• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 883 Views, 30 Comments

The Chronicles of Andy Hunter- New Life in Equestria - AndyHunter

It was a day like any other, until a portal took me to Equestria with no way to return to America, anyone would be scared in that situation, but me? I can't be happier

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Disc #1 Goodbye America, I never come back

It was an ordinary day, the same routine as always, getting up, going to the university, doing homework, sleeping. repeat the same thing every week.
My life is terribly boring but I'm happy with it.
There is not much to say about it.

But that would change forever. A friday noon after arriving home, I went to my room, I spend more time there than anywhere else, why wouldn't I? Here is everything I need, PC, consoles, TV, enough reasons to not get out.
But this time I didn't feel like doing those activities, I preferred to take a nap before starting my weekend.

I didn't even bother to take off my shoes, lay on my bed and closed my eyes, it was very relaxing, could only hear the sound of the fans in my room.

When I had finally fallen asleep, I felt a strange sensation in my body, it was similar to the typical dream in which you seem to fall from a building. I felt that a supernatural force was pushing me down, it was all dark, couldn't see anything, I was sure at that moment that everything was a dream.

Until from one second to another you can see some kind of sky, I tried to stand up but there was no floor, I was scared for a moment, I had never experienced anything like this before.

"I'm already dead or something?" I said, but I kept my composure, would I finally see God face to face with his great book, to read all the sins that I have committed in my life up to that moment?

Everything began to move, the supernatural force, whatever it was, was taking me to another place, far away, I no longer knew what to think, it wouldn't be worth breaking my head trying to decipher what was happening.

The force took me to a kind of ocean, I was underwater, but the strange thing was that I could still breathe and that my clothes were not wet, it was taking me deeper, these interdimensional trips were starting to piss me off.

But what can I do? I could only wait for that thing to take me somewhere nice, for god's sake other than Raccoon City or something.
This could not be a dream, impossible, I was being transported to another place, have seen it a lot on TV, in movies about the chosen one and stuff.

My body began to shine, everything was spinning, until I fell to the ground.

I didn't feel pain or anything, miraculously, the first thing I did was standing up and look around, I recognized this place immediately, it was the Everfree forest, the typical place for strange beings like us to land here, is something very common, it's a pattern that keeps repeating itself for some reason.

"I'm in equestria? I can't believe it, I'm going to try to see if I'm not dreaming" I pinched myself and no... I didn't wake up, so everything was real I'm in Equestria!

"OHHHH YEAH BABY" I said, before continuing to scream like a fangirl, I checked my pockets to see what I had, I only had a replica of the ocarina of time that I bought on Amazon, my cell phone and money from my world, american dollars, I don't think it will be of much use to me here.

"I also have to find a place to spend the night, I don't know if Fluttershy is willing to let me stay at her house, I wonder how she'll react when she sees me, I'm sure she'll be scared, it's very typical of her" I said thinking about what I will do "I know Flutters lives near the forest but I don't know where exactly, guess if I go this way, I'll find her house" I started walking towards the exit of the forest, without making too much noise, I know how dangerous this place is and what the Timberwolves are capable of doing.

I had a jacket on and I could still feel the cold of the night, I hugged myself to try to warm, also blew my hands and I could see the smoke coming out of my mouth every time I breathed.

I walked for several minutes until I finally found Fluttershy's house, I never imagined seeing it in person, it's beautiful.
Could see the lights on, it means she's still awake, I don't know what time it is exactly, but since everything is very quiet around here, I guess it's the time when almost all the ponies sleep.

I step slowly towards the door of the house, couldn't stop thinking about Fluttershy's reaction when she sees me, hope I can reach an agreement and that I'm not an alien or a monster that comes to conquer Equestria.

knock on the door and call her "Fluttershy, are you there? Open the door please"

"Oh, somepony is calling me at this hour? wonder who will be" I managed to hear her sweet voice, it means that she heard me...

"Oh shit, Flutter is coming..." I told myself, swallowed hard to prepare myself and do a lot of explaining, and try to calm her down if she becomes hysterical.

Fluttershy opened the door and her reaction was exactly what I expected, she widened her eyes as wide as she could, let out a gasp of astonishment as she dropped to the floor "WHAT ARE YOU? PLEASE DON'T HURT ME"

"Oh Fluttershy, relax, I didn't come here to hurt you. Finally get to see you in person...pony, whatever, you're still the shy and kind pony I know" Fluttershy slowly turned her head towards me looking directly at me, still trembling with fear.

"Huh? Do you know me, how?" I Never see you before" Fluttershy said still scared.

"Where I come from, you are very famous and loved by many people, including me, I am not from this world, I come from far, far away" I told Fluttershy, smiling to convey confidence in her.

"I'm famous and loved, how? I don't remember doing something worthy to be known" Fluttershy said, it seemed that what I was saying seemed funny to her, could see her holding back laughter.

"I don't want to bother you, came to ask you a big favor, to stay at your house just for tonight, can I? I have nowhere to stay, if you let me I promise I can help you take care of your animals. Then I can explain everything"

"Oh, that's very nice of you and there's no problem, you can stay as long as you want, some company never hurts" She told me, showing me her adorable smile, I was surprised how quickly she calmed down, but I'm so glad that everything turned out well.

"Thank you Fluttershy, I'm going to close the door, it's very cold in here. I can't thank you enough, when I get a job here in Ponyville, I'll pay you a few bits for helping me out"

"Don't worry about it, it's not necessary, I like to help whoever needs it. By the way, what is your name?" She asked me as we both walked towards the sofa, sitting next to each other.

"Oh sorry, my name is Andy Hunter and I'm a Human"

"Hunter? What do you hunt exactly?"

"Hahahahahaha No no, I mean, it's just a last name, it doesn't mean i´m really a hunter" I told Fluttershy, both laughing at the same time.

"Andy, I also want to ask you about what is a human? Even in the books there´s nothing about creatures like you"

"I'm not from Equestria as I mentioned before, humans are like the ponies here, we have our own civilization and we are the superior species in our world, that's right, a portal brought me here, there are also ponies where I come from, but they can't speak or do magic"

"Oh, interesting, I would like to know more about your world Andy, although it seems strange to me that the ponies in your world cannot speak, I would still like to go there with you. What is the name of the place where you come from?

"I come from a continent called America, but I don't think I can take you there, sorry, humans can't do magic, I don't know where that portal came from"

"I see, a portal brought you here... I remember that you mentioned it before, but there are many things that I would like to ask you"

"We can continue tomorrow Flutter, and by the way we tell all your friends, they deserve to know too"

"My friends? Do you know them too?" Fluttershy asked me with a hoof on her chin.

"Yeah, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack" Those names are impossible to forget for me.

"I thought you only knew me, but you also know about my friends, you really don't cease to amaze me Andy"

"You will make me blush flutters, also, you 6 are very loved in my world, believe it or not, it should not surprise you if I know the name of a friend or family member of yours. Tomorrow we continue talking about this with your friends, so we save the explanations"

"Oh that's right, get ready because tomorrow you will have to explain a lot, especially Twilight, she will want to know every little detail hahahahah" Listening to Fluttershy's laugh is the cutest thing you can hear in your life, I also laughed with her in a short time we became good friends, just as I expected, making friends in Equestria is very easy.

Despite the time that has passed, still find it hard to believe that I spoke with one of the mane 6, don't have favorites to tell the truth, I like each of them just the way it is.

"Fluttershy where am I going to sleep?" I asked since I wasn't sure if I could sleep on that sofa, it was too small for me.

"You can sleep in the bed upstairs. There is only one since I live alone and I hardly receive visitors, I can sleep on the sofa"

"Seriously Fluttershy, are you willing to do that for me?" I've seen the entire show twice, but Fluttershy's kindness is something that goes beyond the word itself, even so, I won't refuse her offer.

"Of course Andy, all to help a friend!" Fluttershy said smiling and lying on the sofa ready to sleep.

"Thanks Flutter, you have a heart of gold" Fluttershy blushed when I said that, I saw her and couldn't help but laugh a little.
I took off my jacket I was wearing and left my Ocarina and my phone on the table near what seemed to be a fireplace.

"Good night Fluttershy"
"You too Andy, sweet dreams."
I gave her a hug, she returned the hug and I went to sleep in her bed. It was an excellent night and tomorrow will surely be a great day too, to meet the rest of the Mane 6, oh man, I´m so excited right now.