• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 363 Views, 2 Comments

Fate Bound - TLN Harmony Bop

What happens when an alicorn and a man are bound by fate? Well! A lot of weirdness, adventures and challenges.

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Fate Bound

It was just like any other day for Mike.

Wake up, eat, practice different instruments, work on music, eat, watch some videos, sleep.

It was a boring life, but thanks to his career, he had a stable income because of donations and people purchasing his albums.

But even after all this time publishing albums and performing live, fame and recognition never came to Mike. So much work and with minimal to show for it. 5 failed bands and 3 different current solo projects just weren’t enough it seemed.

Sitting on the sofa in his unlit little apartment, Mike enjoyed a snack while watching a concert DVD of his favorite band.


Mike picks up his phone and sees his mom is calling. “Hi mom. What’s going on?”

She sighs, sounding a little upset. “Well… It’s you mike. I need to talk to you, because… I’m really worried about you.”

“Is that the way we’re gonna start this conversation, because I already know I'm not going to like what you have to say.” He huffed.

“Listen, you know I care about you, and seeing you in this position in your life is causing me a lot of concern.”

“I… I’m sorry to hear you feel that way, but you don’t have to worry about me. I’m a grown adult now and I'm the only one responsible for my life!”

“You’re only 25… Listen Mike. I know you have a lot of talent when it comes to music, but it's just too hard to break through and make it big. Just look at your father. He played gigs all around Europe, but never made it. And that was the 80s to 90s, my child. Just think about how the musical landscape has changed since then.”

“I hate to admit you’re right, but I can't deny the fact that it's hard.”

“Mike… I know you can’t live off the music alone. I have mentioned it before, but you don't have an educa-”


Mike hangs up the call already knowing where it was going. But his mother was right. He was a highschool dropout that tried to make it big doing music. That’s what he was. A lonely, depressed high school dropout with no future. He did feel bad about cutting off his mother, but one can only hear the same thing over and over before going insane. All he wanted was to continue watching the concert DVD in the dark with his snacks.


When Mike was at the age of 14, he found his purpose. To make music. His father was a drummer who settled down after 20 years of trying to make it as an artist and musician. Mike made it his goal to become a musician just like his father and to reach those heights his father wasn't able to reach.
He could play every instrument a band would need. Guitar, bass, drums, keys and more. So writing songs wasn't an issue. And singing is something he had done since he was a small child. He joined band after band, formed groups himself, made songs solo and it was looking like he could make it.

But time after time, he experienced breakup after breakup. Every band he joined broke up. Every person that he felt fit right in didn't see music as anything serious.

Mike grew distant from friends and retreated into himself after all those failures. No hope. He tried finding people online only to get terrified at the thought of interacting with people he didn't know. The only reason he was able to join bands and make groups himself in the first place was because of childhood friends recommending him to bands they knew needed people. And from those bands, he would find the best candidates for his own bands.

Other than music, Mike enjoyed tv shows. Japanese anime and cartoons was something he couldn’t let go. The escape from reality was something he desperately needed. The earth isn’t exactly the best place.

One show had been with him ever since it started airing in 2010, he knew it was weird, but the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic just felt so pure. The land of Equestria, so intriguing. The characters, fun and relatable.

He often had dreams of that world. The land of ponies. Bright and cheerful. The only thing that was weird was that these dreams seemed kinda real. Like he was actually there. Often he would think of that and immediately laugh at the thought of a 6 foot 1 inch lean built man with long curly hair, a leather jacket and sunglasses. Yeah, heavy metal paired with cute wouldn’t mesh well, he thought.


Still watching the screen and enjoying the music of his favorite band Dream Theater, he began to think to himself.

Maybe I should actually look into getting an education in music. I wouldn't mind being a teacher.

His train of thought was immediately derailed by a bright flash of light from outside of his apartment. Spooking him enough to almost fall off the sofa. He huffed loudly and thought-

That is probably someone playing a prank or something. That light was too bright and colorful to be a car, but I better check it out just to make sure it doesn't happen again.

He paused the DVD player and made his way to the front door downstairs.

Opening the door, nothing seemed out of place. There usually wasn't anyone outside at this hour.

“God. It’s probably just some kids running around pranking people.” he said out loud to no one in particular.

“Well back to-”

As Mike turned around to head back inside, he saw something to the left of the door he never in his entire life would have guessed would be there.


Some… pony.

Mike couldn't believe his eyes. He was awestruck but petrified. There was someone there he recognised looking straight at him with a terrified expression on their face. Not a person, not something from this world. A pony. Or rather. An alicorn princess. Her mane flowing and shining like a starry night. Her eyes like the deepest ocean. Her coat, a dark blue color.

Yes, he had locked eyes with the one and only Princess Luna.

Once he regained his senses, he immediately began to panic.


But the question is. Why is Princess Luna in front of Mike’s apartment?


It was a night like any other.
Princess Luna was enjoying the peace and quiet of nighttime Canterlot. But she was lonely.

As much as she had grown a lot since the day she returned from being Nightmare Moon, she was still behind on her quest to find close friends. She knew Twilight and the gang, but that was more of a casual friendship than a personal and deep one. Being a princess makes it a tiny bit more difficult to find someone not absolutely awestruck or too intimidated to sit down for a nice conversation.

Though she felt right at home on the throne, long nights became lonely and the company of the guards only satisfied her enough to not go insane.

Her sister, Princess Celestia, knew about Luna’s quest and lent a helping hoof where she could, but nopony seemed right for her sister. She knew Twilight Sparkle and her friends had helped Luna before and she thought maybe, just maybe, they could help her again.


Twilight and her friends were making their way to the castle. All of them excited to help out one of the princesses on her quest to find friends. But some of them were wondering ‘what exactly is going on’. Confused as to why Princess Celestia would ask them to help Luna out.

“But, I'm just saying, Twilight. She. Is. A. Princess. She must have, like, a bajillion friends. I want to help out and all, but, you know.” Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“You misunderstand Rainbow. It’s one thing having a lot of friends that you kinda know. But it's another thing entirely to have close friends.” Twilight responded. “Like me, for example. I used to have friends here in Canterlot, but I never really interacted with them like I do with all of you. In Princess Luna’s case, she hasn't found that type of friendship in somepony that I have with all of you.”

“Oh yeah, that makes sense. I was pretty tight with some pals from back in my foalhood, but yeah, after meeting you guys… Yeah, I get it.”

“Twilight darling. I couldn't have said it any better myself. But I believe there’s more to it behind the curtains.” Rarity chimed in, with a devious smile on her face.

“Oh for pete’s sake, Rarity. Aah thought aah told you, not everythin’ has to do with findin’ the one. Sure. Findin’ the one would be a happy little accident, but aah think focusin’ on helpin’ the Princess find close friends like we all are is the best way to go about it.” Applejack commenting.

“Think about it, Applejack. Wouldn’t it be simply adorable to find her the stallion she never knew she wanted?”

“Aah think you’ve been readin’ too much of that mushy stuff, is what aah’m thinkin’.”

“Girls! We’ll understand better how to help once we’ve talked to Princess Luna herself.” Twilight said as they began to approach the castle gates.

Luna, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly on board at first with the idea of Twilight Sparkle and her friends helping out, thinking that if she just tried harder, she would find that one friend she so longed for. But then, remembering how they helped her on her trip to Ponyville on nightmare night a little while ago, made her a little more open about their help.

They tried everything they could come up with. From going to social events and encouraging Luna to interact with some of the ponies, to making a booth called SURPRISE FRIEND where Luna was behind a curtain while ponies would come in and talk to the “mysterious surprise friend”. Pinkie Pie’s Idea.

Everytime they would try something, the ponies would either pass out or they would be too scared to actually speak in coherent sentences. Some could handle a conversation with the princess, but the way they spoke was something Luna was already very familiar with. Typical Canterlot big shot tongue.

Night approached and the 7 ponies retired to the castle. Tired, worn out and utterly defeated. They were now at one of the many guest rooms Twilight and her friends were staying at.

“I thank you all so much for helping me out thus far. I did feel the fun while you were all helping, even if this outing didn't go quite as planned.” Luna spoke up to the defeated crew of ponies. “But I… I fear meeting somepony that I can truly connect with is a task far too difficult.”

“Don’t worry, Princess. I’m sure you’ll find your special friend out there somewhere. We’ll just have to try harder!” said a very determined Twilight. She didn't want to fail Luna like this. After ascending to princesshood and with the title of princess of friendship, she felt that it was her duty to help anypony that needed a helping hoof.

“Ohh!” Pinkie pie started. “And you know what they say, those who wait get a great big slice of chocolate cake!”

“I think what she meant to say was, good things come to those who wait.” Rarity corrected, earning a sigh from the Princess.

Luna had been alive for over a thousand years, but after the whole Nightmare Moon debacle, she had lost a lot of that time to being a tyrannical villain. So even though she had waited for long, she hadn't spent a whole lot of time in the now.


The next day, the main 6 decided to find alternative solutions to Luna’s problem. One of which being a magical spell Twilight was researching that would help guide one to the pony or ponies they are bound to by destiny.

They did 6 different activities that day.

They had a calming tea party hosted by Fluttershy meant to teach Luna to open up more.

A Pinkie Pie party put on by that same pony to teach Luna to let loose.

A round of dress up by Rarity’s suggestion to practice some idle chit chat.

Rainbow Dash put together a small little trust exercise to hammer in the importance of trust.

Applejack then breaking the mold by just having a private conversation with Luna about the importance of honesty in friendship. Which was a surprise to her, but a welcome one. (?)

After all of that, they all had some dinner and then left to go to one of the private studies so Twilight could try and see if this fate bound spell would work. On the way, Luna shared something with the girls.

“So far today, I've enjoyed myself a lot. And I thank all of thee for helping me out so far.” Luna said, radiating pure appreciation for their efforts. After all the things they had done for her for the past 2 days, she wasn't feeling that loneliness she had been feeling as strongly. But she never realized it.

“No problem~” they all responded.

“Aw shucks. After spendin’ these here 2 days with y’all, I don’t really understand why somepony could let the opportunity to get to know you pass.” Applejack just had to say. “Gettin’ to know the pony underneath all that royalty fluff has been a mighty fine experience. If aah do say so mahself.”

“Hear, Hear.” Pinkie and Rainbow agreed, nodding at each other.

“Thank you. It warms my heart to hear you think so highly of me.” Luna said, almost shedding a tear.

“You won't have to worry anymore, Princess. ‘Cause I think I have just the solution to your problem.” Twilight said, confident that the Fate Bound spell would work.

“Regarding that spell of yours, am I right?” Luna nervously asked. Immediately thinking of all the ways it could go wrong.

“You betcha.” Twilight, again, confidently proclaiming. Confident that with all the research she did on this particular spell, she would be able to execute it perfectly.

They all made it to the private study. Twilight finding all her notes and reading carefully before guiding Luna to the side, out of the way of the others.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, twilight?” Luna nervously asked.

“You don't have to worry about a thing. I've read up on these notes over 100 times over just to make sure nothing goes wrong.” She responded before her horn lit up and magical purple light filled the room.

In what seemed like a fraction of a second. Everything went wrong. Something materialized behind twilight, making a loud *foosh* sound. Twilight’s concentration was broken and Luna… was gone.

Only a scorch mark was left where she stood.

All the girls were in shock.

The figure behind Twilight, smiling before disappearing with a loud *foosh*.

Author's Note:

I'm back!

Tried at first to make a story that was a Human to pony type deal, but I found out pretty fast I didn't have any idea how to make it work.

So I began scratching some ideas and ended up on this one!

If you liked it, or if there are any mistakes you notice, let me know!! :twilightsheepish:

I also might make some original music based on this fic, depending on if I plan on having Mike sing.

Comments ( 2 )

What will happen? Is Mike what Luna has searched for? Is Luna the missing link in Mike life?

In his life* don't repeat words

Good start gonna be a good story :)

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