• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 1,952 Views, 128 Comments

Rainbow Point Paradox - Aether Nexus

When Dash and Twilight reset time, the main 6 must work out why the Equestria they have found themselves in, is far different than the one they remember.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Reunions and partings

The world spun around Tempest, the ringing in her ears certainly didn’t help her stomach settle. Over the last few minutes, she’d been dragged from her cell, danced and sang with her comrades from the Storm King’s army, along with the hippogryphs who joined in at some point. She then saw the two factions work together to decorate a barren hall into a colourful party venue, and finally, at the crescendo of the song, they all raise a drink in celebration of their new friendship as streamers filled the party hall. Where the cake came from was any creature's guess. Taking in the acts of unity and joy around her, Tempest looked at the pink creature by her side, who was vibrating with excitement.

“What just happened?”

“Weeelllllll, I used a heart song to let every creature know that we should be friends and encouraged the Storm-Kin to express the feelings they’ve been repressing since the Storm King went all meanie beanie conquest pants. After that the Hippogryphs had a verse to vent some of their pain of losing their home, they’ve realllllllly been suffering ya know, I almost lost the song at one point, but I got it back on track. Then we decorated everything, and have made the first steps towards friendship!”

Tempest blinked at Pinkie, “Why?”

“Why not?”

Tempest narrowed her eyes at Pinkie Pie, so with a sigh, the party pony continued.

“Because when those around me are sad, I want to help them smile, it's that simple. If the Storm-Kin and Hippogryphs can find common ground, they’ll be able to live together and fool the Storm King into thinking that everything is fine here. We could have harmed you and your friends, but then the Storm King would have sent more troops, the Hippogryphs would have lost their home again, and we’d be back to where we started. Doing this, we can make a change, and make the world a slightly better place.” Pinkie’s smile took Tempest aback.

“But all you did was sing.”

“That’s not all I did silly. I allowed them to open their hearts, and be vulnerable, to allow every creature to let others in. It won’t be easy, buuuut I know that if it's what they want, they’ll pull through.”

‘If they’ Tempest thought to herself before asking “You sound as if you won’t be pushing this, friendship business down their throats for the foreseeable future.”

“Nope.” Replied Pinkie flippantly, “It’s not my job to fix things here, presides, this was easy, what comes next is the hard part.”

Tempest checked over the celebration, noting each of the Storm-Kin, sure enough, every one of them was accounted for. Some still had bandages, but nothing that wouldn’t heal, they were also laughing, smiling, and sharing stories with the hippogrgyphs, creatures who last time Tempest checked, would have happily killed each other, and Pinkie called that easy. What could possibly be harder than that? Was this crazy creature thinking of befriending the Storm King?

“The Storm King won’t restore your horn Tempest.”

‘What!’ The statement shocked Tempest, her limbs began to feel numb, and her vision darkened.

The wind blew furiously across her face, her armour helping to keep her hooves on the stone balcony, as she overlooked a devastating storm created by her King,

“Yes yes you are every bit as powerful as I promised my sire, now restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you.” Tempest found herself saying.

“HAHAHA” Laughed the Storm King, pushing Tempest out of his way, as lightning cracked behind him “Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn.”

“But, we had an agreement.” Begged Tempest, she galloped in front of the King, she’d brought Equestria to heel, and captured its rulers, and all for one promise.

“Get with the program” The Storm King shouted, as he shoved his face into Tempests, “I used you, it’s kind of what I do.”

Backing away, the Storm King shrugged, before levelling his staff at Tempest, and the world flashed in blue light.

Tempest jumped in reflex, only to realise that she was not under attack, the Storm King was not present, and the stone balcony was once again a rocky streamer-filled cavern. Beside her stood Pinkie, though her jovial… thing was gone. In its place was a serious creature, emanating power, Tempest didn’t know why, but despite looking down at the pink menace, she felt like she was looking up towards a being who could change the world on a whim, and that she was merely a toy for her amusement.

“What are you?”

“I’m Pinkamina Diane Pie, Element of laughter, the pink one, party pony, baker, menace of the gala, Yak friend, and former Pony. I don’t think there has been a creature like me before, but I need to get a second opinion before I name myself.”

“And that vision was that you're doing!”

“I borrowed a memory from your possible future, and I’m sorry, but I won’t let the Storm King continue his rampage across Equs for much longer,” Pinkie said calmly. “The Storm King won’t be taking over Equestria.”

Tempest didn’t want to believe her, but she couldn’t deny what she saw, it was as real as the moment she was currently in, and worse, every instinct in her body knew that the creature in front of her was telling the truth.

“Why are you telling this to me, what do you want from me? I’m a broken unicorn, you completely dismantled my one chance of fixing my life, and now you’re aiming for the only one who is holding the Solar Tyrant in check, what's the point in telling me this, why didn’t you just kill me when you had the chance!” Tempest shouted she could feel her blood boil as she lashed out in anger.

Yet Pinkie stood firm, unfazed by her outburst. “Because while I want to make you smile, I also need your help.”

“My help? What can you possibly need my help for?”

“I’m going to Equestria, my friends there need me, and I need a responsible adult to help me get there.” Said Pinkie, whose eyes looked straight into Tempests.

Large blue eyes, and as Tempest stared into them, her anger faded, replaced by an understanding. Pinkie wasn’t playing with her, everything the pink one had done had been to help, to bring joy and laughter, as she looked around, her comrades hadn’t changed, they were still talking with the Hippogryphs, it didn’t seem that they’d heard her outburst. But there was something about them, it was almost as if they looked younger, or lighter. Tempest had seen them gather at campfires, drink, and tell tales before, and laugh into the night, but in those memories, she now saw shadows looming over each of the Storm-Kin, she saw that they only laughed to hide their sadness, drank only to make their situations bearable, and shared stories of better times to forget where they were.

Is this what Pinkie saw? What was she?

Tempest remained lost in thought for a while, when she returned her gaze to the pink ‘thing’, Pinkie spoke.

“This is my deal, help me get to Ponyville, to my friends, and I will give you what you truly want. Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake, in my eye.”

“... What I truly want? You just showed me that the Storm King would betray me, why would I believe you over him?” Cried Tempest, holding on to the last of her resolve. She wanted to believe Pinkie, some part of her knew that Pinkie truly just wanted to be her friend and that her promise to help was genuine, maybe trusting her wouldn’t be so bad.

“Believe me because you feel it’s right.” Said Pinkie with a smile, “And I never break a Pinkie Promise.”


Twilight had been dreading leaving the train, and taking those first few steps into Ponyville, with everything that she had encountered so far, she was dreading what had become of the place she called home, so she feelings of trepidation, she, a sleeping Spike who was curled upon her back, and an incognito Cadence left the station. To her surprise, Ponyville looked to be doing slightly better for itself.

The small town was slightly larger than it was previously, and while the architecture was mostly the same, there were more tiled roofs in the town, though thatch roofs were still the most common roofing. Other than an increase in houses, there didn’t appear to be much else different, even the Quills and Sofas store looked identical.

It was when they were walking down Market Row that Twilight finally heard a familiar call.

“Fresh Apples, come get ‘em before they’re gone!” Called a young filly with a southern accent, even though a stack of apples, and a red colt, blocked her line of sight Twilight would never mistake the owner of that voice. Time to craft a masterful distraction.

“Look it's Sweet Apple Acers Apples! Please can I have one? Pretty please!?” Twilight begged, releasing her secret weapon, large foal eyes.

“I’m not sure Twilight, we should be getting to the library, we need to make sure our accommodation is sorted and get Spike settled, it's a miracle that he hasn’t woken up yet.” Said Cadence, though Twilight was a smart foal, and being a foal she had a unique talent, a talent she didn’t even realise she’d lost. The ability to sense when an adult was breaking and Twilight knew exactly how to push her old foal sitter over the edge.

“Please, Cady? Is it ok if I call you Cady? I know it might not be proper, but you’re hiding your wings, so I don’t think I can call you Cadence, but, maybe I could call you big sister Cady instead? PPllleeeeaaaassseeeeee”

Cadence froze, perhaps that had been just a little too much. To her credit, Cadence was attempting to keep her composure

“B-Big Sister? W-Well I wasn’t, or well, err, hmm, y-yes, that would be for the b-best, and as your b-b-b-big sister I shall go buy us some apples now!”

It took every ounce of will for Twilight not to break her composure and laugh. The Cadence she knew was legally her sister, and with the amount she doted on Twilight growing up, Cadence views Twilight as her little sister rather an a foal she sat for, having her previous knowledge was going to be something she’d be using to have a lot of fun with.

As Cadence stiffly walked up to Big Mac, who wasn’t that big yet, Twilight darted round the side to find the filly she heard before.

“Well Howdy Sugarcube, don’t think I’ve seen ya here before. My name’s Applejack, ya new to Ponyville?” Said Applejack loudly, as she looked around for any pony who might be listening, when she saw that Big Mac was busy with Cadence, she continued, “Hey Twi, good ta see ya, and Spike o’ course”

“Likewise Applejack, I’m glad the cloaking spell is still working, but I don’t think we can chat now, can we speak later?”

“Sure thing, Do ya remember AB’s old clubhouse from her crusadin’ days? I’ll wait for ya there after I finish work, we have a lot to catch up over.”

“Sure thing, I’ll see what I can do. Have you heard from Dash or Fluttershy?”

Applejack frowned and shuffled her hooves. “Can’t say I have, not since the first night, hopin' to see 'em soon.”

“I’m sure we will, I’ll see you later.”

“Later Twi.”

bAaa” mumbled a sleepy Spike.

Leaving Applejack to her work, and adjusting Spike, she scurried back to Cadence’s side, just as the other alicorn received a large bag of apples from Big Mac.

“There you are Twilight, did you make a new friend?” Asked Cadence as the pair began to walk towards the library.

‘If you ignore that I was her wife's bridesmaid, and they helped me rule Equestria for over a decade …’

“Yeah! Her name’s Applejack, and she lives at Sweet Apple Achers, isn’t that cool!? She said I should come and play at some point”

“That sounds lovely, and erm, oh how to ask this. Twilight, this might sound strange, but I just wanted you to remember, that just because Applejack doesn’t have a horn, you can’t look down on her.”

‘Oh yeah, Equestria is racist, I hadn’t been reminded of that recently’ Thought Twilight. “Look down? But she’s taller than me, won’t I have to look up?”

“That, err, well, yes, but also no.” Cadence thought for a few moments, Twilight felt a bit bad, but at least Cadence’s heart was in the right place, unlike a certain Alicorn she was going to have words with, maybe she should stop making it hard for her new guardian… Nar.

“Oh, is this about what Mommy says about ponies being better than other creatures?” Twilight said, doing her best not to wince.

“Yes, Twilight, that-”

“But she never explained how. Like are we better at reading books or flying fast? Except unicorns don’t have wings, so I guess Pegasai are better fliers than Unicorns, is that it?”

“Well yes, but-”

“And unicorns have horns, but Pegasai and earth ponies don't, so unicorns are better at magic!”

“Yes, Twilight.” Sensing that this might be a critical moment in reaching the foal she once believed to be beyond saving from fanaticism, Cadence decided to test her luck, “do you know what Earth Ponies excel at?”

“Hmm, are they stronger than Unicorns?”

“Generally yes, though not always. Earth Ponies also have a stronger affinity for nature than the other tribes. Have you ever heard about the other Equestrian pony tribes?”

‘No, as Princess of Friendship, I sat around and read books all day.’ Thought Twilight, but she decided that a simple shake of her head would be a better response.

“Well, first there’s the Thestrals, they have wings like Pegasai, but instead of feathers, their wings are webbed, and they prefer to be active at night, then there are the Kirin, while we haven’t heard from them in a few decades, Celestia hopes to find them again soon.”

‘That's new, the real Celestia knew of the Kirin, but outside of a few ancient trade deals, she hadn’t kept tabs on them, though if this Celestia is looking for them, it might be best to warn Rarity’

“While both the Thestrals and Kirin look different, they are just as important as you and I, there is even another tribe, though they are extremely rare. They are the Crystal ponies …”


The Golden Oaks (which was currently just an abandoned book collector house), was a place she didn’t believe she would ever see again, but after what she’d just learnt from Cadence, she was struggling to enjoy nostalgia.

As Cadence took her luggage down into the tree’s basement, Twilight began ascending the stairs to her old/ new room.

The poor Crystal ponies …

As she opened the door to her room, she levitated Spike onto the bed and began offloading the rest of her luggage on autopilot.

How could Celestria do such a thing, sure Sombra was evil, but the Crystal ponies weren’t!

She unfastened the saddle around her barrel, and along with a cloak, brought her only non-book luggage to a chest at the foot of her bed.

Around a thousand years ago, and still, the Crystal Ponies hadn’t forgiven the rest of Equestria, and she couldn’t blame them.

As she reached the chest, she used a hoof to raise the lid.

How could anypony forgive a nation that reduced their ancestral home to a molten wasteland?!

As she opened the chest, Twilight did not expect to find something staring back.


Dumping her saddlebags onto the floor, and Telikineticly throwing her clothes onto her new bed, Cadence was finally free to stretch her wings. Fortunately, while looking for new residences for her and Twilight in the foal's requested destination for their new home, Cadence came across a home that had been sold to the crown, its previous owner passing away some years ago. The previous owner had been a rather eccentric pony, dedicated their life to growing Equestrias first true tree house, and she could certainly see the appeal, however, the decades it took to grow the residence made the project impractical, not to mention the maintenance, requiring monitoring, nurturing and careful grafting, if she and Twilight weren’t careful, they might end up with their living space slowly closing in around them.

As for their rooming situation, two rooms were ideal for bedrooms, above the trove of books and kitchen on the ground floor, the first floor had a spacious bedroom, washroom, and balcony which overlooked the centre of Ponyville, there was also the basement, while it was spacious, it certainly lacked the amenities of a living environment, at least for now, but it did have two significant advantages, resulting in her picking this room. First, the basement seemed to be almost soundproof, nothing a little magic wouldn’t be able to turn into completely soundproof, as for the second advantage …

Three rapid knocks rasped on the basement second door, which led to behind the Treehouse, Cadence waited in eager anticipation and was rewarded, as after a short pause, two slow knocks hit the door. Willing her horn to life, Cadence threw open the basement door, grabbed the silhouette of a pony she saw standing there, and yanked them into her basement and into an Alicorn hug*, before closing the doors, only slightly more carefully.

“Shiny” Cooed Cadence, as she nuzzled into the unicorn she grabbed.

“Can’t, breath.” gasped Shining Armor.

“But I missed you.” Pouted Cadence, though as a hoof began to tap her shoulder, she did relent and release the stallion who made her heart flutter.

“I missed you too Cady. “ Smiled Shinning Armor has he got back onto all four of his hooves. “How was the train, I hope Twilight wasn’t too bad.”

“I think so, but I get the feeling that she’s up to something.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, everything is just, too easy, despite how her mother was, and what you said about Twilight, she was a delight.”

“What?” Asked Shinning in disbelief. When Twilight was born, he’d done his best to look out for her, he even got his cutie mark while defending her from a falling stack of books, but those days didn’t last. Recently, their mother had begun filling Twilight's mind with her political views on how the pony tribes should be, and how they should be reverent to Celestia. When Shining had heard that Celestia wanted his sister to be given to Cadence, or have her horn removed, he truly believed that his sister would become hornless. At least before he heard his sister concoct a plan to sabotage Cadence.

“She even made a friend at the market, an Earth Pony.”

Shining mouth dropped, “How?”

“She wanted an apple from Sweet Apple Acers, so when we saw their stall she asked me to buy some apples, I think she met a filly who was working there. By the time I’d bought half a dozen apples, Twilight ran up to me and said she’d made a friend. She didn’t seem to understand what your mother meant when she talked about Earth Ponies being inferior. She was even excited about being invited to play”

“But, Twilight doesn’t do friends.” Shining said, as Cadence looked at him with surprise instead of shock he continued, “Twilight has never shown interest in making friends, the only things she’s ever shown interest in are Books and Princes Celestia, and Twilight hasn’t ‘played’ in years.”

Cadence’s mind went blank, had the filly really played her so easily, what was going on?

Before either of them could continue, the silence was shattered by a blood-chilling scream from upstairs. Thoughts of what Twilight was up to were forgotten as they both bolted towards the stairs.

As the couple entered the ground floor, Shining Armor took a defensive position at the base of the stairs, while Cadence leapt into the air, allowed her wings to propel her up the stairs, and with a fragment of Will, opened the door to Twilight's room, and landed in a combat stance.

Cadence swept her gaze over the room, looking for any threats, fortunately, the only occupants were the aforementioned Lavander filly, who was currently sitting atop a chest, and a crying baby Spike.

“Twilight, is everything alright?”

“Yes, sorry, false alarm hehe.” Nervously laughed Twilight.

Slowly, Cadence began to relax her stance, “Are you sure Twilight? You sounded terrified, what happened?”

“Oh, errm, I thought I saw a really big ladybird, but it was just a spider.”

Cadence looked at the foal, but what she saw sent a shiver down her spine.

As Twilight took in a short breath, she smiled, and ever so slightly tilted her head to the side “I’m sorry for startling you, but nothing is wrong, I promise sister Cady..”

That expression, her mannerisms, and her tone of speech, it was as if Queen Celestia herself was speaking through the foal.

“Certainly, Twilight, I will leave you be, if you need me to deal with any spiders or ladybirds, please let me know.” Said Cadence as she left the room and closed the door behind her, trotting down the stairs, she began to break out into a cold sweat, where had Twilight learnt to do that!?

As she reached the ground floor, a white hood pulled her into a reassuring hug, “Sister Cady?” Asked Shining Armor.


Not long later, dinner was served, though neither Twilight nor Cadence tried hard to fill the silence, after a few minutes of mostly silent eating, Twilight excused herself for an early night. As she got to her room, she cast a silencing spell around the room, a glamour to prevent any creature from seeing her magic outside, and allowed the illusion hiding her wings to disappear, unlike her friends, she had full control of her wings and horn, so didn’t need the enchantment to prevent any magical mishaps or accidental wing slaps.

Speaking of her friends, Twilight walked up to the chest that had given her a shock earlier, knocked on the lid twice, and slowly raised it. From inside, a pair of magenta, and aqua eyes looked up at her.

“Hi girls, it should be safe to come out now.”

“No girls here, only ladybirds - OW” Said Rainbow, who ended up on the receiving end of a butter yellow wing slap.

“Now Rainbow, Twilight did a good job distracting Princess Cadence, I’m sorry we scared you Twilight.” Said Fluttershy, as she carefully climbed out of the chest, and stretched her aching muscles.

“It's fine Fluttershy, I just wasn’t expecting to see you both so soon, Applejack didn’t even know you were in Ponyville.”

“Well, we only arrived here this morning, just before dawn.” Said Rainbow Dash, as she lazily flew around the room. “Didn’t want any creature spotting us, and the library seemed like a good place to bunker down before we attempted to find AJ.”

“Before dawn? Wait, have you two been travelling at night?”

“Eeyup” Replied Dash, “Wanted to avoid any Cloudsdale search parties.”

“I guess that explains why I couldn’t call you to the dreamscape, but what's this about search parties?”

“Yeaahhh, it's a long story, and I’d rather not have to answer like a bajillion questions and then explain it again to AJ, so can we hold off on the explanation?”

Twilight smiled, a wicked smile that made Rainbow regret what she’d said, she knew she’d just put her hoof in it somehow.

“Sure, sure,” Twilight said as she began walking towards her bed while casting a spell, within moments a unicorn version of Twilight materialised in the room.

“Hello, Good night.” Said the clone Twilight, who immediately settled into the bed, and began to snore.

The real Twilight turned back to Rainbow and Fluttershy, “So no questions until we meet Applejack? I guess we should go find her then.”

Fluttershy, realising what was about to happen, let out her breath, closed her eyes, and braced for what was coming, Rainbow, eyes wide, attempted to stop the Alicorn of magic, “Wai-”

She failed, and with a flash of lavender, the three fillies disappeared from the library.


Footsteps echoed throughout the stone halls of the grand Cathedral, or at least the pony walking down the aisle liked to believe they did, sadly the current environment was not ideal for creating the desired atmosphere. Regardless, as she glanced at the many pews, arches, statues, and empty windows, it was hard not to be impressed. Indeed this Cathedral was a worthy monument to ‘The Bringer of Dusk and Dawn’, though the name was a work in progress, along with the windows, making stained glass windows was a lot harder than she’d imagined, probably due to the lack of sand.

But pondering would have to wait, her guest had finally arrived, though she was partially thankful that he’d allowed her enough time to finish her project…

She really was going crazy.

“I hope I didn’t ke *cough* keep you waiting too long” croaked Discord.

Turning around to view the Draqonaquis who had appeared on the pulpit, Luna was shocked at the state of the spirit.

“Discord, what in the Spark has happened to thee!”

Cough* “Oh, just some re-adjusting, but don’t worry, I’ve managed to get some more information, I even think I have a plan and a little gift. Just don’t tell anyone I’m going so far out of my way to be nice, I have an image to keep after all.”

Willing magic through her horn, Luna grabbed the Spirit and gently brought him next to her, he was so light in her telekinetic grip.

Slumping onto one of the pews, Discord continued, “Ah thanks Lu, I wanted to be dramatic, but it seems that I do need a seat, old age and all that, not that you’d know, you barely look a moon older than 100.”

“Enough Discord, something is wrong and thy attempt at drollery will not aid thee. Please, tell us what we can do to help.”

Discord sighed, he had hoped to have more time, but sadly reality wasn’t something you could argue back to without obscene chaos powers, just as well really, The Spirit of Reality would probably be a bitch.

Discord chucked at the notion, before replying, “I’m sorry Luna, but no, so please listen I have a fair bit to go through and a limited work count.”

“A what?” asked a confused Luna

“Never mind, I mentioned that someone had messed with reality last we met, what else did I say?”

“Yes, you mentioned that Equestria was vastly different, but Celestia was still in charge, and that Twilight and her friends were also present, along with some others whom you had yet to find, but you didn’t know why everything was so different, or what the buck happened to Equs!” Replied Luna, she would have shouted the last part, but without air, it would have been far too much effort and she didn’t feel like hurting the weakened spirit, at the moment.

“Ah yes, so, to answer, I managed to find out what happened to the other me when he met you and Celly.”

“Other you?”

“Yes, turns out that without the Elements of Harmony, you two were much more violent, and more methodical with putting me down, to the point where I died.”

“Wait what!?”

“Which part?”


“Ok, ok. No idea about the first, but it seems that one of you worked out how to kill me, and I was revived when good old Rainbow sent her pride parade across Equs, but you two did such a good job putting me down the first time, it killing me all over again.”

“No, Discord, please, there has to be something we can do! We art the Alicorn of the Dreams, by our whim the Moon and stars fly through the Sky, so please, tell me what to do!” Pleased Luna.

Smiling, Discord pated the trembling Alicorn, “Then let me speak, limited word count, remember. There is also nothing you can do.”

“Damn it, Fee on all this, why is this happening! How are we supposed to continue knowing we art the cause of thy death, what of Dame Fluttershy, how will we face her when we are the one who slew her beloved!”

“Please Luna, everything should work out, and if I've placed my faith correctly, I’m sure I’ll be back again.”

Luna sniffed but nodded to the Draconaquess.

“Good good, now then, The elements are on the move, a good number of them are already in Ponyville. A few others are journeying to Equestria as we speak, but there is an odd one who’s moving away.”

This shocked Luna, and while she was about to interject a talon silenced her.

“It’s not one of Twilight's friends, it's not even some pony I know, so they probably don’t even know about Fluttershy and the others, it's not like they would have any friends I wouldn’t know about after all. Then there is your … There is Celestia, she is not who we knew Luna, while I don’t think she has fallen, she may not be far off.”

“What do you mean Discord?”

“I don’t know much more than Ponies are viewed as warmongers, and Celestia is a symbol of pony superiority, I didn’t want to believe it either, but that’s the truth.”

Luna was struggling to handle the news, she knew things might be different, but there was no way her sister would ever consider such a path, not unless …

“Discord, hath thee discovered what is known of us on Eques?”

Discord deflated, “Sadly not, only that the echos of Nightmare Night have nothing to do with merriment if it even still exists.”

After a few moments to consider Discord's words, Luna was about to speak when the Spirit began to cough violently.


“Oh rats. Looks like that's the thirty-second warning, ok Moonbutt, final breakdown, wait for Twilight, her friends are the key to fixing all this, tell her that she needs all of them.” Discord snapped his talons several times, yet nothing seemed to happen. “Well that sucks, oh, and please pass a message on to Fluttershy for me.”

“Of course.”

“Tell her, Screw loose is a lovely name.”

Reaching out with his paw, Discord tapped the Alicorn's horn releasing a flash of light that enveloped the cathedral. In its wake, Luna had crumpled to the floor, succumbing to a dreamless sleep. Discord was nowhere to be seen.

Author's Note:

This is the truth! :pinkiesmile:

*Alicorn hugs are unique, since not only are you prevented from escaping due to magic, but Earth Magic-enhanced forelimbs squeeze the life out of your body, while feathered wings make you consider if you can survive a few more seconds so you can enjoy their softness.

The next segment is already written, but there are still 2k words to proofread so I broke it into two chapters.