• Published 28th Aug 2023
  • 1,308 Views, 141 Comments

Friendship Is Optimal: Changing Tides - Boopy Doopy

Satisfaction may be a guarantee for those living in Equestria, but it becomes increasingly more difficult to secure for those left behind on Earth. Unfortunately for Candle Light, her life is intertwined between Earth and Equestria.

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New Way Home

Candle Light made sure Warm Spell and Crystal Clear were at home to greet Silver Light and Sweeping Skies when they showed up. Today would finally be the day.

She might have watched her kids leave for the Experience Center, but they didn’t upload that very day in Equestrian time. Candle Light wanted time to set up for her children’s arrival, and planned the date to be a week out from when they headed out the door. She wanted to invite all her friends and her children’s friends, too, and turn it into a party. It was going to be a special day.

Hopefully Night Watcher would be there, too. Candle Light might just start sobbing when she finally saw her again.

She wanted to make sure everything was in order for when they got here. Candle Light wasn’t one to travel to other shards very often, outside of visiting Canterlot, but she did so now to gather up some of the friends she remembered both her son and daughter talking about. Soft Step and Careful Calling and some of their friends were invited, too, as well as her now official stallion friend, Rising Ranks. Then she went to Warm Spell and Night Watcher’s shard to try to gather up some of her eldest’s friends.

“I don’t know if she has that many,” Warm Spell told her, walking along beside her in the dark, cool, quiet shard. “She hasn’t played Equestria Online in years. I’m sure somepony still remembers her, but I haven’t seen her since I was six or seven… huh.”

“What is it, honey?” Candle Light had to ask. Her daughter had a wistful sort of smile on her face as she stopped where she was and tilted her head.

“I’m gonna be older than her, aren’t I?” she commented. “She’s twenty, right? I just turned twenty-one last month. I’m gonna be the oldest in the whole family! At least, physically!”

Candle Light smiled brightly back at her– Warm Spell was so big now, almost bigger than herself. In other circumstances, she might have asked herself where the years spent watching her daughter grow up went. Here in Equestria though, she didn’t need to. Time didn’t seem to speed up for her as the days went by, like it used to in the Outer Realm. Even as Candle Light and the ponies around her changed, her new perspective remained the same, even at what had to be going on sixty years old by now. This was all just a drop in the bucket that she could appreciate for what it was. She could blink without life passing her by.

Candle Light carefully touched her daughter’s nose with a bright grin, and said, “Your other mother and I are still older than you, Spelly.” Warm Spell stuck her tongue out at her, and they continued walking from there.

“She’ll be here though, right, Ma?” her daughter asked in one final question. She stared up at Candle Light with big, innocent eyes, an expression on her face like she was six years old again. She almost had no idea what to tell her.

Candle Light smiled gently back at her, and used a hoof to ruffle her mane, like she was forty years old again. “She’ll be here,” she assured her. “I promise.” Warm Spell smiled and nodded, accepting the answer. Candle Light hoped she was right.

They didn’t stay in Warm Spell and Night Watcher’s shard for long; it was only enough for them to stop at a few public places to invite ponies to the party she planned in Summer’s Edge. Some of them remembered Night Watcher, even if it had been years since they’d seen her, and promised to be there. There weren't as many ponies that were friends with her as Sweeping Skies and Silver Light had, but a few would be good anyway. So long as she showed up anyway.

Celestia, let her be here, Candle Light silently asked. She hoped her words were enough to get through to her daughter. If they weren’t… she didn’t know what next.

She pushed that out of her mind for now. There were ideas she could use later, if need be. Right now, she wanted to hope for the best.

After a day of going to a few shards to invite her children’s friends, the next thing Candle Light wanted to do was renovate her home for the party. Not too much, but a little bit. It needed to have enough space for the around sixty ponies she invited, and with the current size, it would get a little bit cramped.

The main thing she needed was a basement; it was a feature she never had in any of her homes whether in Equestria or in the Outer Realm. For all the magic and science she knew, building an entire basement wouldn’t be as easy as all that, especially not in a couple of days. But she was going to do it.

It certainly wouldn’t be a task accomplished alone though. Rising Ranks had to be there, as well as Soft Step and Careful Calling. Not to mention some of their friends, like a couple of ponies named Solar Spark and Renown Frame, and some she made while running the coffee shop with Crystal Clear. Warm Spell, of course, helped, too, the little magical prodigy she was turning out to be. It was a group of a dozen or so ponies who helped her with the project.

“Couldn’t you just ask Celestia to add a basement exactly the way you want it?” Solar Spark asked. “Why do it yourself?”

‘“It wouldn’t be satisfying asking Celestia to do everything for you,” Renown Frame answered for Candle Light before she could. “It’d be like you asking Celestia to know and understand every single spell without having to learn them all, Sparky.”

“Yeah, I guess that would be pretty lame,” the stallion agreed.

“I only make her do the things I don’t care about for me,” Candle Light smiled. “Like send me money every month so I don’t have to work a job for forty hours a week.” It got a few laughs from the group, and earned a bright smile and a kiss from Rising Ranks.

It was hard work getting an entire new level to her home created, even if magic was what was used most of the time they worked. There were things like lifting dirt out of the ground and building walls and stairs and purchasing furniture that had to be done, among other things. It was definitely easier than it would've been in the Outer Realm, but still hard work. Candle Light found herself sweating and flopping into bed exhausted at the end of each day. How long had it been since she worked this hard?

But it came along, and by the end of three and a half long days, the large new level of her home was finished. It included a few guest rooms, an extra bathroom, and a kitchen in it, as well as an in-home theater and game room she knew her kids would like, if Candle Light knew them at all. Silver Light and Sweeping Skies might fight over space in a basement like this if they didn't quickly move to live in their own shards.

Or if she had more kids, they might argue over it, too. Just the thought of more foals, this time with Rising Ranks, made her chest fill with butterflies. It wasn’t something she thought much about in Equestria so far– what with everything else going on– but Candle Light could really get pregnant, couldn’t she? What would that be like? To have little fillies and colts she and her other children could tell stories about the Outer Realm, too, where the only challenges and hardships they would face would be the ones they chose for themselves, where she wouldn’t have to worry about their safety, like she did about Daphne and Steven and Liana for at least a few moments every day still?

She almost started to cry right there as her friends clapped at the hard work they put into finishing the new basement. There was almost nothing left to worry about. Things were going to be so perfect.

Just so long as Night Watcher got here. Candle Light hoped beyond hope that she would get here.

“Your foals are gonna love it,” Careful Calling told her, stealing her attention away from her thoughts. “I'm sure of it. We made this place look amazing!”

Candle Light grinned widely at the assertion. “Yeah, I think they will,” she nodded in agreement.

It was only a few more days from there when the day came that they would finally arrive. Candle Light didn't call on Celestia very often, but she did now, after she made sure decorations were in place and food was set out and the ponies who were invited to the celebration had shown up. The alicorn princess brought her to the throne room of her castle, almost in the exact spot Candle Light first stood when she emigrated. How many dozens of years ago was that now?

“They'll be here, right?” she asked, slightly anxiously. “Have they gotten to the Experience Center yet?”

“Yes, Steven and Liana Slater have made it to the Experience Center, Candle Light,” Celestia assured her gently. “Your daughter is consenting to the emigration process now, and your son has already begun the uploading process.”

No surprise, but then, as nervous as Candle Light was about Sweeping Skies and Silver Light, they weren't the ones she really stressed over day after day. The unicorn looked up to Celestia to ask the unspoken question.

“Your eldest daughter hasn't made her way to the Experience Center yet,” Celestia said gently, setting a wing on the unicorn’s back. “However, I do believe it's more likely than not that she chooses to emigrate within the next forty eight hours in Earth time. This would equate to around the time your celebration should end in Summer's Edge. It is not a guarantee though.”

Candle Light nodded thoughtfully at that. “I understand,” she said quietly as she stared up at the ceiling. “If she doesn't get here tonight…”

Celestia smiled down at her reassuringly. “Then you will devise some way else to convince her to emigrate,” she told her. “Put that down as a thought to consider tomorrow, if need be. For now, you should prepare to greet your children. Silver Light will arrive in his shard in a few moments, and Sweeping Skies will be in hers in about two hours. Would you like me to take you there?”

Candle Light grinned and put the thought down, just as Celestia said. “No, thanks,” she shook her head politely. “I'll teleport myself.” Celestia already knew that though, and smiled down at her kindly as the mare lit up her horn and cast the spell.

The unicorn landed at the train station that existed in Silver Light’s shard, and made her quick way up to the large mansion that sat tall in front of her. She’d only been here a handful of times, but remembered it, and didn’t hesitate to go inside. Her son wouldn’t mind if she didn’t necessarily ask.

Up the stairs, she went to the guests rooms that lined the hallways. It was empty right now, and each room she checked showed nopony inside. All of the beds were neatly made, and each room looked comfortable and kind of cozy, painted with soft colors like blues and red and greens and yellows. Candle Light would have to stay here at some point with her son, she decided. When that would be, whether tomorrow or many years down the line, she didn’t know. She could plan it out with him.

It was several minutes of going through rooms before she finally found the one her son was in. The silver coated pegasus she recognized slept on his stomach with his mouth open, just like always, with no covers drawn over him. He shifted around to turn onto his back and ruffled his wings for a moment before he yawned and opened his eyes. Candle Light got here at the exact right time.

“Hey, Silver,” she said brightly, stepping close to the bed as he turned over to her, her smile going from ear to ear. “It's time for you to get up now.”

She wasn't there right when Crystal Clear and Warm Spell showed up like she was for Silver Light now, so seeing the look on his face switch from confusion to surprise to excitement was priceless. He might have headed to the Experience Center willingly, but he still didn't have one hundred percent confidence that Equestria was real. Until now.

“Wow, I'm actually… hey, Dad!” he greeted, more happiness in his voice than Candle Light had heard from him in a while. “Err, Mom? I guess I can't keep calling you ‘dad’ anymore. It might get confusing. But hey! I'm actually here, in Equestria, in my shard! Uhhh…” She didn't say anything yet, watching the new pegasus look around for a moment to get his bearings. “Where's Liana?” he asked. “In her own shard?”

“She should be soon,” Candle Light nodded. “Celestia said it would be a couple of hours before she got here. And you can call me whatever you want. I promise I don't mind.” Then she touched his head to ruffle his mane, and pulled Silver Light in for a tight hug before he could stop her.

“Ah! Hey! Da- Mom!”

“I'm so glad you're safe, honey,” she told him, whispering as her voice cracked slightly. Silver Light was here now, and Sweeping Skies was coming right behind him. All that was left was Night Watcher, and Candle Light wouldn't have to worry about them anymore.

Daffie, please get here, she silently asked her from afar.

“Let go of me!” her son finally pushed her away, although he laughed as he did. She used magic to wipe away some of her tears as he said, “Obviously I’m safe. I knew I would be. I was only waiting for Daphne to get her head together.” Candle Light had to smile back at that. There was no way he could have known something like that. He trusted her.

Silver Light smiled sheepishly, and then hugged her again, much more gently than she hugged him, and much more briefly. How long had it been for him, Sweeping Skies, and Night Watcher? Even only for him? Multiple years since she was around them in real life. Twenty five years for her? Maybe closer to thirty? It was so nice.

“Uhhh…” Her son twitched his wings embarrassedly and looked away. “I’m pretty sure there’s no modest clothes here, are there?” he asked. “No one’s ever worn anything like pants here, I think.”

Candle Light laughed once again. “You’ll get used to it sweetie. It only took me a few hours. Now why don’t we go get your little sister? I have a surprise for both of you.”

“Yeah,” he nodded, then looked back up at her. “Is Daphne gonna be here, too?” he asked. “And where’s Mom and Olivia?” He looked up thoughtfully, and said, “I’ll probably have to think of something to call you so it doesn’t get confusing.”

The mare smiled gently back down at him. “If it makes a difference, Spelly calls me ‘Ma’. And I’m pretty sure she’ll be here. As for your sister and other mother, they’re waiting for you three in Summer’s Edge with the surprise. Nighty might take a little longer to get here though, and will be here later tonight at the earliest.” Candle Light hoped she’d be here later tonight at least.

Silver Light didn’t question it any more, instead leading the way out of the room and through the mansion, outside to the train station. He moved slowly, deliberately, looking around curiously at everything, like it was the first time he was seeing it all. Then again, it was, in pony anyway. He looked down at his body every so often, too, wiggling his ears and eyebrows and flexing his wings and moving his tail, testing everything out. It was very cute to watch, and wasn’t that different from how Candle Light felt when she first got here. This was the first time she was actually seeing what it looked like when one of her family woke up in Equestria.

The train ride was about an hour, one that she and her son spent in contentful silence as he sat next to her, staring out the window at everything. What was he thinking about? All the possibilities? He might have known more about Equestria before she emigrated, but now Candle Light knew just how much he didn’t know. There were a lot of ways to find satisfaction here.

Before two hours had passed, she and Silver Light were trotting through her younger daughter’s shard, one that hosted a city named Manehattan. It was just as upscale as before, although this particular day was snowy, with the wind blowing into their coats as ponies cantered about to wherever they needed to go. It was a far cry from the nice, cool weather Summer’s Edge was known for.

“I know it’s dumb,” Silver Light said, shivering slightly, “but it’s weird to see snow. Especially in September. It should be at least a hundred degrees outside.”

“I’m sure there are shards like Arizona for you if you want,” Candle Light explained. “Or you can make your shard more like Arizona if you want, Silver.”

“Nah, I just think snow is weird is all,” he said, waving a dismissive wing. Candle Light laughed softly at that. He was already getting used to being a pony, just like she did.

It wasn’t much longer after that before she and her son were entering into Sweeping Skies’s small apartment and stepping into her bedroom. They caught her glancing into the mirror, head tilted curiously as she took herself in. Another thing that was just like Candle Light did her first day in Equestria.

“Steven! Mom!” she said, the surprise in her voice quickly being replaced by joy that Silver Light had, too. In only a second, her daughter was wrapping her hooves tightly around her and Candle Light was crying all over again. Two down. One more to go.

“I just woke up here not two minutes ago,” she said. “How did you two get here so fast?”

“She was there right when I woke up,” Silver Light explained. “It’s been a couple of hours for me. We took the train from my shard to here.”

“A couple of hours? I was right behind you though!”

“Time between the Outer Realm and Equestria isn’t relative,” Candle Light explained. “You know that already! It’s been a week for me since you both left the house.” Her children blinked at her, and she continued, “I had to get the surprise ready for both of you, and Nighty, if she gets here in time.”

“She’s gonna be here?” Sweeping Skies asked, surprise in her voice. “Really?”

“I’m pretty sure she will. I can’t say one hundred percent for certain though– at least, not yet. But she’ll definitely get here eventually.”

They didn’t argue that point anymore; instead, Silver Light took a quick walk around the neighborhood her daughter lived in while Candle Light helped Sweeping Skies put on makeup and dress in a skirt and shirt that made her look a bit like a business mare. Her son came back to show off a duster he bought at one of the stores here– Candle Light didn’t question where he found bits, she knew who they came from already– and a short while later, the three headed back out to the train station to get back to Summer’s Edge.

It was fun listening to the two talk to each other, easy to hear the excitement and wonder in their voices about being in Equestria. And it was pretty wonderful, wasn’t it? A place where age and time didn’t exist in any meaningful way, where you didn’t have to worry about things like safety or comfort or any of life’s necessities if you didn’t want to, where the ruler of the world only asked that you seek satisfaction for yourself? And be a pony, of course. Something like this existed only in science fiction movies, not in real life. And yet here it was, all around, turning into real life despite the impossibility of it all. It made happy butterflies flutter in her chest to think about. This was so, so lucky and amazing that she got to experience it.

If she knew this was what she was missing before she emigrated, she would’ve brought herself and her entire family here back when they announced it was available in Japan, before the cancer got bad. It was so nice being here, just being herself with her children.

There was only one more left.

She knew neither her son nor her daughter were surprised by the attention and hugs they received from Crystal Clear and Warm Spell, although they were definitely a bit taken aback by the party hosted for them. There were dozens of ponies here to greet them as music played and colorful lights were put on and refreshments were served. The clouds parted, and the sun shone down brightly, heating the air up enough that the pool was where she and her wife and kids and stallion friend opted to hang out and swim until it got dark. Then she headed back inside to sit on the sofa next to Crystal Clear while her foals headed down to the basement to meet other ponies.

She didn’t speak much as she closed her eyes and lay contentedly in her wife’s grasp, just like she used to, just like she was able to do again. She only ever opened them every so often to glance eagerly at the front door as the party slowly began to wind down. She was still waiting for one other pony to show up. And once she did, no other night in Equestria would be able to top this one.