• Published 22nd Jul 2023
  • 540 Views, 1 Comments

Cozy Passions - Mystical

Chrysalis licking old wounds in the Inferno Mountains, finds herself hunted by Kirins. And soon the newest member of thier loving Cuddle Harem.

  • ...

Lost But Found

Author's Note:

Interested in a Brutal and Darker version of this story? Look up Blazing Passions, they might start similar but go off in vastly different directions.

"Grr, I hate Starlight Glimmer!" Chrysalis stomped across the lush woodlands of the Inferno Mountains, her shrill hissing echoing for miles singed by a fiery temperament.

She growled under her breath as the mere thought of that smug unicorn made her blood boil. The changeling queen pointed her horn towards a nearby boulder covered in a fine layer of moss, the tip engulfed by a glowing green fire that struck her target like a bolt of hellish lightning. Pebbles raining out across the sky, followed by a cackle of diabolical laughter.

"Hahaha, how did that taste!? What's that, no reply!?" Chrysalis towered over the stony excrement that was once one Starlight Glimmer, now just a useless pile of rubble.

"Because you're dead!!" She swiped her hoof over the mess, scattering it to the far corners of the woodlands.

Her chest heaved in a twisted sense of relief and glee. Taking out a boulder was nice and all but without the screaming or splash of crimson across the dying leaves of the forest. She felt an emptiness merely grow inside her heart, one which needed true death to fill its growing chasm. With a loud sigh of melancholy, Chrysalis plopped down amongst her mess, letting the filthy dust of the world cover her gangly form.

"Scritch, scritch."A loud rustling of leaves suddenly caught the attention of the fallen royalty.

The nearby bush to her left was subtly moving, not enough to be seen by simpletons trotting head first into their doom. But clear as day to a keen eye such as herself, she was able to spot traitorous insects from her army in the past. Once found her fangs would plunge into their soft underbellies and eviscerate them instantly, her eyes watching in glee as the life faded from their eyes.

This foe would be no different, she would disable the foolish creature with ease. Afterwards making a swift escape into the darkness, only to return as one of her attacker's precious dream mates. From that moment forward, she'd build trust and love only to rob it of such joy in a constant stream of despair. Only when its psyche was shattered from heartache, would the queen finally allow her prey to perish.

And perish painfully at that.

"Show yourself, coward! For you've found yourself amongst royalty!!" Chrysalis hissed as she stomped a hoof toward the bush in a fit of rage.

"Ruu?" A soft delicate voice replied as a dainty little creature casually walked out of the brush and foolishly into full view.

It walked much like an equine. Yet had an incredibly lush soft lion's mane of blue around its head and down to its chest. A matching tail playfully swinging side to side with interest. Violet draconian scales traced down the backside and snout elegantly, as cloven hooves pressed deeply into the soft soil beneath.

"What are you?" Chrysalis felt taken aback by this odd creature, the large horn on its forehead radiating an odd energy that seemed to block the queen from gauging the creature's emotional state.

"I'm a Kirin, luv." The creature spoke eloquently with a refined polite accent.

"What do you want?" Chrysalis scrunched her nose lightly as the kirin cantered playfully around the oversized insect as if getting ready to play.

The turquoise eyes of the kirin were casual with a monotonous gaze of indifference never faltering from her features."Mmm, I want you." She purred aloud and swiftly struck like a snake from the grass.

Her cheek tenderly caressing upon the changeling's chest in a slow tender cuddle. A soft coo escaped her pouty lips as a hoof lowered to caress her belly with dainty long strokes. Chrysalis blushed brightly as the tiny creature simply giggled, and patted her belly playfully.

"Oooo, get off me!" Chrysalis found herself cooing, before snapping to her senses and tossing the creature off her body roughly.

"Mmmmm, such fiery passion!!" The kirin purred in delight and pounced onto her prey with a loud thud, Chrysalis somehow found herself pinned by the surprisingly nimble and incredibly smol creature.

Squealing aloud Chrysalis struggled to fight off the little beast, her horn refusing to ignite as she felt warm lips locking onto her collarbone. Moaning aloud, she felt the kirin suckling on her neck lovingly, tongue lapping at her skin, and teeth nipping on the surface.

"Oooo!" Chrysalis rolled her eyes back, her attacker's wet warm tongue swirling lower on her neckline.

Suckling harder and harder, pulling on the skin so roughly as a wet loud pop echoed around them. Chrysalis left with a bright red mark on her neck, as it burned like hot embers on her skin. She found herself sweating in discomfort from the sensations racking across her body. Gathering every ounce of strength she angrily pried the beast off her body, slinging her against a nearby tree as hard as possible.

The kirin whimpered in pain and toppled onto the moist earth with a thud. She didn't move an inch, as Chrysalis panted loudly on the ground in terror. The Queen could feel her body burning, as it scolded her from underneath her skin. She became exceedingly hot and uncomfortable, her frame aching for more cuddling.

"Ohhh, what did you do to me!?" Chrysalis moaned as she lifted and hugged a nearby tree roughly. She winced as she felt herself snuggling the soft leaves on a lower branch, and tenderly nuzzling the rough brown bark.

"Letting your passion burn, inside and out." The kirin lifted to her feet purring, not even bruised from the previous engagement.

"Oooo, stay back!" Chrysalis whimpered as she blushed a bright red and lowered herself to the creature's level.

The kirin giggled as she caressed the bug with love and affection slowly. Purring as she gave her tense body a few playful strokes similar to a feline. Chrysalis left to squee loudly, finding herself unable to stop as she hugged the tiny kirin close. Rubbing her cheek onto hers, sharing a moment of nuzzling.

"Mmmmmm, yessssss!" Chrysalis felt herself swimming as she booped muzzles with the creature and gave her cheek a lick.

Body drenched in sweat, she continued to squeeze her kirin company happily. The burning sensation was only at bay when she was being affectionate. The kirin giggles before giving her prey tummy rubs, happily nuzzling her neckline slower. Chrysalis burning with passionate warmth, coos reverberating throughout the woodlands.

"Yum. Such fire within you." The kirin growled with appreciation as she licked her soft lips.

"Go buck yourself!" Chrysalis snapped out of her trance of cuddles, tossing the kirin off of her and dragging herself away. Her body cramping all over from the lack of affection, her neck on fire as the mark scolded her skin.

"Ruu?" An orange-colored kirin crawled out of another bush interested, Chrysalis found their snouts bumping into each other playfully.

"Hello, aren't you nice and toasty?" She cooed and licked the changeling across the cheek affectionately.

"She's hot." A violet kirin poked her head out of a nearby treetop.

A yellow kirin slowly brushed off a wave of foliage as it rose from a large leaf pile on the forest path."She's delicious." She smacked her lips in growing hunger.

Chrysalis felt a chill run down her backside as she was suddenly surrounded by a group of these horrid little creatures. Forcing herself to lift upward, she growled at the group followed by a furious roar. The kirins squealed with fright as they bolted in various directions.

"That's right!! Run!!" She hissed, forcing herself to follow a nearby path, soon coming to a gentle stream's edge.

If she could follow it, she might just be able to find civilization and a place to rest. Body aching she struggled to drag her feet down the path of thorns and dead grass. Rustling from behind her, followed close and periodically gave off little coos.


"Ru ru…."


The Queen knew she was being followed again down this tangled path. Spinning around in anger, her horn lit up, firing a green bolt of energy at a nearby bush. A group of kirins explodes out of the grass and runs away into the forest.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Chrysalis screamed before coughing a few times, her body still burning with a fever.

She shivered all over as the rustling continued to echo from all around her. She gazed across the stream, thinking she might be able to cross it if she was quick enough. Screaming in fear she plunged into the icy water and began to swim, only to hear splash after splash following her. Within seconds the cooling waters bubbled as the stream grew warm and cozy.

Chrysalis gasped in shock as a kirin exploded out of the water behind her, pouncing onto her shoulders as she began tenderly tugging and chewing on the queen's ear. Two more rose from the depths and hugged her tight, their soft chubby cheeks caressing her chest full of love. One last kirin gently paddled over, only to place smooch after smooch onto the poor changeling's cheek.

The water's bubbling comfortably as she melted into this soup of cuddles and soft kisses. Each nuzzle and belly rub brings forth a sense of love and community. Something she felt was missing in her life, as her tummy was scratched she felt herself genuinely smile.

"Noooo!" Chrysalis snapped out of her cozy daze, eyes nearly glazed over with dreamy comfort.

With all the power left in her body, she pushed herself out of the stream and tumbled onto the opposite shore. She trembled and shivered soaking wet, as she dragged herself into the warm grass. She plopped onto a bundle of lush leaves, surrounded by blooming red flowers and the calm scent of nature. Chrysalis struggled to catch her breath, noticing that the area was decorated artificially and elegantly.

"You led me back to the nest," Chrysalis whispered as a group of at least eight kirins walked peacefully out of the stream, surrounding the royalty in a matter of seconds.

"Your fiery passion is too good to lose." The leader spoke up as her followers purred and nodded in agreement.

"I'll destroy you all…" Chrysalis spoke exhausted and defeated as the leading kirin pounced onto her, licking her neckline lovingly and slowly.

She was pushed back gently onto a bed of roses, two kirins soon massaging her hooves with care and pleasurable circular motions. Three more kirins would start to rub, scratch, and pet her belly as she began to melt from the tingling sensations. The last two share the duty of cuddling and nuzzling her into submission, taking moments out to chew or tug on her ears.

"Ooooo, ooooo, ooooo!" Chrysalis cooed as the leaves around them began to engulf and conceal them from viewing by other creatures.

The predator had become the prey, and she now belonged to them. Helpless as she made others feel in the past, and soon the pleasurable sensations would be too much to handle.

With a purr of acceptance, the world went black.

Comments ( 1 )

This was a pretty cute story, but I found it hard to read due to the large number of mechanical errors (grammar, punctuation, etc) throughout. I'd recommend you do more proofreading in the future, or find an editor to help you if you struggle with that.

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