• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 599 Views, 70 Comments

Pony Hunter - noncommittal brony

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note:

I am very pleased to read your comments, in the comments below this part I will answer your questions. After the second chapter, the main plot will begin.

"Yes, she's my friend."

Flash pulled Fluttershy a little closer to him, which made the blush on her cheeks even more noticeable.

In turn, having heard this, confused by the guy’s intervention, Sunset Shimmer decided to make an attempt to justify herself.

“Oh, I didn’t want to seem like a bully. But Fluttershy didn’t consciously take my thing.”

“Actually, she’s not yours...”

Fluttershy fell silent as soon as she caught an angry look from the red-haired girl.

"Anyway. Class is starting soon. I have to go."


"Or, what?"

"Ask your servants. I think their names were Snails and Snips."

Sunset Shimmer slanted her gaze in bewilderment, until a realization immediately came to her. A few days earlier, she had sent Snails and Snipes to follow the Flash, to gather provocative information if possible. But much to her surprise, the next day she found their unconscious bodies in the schoolyard trash cans. As much as the girl didn't want to admit it, Flash was the only one not subject to her power. Grinning in disgust, Sunset Shimmer slowly opened her mouth, preparing to say the cherished words.

It would be a severe blow to her reputation.

After the apology she'd received from Shimmer, Fluttershy couldn't help her growing sense of fear and panic. Knowing the character of the school's most notorious bully, it was obvious that she was expecting her to pull some sneaky stunt that would ruin her and Flashen's lives. As soon as she looked at the young man, however, panic immediately receded, replaced by a stupefying calm. Without convention, the deed the boy had done had imprinted itself heavily on her mind in a positive way.

"One, it's all good now, I'll go."

When Flash's limb stopped making contact with her shoulder, Fluttershy was once again gripped by panic. Thoughts went back to a possible... No... guaranteed revenge from the Sunset Shimmer.


The departing young man turned around, directing a perplexed look at the girl.

"Why, what?"

"Why did you help me?"

Flash remained silent, until eventually shrugging after a few seconds.

"I don't know."

Fluttershy slanted her gaze.

"But... But... Sunset Shimmer can ruin your life! And you don't even realize it?!"

Shutting her mouth with her hand, she blushed, realizing how loud her tone could be.

"I'm sorry..."

Before she could say anything else, the familiar school bell rang. The young man resumed his path again and this time she didn't stop him.

Flash's school day was unremarkable. Classes, students, teachers. It was all nauseatingly ordinary. Having memories from his past life, the young man couldn't help but envy Garou. The monsters, the heroes, the risks. His blood boiled with a pleasant adrenaline rush. Why wasn't it all here? Flash was horrified. Would he be willing to put people's lives on the line just to brighten up the gray of everyday life?

"The earth summons to Flash Sentry."

A familiar girlish voice sounded next to him.

A grimace of irritation immediately appeared on the young man's face as he realized who it belonged to.

"I told you not to bother me when I'm eating, Rainbow Dash."

Lunch break was not only meal time for Flash, but also an opportunity to sink into deep thought without the risk of being pulled out of it by a disgruntled teacher. And now, sitting at one of the many tables in the school cafeteria, his thoughts were interrupted after all.

"Don't be mad friend, just thought I'd see how you were doing."

Rainbow Dash has long hair in a ponytail with a rainbow color that includes all the colors of the rainbow, pale blue skin and large light purple eyes. She usually wears a white t-shirt with a zipper tag, a dark blue jacket with short elbow sleeves, and a white and purple skirt. On her feet she wears dark blue boots with white laces and rainbow colored socks.

Flash gave her a sarcastic stare. As if expecting a different answer. Realizing that she had been exposed for the lie she was, the girl sighed.

"Okay. I want to take a rematch from you."


Such a harsh answer, took Rainbow by surprise.

"What?! But..."

"I said no."

The young man returned to his meal. However, before putting a piece of sandwich in his mouth, he said:

"But, even if I agree, then, what's in it for me?"
Tha hesitated.

"How about the title, the best athlete in the school? "

Flash raised one eyebrow.

"Don't you share it with Applejack?"

The girl wrinkled her nose slightly in disgust and anger.

"Don't mention her in front of me. And who cares what she thinks?"

After school, the young man immediately went for a "walk" to the evergreen forest. It was a long way. To get there, ordinary city dwellers needed two, three hours of continuous driving. Going there on foot might seem like an absurd and wild idea. However, not for a martial artist.

Passing another corner and coming to a deserted street, Flash bent his legs at the knees, jumped on a two-story house with a sharp jerk of the top.

"Time to take a shortcut."

Using such a method of transportation was not uncommon for the teenager. Running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Flash smirked contentedly. Even if people saw him, he highly doubted they would be able to recognize his identity at this speed.

After reaching the outskirts of the city, Flash jumped to the ground. He continued on foot for the rest of the day, immersed in his thoughts. Earlier, the young man had agreed to Rainbow's demand. Provided that they would not have the rematch until tomorrow.

"I have more important things to do today."