• Published 18th Jul 2023
  • 1,298 Views, 50 Comments

Brighter Dawn - Luminous Comet

Misty learns to live her new life, and tries to let go of the old.

  • ...


Misty! Come here right now!

What did you do this time, Misty?

Sloppy as always, Misty.



Misty started up, halfway tripping over the cushions before one hoof slid off the couch and sent her stumbling to the floor. She quickly picked herself up, getting tangled in the light blanket.

"I-I'm right here, Opaline! I'm..." Her head spun, but realisation sunk in quickly. This wasn't her room and Opaline wasn't calling her.

Opaline wasn't here. She left.

Dimmed light was cast over her sleeping arrangement, from the candle halfway burnt down on the table. A clock ticked faintly in one of the distant corners, where the only light was from the stars outside the window.

She sighed and pulled the blanket the rest of the way off of her, putting it back onto the couch. In her drowsiness, she remembered her magic halfway through and used the glow of her horn to pick up the cushion she had inadvertently kicked to the floor as well.

It was still nighttime. She was supposed to sleep, but her mouth was dry and that feeling sat in her withers, that restlessness that didn't let her find comfort. She used to sneak out to the washroom when this happened, all the way down, past Opaline's chambers, careful not to wake her and make her mad.

The washroom in the Brighthouse was halfway up the stairs. She could spot the door from here. However, it was also halfway into the bedroom, with no door between them. Which probably meant she was far more likely to wake somepony. But the dryness was making it hard to swallow and she already caught herself pacing around the table while she was debating with herself.

Slowly, she crept up the ramp, careful to lightly place her hooves and keep them from clopping to not wake anypony. She kept her ears sharp, trying to listen for anything from upstairs. It was all silent now. No rustling, nopony talking in their sleep. Opaline talked in her sleep. Misty never questioned it, or whether anypony else did, until recently.

She managed to get to the washroom door without making any noise and sighed silently in relief, reaching for the doorknob. Suddenly, it opened on its own, away from her outstretched hoof, and she nearly stumbled forward following after it. She caught herself on crossed hooves and her surprised yelp in her throat, managing to stifle it into a squeak.


She sunk back a little, squinting against the light flooding out of the room and framing the pony standing on the other side of the door.

"S-Sunny! I-I'm sorry, I was, uh..." She quickly stepped back, keeping her voice low, trying to fish for an excuse, until she just defaulted to the truth, casting her eyes down. "I... was thirsty."

Sunny chuckled softly as she also stepped out of the room, leaving the light on. "That's okay. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't?" Maybe she was still sleepy, but somehow it came as a surprise.

"Of course not." Sunny smiled, but her eyelids drooped a little. Between that and her messy, unbraided mane, it was obvious she had just rolled out of bed same as her. "Are you sleeping alright? I can bring you another blanket if it's too cold."

"No, no, I'm fine," Misty quickly assured her, slipping past her into the washroom. The last thing she wanted was for anypony to think she was being picky. "Sorry. Good night." She quickly closed the door and breathed a silent sigh.

"Okay... good night," Sunny's voice came muffled through the door.


She started up with a yelp, getting caught in the blanket and tumbling onto the floor when the couch proved too narrow to quickly roll over. She blinked her eyes rapidly as something moved into her vision, long curls hanging over her like a curtain.

"What do you want on your pancakes!?"

"What?" Misty squeezed her burning eyes shut and slowly squinted them open, looking at the pony leaning over her.

"Pancakes," Izzy repeated brightly. "Do you want powdered sugar, or whipped cream, or syrup, or fruits, or peanut butter, or everything?"

"Uh... sugar?"

"Okay!" Izzy skipped over her and started prancing towards the kitchen corner. "She said sugar!"

"Izzy, I said see if she's awake, not yell at her," Sunny's voice came from the same direction, equal parts amused and chiding.

"Whoops. Sorry, Misty!"

She picked herself up and quickly set the cushions and blanket back down neatly, before running a hoof over her mane, making sure it all fell over her right shoulder. "That's okay. I'm good, I'm awake." She made her way over to the table and sat down near one of the corners while Sunny was still stacking pancakes onto plates.

Gradually, the table filled, plates and bowls being set down, while Pipp and Zipp joined them from upstairs. And just when everypony was getting ready to start, Hitch arrived with Sparky to join them. Within moments, they were all eating and chatting, and naturally taking turns entertaining the dragon.

All except Misty, who quietly sat by, snatching up pieces of conversations from one side of the table or the other, trying to keep her concentration to not drop the fork from her magic, before eventually giving up and eating her stack by hoof, one cake at a time.

Breakfast had never been like this. It was eating cold food in silence, in her room, or with Opaline on the days where she tolerated it. And as long as she stayed quiet, didn't chew too loud. By contrast, the buzz of voices and laughter, the warm, fluffy texture of the pancakes, the sunlight streaming in from the window behind her, it was surprisingly comfortable. Slowly, her mind drifted, her eyes closed as she faded away into the warm comfort of her surroundings.

"Uh, Misty?"

Her head shot up from the table and half a pancake softly plopped back onto her plate from the side of her face. She needed a moment before she realised everypony was looking at her. She smiled sheepishly, trying to sink away into the cushions.

"Did you not get enough sleep?" Hitch asked, while taking Sparky off the table before he got to the rest of her plate.

"N-no, I mean - yes! I-I'm fine, really," she tried to argue, sitting up a little more in a posture that she hoped would make her seem more awake.

"Is that why you have powdered sugar all over your face?" Zipp asked more flatly.

Misty hurriedly scraped her hoof over her mane, making sugar gently snow onto the bench. "No, I, uh... I just couldn't..." She sunk away again, feeling the guilt of failure already gnawing on her. "I couldn't stay asleep. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?" Zipp pressed, furrowing her brow.

"Is it the beacon?" Pipp questioned, before Misty could really think about it. "Do you want to borrow a sleeping mask?"

"The beacon doesn't reach all the way down here," Zipp pointed out, gesturing at the solid ceiling.

"I knew the couch wasn't the best idea," Sunny admitted, "It's a little too stiff for naps."

"Really? I think the couch is great!" Izzy jumped in.

"Just because you can sleep everywhere," Sunny said with a short laugh. "I don't think just anypony can fall asleep in the garden, either."

Misty felt the tension in her shoulders slip away, as the admonishment she had expected didn't come. It returned briefly as Sunny turned back to face her again. "Sorry, Misty. We'll try to make it more accommodating for you."

"N-no, no, you don't have to," she tried to argue.

"Sure we do! Everypony needs a good night of sleep," Hitch responded quickly. "We offered you a place to stay, so it's our responsibility to make sure you get yours."

"Lack of sleep will lead to so many other issues. You gotta keep up your rhythm," Pipp added matter-of-factly.

"How was your sleeping situation before?" Sunny asked.

"Well, uh..." She visualised what had been her room until a night before. The empty walls, the single small window, the little rickety shelf, filled with few belongings, most of which were now stuffed into the old satchel resting next to the couch. And... "I guess it was like a really big cushion."

"And... that was comfortable?" Zipp questioned.

That should be enough for you, Misty.

"It was enough for me."

"Oh, my bed is kinda like that!" Izzy said excitedly, scooping a generous helping of whipped cream onto her last pancake. "You wanna try sleeping there?"

"Would that really be okay?" She felt the tension slip away from her again, looking at Izzy excitedly. The unicorn nodded and hummed her approval through her full mouth, whipped cream clinging to her cheek.

"But, uh, maybe clean up a little first," Pipp said gently, turning her compact mirror so Misty could see her reflection, and the mass of powdered sugar still clinging to her coat and mane, like she had lost a snowball fight.

The bedroom of the Crystal Brighthouse was... bright. Of course the sun had come up now, but the rainbow lights coming down from the gallery were just as luminous. But somehow Misty already knew the light wouldn't be keeping her awake. After all, she managed to fall asleep sitting upright at the table.

Between the poor night of sleep and the stress and excitement of the last couple of days - her cutie mark, betraying and slipping away from Opaline, then sneaking all the way back here - her steps up into the bedroom were heavy and her body was ready to slump down and curl up.

After making sure she wouldn't drag any sugar into Izzy's bed, she approached and looked over at her new friend, just to make extra sure again. Izzy gave her a wide smile and gestured at the suspended mound of cushions and pillows with an open sweep of her hoof.

The bed wasn't at all like what she'd slept on before. It was big, fluffy, and colourful. There were more pillows than she would have ever guessed a single pony would need. Was it really okay for her to be indulging like this? Did even Opaline's bed look this comfortable?

Misty reached up and pulled herself onto it. It swayed slightly and the round mattress gave way under her hooves. When she carefully sat down, her body sunk in just a little bit, like she was resting on a mound of snow. Except it was somehow warm. So not actually like snow at all. She was sleepy.

"It's so soft..." she muttered, her eyes already falling closed. "You sleep here every night?"

"Oh, most nights. Or days. Sometimes I fall asleep in my workshop. Or when I find some really comfortable shade. Or on the couch. But most of the time, I'm supposed to sleep here." Izzy levitated one of the pillows and nudged it between Misty's forelegs. "You can just use it if it's more comfortable."

"What? No!" She sat up again halfway. "I can't just take your bed. I'll find something else."

"Hey, no rush. There's enough room for both of us."

Stop that annoying cuddling, Misty. You're not a foal anymore.

Nightmares or not, this is my bed and you have yours. Shoo.

"Both of us? Is that okay?"

"Duh! It's always okay to snuggle with your friends!" Izzy jumped onto the bed, making the hook it was suspended on creek quietly as it swayed again, though its weight kept it relatively stable. She slumped down next to Misty and put one hoof over her withers, gently pushing her to lie down again.

"Always?" Her eyes drifted closed again, the added warmth from Izzy being so close starting to lull her back into drowsiness.

"Sure," Izzy said more softly. A blanket draped itself over them. "I'll just stay here until you're asleep, okay?"

Are you falling asleep, Misty!?

Daylight is wasting, get out there and get me that dragon fire!
