• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 363 Views, 23 Comments

An Aeternian's Conviction - The Real Darkness

With a relationship established, a student missing, another Aeternian discovered, and an unknown threat with power enough to kill Arctus; the Scout finds love in all of it difficult to nurture.

  • ...

In Those Days

They had been rather close the night before, but he was already up and at the training yard, requesting that any E.U.P. trainings take place in a different location, the entire yard was theirs and Arctus had commissioned a mage in town to make a shield capable of repairing itself around the yard.

Celestia had decided to take a few days reprieve and watch from his quarters balcony with her new pupil. It was the closest vantage point.

"Trainee Silver Spike!" He stood attentively at Arctus' words, "you stand before me, a new world awaiting you behind me. We will see if you can walk this path."

He swallowed.

"You have seen horrors that humanity and ponykind would not face themselves. You have committed these atrocities. Why have you given away your sense of sanity and respect for other life?"

"For the defense of my nation. It was a necessity to commit those acts!"

Arctus smirked, nobody knew the right answers to these questions but a Master Scout would be the one to ask them.

Now he knew, these questions were to test the resolve and mental fortitude of a trainee. The real test were these.

"You look into the world of being a Scout, can you do these acts daily? Can you serve in the darkest ways that your nation needs you to?"

"These acts, by my hoof will allow my nation to prosper and maintain peace. I can serve however Equestria would need me to."

"Do you...regret the things you have done? Do you wish to turn back?"

A long silence.

"You are no lesser for it, but you will attain nothing greater," Arctus began to draw a thick line in the dirt with his spear behind him.

"I regret none of which that I have done. I am ready."

Celestia had kept her pupil's ears covered up until this point.

"Twilight, that's Arctus."

"I knooooow, you've told me for the third time today."

"Sorry, I'm very fond of him. He's administering an exam from his world."

"What kind of exam?"

"One of combat prowess and mental willpower."

"That's an interesting culture."

"Oh, shhh, it looks like he's continuing."

A long silence passed after his answer. The Master Scout rose his spear, Sergeant Light Lancer and Strong Stitch were outside the magic shield that just sprung up.

The head pointed at Silver, "walk and enter your new world where secrets and information to never be shared lies."

Arctus had fond memories of taking this exam himself.

Silver Spike approached, in full combat gear and as he almost stepped over the line, Arctus grabbed his front hoof and swung him through the air, watching him thud and roll on the dirt for a second or two before getting his balance again.

"Prove yourself to be a Scout whose Stars have launched," Arctus took a combative stance and Silver Spike did himself, drawing his spatha and a shield.

Scouts rarely used shields. He must have expected this.

"Oh, it might get a bit rough to watch, Twilight. Go on to your lesson with Instructor Chalk."

"That's okay, the fighting doesn't seem too interesting."

"Ooooh, well. He'll probably catch your eye eventually. I'll be down there with him, make sure you lock the door on your way out of these quarters."

Celestia left the balcony, flying down to the two who were battling each other. It was obvious that Arctus was putting his entire strength against Silver Spike.

"Don't be afraid to kill me if you must. You can give up and try the exam again at any time you are ready."

Arctus slammed his spear into the handguard of his spatha, the hoof being knocked numb. The MAster Scout bashed his face with the shaft of the spear, flipping it around and sending the edge toward him, he knocked it aside with his shield and rushed to his trainer.

The Master Scout stepped aside, sending a throwing knife into his back while he recomposed himself and launched his body back in front of Silver Spike's barring him from entry.

He began to trace a symbol into the air with some fingers, a red light following them, a different one than he had done in years past.

A blaze roared from the front of him after the two seconds he needed, fire spouting out at Silver Spike who backpedaled away.

"I have no intent of showing mercy," Silver Spike stood at his words with singed fur, "you need to show your strength."

Light Lancer was shifting uneasily while Strong Stitch looked on with wonder.

And Arctus did not let those observations fly under his gaze.

"What...the buck?!" Silver Spike shouted.

He remembered at that moment he was holding onto a gift from Celestia, an alchemical mixture in a bottle.

"Celly, knowing you are watching, I can't think of a better moment to use this than to ensure the defense of Equestria is left in the most capable," he pulled the potion from the pouch, uncorking it and letting a drip fall to the ground, it immediately ignited and stayed together on top of the dirt, burning and burning away while the gout of flame he summoned still went.

"I can always make another for you," she answered, standing rather close to the shield.

Arctus slung it in a half circle, creating a line of tall flames to belay the trainee from crossing into the new world.

The Master Scout put away his spear, taking his own spatha into his left hand and hit hatchet into his right, setting them into the dirt on either side of him.

And his hand readied his bow from his back, pulling back five arrows.

"Zaibas surasti vidinis!" He had modified the lightning strike spell, keeping the base, but changing the last verbal component and the arrows, he fired them loosely up before he pulled back a large unblessed arrow and touched the tip to the buring fluid, launching it at him.

He put his bow back and picked up his two weapons, throwing the potion upside down into the air and letting the resy of the fluid pour out onto the blades and axe edge before leaping through the flame.

He saw that Silver Spike had dropped his spatha and held the large arrow like a spear, throwing it back at him while he was still midair. Sweat poured from Arctus while he managed to block the thrown arrow, some of the fluid landing on him and burning through, searing his skin. He worked through the pain.

A great boom came from above and the arrows floated at the height of their arc before flashing down as lightning at Silver Spike and he anticipated at the boom, side stepping and holding his shield above his head, the iron parma blocking and absorbing the electricity as it crackled upon the surface, not making it through the thick leather covered handle.

"Yes!" Arctus shouted, "fight with all in your heart!"

He closed, swinging hard on him with his hatchet and spatha, slashing and thrusting, hacking at him, and even throwing low kicks to attempt to unbalance the stallion. So they danced, clashes ringing.

It had been a long time since Arctus met someone this skilled in combat. He managed to he an attack in, a lunge to his left front hoof and his hatchet swung, a spatha caught it.

Silver Spike shouted and bashed Arctus' face with his shield, the crackling lightning flowing to him and he shook violently while the trainee pulled the weapon free from his wound and began a dash to leap over the fire.

Arctus, resisting the urge for his body to give in to the electric's flow let it pass through and regained control, everything in him attempting to be unresponsive as he whipped around.

"Sviesti mano ranka!" An advanced spell and a spectral lash, transluscent reached to Silver Spike, catching him in the air. The black tendrils wrapped him tightly, linked to Arctus' outstretched hand.

"You need to be bolder!" He flung him across the yard, slamming him into the shield.

"Don't you think that's a bit much, Arctus?" Light Lancer voiced. Nopony regarded him.

Blood dripped from the Master Scout's chin onto the dirt.

Arctus stood proudly, "you fight well, show me more."

"You're bucking insane!" Silver Spike rose to his hooves and threw his spatha at him, his sword flying past and falling to the ground after hitting the shield.

Silver Spike reached his hoof to his side, grabbing something Arctus did not see, made invisible and a flail came into view.

A flail, one of the most dreaded weapons to face in single combat.

The Master Scout's index and ring finger shot into the air, tracing a symbol in purple.

"Protector of those in the Shadows. Pusher of knives in the Dark. Please cover me in your chill."

A spell familiar to him but not anypony here and him just using it was praise enough for Silver Spike. Arctus' body disappeared while the trainee charged him and he went about quietly, he knew it wasn't the best idea, but this is what he had to work with.

Silver's head went on a swivel, the Scout closed on the trainee silently, seeing the signs Silver had no idea where he was until the flail swung and smaccked his cheek when he was just about to strike, his body flew and losing concentration, his invisibility was gone, pain radiated as he landed on his side, rolling to his feet. and threw his hatchet, the flaming axe caught by the parma as Silver Spike leapt over the fire and crossed the dirt line as well.

He had crossed.

Arctus put a fist to his chest and looked to the ground, "welcome, Scout Silver Spike," blood running quick off his face.

He stared at his former teacher.

"You...you never called me Scout before."

"You have passed the rites, Scout Silver. You are a full scout and as such, our knowledge is open to you. There is a book I left in your home in the city, the one you purchased with your new salary. It's a copy of my journal, read it and learn our secrets and our ways. Burn it when you are done. You will begin your own journal that requires daily logs from this day on."

"I did not hold back any trick, only my desperate heart to win, that is a Scout's true weapon. My blood rushed, something I had not felt in a long time. I know we will never have a true battle, but I hope one day to see the height of your strength."

"Tha-thank you."

"So, this...that's how Scouts fight? You both are far different from any of the guard," Strong Stitch spoke up, "I'd like to give it a try, but I don't think I can do that."

Celestia looked to Silver Spike, "as a Scout, you have discretionary access to resources in order to meet your goals. You take orders from me directly and Captain Shining Armor may have some requests of you should you be willing to hear him out."

Silver Spike bowed to the princess, "for your first order. You are to travel to the Ev...Art's forest. There you will stay and continue his older duty of manging the wildlife, we will later come to collect an artifact. Your efforts will make retrieval possible," Celestia ordered him, "you have one week to put in as much effort as you can, after you get that wound recovered," she pointed to his hoof.

He bowed and left without a single word, the excitable smile on his face said enough.

"I want to get him a traditional weapon and the only way to do that is with an active magma stream."

"I'll have out cartographers look into our best option," Celestia assured him.

"Strong Stitch, I'd like you to practice under Shining Armor for a while so you can have a foundation with whatever weaponry you choose."

She nodded, "go find him and tell him I sent you."

"O-o-oh, okay!" And she trotted off rather quickly.

"Twilight seems interested in your culture, but not so much your fighting. That might change if she had seen your magic," Celestia approached, the shield had long since fallen and her horn lit up, fixing the fractures in his jaw, cheekbone, and nose as she rearranged and healed the skin with her magic, "I've been studying during what little downtime I get."

Arctus had a small passing thought, one he would commit to when he returned from his missions.

"That's impressive, how much you know about me already."

"You've given us plenty of samples with your...reckless nature. Thank you for dedicating so much to Equestria and to me," she gently hugged him.

The flames from the liquid had finally died down the fluid was now a dull grey color.

She had also began to heal the burns under his garments, his pain was evaporating.

Arctus took a moment to put away his weapons before hugging her back, "you're wonderful. Are you picking these things up just for me?" She nodded.

"You've shed blood for me and everything I preside over. If anything, you're jsut as much a ruler as I."

"I can not rule, that is not my role or talent," he laughed, "but the thought is entertaining to imagine."

"Remember to stay here a while, no going out of the city until we get the mirror."

"That's won't be an issue, but when I do go...I may be gone for an extended period of time, it'll be bigger than any assignment I've under taken in the past."

Celestia kissed him firmly, peering into his orangish eyes, a white glint more prominent in them, "your eyes look more and more like the Stars you're so fond of," he could see some pain in her eyes.

"I...we'll get her back, Celly. You have my word."

"Thanks, it's just...hard without her."

"I...I can't share it here in the open, but I will with you tonight," he squeezed her tight before letting her go and fetching his arrows, putting them back away and taking the broken ones to a specialized barrel next to the walls."

Light Lancer was still by the wall, shaking in psuedo fear, "Sergeant, I made a mistake and now have some unsightly images in your head, I apologize. Please, you are not required to visit any Scout events and I am no longer considering you as a potential candidate. Please go about your day," Arctus mentioned while Celestia took to his side and the two headed up to the castle.

The guard nodded slowly and trotted away, head staring at the ground.

Celestia kept her wing on his back, wrapping feathers around his shoulder while he wore his cape in its white sheen. Arctus had the gesture returned, his hand resting on her back. Everypony was aware of their relationship. Celestia was leading them through until they came to a smaller room and they entered unannounced.

"Pri-princess," the instructor put the chalk back on a board with his magic and bowed.

Twilight beamed at seeing her before looking in curiosity at their tenderness to each other.

"Hi, Princess and Arctus!" She stood from her seat.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Apologies for interrupting your lecture, Instructor Chalk. I don't often get free time from all my efforts, but Celly...Celestia thought I should properly introduce myself to her new pupil."

"I-I see, well," he straightened himself, "please take your time. This little filly actually had many many questions about your world and your magic once the topic was discussed."

"Is it true?! Can you cast magic?" Twilight sprinted to him.

Arctus looked to Celestia, "I might be a while."

"That's okay, I can wait, Art."

"Twilight Sparkle, my name is Arctus. I come from a different world where my home is Aeternia. Our magic is vastly different from yours, perhaps you heard it during the examination I gave to Silver Spike."

"I'm not interested in your fighting."

"At least you know what you want at your age," Arctus held his hand in the air, "with no verbal or incantation symbols, a lot of magic users can do small things," a bright orange flame appeared on his palm, "like this. The actual mages can do grander stuff than I, even with all our ritual required in."

"We...we can't do that."

"Our magic is linked to volcanoes and the stars in our skies," he closed his palm, the flame extinguishing, "I can't show you much more in here, it wouldn't be safe. All my magic is based around combat as that is my role."

"Instructor Chalk, are there any books about him in the library?"

Celestia laughed, "I think I can accomodate your curiousity. Arctus has asked to keep any kind of formal knowledge of himself and his world locked away. Would it be okay for her to read them?"

"Of course, as long as they go right back to being locked away."

"I'll get them out for you tonight, Twilight."

"It's nice to meet you, Arctus."

"It's nice to meet you also. You may not see me around often, but if you have a need or emergency suited to my skills, please make me aware."

The filly smiled wide at him, "thanks! I'll keep that in mind."

Arctus nodded, "and if you have questions where I come from, don't hesitate to ask. You'll find Aeternia to be a very different place."

He left the room, "Twilight, I'll be a little busy today and tomorrow as Acrtus doesn't have extended stays often and he's very dear to me. Don't worry, it won't be a frequent interruption to our study times."

"Okay, Princess, thanks for telling me," and Celestia left.

"Completely absorbed by the pursuit of knowledge, reminds me of some of the priests we had."

"Oh? I would imagine they were devoted to religion."

"That's the thing, I was an anomaly to their religion."

The two of them were making headway for her quarters, where Celestia had arranged for dinner to be delivered. They were planning a private feast for just the two of them.