She is not seeing the bigger issues. The responsibility we will have. How our lives are being made into some...some...fairytale, how we are expected to be perfect and godly when we are not. We are NOT."

"You are overthinking this." Starswirl was brushing her concerns aside, again.

She ruffled her new wings in irritation. She wasn't good at flying, not yet anyway. But she found it enjoyable when she needed to escape and be completely alone. To be away from the politics and the lying of nobels of Everfree Castle that she had been subjected to for a month and was loathing spending the rest of her days in the castle's confining walls.

"I wonder if this is how Stygian felt."

Starswirl flinched and suddenly couldn't bear to look his student in the eye and he suddenly became preoccupied with examining the books in the beautiful bookcase beside him. He ignited his horn and flipped through them to absentmindedly as he considered how to proceed.

"Stygian was misguided. He allowed darkness to cloud his judgement."

"You didn't listen to him. You told him he was being ridiculous just as you are doing now to me."

"Stygian is gone. He has been gone for months, we kicked him out because he tried to steal the elements and that is that. Celestia. His story has come to an end. He is no concern to us anymore."

Celestia stayed silent as Starswil returned the books to their rightful place before taking a deep breath and turning to the double doors in front of them in tense silence. They both took slow steps that echoed across the room before they both paused. Celestia gave Starswirl another pleading look for him to reconsider.

She knew it was far too late, even their previous conversation was far too late. But, she had hoped he would see reason somehow. Of course, his expression was of stone with not a hint of mercy in those eyes, same as the night he and the rest of the Pillars banished Stygian, she was just as doomed.

Starswirl swung open the doors to a long hallway lit by torches mounted to the wall. They moved past paintings of past great ponies as another door opened further down the hall to see Luna and Princess Platinum emerge from one of the side doors, both chatting happily about the coronation that was to take place in a matter of moments.

Luna gave her a bright smile as the sounds from behind the door ahead of them grew louder and the cheering of a crowd inside the throne room intensified. Starswirl and Platinum discussed some last-minute details as Luna moved to stand beside her sister proudly, excited for the moment they were to be crowned.

Celestia was anything but excited. She had a growing pit in her stomach and it wasn't going away. She could feel the beginning of nausea taking hold for sure as her anxiety rose. But she smiled for Luna, trying to look as happy as her to calm her own sister as she knew the whole process was a lot.

"Do you think my friends will be there, Tia? I really want them to see me get a crown!" Luna asked with a sparkle in her eyes. Celestia wanted to tell Luna the truth. No, no, they won't be there. Only the highest class of ponies will be in that room. Ponies who are rich and influential enough to be around nobility will be in that room. Their lives no longer revolved around friends and happiness.

"I hope so, Luna."

Luna laughed in excitement as Platinum grabbed hold of the door with her magic and smiled at the pair when trumpets began to play in the room ahead.

"Ready girls?"

Celestia gave a fake smile with a nod before shooting Starswirl a look of anger. Which, he, per usual, ignored. Platinum nodded back before giving a gitty Luna a nod of confidence before swinging open the double doors to the throne room. The sisters moved quickly to emerge into the giant room, surrounded by cheering ponies.