• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


This story is a sequel to In Her Wheelhouse

Ocean City leads up its tourist season with a big car show, a steady parade of classics on the streets and on the boardwalk in the morning. Like a tide coming in or a field ripe for planting, a town shaking off its winter slumber by inviting crowds in . . . Corduroy Road has a job to do, and after it's done she can unwind at an amusement park.

Unless, of course, it's still in the spring maintenance phase of operation.

With Splash Mountain, Speedworld, mini-golf, and a train which may or may not be fake (open to philosophical debate), Jolly Roger Amusement Park has something for everypony!

Inspired by Dogman15's comment on the previous story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Posted in
Admiral Biscuit's Fleet (group)
Pony On Earth (folder)


Ah, yes. The famous high-viz vest of freedom.

Life with burritos is good.

People weren’t expecting a fast-moving truck and she’d be in trouble if she accidentally squished a tourist.

...before the season began and they could spend their money.

Thanks for writing!

Gentle and sweet, peppered with bits of knowledge. My favourite n_n

Fun to see a story set in one of my favorite vacation destinations!

Sequel to:

EIn Her Wheelhouse
Corduroy Road works for the Ocean City DPW, clearing the beach with her backhoe.
Admiral Biscuit · 4.3k words  ·  185  3 · 2k views

Hey neat! It was nice to "revisit" this area, even if it's only through Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps. Thanks for the story.

But it was work that had to be done. The amusement park also needed to get ready for the spring tourists. The mini-golf course greens were fake grass, playable all year long. The walking paths were real gravel.

You think at one point a pony had tried to eat this "grass"?

Ocean City's always doing things to bring in tourists off season. I have a coworker whose family always goes to some sort of light show they have around Christmas.

Funnily enough, I just recently saw a clip of a guy trying to hide from cops in a field while still wearing his high-viz vest. They had no trouble finding him.

You can get into a lot of places you shouldn't with a high viz vest, maybe a clipboard and a hard hat.


...before the season began and they could spend their money.

"Do you know how much the average tourist spends? Squish them when they're leaving, not when they're arriving."

Thanks! It's a great place!

I can't promise real MLP ponies, but there's a spring convention in Ocean City which is small but fun.

I don't know why I forgot to include that when I published the story :P I'll put that in the description, thanks!

Thanks! And thanks for suggesting I visit Jolly Roger--it wasn't as thrilling since it mostly wasn't open, but I got to poke around the locomotive and find out what made it go. I'd have to dig, but I've got some pictures of the engine it uses. It's a very old inline 4, looks kind of like half a Ford flathead.


You think at one point a pony had tried to eat this "grass"?

MLP ponies probably have better vision than smell (vs. IRL equines which have okay vision and a great sense of smell), so there's a chance they'd mistake astroturf for grass. Once.

Then again, given how chemically treated many lawns are, ponies on Earth might quickly learn to avoid any really green grass.

They are--it's a good way to get some tourist bits when people aren't on the beach.

You can be one of them--Seaquestriafest is on for next year, in Ocean City, during the off season!

It sounds like a fun place. It is good to have an HiVizVest, as getting run over is not fun.

There was a video series while back, along the lines of, "Where can we get entry to, because we're carrying a ladder?"

I miss when local stations had Alice Cooper's program on in the evenings. So many interesting stories. The bland corporate dictated stuff is why I mostly switched to podcasts and playlists.

Unrelated to the story, but ought to get a chuckle from the mechanic author:
Tractor's cab is hot.
A/C turns out to be working.
Heater knob turns out to be loose.
... after two days of driving it in the field. At least I could prop the door open. And the DIY A/C charger will be useful on a couple other things that have signs of low refrigerant. So glad I didn't have a service guy come out for something that could be dealt with by a pair of pliers.

It wasn’t quite dark when Juan dropped her off at her apartment complex. The days were stretching out, they were cyclic, too.

Corduroy gave him a goodby nuzzle and grabbed her paper sack. She waited by the front door until he’d pulled out of the parking lot and then she walked up the stairs to her apartment.


Like many places--especially tourist places, it depends on what you're interested in. I really like the vibe before the real tourist season starts; I've been there once when every high school student on the East Coast was visiting and that wasn't as good.


There was a video series while back, along the lines of, "Where can we get entry to, because we're carrying a ladder?"

That genuinely doesn't surprise me. I've seen one YouTube channel where the host tries to get in places sometimes, I can't remember which channel, unfortunately.


I miss when local stations had Alice Cooper's program on in the evenings. So many interesting stories. The bland corporate dictated stuff is why I mostly switched to podcasts and playlists.

Yeah, we're stuck listening at work with a corporate station that plays the same top 40 country songs all day long . . . not because there aren't other choices, but because the manager can't cope with the concept that other people don't like the music that he does.

Unrelated to the story, but ought to get a chuckle from the mechanic author:
Tractor's cab is hot.
A/C turns out to be working.
Heater knob turns out to be loose.

At least you find the easy fix eventually. :derpytongue2:

At least I could prop the door open. And the DIY A/C charger will be useful on a couple other things that have signs of low refrigerant. So glad I didn't have a service guy come out for something that could be dealt with by a pair of pliers.

That is one advantage to tractors that cars don't usually have (I say 'usually,' because I suppose I could jam the side doors of my minivan open and drive it like that. It would be upset, but it's not a new enough van to refuse to go into gear if the doors aren't closed.)

I genuinely couldn't tell you how many times I've gone down a diagnostic path and then found what the actual problem was when I opened it up.

Or sometimes after I fixed what I thought was wrong with it.


If possible, I visit places off peak (I once went to Point Reyes on a weekday in winter and it was not possible, because everything was closed except a ConvenienceStore). The last and 1st time I visited Disneyland (something always came up, forcing me to cancel; until I finally got to go last year). was in February during the week.

We did the Grand Canyon in winter, that was really cool. Hardy any people, an ice storm in Arizona . . . good times.

Your ponies on Earth are just so soothing? I do so love to read them.

Thank you! I really like writing this kind of story, it's very comforting.

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