• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 211 Views, 5 Comments

Arcane Bonds: a Tale of Faith and Magic - MajorPaleFace

Faith and magic intertwine as Sisters Sororitas clash with pig-like beings in Equestria's arcane depths.

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2. Fight With Me, Sister

As the Sisters Sororitas reinforce the fortified tower, Cannoness Von Kluge's gaze swept across their ranks, her eyes assessing each warrior. The clatter of armor and the focused breaths of the Sisters filled the air as they readied themselves for the inevitable clash with the encroaching Hogar forces.

"Head count! Report in!" Her command resonated with a mix of authority and urgency.

One by one, her girls responded, their voices resolute as they acknowledged their presence within the tower. But as the count progressed, Von Kluge's expression darkened with a gnawing concern that could not be concealed.

"Only half of our mission is present," she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with a tinge of disbelief. The weight of their missing comrades hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the uncertainty they found themselves in.

Cannoness Von Kluge's stern expression tightened with resolve as she reached for her Vox Communication Link, a lifeline that would connect her to their beset Sisters scattered across the tumultuous valley. Her fingers deftly manipulated the device, her intent clear—to reestablish contact with those who had been thrust into the throes of battle against the Hogar onslaught. But as the moments ticked by, her features contorted with frustration as a barrier of interference denied her the connection she sought.

Dark contemplations furrowed her brow as Von Kluge turned to Sister Alicia Ardelean, her voice conveying some of the frustration.

"Alicia, take five of our Sisters and break through that interference. Locate and reorganize our lost missionaries. We cannot afford to let them remain scattered and isolated."

Ardelean, her features etched with a seriousness that matched her seasoned demeanor, nodded in acknowledgment.

"Understood, Cannoness. We won't let them remain cut off."

With an approving nod from Von Kluge, Alicia quickly gathered five of their Sisters, each one poised and ready for the task ahead. With a final exchange of committed glances, they departed the tower, their armoured bootsteps carrying them away and along a ridgeline adjacent to the valley.

As the din and rattle echoed along the basin from isolated pockets of battle, a collective sense of urgency swept over the enslaved masses. The violence that erupted in the wake of the clash between the Sisters Sororitas and their Hogar overseers sent ripples of fear and determination through the downtrodden souls who toiled in the warren. A sense of opportunity was born out of the turmoil, as the disruption created a window for escape.

As they spread into a V formation, Sister Ardelean and her team stood as beacons of guidance. Their brilliant cerulean power armour a stark contrast to the oppressive valley and Hogar forces that had dominated the enslaved masses for so long, ignited a spark of hope. Alicia's voice cut through the uncoordinated slave immigration as she directed the fleeing humans towards a singular goal—the fortified tower where Cannoness Von Kluge and the core of their Sisterhood held their ground.

"Follow the ridge! To the tower!" Her command carried an unwavering assurance that resonated with the desperate souls who sought freedom from their oppression.

The men and women who moved past the Sisters carried the weight of their suffering visibly: sunken faces etched with exhaustion, ragged clothing clinging to their emaciated forms. Weariness and resignation marked their demeanor as they shuffled towards the tower, their steps driven more by desperation than hope, seeking escape from the torment inflicted by their Hogar overseers.

As Ardelean surveyed her surroundings, her thoughts couldn't help but linger on her fellow Sisters who strode beside her, each a testament to their Order's unyielding dedication. Valeria's commanding presence exuded authority, while Serrano's focused demeanor reflected a seeker of knowledge. Lucreti's fidgeting frustration hinted at an eagerness for combat, and Ismene's almost nervous gait conveyed her inquisitive nature. And then there was Aurelia, who reminded Ardelean of herself, unwavering and determined, embodying the Sisterhood's resolute spirit.

As they pressed onward in their search for their lost comrades, the helmets that masked their expressions also hid the thoughts that swirled within. Valeria's voice, steady and even, broke the silence. Her question was directed at Serrano, "have you been able to make any sense of this?"

Serrano's contemplative voice carried a touch of weariness. "Our mission began with clarity, Valeria, but uncertainty has taken hold."

A short silence followed this, Ismene's voice, tinged with curiosity, pierced the air. "Sisters, did any among us sense a guiding hand as we traversed the rift?"

Aurelia's response held a cautionary edge. "Be wary of such thoughts, Ismene. Chaos thrives on deception and the allure of guidance."

Valeria's words resonated with a tempered conviction. "Yet, I, too, felt a presence, Ismene. A force, unbidden but not of chaos or heresy."

Lucreti's tone was a warning laced with apprehension. "Let us not rush to disregard such possibilities, Valeria. The mere act of ignoring such potential influence could itself be seen as a path to heresy."

"Keep quiet and stay vigilant," Ardeleans stern command was wince inducing. She followed it with a deliberate inhale. The command kept Valeria and Aurelias response unspoken.

Despite this, Ardelean drew strength from the distinct personas surrounding her. These Sisters, bound by faith and purpose, were more than just companions on this journey; they were the embodiment of the Order's ideals. All of them were.

The canyon they were in appeared to be one within a warren of unknown scope, a potentially extensive subterranean network comprising tunnels, valleys, and concealed lakes. The surroundings embraced a slate-grey ruggedness, where surface cracks permitted fragments of light to filter downward, creating pools of illumination. Amber-hued bioluminescent vines clamber the walls, casting sufficient radiance throughout.

Between small the clusters of black stone structures in the near distance, Ardelean could discern the outlines of blue-clad Sororitas locked in battle against the Hogar. Issuing a swift command, she directs their advance towards the battling Sororitas.

The rocky ravine gradually widens, extending into the distance where imposing black bastions rise like ominous monuments to the universe's malevolent deeds. As they journey onward, the terrain transitions from jagged crags and rugged plains to sands tainted with ash. These ashy sands give way to a modest hillside, atop which lies the village and their fellow Sister Sororitas.

Cresting the hill, Ardelean commands a halt, her gaze assessing the unfolding scene. With precision, she issues her instructions: "Valeria, Aurelia, flank left. Serrano, Lucreti, move right in a pincer formation. Ismene, accompany me. We will reinforce the embattled sisters at the heart of the village."

They pushed forward into the village. Among the landscape of small dwellings constructed from black stone and metal, the scene reveals fallen Hogar resembling bipedal pigs, scattered around a group of approximately a dozen embattled Sisters.

In unison, Ismene and Ardelean add their bolt gunfire to the fray as the scattered Hogar overseers unite for a final assault. Swift and resolute, the pig men are decisively defeated, their threat extinguished in the relentless barrage of Sororitas firepower.

Among the battle-hardened Sororitas, their faces concealed by helmets, stands one exception. This Sister's presence is distinguished by intricate silver inlays along her shoulder pauldrons and the distinctive Fleur de Lis tattoo gracing her forehead. Recognizing her instantly, Ardelean's gaze settles on Palatine Sarisa Valenwood.

The womans countenance blends femininity with an air of seriousness. Her ice-blue eyes exude a piercing intensity, revealing a depth of devout faith that matches her commanding presence.

Gathering in the aftermath, Ardelean's team forms a united front. She chuckles lightly, her voice tinged with relief, "Another victory, Sisters."

Valenwood's response carries a hint of amusement, "Indeed, Alicia. Although these beast men appear quite persistent."

Ardalean's tone is lighthearted, "And we'll be equally determined."

Valenwood winks, "A battle of wills it would seem."

The two share a moment of shared triumph, a silent understanding passing between them within the camaraderie of battle-won banter.

Following the village's aftermath, Palatine Valenwood directs her Sororitas to establish a perimeter. Once done, she approaches Ardelean, her tone composed but eager for information.

She narrows her eyes, "Sister Ardelean, give me a situation update."

Ardelean's response is measured, her eyes scanning the surroundings before she replies.

"Palatine, the situation is complex. We find ourselves in unfamiliar territory. We lack understanding of our arrival, our surroundings, or the extent of the beast men presence. Further, interference hampers our Vox Casters' communication."

Valenwood's expression remained composed, her nod indicating her grasp of their predicament.

Ardelean continued, "my mission remains, Palatine, despite these challenges. Establish contact with our scattered order and guide them towards Cannoness Von Kluge."

Ardelean's voice carries unwavering determination, reaffirming their purpose despite the uncertainty.

Valenwood's response is succinct and resolute. "Understood, Sister Ardelean." Her ice-blue eyes hold a steadfast determination as she continues, "My contingent will stay stationed here in the village, serving as a waypoint for any slaves or Sisters you gather."

"Understood, Palatine" Ardelean gathers her team with swift efficiency, their shared determination evident as they prepare to move.

With a collective sense of purpose, they set their course towards one of the valleys distant bastions, where the reverberations of battle still resound in the air.