• Published 25th Aug 2023
  • 265 Views, 0 Comments

Chaos in Kindness - Lady Umbra

Long ago, the Draconequus race was sealed away. All. But. One. Thanks to the efforts of the King of Monsters. Discord makes his plan to free his kind no matter who or what gets in his way

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Chaos in the Beginning

In a bygone era, a remarkable race emerged—a harmonious blend of diverse beings, unlike any other. They were known as the Draconequus, or the esteemed Chaos Masters. With their innate magic and penchant for chaos, they sculpted the world according to their whims. However, their reign came to a halt when two adept practitioners of Magic and Kung-Fu united their formidable skills to seal the Chaos Masters within a mystical urn. Their valiant actions safeguarded the world from the clutches of chaos. Little did they know that an inconspicuous egg remained concealed, evading their diligent search.

The fateful discovery of the egg fell upon an enigmatic figure—a goat-man shrouded in secrecy, graced with luxurious blue fur, magnificent curved black horns, and attired in flowing black robes adorned with an elegant dark purple sash. A striking dark gray shawl draped gracefully over his shoulders, complementing the dark red collar clasping a bewitching dark green bell. With a hint of exasperation, the goat-man tapped his staff, causing disarray to dissipate as the village cleared of debris, revealing the solitary egg.

"Hmph," the goat-man murmured in a tone of determination, gently cradling the egg in his grasp. Casting his gaze across the remnants of the ruins, he whispered, "Fear not, little one. ​Grogar shall nurture and protect you."

Years unfolded as Grogar faithfully tended to the egg until the moment arrived when it graced the world with the advent of a male Draconequus. This enchanting creature possessed a small tuft of ebony hair interwoven with delicate strands of white and azure. Its eyes shimmered with a radiant golden glow, accentuated by striking crimson irises. Its right arm embodied the majestic strength of a regal lion, while its left arm mirrored the fierce talons of an eagle. Sprouting from its back were a pair of wings, a whimsical dichotomy of a left wing akin to that of a graceful bluebird, juxtaposed with a dark purple bat wing. Proudly adorning its lower body, a right leg gleamed with iridescent green scales, while its left leg boasted a lustrous coat of dark brown fur. A captivating final touch was bestowed upon its form—a magnificent red snake tail, culminating in a tuft of snowy hair.

Captivated, Grogar approached the newly emerged creature, musing to himself in amazement. "A Draconequus? A prodigious entity embodying chaos itself. One day, you shall embark upon a quest to reunite with your kin, ushering forth an era resplendent with chaos and disharmony."
Harnessing the power of his arcane abilities, Grogar levitated a bottle, its contents an alluring hue of rich brown. Instinctively, the Draconequus seized the bottle, savoring its contents with unbridled eagerness.

Observing this indulgence, Grogar couldn't help but shake his head, a hint of bemusement mingled with slight disgust. "Truly baffling is their insatiable craving for chocolate milk," he murmured, contemplating the Draconequus' peculiar obsession.

As the years passed, Grogar christened the Draconequus with the name Discord, an embodiment of both his innate chaotic nature and his noble lineage. Raising the child, Grogar observed several distinctive traits. Chief among them was Discord's fleeting attention span—an insatiable thirst for excitement that rendered the surrounding world mundane and uninteresting. Only through the bewitching allure of chocolate milk could Discord be lured into focused engagement. However, a curious exception perplexed even the mighty Grogar—Discord's unwavering fascination with White Lilies, an enigma that defied explanation. Additionally, a captivating black mark adorned Discord's neck—a striking emblem composed of eight arrows, each pointing in a unique direction. Grogar couldn't conceal a sly smile at the sight of the Mark of Chaos, aware that it foreshadowed the imminent manifestation of the creature's extraordinary magical abilities.

And manifest they did, unfurling in all their mesmerizing glory.

"Master ​Grogar!" a distressed ​Discord called out, witnessing as homes around them transformed, upending reality itself. "What is happening?"

"It is your magic, Discord," Grogar replied, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he beheld the surreal spectacle. The sky transformed into a cotton candy tapestry, roads turned to flowing soap, and trees morphed into shimmering steel. "Take it all in, my pupil. This is the magic of chaos, your birthright."

"Chaos?" Discord mumbled, gazing at the surreal scene unfolding around him, a twisted smile curling upon his face. "It looks like...fun," the Draconequus spoke with an eager curiosity. He turned his attention to Grogar, his mentor. "Tell me more."

Grogar and Discord embarked on their journey, wandering away from the peculiar realm, all the while the goat-man regaling his young chimera with tales of their lineage. "You hail from a noble race known as the Draconequus," Grogar imparted with a seasoned wisdom. "These creatures possessed a magic known for its destructive capabilities and chaotic tendencies."

"Our magic is truly that powerful, Master Grogar?" Discord inquired, captivated by the gravity of their shared heritage.

"It once was," Grogar replied, a bittersweet tinge permeating his voice as he reminisced about the past. "But, unfortunately, it resulted in their persecution and subsequent imprisonment."

"Imprisoned?" Discord stammered in shock. "But why? What did they do wrong?"

"For the simple reason of being seen as monsters," Grogar solemnly declared, gripping the bell adorning his collar tightly. "The pony folk fear anything different from themselves, casting aside tolerance in favor of prejudice." Memories of personal loss flickered in Grogar's mind, a somber reminder of the tragic fate that befell his kin. "It is an injustice they perpetuate out of ignorance."

"Master Grogar, can we free them?" Discord inquired, his voice carrying a glimmer of hope.

"Master your magic, young one," Grogar advised, exuding an air of composure. "Once you have honed your abilities, I shall reveal to you the path toward their liberation." Grogar's gaze shifted, a fleeting moment of concern crossing his face. "But before that, we must keep moving. There is someone who seeks to find me."

Discord caught a hint of the ​Goat-Man's cryptic words, curiosity burning within him. Yet, he chose not to press Grogar for further details, instead quickening his pace to keep up with his enigmatic mentor.

As time flowed like a river, Discord delved wholeheartedly into his magical education, absorbing every nugget of wisdom Grogar imparted. Now in his adolescent years, the Draconequus found himself adorned in garments conjured through his own magic. Adorning his form were black pants adorned with pink clouds, a brown Gi with a white emblem of Chaos etched upon its sleeve, and an orange headband. His hair was slicked back, revealing striking blue and white streaks cascading over his visage. Discord carried his sparse belongings, faithfully following in Grogar's footsteps.

"Master Grogar," Discord called out to his mentor, a note of anticipation in his voice.

"I sense you have queries you wish to voice," Grogar responded, perceiving the chimera's restive demeanor. "Speak, Discord, and let your thoughts be heard."

"Master, we are always on the move," Discord began, his tone tinged with curiosity. "While you have taught me to harness my magic, we never stay in one place for longer than a day." The Draconequus observed Grogar's gentle gaze settling upon him. "Who pursues us?"
"No one pursues us," Grogar clarified, momentarily assuaging Discord's concerns. "They pursue me."

"But Master, you have done nothing wrong," Discord exclaimed, unable to fathom why his mentor would be hunted.

"Simply because I am the one who created you," Grogar disclosed, stunning the young Draconequus with this revelation. "I am the King of Monsters," Grogar declared as he paused, meeting Discord's gaze with a solemn intensity. "By my blood, I have given life to the monsters that inhabit this world. Changelings, Satyrs, Timberwolves, Chimeras, Bugbears, Manticores, and even the Draconequus race itself—all were borne from my existence." Grogar resumed walking, clutching the bell on his collar with a mixture of sorrow and resilience. "Yet, it is because of them that I am hunted by the very ponies..." The ​Monster King's voice trailed off, his grip on the bell tightening. "The ones who took everything from me."

"You...you had a family?" Discord uttered, his voice carrying a blend of astonishment and compassion.

"As I said, ponies are not a forgiving race," Grogar responded, his gaze briefly meeting Discord's before resolutely averting it. "Let us not dwell on this matter any longer."

Grogar decided against sharing the full extent of the imminent threat chasing them, focusing instead on guiding Discord away from the ponies in pursuit.

"Discord, do you still yearn to free your kin?" Grogar inquired, his voice laced with determination.

"I do, Master Grogar," Discord affirmed, his conviction unwavering.

Grogar divulged their destination, enkindling a flicker of joy within Discord. "Your brethren await you in the west," Grogar proclaimed. "They are confined within a magical urn. Seek out Ponyville, and from there, embark upon the path to their liberation." Grogar shed his shawl, molding its fabric into a hood to conceal Discord's identity.

Kneeling down, Grogar placed the hood upon the young Draconequus. "Keep yourself hidden and beware of the alicorn who hunts," Grogar warned, his gaze unwavering.

With newfound purpose, Discord hastened toward the western horizon, his departure witnessed by Grogar, who remained behind. Grogar turned toward the path they had traversed, resolute in his decision. "I am done," he declared, removing the bell from his collar. "If you want me gone, ​Dusty the Great, now is the time."

Discord, following the path set before him by his wise mentor, embarked on a remarkable journey, venturing westward in search of ​Ponyville. Traveling across the vast expanse of ​Equestria, the young Draconequus sustained himself through a mix of pilfered provisions and conjured sustenance, utilizing his formidable magical abilities. As the years unfolded, the vibrant chaos that accompanied Discord's mere presence left an indelible mark on the land. And so, at the tender age of 22, Discord finally arrived at the fabled destination his master had spoken of.

"Ponyville..." Discord muttered to himself, his voice carrying a blend of intrigue and skepticism. With a nonchalant spit, he expelled a cluster of black seed husks from his mouth, a seemingly insignificant act that held greater significance than any pony could have imagined. Eyeing the town before him, Discord couldn't help but express his initial disinterest. "Looks rather...mundane," he mused, feigning boredom coloring his words.

Undeterred by his first impression, Discord pressed onward, ever the enigmatic creature lurking in the shadows. Concealing his lion paw and uniquely adorned face, he approached a local tavern, seeking a momentary respite. The pony behind the counter glanced at the intriguing newcomer, curiosity glimmering in their eyes. "What can I get you, stranger?" they inquired, their voice flavored with a hint of caution.

"Chocolate milk, if you please," Discord requested, his tone surprisingly innocent, belying the fathomless power that swirled within him.

The pony's expression morphed into a mixture of surprise and mild annoyance. "This is a tavern," they retorted with a slight glare. "We don't serve beverages meant for foals here."

An impish smile played across Discord's face as he continued his playful inquiry. "Then perhaps you could be so kind as to enlighten me. I seek knowledge of something... extraordinary," he uttered, emphasizing the word with theatrical flair.

The pony's curiosity piqued, they leaned forward, eager to assist despite their initial reservations. "What might that be?" they inquired, their voice tinged with anticipation.

Discord's voice took on a solemn yet captivating tone as he divulged his quest. "A magical urn," he revealed, his words carrying a weight of profound significance. "Contained within is the entire Draconequus race, sealed away by powerful magic."

The pony's eyes widened at the mention of such a mythical artifact. Pondering for a moment, they gestured in a direction away from the tavern. "Most magical objects of great import are safeguarded within the ​Celestial Palace," they informed Discord, their voice laced with awe and respect.

However, when the pony turned their attention back to Discord, the enigmatic Draconequus had vanished, leaving naught but a vibrant blue flower in his wake—a simple, yet beguiling testament to his presence.

Discord stood in awe before the magnificent grand doors of the illustrious Celestial Palace. A mischievous grin adorned his face as the unmistakable energy of his own kind resonated from within the majestic structure.

"Finally..." Discord's grin widened as he confidently stepped into the palace, his presence tingling with anticipation.

Surveying the opulent halls of the palace, Discord could feel the pulsating power of ancient magic that permeated every inch. The sheer magnitude of it all filled him with an uncontrollable sense of amusement, and his laughter echoed through the hallowed corridors.

"All this immense power, countless centuries of knowledge and experience, and yet... such fragility," Discord mused, his voice laced with an amused irony. "It truly is quite hilarious."

As Discord curiously explored the expansive palace, he unexpectedly came across a diligent pegasus mare, diligently tending to the gleaming halls. Startled by his sudden appearance, the mare attempted to discreetly retreat, her nervousness palpable.

"Um... Can I be of any assistance to you?" the mare trembled, her voice betraying her unease.

Discord's gaze softened as he approached the apprehensive mare, extending a gentler presence. "Indeed, my dear," he replied, his tone comforting. "I seem to be in search of an ancient Urn. Might you know its whereabouts?"

With a jittery breath, the mare mustered her courage to respond. "The Urn you seek... can be found within the esteemed Hall of Heroes," she stammered, pointing towards a distant section of the palace.

"Thank you, my dear," ​Discord graciously expressed, his voice filled with genuine warmth, as he began to take his leave.

However, a sudden change of heart compelled Discord to pause in his tracks, casting a lingering gaze back at the startled ​mare. With a mere snap of his fingers, the mischievous Draconequus conjured a delicate white lily into existence, cradled gently in his palm. Discord carefully placed the flower in the mare's hair, an unexpected gesture that left her speechless.

"You deserve to smile," Discord encouraged as he continued on his way, leaving the mare in a stunned and bewildered state.

Venturing deeper into the hallowed Hall of Heroes, Discord found himself utterly captivated by the myriad of ancient relics and extraordinary artifacts that adorned the grand space. And there it was, the culmination of his quest—a striking red urn emblazoned with intricate images depicting his imprisoned kin, exuding an aura of chaotic magic that sent a surge of excitement coursing through Discord's crimson eyes.

"Finally!" Discord triumphantly exclaimed, irresistible anticipation propelling him forward as he hastened to claim the coveted and potent urn.

Just as ​Discord's outstretched hand reached for the prized artifact, an impenetrable barrier materialized in a brilliant display of magic, causing searing pain to surge through his fingertips. With a grimace etched across his face, he swiftly withdrew, his plans momentarily thwarted.

Startled by this unexpected turn of events, a voice reverberated through the air, "That's far enough trespasser." A mischievous grin played upon his lips as he swiveled around, his gaze fixated on the enigmatic figure emerging from the shadows.

Curiosity tinged with a hint of caution prompted Discord to inquire, "Pray tell, who might you be?"

It was then that a stunning sight greeted him—a resplendent white alicorn with luscious pink flowing mane, radiating an aura of wisdom and authority. Her expression, though serious, held a depth that hinted at a profound understanding of the world.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," the majestic alicorn declared with a tone that demanded respect. "I am Master ​Celestia Solaris, the Master of the Rising Sun. And you are meddling with creature that should never be released”

The weight of her words settled upon Discord, filling the air with an air of significance that was impossible to ignore. This encounter was no mere happenstance—it held profound implications.

A surge of defiance welled up within Discord, and he boldly locked eyes with Celestia, prepared to defend himself and his actions. With a swift motion, he lowered his hood, revealing his true identity and heritage—the very connection that tied him to the creatures at the center of their dispute.

"The creatures you speak of are none other than my own kin!" Discord exclaimed, his voice thundering with conviction as he emphasized his undeniable connection to the ancient lineage.

In an instant, Celestia's sharp gaze honed in on the distinctive mark adorning Discord's neck—an emblematic symbol that spoke volumes about his intertwined fate with the creatures in question.

A stern resolve settled upon ​Celestia's countenance as she delivered a warning to ​Discord, her expression hardening with an unwavering determination. "I implore you, young one, to heed my words. Though I cannot confine you alongside your kind, I possess the power to impose far graver consequences upon you."

Discord's defiance surged forth, echoing through the air as his magic cracked and warped the very fabric of the palace around him. His determination to reunite with his kin knew no bounds.

Without a moment's hesitation, Celestia was suddenly before the ​Draconequus, her palm pressed firmly against his chest. In a display of swift and precise action, her free hand expertly struck several strategic nerve points, causing a temporary paralysis to overcome Discord's body.

Confusion and bewilderment engulfed Discord as he crumpled to the ground, unable to comprehend what had transpired. It was in this vulnerable state that Celestia issued one final warning, her voice laced with an undeniable air of authority. "Consider this your last chance," she cautioned. "Leave this sacred place and forsake any thought of freeing your kind. It is a path that leads only to despair."

Despite facing adversity, ​Discord steadfastly refused to yield, his indomitable will manifesting in the form of ethereal strings that twined around his powerful form.

"I am Discord," he proclaimed with an unwavering voice, his teeth clenched tightly together. The strings gracefully lifted him to his feet, manipulating his movements as one might manipulate a marionette. "I am the esteemed ​Lord of Chaos, and I shall not rest until my kin are freed from their captivity."

A somber sense of disappointment lingered within ​Celestia as she observed Discord's unwavering determination. She stretched out her hand, her voice laced with a tinge of sorrow. "What a pity," she murmured softly, her gaze focused on the defiant ​Draconequus. "I implore you, do not endeavor to return, for if you do, I shall show you no mercy."

With a flick of her fingers, a fierce surge of raw magical power erupted forth from Celestia's outstretched hand. Discord was swept away by the tremendous force, crashing through the walls of the palace and hurtling over the vibrant town of ​Ponyville, propelled towards the lush forest that lay on its outskirts.

Unyielding trees shattered under the immense impact of Discord's descent, as he finally landed amidst a tranquil garden. The edges of his vision blurred, his consciousness slipping away as he teetered on the precipice of unconsciousness. Just before succumbing to the waning consciousness, the Draconequus could have sworn that he beheld the presence of several woodland creatures and a graceful pegasus, their forms shimmering faintly amidst the haze of his fading perception.

Author's Note:

Side Story 1 Chapter 1 is complete. Hope you enjoy

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