• Published 11th Aug 2023
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Flash Uchiha - Kamen rider accel 2

They say that hate and despair may lead to something dangerous. Let's see what this will lead to

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Lone survivor

The Uchiha Clan village was in pure distruction as the people were running for there lives. They all wanted to was to survive the night to make it to the next day. Those who slow down were shot dead by there attacker.

"Get me out of hear!" One of the man yelled as he ran for safety. He turn around the other direction but was meet with a swift kunei on the head as he fell dead.

More and more people ran to get out as the attacker was very much strong and crafty. Inside a home a mother ran to a room where it hold a baby cattle as there was her child. She quickly went in ans grabbed her infant and made a break through for it. Her husband was waiting for her outside as he had his weapons in his hands.

"Hurry up Misoko! Get out of the village as far as you can! I hold him off till you get to safety!" Her husband shouted as he didn't let her or even hear her complain about this as he made a mad dash at the assasian.

Misoko had to make her time and get out. She didn't want to let her husband sacrifice be at vain.' I hope you make it out safe Hisuna, Please be safe.' As tears came out her eyes as she had made a dash for it.

Her husband had reached to see the Assassin had just killed of another member of his clan. He glared at him as he see the attacker wearing a Kyubi mask and dark clothes to blend in the dark aswell as a cloak. He glared at him with hate as his eyes turn red with small dots appearing on them. He launched him self at the killer and went for the strike but he up and vanished and appears from behind. The man knew this as he blocked the sword swing as he had effectively dogged the Assassins strikes but he had to be on guard.

The Assassin didn't let him get away from his sight as he kept up with the man's strikes as Hisuna did a hand seal but before he could finish it a kunei came from the side cutting his hand clean off. Hisuna screamed in pain as he lost his hand bit he had his sword in his other hand."W-Why are you doing this! What did we ever did to you that you caused this mess. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!"

The assassin still didn't say anything as his eyes glowed red showing his glare."What you all did is what you also going to do. Is the cause of this mess. So, I apologize on what I'm about to do to all of you. But this, This is for the greater good." The Mask Man told as he came in bring the Balde right at Hisuna eyes as it was the last thing he ever saw as Blood fell on the walls behind him.

Misoko had finally been able to get away form the village as the maskare had still been going on. She looked back at the village as fire was happening around and more and more houses bit the dust.

"Hisuna....." She quietly said as she had just felt something sting in her heart. She heard the Baby cry as it snapped her out and looked at the infant."Shh... Don't worry my child. Don't cry, Don't despair. Everything will be alright as it is. So please don't cry." She said to her child as she then continue her run."Don't worry as I will get you away from this carnage and despair. I will keep you away and safe."

She ran as fast as she could as her legs weren't quitting on her or anything. She was going to make it.


Her world stopped as she felt something hit her back. She could only crater as she fell down but held the baby up to not get hurt. She looked back to see the Assassin had reached up to her as he had his sword out. The women desperately had called her way back to get away but it was futile. She looked back as the attacker came towards her ready to kill.

She could only do one thing and hope it will succeed."Please.... Please just let me baby live on." She said making the man stop."He's all is left as I don't want him to leave this world. I want to see what he'll become in the future. I want to see him succeed in his life. Please... Just grant me the wish and let him live on. As a mother I only wish for this." The mother begged as the assassin stared at her. He didn't say anything not one bit as he stood there for a few seconds.

Finally the time passed as he finally answered."Very well then." The Assassin agreed to her term as she weakly smiled and nodded. She lifted the infant up towards him as the assassin carefully grabbed him in his arms."The child will live to see another day, But I can't grunty that he will survive the harsh life of the shinobi world. If so if he steps in to the real world. There be no going back to it."

"I don't care... As a mother I will always be there for my child in his tuff time. He won't shead the tears of despair as I will be there for him." She told him as she put her hands on his forehead as she suddenly glowed with blue flames. The blue Flames traveled through her arms towards the baby as it entered in him, more and more flames entered as the babys hair started to change colour from brown to blue. And finally when the process had stopped the mother hair went grey and her life force had finished as only a empty husk was left. The body of the women had fallen back as there was no life in it, But she kept her smile there of a loving mother would.

The assassin looked at the boy in question as he had been now in sleep. He looked back at the mother as her body remained. No one can tell by the mask but the man had a look of sorrow in his eyes."I'm sorry for what I have done... But I'll promise to make this right."

In the leaf village know as konoha, The head of the village. The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi had stood in his office as he had gotten the reports filled out of the paper work. But he had yet a bad felling as something had happened right now.

"You can come out now, I know your there hiding." Hiruzen stated as he scene the presence of a familiar being. The assassin came out of the shadows in the office as he looked at the Hokage."In this time, Your not the most tricky to not see in the dark. I believe your hear for something aren't you Itachi."

The now named Itachi came towards him as he gave him a glare."You know why I'm hear don't you. I done the deed what was needed to be done. Now there gone."

The hokage kept quiet as he didn't look at him and stood up and went towards the window to look at the village."So Itachi, Are you satisfied with the blood on your hands there."

"Hai," He answered without any hesitation."It had to be done now. Or it will never had helped save more lives. I did what was needed to be done."

"Soka soka, I believe your hear for a different reason. As it of you would have never came hear in the first palace to see me. Instead you would have gone into hiding. What caused you to change that plan." Hiruzen asked with narrowed eyes."Your Brother Sasuke is alive, Is that why your hear, To tell me to look after him."

"Yes and .... Another reason." Itachi told as Hiruzen looked back to see him carrying a young infant under his cloak The baby was sound asleep without care in the world."I want you to take care of him aswell."

"Masaka, You left another surviver in your clan." Hiruzen was taken back."why? Why did you left him to live and not kill him like the others. What made you so change in Keeping this young one to live. Tell me Itachi, Did something happened that caused you to do this." He demanded as he needed to know. He never predicted this to happen.

"....... The same thing happened that caused me to let my brother to live." He stated as hiruzen had a look of understanding then." Take care of this child Hokage-san, This is the only thing I ask for you to do. Let him have a better life Atleast so he may live to become someone that would make his love one proud."

Hiruzen went towards him and took the baby from his arms. He carefully liked at the baby as he looked at the blue hair of his.'Oh, So he has the soul of loved one with in.' "It would be done,"

"That's that then. Good bye now Hiruzen-sama." Itachi said as he left the room in a puff of smoke. The hokage was left to only see the baby as he careless sleep in his arms. Now this was the starting of another's fate in life.

(Years later)

The hokage monument was scene as each and each faces of the previous Hokage were carved in to the mountain. They represent there greatest leaders in history as they are well respected and well know all around the village.

At the village of the Hidden leaf there were quite a rush in there as the people were in and out of going. As of one individual was walking over the stores. The said individual is a young 10 year old child with blue spiky hair and had blue eyes. He wore white shirt and blue pants as well as a jacket tied over his waist and wore sandals. He happily jumped around the stores as he was in chase of something. The thing he was chasing was small as he ran fast as it could.

But the boy didn't stop as he ran more and more fast. He jumped over the fences as he ran on them as he chased the target. He started to gain the upper hand as he saw the target go under a container to the other side as he knew where to go.

The small creature went through under the container as it came out of the other side but two pair of arms came in catching it."Got you now! You thought you could put smart me hah Neko-chan." The kid said as he was Holding a cat which had a bow on it."You caused quite the trouble for me back there. Now you go back to your owner." The cat developed sweats as it didn't wanted that.

2 minutes later.

"Ahh my kitty Tori! How I missed you na!" A fat lady yelled in joy as she hugged the cat. But as theu could tell the cat was being strangled to death as it was letting out helpless mouns that translates to 'Please let this suffering end' it said."Oh thank you! Thank you young man! How you are able to get my precious Tori back to me! I don't know why he ran off like this."

The kid mearily chuckled at this as he scratched his left cheek but inside his head he thought.'Well, It may be because you keep strangling the poor guy and calling him a girls name. No wonde he wanna get out of the house.' He thought but didn't say."Well, You welcome mam. But now is my time to go so bye!" He said as he took off running.

He ran over the buildings again as he walked on walls and jumped over long fence with ease. He then jumped over and stopped infront of a Noodle shop as it read Ichiraku Ramen. And jumped down as he waited for the person to come out and so did, A man wearing a cheif outfit came out as he had a next delivery to make. "Teuchi-san, Off to another delivery I see" He called out.

The man name Teuchi looked back to see the boy standing on the side of the Stand."Oh, Flash if it isn't a swell time to see you back. I thought you'll be in school this time of hour."

"Hah, Finally said it, Let me introduce my self to you all. The names Flash Uchiha. And I'm the second last Survivor of my clan village and also the one to not remember what happened. I'm a student of Hidden leaf school and I'm the second Protagonist in this story. The Author didn't give me the well introduction so I'm doing his job for him." Flash Narrated out his life like he was explaining a story or something."Jah, Right now the story gonna continue so I'll leave the other things to the author then. Hope you all enjoy this."

Flash simply chuckled as he scratched the back of his head."Nah, I'm just hear to get my lunch na, I acnt have a clear mind if I don't eat something well. And what better will it be if not for a bowl of Beef Ramen."

"Hahah, Still the silver tongue one I see, well it's good thing I have made the bowl just in case you come." He told as he grabbed the container and pulled out two bowls."Hear, One Beef Ramen and the other is for my other no 1 customer. Could you go and give it to him. It be a good dead."

"Nah, Teuchi-san, Your using my kindness against me again." Flash wined but nodded taking the bowl."Sah, Janei!"

He said as he ran off as Teuchi waved him good by. As Flash ran he continued his Narration."So, You all may have read it up wards that I'm a Uchiha. As to how I am and how this is and whats gonna happen next. Well you all gotta wait then and see for your self. I'm just getting quite a bit of lines around hear."

Right now Class has been in session a the students were in there places as they listened to there teacher lecture. Iruka sensei explained to the class as some write while the trouble makers had slept through this.

"If to use the wells in your throw. You have to keep the weight in your arm minimum and keep the eyes sharp in on your target and where you aim at." While iruka explained the lecture the classroom door slowly opened as Flash peeked inside to see if he wasn't spotted. He carefully came in without making a noise as he crawled his way to his seat. As he was there there suddenly came two foots Infront of him ."Looks like your finally in class Mister Late." Flash slowly looked up to see Iruka sensei stading there looking down at him.

Flash let out a chuckle as he got up."Is it to say I got out to get you lunch from Ichiraku ramen." He held up his beef bowl.

Second later he was in his seat with a tired sign."Welp there goes some one lunch."

"You could have come in more sneakily tadboya. You gotta be careful in getting out of trouble." A voice spoke near him as a young boy his age with yellow spiky hair and had whisker on his face as well as blue eyes. He wore a orange jumpsuit with Google on his forehead. This is the main protagonist that everyone knows as Naruto Uzumaki."I take my time in sneaking in an out of trouble many times. Try being in upstaging that."

"I can do that, I was just tired from all the running I had to do back there. You have no idea how a cat runs." Flash told back as he slumped."But I got out of this as of sacrificing my lunch do to do so."

"Well, You had to go to that option. Other wise you won't have to do that." Naruto patted his back."By the way, Did you get mine." He asked as he received his bowl."yata! Can't wait to eat this. Maybe you should eat with me. It's at least you can get a good meal."

Flash cheered up as he hugged him."Arigatou na Naruto-kun! You know when to help out a friend!"

"Ok, Ok. Stop it will ya Jese. Even I'm not that much over dramatic in food taste you know." Naruto said making the class to elect a shout" Yes You Are!"

"Class be quite! Now is not the time. Right now you all need to study for your upcoming test. The test to show that you all be ready to become a Ninja. And he on your own team. It's very much important in this as you all have pass this or if not and those who fail will repeat this class again." Iruka sensei decalered as the students had riled up.

The loudest was the knucklehead him self."You better believe it Iruka sensei! I'm gonna pass this test and become a Shinobi no matter what. Then my next step of becoming a hokage will be closer then one can imagine!" He declared as the students laughed .

"Really your gonna go with a stupid dream like that. Get real!" One boy said

"Yeah, You becoming hokage will be a nightmare for us." Another told with mock laughing.

"The only one who can become a hokage are need to be strong and smart and Sasuka is the one that fits the bill. He'll be hokage in no time." A girl told.

"Yeah Naruto dream on man. But he a bit realistic." Another one called in.

Naruto gritted his teeth and was about to yell when some one else chipped in."Hey will you all give it a break! He was saying about his dream not some imagination or something. So cute him some slacks will ya. He has a bigger dream unlike you all!" Flash called out to everyone making some shut up. But some didn't.

"Oi, What's is it to you out sider. It's Naruto, the dead last weight in class. Why do you even care for him." One of the boys in the back shouted.

"I will tell you all to not cause a scene hear now! I don't want to repeat of the previous incident on what fight that happened. Now all you you go back to your seat!" Iruka warned as he stopped the feud from happening.

The boy from the back frowned and just sat back while Naruto gave Flash a kind smile. At the near desk a raven hair Uchiha him self watched this and just looked ahead as he saw the second last Uchiha defend his idiot friend.

Class were over and the students were on there way to there homes. Flash just looked at the children going on there way with there love ones as he just had a tired look.'Must be nice, To have some one to wait for you when you come back.' he thought as he started to went on his way.

He walked through the streets of Konoha as he looked around the area. He had his hands behind his head as he strolled around the streets. He stopped and stood infront of Ichiraku ramen store as he then took his time and went in. And saw the owners daughter Ayame at the counter."Oh Hi there Ayame-san."

"Ah, Flash you hear in time. Let me guess you want your fair share of ramen I think." Ayame greeted the blue hair teen."Hai, my lunch had to be made a sacrifice because of my lateness. But that gave me a chance to avoid another obstacle from my path!" He dramatically decalered as Ayame giggled a bit.."Just how much are you gonna be in getting our Ramen as an escape routine. If you keep doing this then your gonna be charged extra for ruining good food." She said with serious in her voice.

"Ah! I won't do that Ayame-san! Your Ramen are the best thing ever I can't let be banned from this palace. I promise to keep the food good!" Flash begged with tears in his eyes. Ayame laughed at his expression as she loved to tease the little blue teen."Please Ayame-san dint do this to me!" He continues to weep as she just enjoying the tease.

"Hai, Hai. I think about it. If you promise to not use food as a weapon then." She said in thinking matter.

"Hai I promise!" He said without hesitation. Teuchi came in just in time after delivery."Oi, Oi What's going on hear. Why is there so much noise. People will get the wrong idea on what's Going about." Teuchi said as he looked at the scene and understand what happened."Ayame stop teasing the young boy. He has enough with that."

"But Tou-san, It's so fun that way I do it." Ayame pouted but then got back."But ok, I get you your order now Flashy."

As she went away Teuchi greets the young Uchiha."So Flash. Anything happens today. Anything particular or so?" He said as he got to the counter side to start a chat.

"Na, Not much but the simple basic gist in history lesson and chakra training." Flash stated as he sat on the chair and got on the board with a tired look."Nah, It's so hard to keep my self up in class with all the constant work in study and more study. It's not easy to learn in this age."

Teuchi laughed at the remark."Boy, When I was your age I had quite a time in study problem. Couldn't go on and thought of quitting just there. But, I didn't as I had a goal in life that kept me going on and on to not stop. I had every right to quit. But I didn't as my dream kept me going in my path of success." He told the young Uchiha as he tried to show him the good side.

".... Goal? Dream?" Flash muttered as he thought about this. His friend had a dream to become a hokage of the village. The village who continually mock and step on his dream. The Very same people who wants to get rid of him. But he still want to become there leader to save them."I don't think I have a gole in life to even continue. I'm not like the other kids to actually stay on track and keep my self go further. If I can even go on to do my goal."

Teuchi just patted the boys head."That's ok, you can't get it on the first try. Some just change there goals a lot of time. And so just give up. What it depends is on the individual him self as he strives to achieve it. If so then then the results will come to then. But it won't be easy to achieve it like this. You have to work hard of you determine your self with it."

Flash thought about it as he knows two kids his age that have goals one he knows and the other he doesn't but he is dead set in achieving it. Flash just think about it as his meal soon came.

The last Uchiha him self sat in his empty home as he looked at the ceiling. He was in his thoughts as he couldn't get out." Baka brat, Can't even do it right." He thought about the second last Survivor as he saw him in class today. Usually he doesn't much talk to anyone and say back but his own clan surviver him self so it's a last family member left then."What tells for him to even not arrive in time. I thought so he was better" He said in parents toon..

"I'm home!"

"Took you long enough to get hear Baka. Why do you not get any take outs for coming hear." Sasuka called out as Flash came in with the two bowls of ramen."Oh looks like you already did that."

"Hai, Teuchi-san got generous on me this time and gave me two more bowls to get back home. I think Ayame-san has put the extra beef in my ramen so I call dips on that." Flash said as he went to the table to put the bowl down."So Sasuke-nii chan, Is today again my study day."

"Yes, Yes it is. And don't call me Nii-chan. I'm not your brother for Kami sakes." Sasuka muttered at the young Uchiha."Now you have to get in on the basic study in the upcoming test. I always told you and again will tell you that I don't want to see you fail and stay back in the exam. I don't want you to make the uchiha clans dignity be stained again."

"Hai, Hai, Wakata. So let's get that started then. Can you teach me the jitsu now's. I really wanna do the awesome things you do. So please can we start then as you promised of I pass on my studies you'll help! So please!." Flash begged with his puppy dog eyes. Sasuka only signed and didn't even be fazed by this."Fine, As it would be difficult for you then ok."

Flash jumped in excitement as he got to do so" Yes, Yes finally I'm gonna do it, I waited to long for this!" He cheered but then received a bonk on the head."Stop being an idiot and let's go getting over this." Sasuka only said as he we t to the other room as Flash fallowed.

Now the two Uchiha stood in the opposite side from one another as they prepared them self."Ok, Now what I'm gonna explain to you is the simple basic that any shinobi can do. Its a matter of mind and Chakra as you have to keep the mind focused and be on prepared. One simple mistake can cost a anyone lives got it!" Sasuka lectured as Flash nodded as he listens."Now What I will be teaching is Called Transformation jitsu. Transformation jitsu is of changing your appearance in to another person so you could be able to fool the enemy. This jitsu when used is needed to be focused out with the mind as to who you want to look like. One wrong mistake is all it takes to break down."

Sasuka did a hand motion then."Allow me to show you. Transformation Jitsu!" Smoke covers Sasuka as it then vanished to show a perfect image of Flash hik self standing there in his place.

The original Flash was shocked and surprised as he saw this and inspected every inch to see it was real."Sugoi, It's like I'm seeing a mirror!" He asked with astonishment.

"It's easy and simple, Even you can do it. Now show me then." Sasuka instructed.

"Hai!" Flash then got into position. He concentrated at this."Transformation jitsu!" Smoke covers him and then disappear to reveal a perfect image of Sasuka in his place. He looks at him self and then cheers."Yes! I did it! I did it!" He cheered out loud.

"Hah, In your first turn. Not many can do that especially a beginner like you." Sasuka said as he reverted back, "Hah, Now that that out of the way now it's time for the next session. So you better way up so you'll be ready."

"Ok then, I'm taking the beef ramen." Flash said as he ran there. As he did Sasuka was deep in thought.'Hah, He's able to progress on the Ninjitsu and Taijitsu user in quick thinking. Not to mention that he is a fast learner. But all that is he still is a beginner in this. He doesn't know what and where to go from hear on.' he went on his way.'Theres also the lack of sence. He's still not in state to know about the killer of the village. As much as I will like it, I can't allow him to know that it was him who killed his love ones and any one he ever knew. I will be the one to end him and I'm the one to walk in the path.' He declared.

As much as he doesn't wanna admit it, But to him Flash is like a little brother he never had. It's almost as if he's a big brother but he can't let those emotions get in his way of his revenge.

At the Hokage office the Hokage was in mind of his crystal ball as he watched the events being played out in the village as he looked at Naruto house.

"You are up to at it again, Naruto. You have your ways to get back at those who look down at your friends." Hiruzen said as he watched the blond boy put down traps in the seats it the classes. He smiled as he watched the young boy play out his tactics. He then changed the image to the young Uchihas and see there progress in training."And it seems that Sasuka is getting his young genin to fallow the shinobi way. He is far to go on his path to success as he is now he isn't in right mind. Hah, I should have told him about what happened but,....." He stopped as he didn't want to think about it. He just hope the upcoming exams will the team be desided will help. But what of the young one a that is a lost mystery."I hope that Kakashi or Guy will take you in Flash. You have much potential like the others."

He then felt something off as he stood up From his seat and went towards the window."You may come out now." He said to no one in particular.

Just then some one came out of the ground as it was another shinobi but he was in konoha attire and wore a Fox mask. He also held a sword over his back."What have you find in the latest progress. Yamato."

".... It's not much on it Hokage-sama. The last trial leading to the snake has been wiped clean. He's been doing a complete puppeting on us as he made a goose chase around hear. All the other things leading to his group has gone cold as to they aren't any left to look into. There's also the assassination attempt that had happened." Yamato gave the report to the hokage."I believe that it's sending a message to us from him."

"I see, Did you have gotten a clue on to which he's after then. He's a very crafty man and one that you shouldn't take very kindly off. He knows how to play innocent and naive to you." Hiruzen said to him as he looked back."How is Anko doing. She haven't cause any problems did she."

"......... I can not say. But shes keeping her self out of the reach of breaking. So we're ok for now." Yamato said as he didn't want to tell him the bar incident as it was supposed to be a silent mission but the snake women had to make an entrance.

"Ok then, This is troublesome." Hiruzen signed as he's getting to much old for this shit."In form her to get back from her mission. I have a mission for her as she may be a big help in taking care of a certain student of mine."

"Hai Hokage-sama." He then went in the floor and disappeared leaving the hokage in his thoughts as he looked out of town."A loving day. I may say so my self."

"HAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm so tired right now!" Flash said laying back down on his bed as he breathes in and out."Why didn't you warn me that the jitsu would leave a sore taste."

"I'm not your nanny to tell you this. I'm your instructor and what I say you have to fallow if you want to line up to the uchiha legacy " Sasuka said as he laid in his own bed."But the fire tasted way bad. It was like eating a uncooked Rice ball with lettuce!" Flash wined.

"That's your excuse. Then it's stupid and you gotta get used to this for now. You'll get used to it soon." He told him."It wasn't easy for me but I had to do it if I wanted to survive out in to the real world. It's not all colour ful and stuff." He said with a hard gaze on the ceiling.

Flash stopped in his rant as he looked up wards. He then looked at his hands and see him self."Sasuka-niichan, What does a dream and goal help in a persons quest?"

Sasuka looked at the boy as of he had grown a second head but let that slide."Why ask. What made you ask that?"

"Just curious that all. So can you tell me please." He asked in pleading toon.

"... A dream is a mind of place that you imagine on what you'll become or want to be. It's a state there you'll think your on top of the world and you'll can have anything in there. So then the person want to make it reality and thus makes the goal of getting it with the hard work needed. They all want something in life as to which they want to make it happen. It's like a bridge that is made to help you walk the path you choose. Once you get your determination in it, There's no stopping you to reach that goal." He finished explaining as Flash had a knowing look. He thought back on what Naruto said and what Teuchi told him.

"So, What's my goal then?" He asked the question in mind.

"It's up to you to figure that out. Only you can decide on what happens and what you want in your life." Sasuka told."Now go to bed and get some sleep. Tomorrow is the big test so you gotta need to rest up." He then went to bed as Flash ponder the meaning of his existence in life. What can he do?....

He'll figure it later, First is sleep then. But sooner of later he'll find his goal in life.

Author's Note:

So it's my Flash Sentry Naruto story. Well The Uchiha Clan are my favourite as they had a wicked ability given and I thought of making it happen. But rest assured that the cannon event will happen. Not all but some will. And to Flash living with Sasuka is cause both are from the same clan and they will be good help. Sasuka can ease up a bit knowing there some one else alive.

And as for the MLP gang it's a different scenario as because of the period and such but you'll see some members later in it.

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