• Published 10th Oct 2023
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Star Wars EQG: Episode 1, Harmony of the Force - Banshee531

In a galaxy far far away, the Jedi keep order and unity. But a new threat has appeared and now the Jedi must fight to keep the galaxy safe.

  • ...

Chapter 26

On a distant planet, somewhere in the uncharted regions of Republic Space, three Jedi and one amnesiac girl had found themselves stranded after their ship was attacked by pirates.

Having landed on this differently coloured planet, the four had found themselves trapped, attacked and almost shredded by the planet's inhabitants. Now, in the pitch black of night, they were following another native species of the planet that had stumbled across them.

Twilight, Applejack, Heather and the memoryless girl that had named herself Sunset, were making their way through the forest as it was illuminated by the strange plant humanoid the size of a baby.

The creature let out a clicking sound, clearly trying to say something?" What?" Applejack asked, only for pain to rocket through her leg. "OWWW!" She grabbed her foot, as Heather moved the brush away to reveal a large root that was sticking out of the ground.

"I think he was trying to warn us about that."

"We really need ta learn how ta speak to these guys." Applejack moaned, as the others stepped over the root. The cow girl was the last to follow and as they continued to make their way through the forest, they were careful not to blindly step anywhere.

"So what do you think these things are called?" Sunset asked, the others shrugging.

"Beats me," Heather replied. "Most intelligent species in the galaxy have their own names for their kind, which we don't learn until we can speak their language. But most of the time, the filler names given to them stick even after their real names are learned. On one planet, humans are known as flubwubbes. On another, we're clip-clop-cladalops." The girls laughed at this, catching their new friend's attention.

"Well we've gotta call them something," Sunset stated. "Any ideas?" They tried to think of something, but nothing came to mind.

Eventually, something appeared in the distance that they appeared to be moving towards. A mountain, roughly five or ten miles high. They wondered why this little guy was leading them there, each having a small fear he was leading them to some kind of mountain death trap.

As they got closer and closer to the base of the mountain, the sound of water filled the air. It sounded loud, even louder than the large river they had crossed earlier that night. And the little guy appeared to be leading them towards that water.

Eventually, they arrived at the bottom of the mountain and found themselves looking at a large wall several hundred feet high. And one part of the wall had water, racing down it into a small lake that was feeding many different rivers.

Small bridges had been built to pass these rivers, though by the size of them it was clear they weren't designed for anything bigger than the shrub man they had met.

He walked over it without issue, whilst the girls chose to jump over the river. Luckily, this one wasn't as wide as the first and they were able to get over it easily. The only one the Jedi expected would need help was Sunset, Applejack and Heather preparing to lift her over like at the other river.

But as they turned to lift her up, Sunset jumped off the edge.

They were surprised to see her do several flips through the air before eventually landing on the other side of the river, a look of shock appearing on their faces, as she did a perfect landing. "How did you do that?" Heather asked, Sunset looking back at the river before looking herself over.

"I don't know. I just...knew I could."

"Your body's muscle memory must be kicking in," Twilight explained. "it's possible you'll start remembering if you keep doing whatever you feel like you can naturally do." Sunset nodded, as their shrub friend made his way across the bridge.

There were a few more rivers of varying sizes between them and the mountain, all of which the girls were able to leap over. And eventually, they made it to the bottom of the mountain. "Why do ya'h think he brought us here?" Applejack asked, but none of them had an answer for her.

Then, the little guy moved over to a part of the mountain and Twilight noticed something. A pipe, made out of wood and connected to the side of the mountain. The pipe had been painted to mimic the same texture as the rock, so one wouldn't notice it from afar.

The little guy put his mouth to the pipe and blew into it, Twilight heading a noise coming from higher up.

The four looked up and realised the wall had a ledge about half way up, right next to where the waterfall was located. And from over the edge, a bunch of small heads appeared to look down at them. It was more of the shrub aliens, who appeared to be counting how many of them there were.

Moments later, five long pieces of rob were thrown down and landed next to them.

Their new friend grabbed one and tried it around himself, the rope then being pulled up a foot or two so he was now hanging from it. He started climbing up the side of the mountain, showing impressive skill as he did so.

The girls shared a look and soon tied a rope around their own wastes, Applejack also tying hers around the transmitter, which were then pulled up until they were hanging from them as well. The five started pulling themselves up the rope, Twilight being reminded of an old show she watched back when she and her friends were rarely allowed to watch that stuff. In that show, the person had simply walked along something whilst the camera videoed it sideways.

They pulled themselves higher and higher, their arms feeling the burn as they held onto the rope. If they lost their grip, they could end up breaking their neck from the fall and whiplash.

But after several minutes of painful climbing, they finally reached the top.

The plant guys helped pull them up and when they were on the ledge, they saw a large cave that seemed to go deep into the mountain. They looked around and saw several chairs located on the ledge, along with the other end of the pipe that had allowed their friend to signal them. Two more pipes could be seen running along the ground, these ones going from the waterfall into the cave itself.

The shrubs began to talk to one another, clicking and whizzing to communicate with one another. The aliens all looked the same, so much so that the Jedi couldn't tell which had been the one they first met.

They assumed the one that turned to them was that shrub and once again gestured for them to follow, as he headed off into the cave. The other shrubs sat in their chairs, clearly on some kind of watch duty.

The girls followed their friend into the cave and found it was a gentle slope leading down into the deeper parts of the mountain. "What do you think's down there?" Sunset asked, with nobody sure how to answer.

As they got deeper into the cave, they found more of the glowing moss was lining the walls and keeping them from being blind. They kept going for about five minutes, until they finally arrived at the end of the tunnel. And what they found on the other side amazed them.

It was a large circular cavern, full of wooden buildings that were small but clearly comfortable to live in. The walls and roof were covered in the glowing moss, lighting the place up but not so much that it would be impossible to sleep in.

Their friend led them through the cavern, following the wooden pipes that lead from the waterfall into this area. As they walked into the tiny village, they saw more shrubs who obviously lived there. Some were on the street, either working on something or playing around. Others were in the buildings, though they quickly came out when they saw the giants walking through their town.

Each of the girls had to walk in single file, since the streets were barely large enough to let them walk on their own.

The shrubs all stared up at them, some looking curious, others looking scared and a few looking suspicious. Many ran back into their houses, whilst others held small wood and stone tools up as if they expected the giants to attack them.

When they entered the town, the pipes became covered by some kind of wooden box. Smaller versions of the shrub people were walking along it, the wood not looking the least bit strained under its weight. Though these smaller shrubs jumped off and ran away when they saw them.

The pipes soon led to the centre of town, where a large water fountain-like structure could be seen. One pipe was connected to one side of the fountain and the other one went down into the floor next to the fountain

They looked down and discovered the fountain was actually a well, which was being filled by watering coming out of the first pipe. The second pipe was sticking out the side and they realised it was meant to prevent the well from overflowing. As one pipe filled the well with fresh water, the other pipe sucked it back in and likely sent it back to be returned to the waterfall.

"Wow," Heather whispered. "These guys are clearly intelligent. But I don't get why plant-type aliens are living in caves. I would have thought they'd be living in the forests." Twilight and the others wondered the same thing.

As they stood around the well, an older looking shrub walked forward with a walking stick and droopy leaves. He stepped up to the one that had brought the newcomers and started talking, their friend talking back. The four had no idea what they were saying to one another, but the older one didn't sound pleased.

"You think he doesn't like us being here?" Sunset asked.

"I think he doesn't like that we were brought straight here," Heather replied. "He probably wishes we hadn't been shown where they live, until he knew whether he could trust us or something." They nodded, as the two finished their conversation.

"We're sorry for intruding," Twilight tried to communicate to them. "We are travellers, from a distant world. We didn't mean to come here, but we're trapped." She tried to use her hands to help gesture what she was saying, the shrub people watching the impromptu game of charades and trying to figure out what she was saying. "We were then attacked by these creatures. That rolled up and almost ripped up to bits."

The shrubs still looked confused, as Twilight tried to mimic the creatures. She used her fingers to mimic claws and made some slashing motions, then pretended to curl up like them. This seemed to make the shrub people realise the problem.

The elder gestured to what Twilight was doing, then pointed to several shrubs. "I think they're familiar with the creatures," Sunset announced.

"Maybe that's why they live here," Heather guessed. "If those creatures are omnivores, these guys might be one of their favourite things to eat. It'd make sense that you'd live somewhere hard to get to, if you're being attacked by something like that."

"Can we stay here?" Twilight asked, the shrub elder tilting his head. "Can we..." She gestured to the four of them. "Stay here?" She then gestured to the cavern and the elder looked unsure. "We promise to be good." The elder still looked unsure, but turned to other shrubs and started talking amongst themselves.

the girls waited and prayed they would agree, even if this area was a bit too small for them.

Eventually, the shrubs turned back to them and all nodded. They could stay there. "Thank you." They looked around for somewhere they might be able to sleep. Somewhere that was out of the way.

The elder seemed to realise what they were doing and pointed to one part of the cavern. There, they found the area was completely empty. There wasn't a lot of space, but they could all lay beside one another and sleep.

They once again gave their thanks and were happy to finally get a decent night's sleep. Though considering how late it was, the night wasn't going to last as long as they would need to be completely regenerated. Hopefully, they would be able to lay in once the sun was up.

On the planet Canterlot, daytime had already arrived.

Flash had been discharged from the hospital, whilst Shining, Iron and Skybreaker would remain to make absolutely sure their time as prisoners didn't leave any lasting effects.

He made his way towards the dining hall, Springer hovering by his side. After the intense few days he had gone through, he was glad to have some free time to himself. At least until he was called to help repair Soarin's ship back to factory settings.

He quickly grabbed some grub and spotted his friends at one of the tables, the teen sitting besides Fluttershy as she, Rainbow, Pinkie, Trixie and Rarity all welcomed his arrival. "Any idea when Twilight and Applejack are gonna be back?" He asked. "Twilight's probably already itching to translate that book. And she doesn't even know it exists yet."

They all chuckled at this, the five shaking their heads.

"I'm afraid not. I think the ship is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, but it could be later." Flash nodded, as they kept eating and spoke about different things they would be doing. The war might have still been going on, but the Sith had been oddly silent recently. There hadn't been any attacks or sightings of them anywhere.

Flash wasn't sure what he should do, wondering if he should go with Rainbow to do some seeker practice or do some studying in the archives. But before he could make a decision, his gauntlet beeped. And his wasn't the only one. The other girls all received the same message, asking them to go to one of the Jedi control rooms.

Quickly finishing up their meal, they headed off to the room and found almost all their masters there waiting for them.

The only one not there was Shining, though Cadance and Thorax were there. "Any idea why we were called here?" Rainbow asked Spitfire, the woman shaking her head as the control doors opened.

They headed inside and Celestia was in there, looking rather worried. "Sister?" Luna asked. "What's wrong?"

"The ship Twilight, Heather and Applejack were on has been destroyed." Shock and horror was on every face in the room. "We just received news of it happening. Apparently, they were attacked by pirates and the crew had to abandon ship."

"What about Twilight and the others?" Pinkie asked.

"They would have been the last to evacuate," Celestia explained. "We've yet to pick up any transmissions from them, but I'm sure they're okay. Most likely still heading towards an M-class planet."

"But what if they're not?" Fluttershy asked. "What if their escape pods lost power, or they were shot by one of the pirates? What if they were captured? What if-"

"Calm down!" First told her. "Relax." Fluttershy nodded. "I know you are worried. But letting yourself jump to the worst possible conclusion, will only cause more problems than it solves. We do not know what happened and until then, we should not drive ourselves mad by trying to guess what has happened."

"He's right," Celestia nodded. "That's why I'm sending you all to the area that the ship's distress signal came from. See if you can find a way to locate them and determine what happened." They all nodded and began to head off, some heading for the Delta-X ships whilst Cadance and a few without ships headed for the Shooting Star.

All of them hoped the three were alright and they hadn't gotten themselves into too much trouble.

Sunset's back was stiff, as she felt herself beginning to wake up.

She let out a moan, as she sat up and tried to crack her back into place. And as she did, she noticed she was the only one still in the sleeping spot that had been given to them. The three Jedi were all gone, Sunset wondering where they had gone.

Before she could ask, one of the shrub people walked over with a bowl of green stuff. It offered the bowl to her, Sunset taking it and giving it a sniff. The smell didn't fill her with hope for the taste, but she didn't want to be rude. So, she quickly started gulping it down. And sure enough, it wasn't great.

It wasn't horrible, but it was hardly five stars. But she managed to drink it all down and sighed as she finished it. "Thank you." She handed the bowl back to the shrub, as more showed up carrying some kind of long green cloth. "What's that?"

One of them pointed towards its forehead, making Sunset realise she was supposed to replace her bandage with it. As such, she reached up and started undoing the wrapping around her head injury. As she did, she flinched as her head started to throb.

Once the bandage was completely off, the shrubs jumped onto one another's shoulders until they were tall enough to reach her head. Sunset stayed still and let them do their work, the amnesiac noticing a dark green paste of some kind was one the bandage.

Before she could ask what it was, the shrub pushed the paste covered part of the cloth onto her injury. She flinched, but stayed still as the paste was pushed into the wound. The shrubs then wrapped the bandage around her head, doing so several times before tying it into place.

"Thanks." Sunset could still feel the paste pushing against her head wound. But after a few moments, she felt the numb pain beginning to go away. Whatever that stuff was, it was helping her feel better. Hopefully, it would help her remember things as well. "Do you know where my friends are?" The shrubs tilted their heads. "My friends." She pointed to the space besides her, where the others had slept.

One of the shrubs seemed to understand and pointed towards the exit, making Sunset nod.

"Thank you." She got up and was careful, as she moved through the streets of houses barely a foot taller than her. She headed towards the tunnel leading to the exit and after being careful not to trip over the pipes, she headed up to the mouth of the cave.

As she got closer to the exit, she could hear voices and realised it was the Jedi.

She found the three, all sitting outside the cave with their transmitter on the floor in front of them. "Anything?" Applejack asked, as Twilight was working on repairing the damage done by the clawed creatures.

"I'm trying. But this thing isn't exactly simple to use." She was fiddling with some of the circuits inside the box, whilst Heather worked on fixing the satellite arm.

As she did, she noticed Sunset and smiled. "Good morning. Sorry if you woke up alone. We thought with your head injury, you'd want to sleep a little more and properly rest up. You feeling better?"

"Actually, yes. My head still hurt a bit when I woke up, but they gave me a bandage with some kind of paste on it. It's really starting to make me feel better."

"Remember anything?" Twilight asked, but Sunset shook her head.

"No. It's still a blank." She sat down and saw the three working, but it was clear that they had no idea how to properly fix the transmitter. "Any chance you can get it to work?" They frowned, Twilight attaching something inside the device. But this caused a spark and a puff of smoke, which made her cry out as she pulled back.

"You okay?" Applejack asked, as Twilight fanned the smoke away.

"No," she cried. "I think I might have blown something." They frowned, Twilight sighing. "I'm sorry. I don't think I'm gonna be able to fix this." The three shared a worried look, fearing they might be trapped on this planet for a long time.

Sunset then happened to look at what Twilight had been working on and as she did, she suddenly felt a flash of something in her mind. "Huh?" The took a closer look and as she did, some kind of memory was sparking in her brain. "Wait..."

Suddenly, she found herself somewhere entirely different.

She was in a large room, though the image was fuzzy. And as she stood in front of a table, she was working on some kind of machine. And suddenly, tons of mechanical knowledge suddenly flew into her mind.

In the blink of an eye, Sunset was back on the cliff and shook her head. The Jedi noticed this and frowned. "Are you okay?" Heather asked.

"Yeah," Sunset scooted forwards. "I think I remember something." She reached in and started fiddling with the transmitter's circuitry. "Bypass this general circuit and place it in a binary repeater. That should allow it to start working without needing the damaged pieces. Reroute some of the power into this section to keep it stable and lower the range to allow it to not overload."

"You know mechanics?" Twilight asked.

"I just suddenly started remembering. I remember being in a room, working on some kind of machine. But that's all I can remember."

"That's fine," Heather told her. "I'm sure more will show up soon. But for now, you can fix the transmitter and get it working?"

"Yes. But with the damage done, I've had to weaken its range. So even if we can get it working, it might not have the reach we need to get to the planet you want."

"That could be a problem," Applejack frowned.

"We might not be able to get the message to Canterlot," Twilight stated. "But if we can reach another ship, we can ask them to broadcast it to Canterlot. We just have to hope whoever gets the message, isn't someone we don't want showing up at our doorstep."

Sunset kept working on it, her hands moving with amazing precision as she had clearly done this a lot in the past.

"Alright," Heather activated her gauntlet. "Let's start working on a message to send. Even if Sunset's able to fix the transmitter, we might only be able to send a short message. We need to tell whoever gets this who we are and what our location is."

"How?" Applejack asked. "We don't know where we are."

"Yes we do," Heather told her. "I have the exact star position of the ship we were in before we evacuated. During our trip to this planet, I was able to keep track of where we were heading. Even if I'm a few light years out, they should still be able to find us."

"So what do we put in the message."

"Instructions to send the message to Canterlot, along with the word Jedi, my identification code and our star position." She typed away, trying to make the message as easy to understand as possible whilst using as little data as possible. "There. We're ready to send the message."

"Transmitter's up and running," Sunset replied. "You're right. It won't last forever. But it should last long enough to sent a message. And hopefully, whoever picks it up will be able to track it back to the source." Heather knelt down and Sunset began to attach the transmitter to her gauntlet.

After several small adjustments, Sunset was ready to send the message.

"May The Force carry this message far," Heather whispered before they activated the transmitter and sent the signal. Sunset pulled Heather's gauntlet to her and typed away at it, Heather obviously having no idea what she was doing.

"Okay," Sunset finally nodded, "the message has left the atmosphere and is heading in the direction of Canterlot. But like I said, I had to lower the range in order to get it working. So it's not gonna reach the planet. Let's just hope a ship picks it up before it grows too weak to decipher."

They nodded, wondering how long they would be allowed to stay there. If they wanted to remain safe, they had to show the shrub people they were worth keeping around.

Just then, a bunch of them walked out of the cave carrying a bunch of stone axes and other tools. "Hey," Applejack waved, "where you guys headin'?" One turned to them, obviously unable to understand her words. But it seemed to get the gist of what she was saying as he raised the axe and turned to another one.

He motioned swinging the axe towards that one's feet, the plant alien mimicking a tree that was beginning to fall down.

"They must be off to get some wood," Heather realised. "But with those tiny axes, chopping down these large trees must take forever."

"Then let's give them a hand," Applejack removed her axe from her back and showed it to the shrubs. They all stared at it and Applejack did what the wood guy did, the motions making them all smile and nod. "Looks like I can join."

"I'll help," Heather removed her gauntlet from her arm. "Just in case those creatures from before decide to attack. You'll need all the help you can get." Applejack nodded, as the pair joined the shrubs in heading down the side of the cliff.

This left Sunset and Twilight, who just sat there keeping the transmitter safe.

Sunset continued to work on making the device stable, her new mechanical knowledge clearly something she hoped to keep using in hopes of reawakening her lost memories. "There's only so much you can do on one device," Twilight told her. "Maybe you should relax and not try to force more memories out."

"I guess," Sunset sighed. "But I finally remembered something. I can't just ignore it."

"Then don't." Twilight sat in a meditative pose. "Come over here. Sit with me." Sunset stepped over and sat in the same pose, facing one another. "Close your eyes and return to the memory you saw." Sunset closed her eyes, trying to remember the details more clearly. "Take deep breathes and let your mind drift into the subconscious."

"I'm trying," Sunset whispered.

"Do or do not. There is no try." Twilight expected Sunset to ask what that meant, but she didn't. She actually seemed to appreciate this advice, the girl drifting into some kind of trance. "Are you there? In the memory you saw?"


"What do you see?"

"I'm in a room, working on some kind of machine."

"Okay. Anything in the room that might strike a memory? Some kind of picture, or an object that holds some kind of attachment to you?" She patiently waited for Sunset to answer, the girl clearly going through her memories in a hope of finding something.

"No," she finally replied. "The room's completely bare."

"Then try and leave. Head for the door. Maybe you'll be able to remember where you live." Once again, she waited as Sunset tried to do that. But once, she shook her head. "I can't. When I try to open the door, the memory gets fuzzy."

"Okay," Twilight nodded. "Don't try and force it. I'm sure more memories will appear in time. Seeing the inside of the transmitter sparked one of your memories. I'm sure there's something that'll cause you to remember everything about who you were."

Sunset smiled at her, "thanks."

"No problem. I promise, we'll help you find out who you are. And until we do, the Jedi will protect you." Sunset nodded and opened her eyes, the pair turning to look out at the forest in front of them. Despite the dangers, this was actually a very nice planet to land on. If they had to be trapped somewhere for a while, they were glad it was this place.

Applejack and Heather followed their new friends through the woods, wondering where they were heading for the wood they needed.

As they walked, they noticed the shrub people looking around nervously. Clearly, they were familiar with the dangers of this forest. No doubt many of their people had run a foul of the armored claw beasts that had attacked them.

Eventually, they came across an area of the forest where a bunch of tree stumps could be found. Some appeared to be freshly cut, whilst others were covered in sprouts and on the path to eventually grow into another tree.

Then, they arrived at a clearing where there were no trees at all. Instead, there was a village. Or what used to be a village, full of half destroyed houses and other buildings. It was clear that nobody had lived there for a long time and when the shrub people saw it, they all frowned.

"You think this is where they used ta live?" Applejack asked, Heather nodding in reply.

"I think so. They must have discovered the cave and realised it was a better place to live. A place those shredder beasts couldn't get to."

"Yeah. It wouldn't take much for those things to find and destroy this place. It's a miracle these houses are standin' at all."

One of the shrub people moved over to a tree on the edge of the town and checked it, nodding as it seemed to like this tree. "I get it," Heather nodded. "If they cut trees down near where they live now, those creatures might notice." Applejack nodded, remembering the creature that sniffed the stump the previous day. If that stump had been cut by one of these guys, it might have had its scent on it.

They watched the scrub guy begin to hack at the tree, but the stone axe barely even chipped it. Cutting with that axe could take forever.

"Here," Applejack stepped forward. "Let me." The shrub heard this despite not understanding her, stepped aside so Applejack could step up to the tree. She then took out her Light-weapon and powered it up, the shrubs staring at the device in amazement. "Stand back." She pulled the axe back before swinging it around with all her might.

The laser cut into the wood and burned through it in seconds, allowing Applejack to slice through it in a single swing.

The tree began to topple over, the shrubs staring at it in amazement as it crashed towards the ground. They continued to stare at it, then turned to Applejack and stared at her in amazement.

Applejack smiled, as she looked over the tree. "A'h wonder how much wood ya'll can make from this thing?"

"Well they're not that big," Heather pointed out. "A tree this large is probably big enough to make an entire house for them, so long as the house was small." Applejack nodded, as the shrubs got to work processing the tree

They began to cut through the branches, though their stone axes are still ineffective.

As such, Heather and Applejack help and after a while, the tree was reduced to nothing but a large log. One the shrubs start tying rope around to pull along the ground. This was something Applejack helped with, the cow girl being able to pull it all on her own whilst the others led the way back towards the mountain.

"Wonder what they're gonna use this wood for?"

"Probably to make repairs," Heather guessed. "Those wooden houses must occasionally need a board replaced. In a cave like that, moisture must collect and cause them to rot. Too bad they don't have a way to make the wood water resistant." Applejack nodded and was about to say something else. But then, her ears pricked at a sound.

"Ya'h hear that?" She turned towards a rustling, Heather and the shrubs doing the same.

They stayed on guard and checked every part of their surroundings, the Jedi not letting themselves be taken by surprise again.

Then, suddenly, something shot out of the bushes and flew towards them. "Look out!" Heather cried, as Applejack barely managed to lean out of the way.

A spinning ball of death shot through the air and slammed into the log, shattering it to pieces. "Hey!" Applejack ignited her weapon, "we worked hard on that log!" The ball uncurled itself and revealed the claws beast, which hissed at them whilst the shrubs looked horrified. "There's only one of them. We can handle it."

The creature rolled up and charged towards them, with Applejack pulling her axe back like a baseball bat.

"Fore!" She swung the weapon like a golf club and hit the creature, the laser doing nothing against its hard shell. All it did was send the creature flying until it smashed into a tree.

"Let's get out of here!" Heather cried, the shrubs appearing to understand this. They ran, as Applejack cut down several more trees to block the path between them and the creature. Hopefully, it would lose track of them by the time it got through the blockage.

Twilight and Sunset continued to meditate on the side of the cliff, Sunset occasionally checking the transmitter to make sure it didn't break down.

At the moment, Sunset once again focused on the memory she had regained and tried to use it as a path to unlock another memory.

She took a deep breath and as she stood in the room, she walked over to the exit. If that room belonged to her, she must have hundreds of memories of doing the exact same thing. She tried to remember what was on the other side and slowly, she hit the button to open the door.

Instead of forcing it, she just let the door open and when she looked through it, there was nothing except a white void.

She sighed, but tried to walk through it. And to her surprise, this seemed to trigger something in her mind. The next thing she knew, she was inside some kind of hallway. And as she looked around, she saw a bunch more doors leading to other rooms. Was this her home? Was that were her family was?

But before she could try and open one of the doors, a bunch of sounds made her open her eyes and the memory was broken.

She and Twilight moved over to the edge of the cliff, where they saw Applejack, Heather and the shrubs from earlier run up to it and call for the ropes. "What's going on?" Sunset asked Twilight, as the Jedi started climbing up the rocks without waiting to be lifted up.

"Where's the wood?" Twilight inquired, as the pair reached the top along with several shrubs.

"Cut to ribbons," Applejack cried. "We ran into one of those armored creatures and it almost got us."

"We managed to get away," Heather replied. "But we're not sure if it was able to track us down." But as she said that, a rustling sound caused them all to look down and see the trees shaking violently. Something was moving them and when that something leapt out, they saw a bunch of the creatures standing at the base of the mountain.

"Great," Applejack sighed. "Well at least they can't get up here."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded. "Instead, they can just wait us out until we starve to death. I doubt whatever these guys eat, is something they can easily get on a mountain." But then they realised the situation was worse than they thought.

One of the creatures ran up towards the mountain and leapt into the air, hitting the rock and slamming its claws into it. And thanks to the L-shaped curve of its claws, the instrument dug right into the rock and allowed the creature to remain where it was. And soon enough, it was pulling itself up the side of the rock face.

"No way!" Applejack cried. "They can climb rocks?"

"Looks like it," Heather frowned. "And that's not good." She focused on the other ones and saw them all do the same, the beasts beginning to pull themselves up the side of the cliff. "They're all coming. If they get up here, they'll destroy the village and all the shrubs will be in danger."

"Then we don't let them up here," Sunset stated.

"That's easier said than done," Twilight explained. "Our Lightsabers don't work on their shells and the shrubs probably don't have anything they can use to throw down at them. And even if they did, these things might be strong enough to survive the fall. They can just keep coming."

"So what?" Sunset asked. "We just give up?"

"I didn't say that," Twilight frowned. "All I'm saying is we can't keep this up forever. Eventually, they're gonna get up here." And sure enough, the first creature had reached the top and was starting to pull itself up onto the side of the cliff.

The shrubs clicked in horror, whilst the Jedi got ready for a fight. "I don't think so!" Heather ran forward and swung her Lightsaber at the creature, who blocked it using the scales on its arm. But before it could counter, Twilight thrust her hand forward.

As the creature tried to swipe at Heather, it suddenly found itself being thrown backwards. It fell over the edge of the cliff and began to fall towards the ground, but managed to use its claws to dig into the rock and stop itself from falling all the way.

"Not good," Sunset frowned. More were coming their way and it wouldn't be long before they were overrun with these creatures. But then her mind happened to lock onto the sound of the water, that was rushing down the side of the mountain. When it did, she remembered the previous night and realised what they had to do. "The waterfall!"

"What?" Heather asked, as she swung her Lightsaber down at one of the creatures.

"Use the waterfall. Wash them off the side of the mountain." Twilight realised what Sunset was getting at and nodded, the Padawan turning to the waterfall and focusing on it. And as she held out her hand, the flow of the water began to change and shift.

Soon enough, it began to move over to them. A long line of water was flowing sideways above the creature, who looked up and saw the water raised above them. And before they could think of doing anything, Twilight released her hold and the water fell down the side of the mountain.

The creatures cried out, as the water slammed into them and they were knocked down off the rock. Many cried as they crashed into the ground, whilst a few more splashed into some of the lakes and rivers below.

The water wasn't that deep, so the creatures didn't sink too far. They were able to keep their heads above water, but had trouble getting out of the water. They couldn't spin themselves out and the banks' soil was too wet for their claws to get a good grip on them.

It took them a while to get out, needing to work together to push and pull each other out. As this was going on, Twilight covered the rock in more and more water.

Because of this, the creatures found it a lot more difficult to pull themselves up the mountain. The rock was so wet, their claws kept slipping and they fell back to the ground. The Jedi, Sunset and shrubs all cheered at this, seeing the creatures couldn't get up the mountain.

"You think they'll eventually give up?" Applejack asked, as another of the clawed beasts fell down.

"I don't know," Heather replied. "I'm hoping so. But these things might fight another way to get up here. We have to be careful."

"I hope they do give up," Twilight replied. "Like I said before, there's no way these guys are finding food in this mountain. Even if they've got some stored up, it'll run out eventually." The others realised she was right, which made them worry.

If they couldn't find a way to get more food, they were gonna be in serious trouble.

Hours past and over time, the creatures got less and less determined. Twilight continued to cover the cliff with water, keeping it from drying out so the beasts couldn't follow. And as time went on, the creatures began to leave.

Eventually, the sun moved behind the mountain and its light began to fade away. The shrubs kept a bunch of glowing moss torches around to help their new friends see in the shadows, whilst also handing them the planty food they had on hand.

Twilight was beginning to feel tired, moving so much water again and again taking its toll on the girl's strength. "Maybe you should get some rest," Heather suggested. "Those things aren't here right now, so you should take this chance to regain your strength."

"Okay," Twilight nodded. "I'll try. Keep your eyes peeled?"

"Obviously," Heather nodded. "Don't worry. We won't let those things sneak by us." Twilight sat against the back of the ledge, shutting her eyes to calm down and begin to sleep.

As this was happening, Sunset was continuing to keep the transmitter working. Unfortunately, this device didn't have any way of indicating if the signal had been picked up. For all they knew, a ship had intercepted it and was on its way there now. Either that, or it would die out before reaching anyone.

"You okay?" Applejack asked, not wanting Sunset to overwork herself whilst she was still injured.

"I'm fine," Sunset assured her. "I'll be fine so long as I don't overdo it." She knew that if somebody didn't find this transmission soon, they could spend a long time fighting these creatures off and eating soup that clearly wasn't meant for an alien's tongue.

Sunset was making sure nothing inside the transmitter was beginning to strain, when she suddenly felt something small and hard hit the back of her head.

"Ow." She looked around and saw a tiny rock on the ground, making her confused until she looked up. And there, she saw something that made her heart stop. "Guys!" Everyone turned to her, then looked up and saw what Sunset had seen.

It was one of the creatures, hanging onto the side of the mountain above them. And it wasn't alone.

More of those beasts were pulling themselves around the mountain, using the claws on their hands and feet to keep from falling. Everyone realised they must have climbed up around the other side of the mountain, then moved around until they were right above them.

Twilight had been awakened by Sunset's outburst and as soon as she saw the creatures, she jumped into action and grabbed the water from the waterfall. Since the water was coming from almost the very top of the mountain, she was able to fling it to the side and hit one of the creatures.

But the armored beast simply curled itself up and started spinning, flying down towards them ready to rip them to shreds. "MOVE!" Heather cried, everyone jumping out of the way.

The creatures smashed into the ledge, hitting it with such an impact that the whole thing shook and cracks appeared around the impact site. It shook so bad, that the transmitter was shaken close to the edge of the ledge. One more shake and the thing would fall over it.

Sunset saw this and gasped, trying to get to it. But the creature unfurled itself and hissed, its claws swinging through the air in an attempt to cut her. Sunset barely managed to dodge it, Twilight, Heather and Applejack running to try and save her.

But before they could, more of the creatures leapt down. Luckily, they didn't land with a crash like the first one. But soon, six of these creatures were on the ledge and ready to do some damage. The shrubs ran into the cave, but this just made them realise there was a cave. One that likely had a bunch of the delicious aliens inside.

"Oh no ya'h don't!" Applejack leapt over to the cave mouth and held her axe, ready to defend the creatures that had done nothing but help them.

The first creature charged with its claws slashing at her, but Applejack knocked them back with her axe and kicked it in the face. Another then attacked and Applejack fended it off, whilst Twilight and Heather fought the others off as well. That just left one, which attacked Sunset as she did her best to lead it away from the transmitter.

The beast didn't care about the machine, so that was easy. But Sunset soon found herself running out of ledge to run to.

She reached the end of the road and had to stop, as the creature curled itself up and began to spin. It picked up more and more speed, until it eventually shot forward and flew towards her. She gasped and with strength she didn't even know she had, leapt straight up and over the creature.

The Jedi saw this and were amazed, since no normal person would have the ability to jump as high as she did.

The beast rolled under her and by the time it realised what had happened, it shot off the edge of the mountain and fell down towards a lake at the base.

Sunset landed and rolled along the ledge, whilst the Jedi finally managed to grab the armored creatures in a Force Hold and throw them over the edge. One of them clips the transmitter with its tail, causing it to slide over the edge and fall.

"NOOO!" They all cried, as Sunset rushed over and leapt to try and grab it. But the machine fell from her reach and began to plummet towards the ground.

The Jedi braced themselves, expecting the sound of it hitting the forest floor to be a painful one. But the sound never came.

"Huh?" Twilight opened her eyes and saw Sunset looking shocked, the Equestrian Padawan stepping forward and looking down at the ground. And when she saw the transmitter, her eyes widened at the sight of it floating in the air.

The machine was shaking, but it was being held above the ground by an unknown force.

Twilight looked over at Heather and Applejack, neither of which appeared to be doing this. She then turned to Sunset, who had a hand out and appeared frozen in shock. Twilight realised it had to be her. Which meant only one thing.

"You're strong with The Force." Heather and Applejack were shocked by this. Both rushing over to see the device floating as well. Meanwhile, Sunset let this statement sink in. And as it did, she flinched.

The transmitter fell and Twilight barely managed to catch it in time, lifting it up to the cliff whilst Sunset moaned. "Are you okay?" Applejack asked, as Sunset clutched her head. "Are you remembering something?"

"I...I...I..." She stopped, the three looking worried as Twilight placed the transmitter down. She then sighed and opened her eyes. "I don't remember anything. My head just really hurt for a moment." They frowned, wishing there was more they could do for her.

But before they could think of anything, hissing caused them to look down and see the creatures once again trying to pull themselves up the side of the mountain. "Oh, come on!" Applejack got ready for another fight. "Can't we catch a break?" The others thought the same thing, wishing they could send these things far away.

Then, a sound filled the air. An engine sound.

They all looked up and to their shock, a ship came flying down from out of the clouds. A Delta-X.

"YES!" Applejack cheered, as the ship flew down and came to a hover next to the mountain. There, they saw a familiar robotic dog's head in the droid compartment. And that meant only one thing.

"Flash!" Twilight cried, as Applejack and Heather's gauntlets beeped.

"Hey," Flash called out over the coms. "You girls okay?"

"Better now that you're here," Twilight told him. "I can't believe you found us so quickly."

"We were already out here looking for you," Flash explained. "Thank Springer. He's the one that picked up your transmission and tracked it to this planet." They smiled at this, before the hissing of the creatures made them remember the situation they were in.

"Flash," Heather spoke up. "Is there any way you can get rid of these things. Doesn't the Delta-X have a tractor beam function?"

"I think so. What do you want me to do with them?"

"Just get them out of here. Take them as far away as possible and make sure they can't find their way back here." The Delta-X began to move, flying around and unleashing a light from the bottom of the ship. Whenever this light hit one of the creatures, it was suddenly pulled up from off the side of the mountain or the ground. "Don't let them too close to your ship. Their claws will tear it to pieces."

"Got it." Once the ship picked up all the creatures, it carried them into the air and flew off at incredible speed.

The beasts tried to escape, but they couldn't. All they could do was hiss, as they were pulled away and disappeared from sight.

The four girls all sighed in relief, finally getting the chance to relax. They stayed there for a while. as the shrubs arrived holding their stone weapons. When they saw the creatures were gone, Heather gave them a thumbs up and they realised they were safe.

Half an hour later, Flash returned after dropping the beasts off. And he wasn't the only one, as a few more Delta-X ships arrived along with the Shooting Star.

The shrubs were scared by these ships, but the girls assured them they didn't have to worry. And when the Shooting Star extended its loading ramp, the girls stepped on board. They said goodbye to the creatures and thanked them for everything, the shrubs waving goodbye as they disappeared into the ships.

Once aboard, the Medical Jedi began to examine them as they told them what had happened.

"How's that feel?" Pinkie asked, as she finished spraying something on Sunset's head wound. The girl's injury was gone, along with the pain. Sunset touched the injury, not feeling anything at all.

"It's great. Thanks."

"So you don't remember anything?" Cadance asked, clearly worried about that. "Anything at all?"

Sunset shook her head. "No, sorry. I can't remember a thing."

"But Sunset's strong with The Force," Twilight announced. "Maybe she was part of the Jedi order."

"I don't think so," Cadance replied. "She's about your age, so there's no way you wouldn't have known her. This is curious. Hopefully, Celestia will be able to figure out where she came from. For now, you should all get some rest until we return to Canterlot."

"That sounds like a plan," Heather nodded. "Come on girls. I'm gonna sleep for a week after the last two days." They nodded and all headed towards the sleeping quarters.

Pinkie showed Sunset where she would be sleeping, the amnesiac girl thanking her as she sat on the bed. "If there's anything you need. Something to eat, drink or whatever. Just let us know."

"Thank you," Sunset nodded. "I'm good. Just need some rest." Pinkie nodded and left, the door closing as she did.

As soon as the room was sealed, Sunset's attitude suddenly changed. She reached for her boot and opened a compartment that ran along the side, allowing her to pull out a small tube-like device. One she had only just remembered she had.

She made sure it wasn't damaged and as soon as she was sure it was fine, she activated it. "This is Solara, sending a message to Master Sombra. I've successfully infiltrated the Jedi. Though I had a few issues, I'm now on track to gaining their trust and finding the relic key. I will send more info when I get the chance." As soon as the message was sent, she returned the device and laid on the bed.

She couldn't believe she had forgotten who she really was. To think, she actually liked those Jedi. But now her memories were back and she could continue with her mission. The Jedi wouldn't know what hit them until it was too late.

Author's Note:

The girls have been rescued and are returning home, with one additional passenger. How will things turn out for their new friend? Join us next time to find out.