• Member Since 21st Dec, 2019
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underrated Drake

Just a regular guy who has very little knowledge on MLP but a lot of creativity.

Comments ( 46 )

So that's why you haven't write any new chapters of any of your stories. You must have prepared this for a very long time and very dedicated as well. Like 2 years to write this story. You really feel proud of the story. Especially releasing for it the month of dragons Smaugust and for next year of year the dragon.though I have a question? After this series is over. which I don't know for how long. Are you still going to continue writing any of your other wonderful stories in the year of the dragon and probably finish? I know I probably shouldn't be saying this because you have other things to do in your life like work. So please take your time and I'll still wait for your other chapters of your creative stories. Like i always say in the last comments I wrote last year. I will always be your fan of your wonderful stories.

I need to know is Spike is going to have the main six as his herem or some of them?

Great setup for the story. A great noble warrior sacrificing to save the world from an ex-friend who stepped into the darkness. You really went all out.

Still needs a bit of polish, with regards to missing words in the dialogue, but so far a good start.

Spike won't have any romance in this season

So which season will he find romance?

Feel so bad for the kid hope he finds happiness.

You touch my heart man.😭

But I admire his determination his determination to keep on living. No matter how much the world is destroyed by chaos. He still continues to fight to live to survive. Just like how a human thinks we always want to survive and to live a happy life
that is always our goal. Our reason to live and our reason to fight.😠

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Aug 3rd, 2023

The jarring addition of a pony name when the story has mostly been chinese names (or at least they look and sound like them) with no explanation aside from "because it's mlp, see?" Is uncomfortable tbh.

Yeah, further on thy will be using their mlp names

Tong Xue was a beacon of virtue and power, a testament to the heights cultivators could aspire to reach.

(Googles translation) Classmate?:rainbowhuh:

I don't speak Chinese, I just got randomly generated names for the story... it is funny though

I really liked this chapter, the reunion with Grandma was beautiful.

So many names, none of them familiar.... this is getting way too confusing tbf, trying to keep track of them all.

That was a interesting read and wow if the plants are worth a fortune how much do they cost for the finished product. It's probably not a good idea to have all of that win there is a war going on near by as that's just asking for trouble

Yeah... next chapter will explain some more details

Trying to stay into this, but so far this story has nothing to do with MLP at all. Tbf, it's not an MLP story at all, and seems more like it's own entirely separate universe that would be better posted on a different site. But, thats just me. I just come here to read stories about ponies. This is not that, at all.

I'm trying to find a way to incorporate th actual names into the fic... and I think I just found it

So Guilvons is the heart and trade canter of the Dragon lands so who is attacking them its not the ponys right maby its the griffin its kind of hard to tell or did you say it before and I didn't realize it? With that said can't wait to see what happens next

Guilvonsis going to quickly become a city of unity that going to draw lot's of people to it. Maybe the apple will show up to do business

They aren't part of this season, but definitely the next

Tall Tale is a pony (Equestrian dynasty/nation) but the situation is much more deeper than that.

OK sorry i just read a lot of story and sometimes forget or mix things up steel love reading it and can't wait to see how things turn out

“OH!!, yup, I should really eat something, I mean, I haven’t eaten anything in 2 days… to the kitchen it is!” Spike said as he went to the kitchen.

then eat every thing within the refrigerator without knowing as maar looking on in disbelief.

How many cultivate lvl are there

the cultivation stages: first stage: "Warrior" (Every stage has 10 levels), stage 2: "Martial Warrior", Stage 3: "Martial Master", Stage 4 "Martial King", Stage 5 "Martial Venerable", Stage 6 "Martial Venerable Warrior", Stage 7 "Marital Venerable Master", Stage 8 "Martial Venerable King", Stage 9 "Holy Martial Master (or Demonic Marital Master if they practice Demon arts)", Stage 10 "Celestial/Demonic Grand Warrior", Stage 11 "Celestial/Demonic Grand Master", Stage 12 "Fairy", Stage 13 "Semi-Immortal Master" Stage 14 "Marital God, realm 1" (Stage 14 is know to be the final obtainable stage, as no one in history has been able to accend to Martial God Realm 2 and beyond.)

I take it that Lian Mu is twilight as for the test it was quite interesting and can't wait to see what else can be made

I admit I was a bit skeptical at the beginning. But this, I am absolutely loving. I'm glad I decided to stick around for this.

This is amazing, if only modin medicine worked like this.

Thorax's quip had elicited chuckles from the group, but Spike, ever the witty one, smirked and retorted, "Well, Thorax, while our faces might be similar, I'm at least a foot taller than Ember. Plus, I don't exactly have her... ahem... generous chest."

Heads up, this part and the next 6 paragraphs are repeated. And it seems like where it repeats, was supposed to be something else as the next bit doesn't make sense.

Sorry, Messed up when I copied the text from the old file... never doing this again at 3 in the morning... it should be fixed now.

I really enjoyed this chapter, i especially loved the fights and different moves.

very nice chapter, i look forward to seeing how things will turnout.

Good chapter, but intense in parts i look forward to finding out what happens.

Nice when are you going to start using their mlp names?

Hey man when are you going to start using the mlp names?

How did the staff of sakana and the Crystal heart be in the hands of humans????


Dawn greeted Guilvons with an uneasy quiet, the stillness of a town girded for battle. The first rays of sunlight unveiled the silent Blood Hawk army poised just beyond the town's field of vision. Their organized ranks and the glint of their armor were intimidating, yet the townspeople were steeled by determination and meticulous planning.

Inside the town's walls, squads of soldiers and militia patrolled diligently, inspecting the barriers and ensuring that the traps were ready to be sprung. On the rooftops, sentinels with keen eyes watched every movement, communicating with flags and hand signals.

At the southern part of the town, where the land dipped into a shallow valley, Liang Xuan had devised a cunning trap. The depression was filled with water, forming a moat of sorts. In the water were hidden spikes, designed to halt any cavalry charge. Strategically placed trenches were set up around the town's perimeters, camouflaged with foliage and deceptive to any advancing force.

The town’s entrance was intentionally left slightly exposed, drawing the Blood Hawks into a bottleneck. This trap was layered; once a significant portion of the enemy troops advanced into the town, the rear would be flanked by the soldiers emerging from the underground tunnels. It was a daring strategy, but with the element of surprise, it could scatter and confuse the Blood Hawks, rendering their numerical advantage ineffective.

In the heart of the town, at the plaza, a medical station had been set up. Healers and herbalists were ready with poultices, bandages, and elixirs, thanks to Yao Chen's extensive preparation. Nearby, a rallying point was established, a place for reinforcements to gather or regroup if necessary.

As the sun climbed higher, the ominous drumbeats of the Blood Hawks grew louder, reverberating through the tense air. A horn's sharp call signaled the beginning of their march.

Liang Xuan stood with Wu Mei on the ramparts, looking at the advancing army. Their grim expressions mirrored the concern of every man, woman, and child within the town. But there was also hope, a shimmering belief that their strategies, combined with their unity and love for their homeland, would prevail against the odds.

The Blood Hawks began their assault, sending forth a barrage of arrows that darkened the sky. Archers from Guilvons retaliated, their fiery arrows setting alight the frontlines of the enemy, causing confusion and halting their advance temporarily. This was the cue for Guilvons' first wave of defense.

The town's large gates swung open, and a squadron of mounted warriors charged at the Blood Hawks. The attackers, expecting an easy breach, were caught off guard. As they tried to regroup, the defensive trenches and water traps claimed their first victims, slowing the Blood Hawks and giving the mounted warriors the chance to strike hard and retreat back to the town.

Back on the ramparts, a lookout signaled the presence of a second force approaching from the west. This wasn't anticipated. The Blood Hawks had reinforcements.

Lord Wu Xian shouted orders for a section of their defense to reposition and face this new threat. The intricate plan was now at risk, but the town's defenders adapted quickly, showcasing the flexibility embedded in Liang Xuan's strategy.

As the battle raged on and the sun reached its zenith, the true test for Guilvons had just begun. Would their unity, strategy, and determination be enough to stave off the might of the Blood Hawks and their unexpected reinforcements? The fate of the town hung in the balance.

This massive section I’ve quoted here has been written in twice. Might want to delete the double.

I have a question. When will Liang Xuan see Zhang Jing and Chen Yu again?

Massive Spoiler: Season 2... they are important characters for most of the start of the second season.

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