• Member Since 12th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Feather Scratch


Theodore Cox was out for a jog one morning, when a reckless driver jumped the curb and hit him head on. When Theodore woke up in the hospital, he found he had acquired a lot more than broken bones during his time unconscious.

A side story set in the "5 Score" universe.
Original story by TwistedSpectrum

Cover art by Lightning Bliss.

Proofread by the incredible Alsey

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 42 )

woke up feeling a little hoarse

The fandom sure gets a lot of mileage out of that pun.

A fun subversion of the usual Five Score formula! I'm eager to see what tempestuous adventures await. :twilightsmile:

Considering MLP is filled with nothing but puns, the fandom is just being natural.

*Five score spell use detected*
This will be fun!

Oh I like this a lot. Its a very interesting way to start this and gets to see a side of the au other than random humans

Okay, that was cute and clever. And what an character choice! And yeah good creative solution on getting around the three day transformation time frame!

Thanks! I hope the rest of the story doesn't disappoint.😊

In pediatrics? *checks tags* Ooooh~

Without leaving specific spoilers in the comments: I like what you did with the narration here! Our protagonist here had a few good extra hints to the curse's origin. The setup is still very interesting. I'm curious how this is going to continue! If this is the tenth of May, then we're due for some interesting events soon enough! You're taking an interesting pacing here. By skipping a ton of the setup you can reach different parts of the story quicker. Admittedly we missed the details of the transformation, we got some fun bits in the first chapter and this story can focus more on what our protagonist can do now that they're awake.

I wonder what future events you have in store! I like when people use a character from past season 5 and just say they exist but were never on the show in-universe. It's a great source for potential characters: how we know all about this character yet no one in universe could know her from the show. You did a good job clarifying what's canon to the show and what's not in little time as well.

I hope you continue on the other story I had the privilege of reading early as well!

She isn't slow, or dumb, nice.

ok first i think i have read (several times) most all of the five score story's on this site.
i can say you have a really strong start hear with a totally new look at things.
i will warn you that you will not get many votes as even though the five score has a bunch of story's it is just not famous bare with things and please do keep going.
i will point this story to a vary good friend who is a five score righter and may be willing to help if you get stuck.
i hope you have a story bible to follow so you don't get stuck in a corner.
best wishes
Harts Fire

Thank you! I appreciate the kind consideration and will bear your offer in mind.
The story will continue. It's all planned out.
I hope to not disappoint.😁

A bit different from the stories I normally read, but this has a great few opening chapters. Im not sure where this story will be heading, but am interested enough to continue reading it as it goes on. Keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing more.

Love that reference to her song, looking very interesting so far!

New Five Score? Well don't mind if I do~

Doctor Rhodes chuckled. 'It’s true, we're not hurting for funds. Most of our patients either are, or are relatives of people earning six to seven figures per annum.' He swept his arm around at the reception area. 'So they expect the VIP treatment.'

Are or were* and use "" for dialogue please

This sentence is referring to the patients being rich, or being the relatives of rich people. In this context "are, or are relatives of" is the correct formatting.
As for using "" for speech, I was always taught to use 'this format' for speech and "this format" only for quotes.
This is a common way of doing it here in the UK, and, while I'm sorry if it bothers you, this is how I will continue to do it.
I hope you understand. It's what I know.
Thanks for reading.

well hello there Sunset Shimmer. Heh, and by chance Granny Bonnie also used her named in the show? I mean what the coincidence for the name Megan Williams

Always love when an MC uses logic.

Wow this is really well done so far.

And the ploy thickens more for Teddy!

grate chapter.
Sunny Williams
not a hard to figure out who that is.

just wondering when the next installment will be out?

Excellent story, and I saw the nod to Dust in there. Her visit to the McDonald's in Williston. Bravo, good story, am looking forward to any and all updates!

As far as in concerned, any time the word "eyes" are mentioned, that's a reference to her song, which I absolutely have to reenact.


:twilightblush: And all along the reading here I was thinking: "Sunny? As in Starscout? She traveled from her time and shared her knowledge of [G4] ancient and [G5] modern Equestria to inspire the franchise on Earth?" :pinkiegasp: Buuuut I guess not. I'll check out that other fic though.
(Man it especially got me when the prospect of a smalltown mayor or SHERIFF was brought up.) :pinkiegasp:

(Still might be awesome to see a G5 version of 5-score and/or a fic that gets into some mysteries of the creation of G5 and the Brony artist who inspired the design.) 😃

a five score with G5 that might be interesting. it would be really hard to pull of as the time frame would be way wrong.

Yeah, sorry. Been super busy irl, plus dealing with a serious block. It'll be out as soon as I'm able. Thanks for your patience.

not a problem i am getting my hay in for the winter and my barn in order i know how IRL happens.

I love this! I do enjoy the formulaic nature of most Five Score stories—it makes them all fit together wonderfully—but it’s always neat to see variation. I also enjoy seeing fics in this universe that star characters who weren’t introduced when the original was written. I have a Starlight Five Score story outlined; I’m not sure if I’ll ever get around to starting it.

Honestly, given the choice between being in a coma for five years and not being a pony, I’m not sure I’d choose the latter.

Wow, we’re really speedrunning the realizations! And Teddy/Tempest didn’t even need the traveling expository gang of 35-year-old ten-year-olds formerly known as the CMC to give her hints.

Man, this had so much potential, a pity it's dead, or maybe not?:rainbowderp:

Not dead, just sleeping. Busiest time of year for me, so no time for fics, sadly.
I appreciate your patience and am glad you like the story.

I'm like it. But Tempest is so naive. If they wanted to hide her, they wouldn't have given her a means of communication.
Sending all your test data to a lawyer is risky. Hey, it's been 5 years. Why do you think some lawyer will protect you? She can also use you for her own benefit. Now you are a stranger in this world.

Has he signed his NDA?

Ah... the papers. Do you really think they're solving something in your situation? You can wipe your butt with them. Nobody cares.

Isaac and Kelly must cooperate better with scientists. They don't really have a choice. They have already been discovered. If the "mad scientists" want Isaac, then there's nothing Kelly can do to stop them.

Your story deserves more likes. I hope you will continue this. Tempest is a nice cop, but a little naive.

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