• Published 18th Jul 2023
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Ms. Glimmer and the Do-Nothing Prince - scifipony

Starlight is asked to teach Blueblood a lesson. The choices her heart makes will save or doom Canterlot. Ch53: Celestia keeps secrets, and the changelings are only one of them. Starlight and her herd are marching into one and will find yet another...

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43 — Feeling Filly VII: Sunburst in a Stallion

"That's as likely as Cerberus having left the gates of Tartarus," I said, nonplussed, staring at Sunset's ivory tower from inside the castle gate. It was tall with a purple gold-gilt onion dome. First Sunset riding Citron, then what Citron made me think of earlier at the bakery; I was almost glad I'd sent him to give the Stoop real "firepower," putting off dealing with my attraction to the lemon meringue-colored stallion, at least for today.

I turned to Sunburst and asked, "My friend Sunset Shimmer and her archenemy Twilight Sparkle?" I used full names because I was flabbergasted.

I'd run into my new homeroom teacher and former soulmate about to leave the castle, having had to tap him, causing him to drop his book. I held it in my magic, still. Mr. S. chuckled. Pony lengths from the iron portcullis, he explained, "Sparkle is a genius at minutiae. She got Shimmer to stop congesting her horn concatenating the mnemonic clauses at their psychological comma conjunctions spinning up her Force equations. That her solution always works left the filly crying."

I'd had plenty of tutoring sessions with Sunset, ending up with us arguing and her stomping off to a restaurant to order alcoholic cider and beer for the reasons you'd expect. Her incompatibility with Celestia had even led her to becoming addicted to nettle-ewe. I'd never come close to the breakthrough Twilight had managed in one afternoon. I'd failed my first Canterlot friend, but was happy and relieved nonetheless. Color me impressed once again with Twilight, the purple runt. Good things came in small packages, apparently.

"Shimmer decided she'd found her long lost little sister; said as much and proposed a sleepover. Sparkle went all waggly-tailed puppy-eyed."

"Do they have books in the library about sleepovers?" I asked sarcastically. I magicked the book into his saddlebags.


I facehoofed, trying not to snort, then groaned. No way in Tartarus would I sleep at Sunset's tonight! Blech!

With me inadvertently convincing Cadance to befriend (instead of stalking) the Do-nothing Prince, I had nowhere to sleep. Well, at least with companions.

Funny how my preferences had changed in the last days.

Sunburst stuttered, pointing over his shoulder. "I-I... Um— I was going into town to, um— get a b-burger... We could discuss what you missed in class?"

I looked at his goldenrod fur—and ruddy crest and goatee—illuminated richly by the westering sun. His turquoise eyes glimmered earnestly. How could I have ever thought he could betray or forget me? Celestia had given him a room in the guest wing, so... "You know you're entitled to eat with the palace staff, right?"

"I, well. I'm apartment hunting..." His voice lowered. "I don't belong here."

"You're teaching the most crucial students in Canterlot!"

He looked away, muttering. "Librarian—"

"Nerd!" I placed a hoof on his withers. "Come with me."

It took a few tugs, but he followed. The colt didn't seem the type, but I felt muscles. I shed my guard as I guided him into the palace.

"Most crucial?" he asked.

"The princess needs us to save the world for her. She didn't state it, but we'll be teaching you in return. You're part of the team."

"The Team?" He huffed, chuckling, clearly not believing me. Didn't change the facts, though. Since Her Royal Highness was enjoying her military adventure camp-out meals and not in attendance, I pushed open the door to the main dining hall. It had a table long enough to host four dozen ponies, with tall wide windows that looked out on the gardens I'd trotted through. The flags of a number of local countries hung down, with banners of princesses and politicians, even Queen Bliss More's of Trottingham. I saw the Equestrian flag, with Celestia's, Cadance's, and Blueblood's banners. I also spotted the Grin Having crest, but not a banner for the crown princess. Under design? Pearlescent porcelain chargers and cobalt crystal place settings adorned the table, accented with gold. Lavender cascaded from hanging pots.

Did I have to take Celestia's spot at the table? With the orangy sun streaming in, the huge room felt much more enormous than it had at night with Blueblood and me, with our small section of the hall illuminated by a real candle candelabra. It looked ready for a state dinner. "Um," I said.

A pegasus maître d’ trotted over, excitedly but elegantly moving his wings as he approached. "Dinner, Ms. Glimmer? For two, or additional friends?" The orange fellow, with a ruddy mane and red-tipped feathers ducked his head. "Fine Spread, if it pleases you, Ma'am." He wore a white starched collar and a thread black tie. His gold satin vest featured a neatly folded white towel hanging from a pocket.

"Fine Spread, is there some place smaller—"

"We can get burgers—" Sunburst whispered toward my ear.

"More cozy?" I asked.

Sunburst's jaw clacked shut.

"More intimate? Absolutely! May I suggest..."

We trotted onto a second floor balcony, large enough for a table of four. Ivy swarmed the walls, and red tree roses threaded through the balustrade topped with white marble. Trees and shrubs below and surrounding served to make it private, while leaving views of the gardens, the castle walls, and the sunset unobscured.

The pegasus brushed the seats with his towel before seating us, as servants cleared the table and put down generic silverware and chargers, making everything perfect.

"Your pleasure, Ma'am and good sir?"

"M-menu?" Sunburst asked.

"Name anything you desire." Fine Spread coughed. "Ms. Glimmer took the Prince's suggestions and proved Princess Celestia's tastes are rather old fashioned and that our chef is up to the task of surprising any palette."

I blushed, remembering I'd taken over at my meal with the prince, elaborating upon the forest-to-table fare he'd grown up with. The entire staff knew what I'd done. Being brought up an Earl, tutored by Proper Step, then catering to Doña Carne Asada's expensive Las Pegasus tastes, had schooled me well. One look at Sunburst's mouth moving without words coming out made me remember us as foals.

I asked, "You still like sweet onions?"


"How about sweet onion succotash?"

The pegasus asked,"Peasant style? Pepper, paprika, and cream?"

"How about... Equidorian? With squash threads, pickled melon rind, and smoked cumin and paprika." I looked at Sunburst and added, "Not spicy."

Sunburst looked intrigued.

The pegasus smiled. "My wife is a member of the Night Watch, but she cooks for the princess on state occasions, and for the staff."

"Night wing?"

"Yes. We know the cuisine well. Got to keep the guard happy."

"Is she nocturnal?"

"Smoke's morning is my evening, and vice-versa. Breakfast and supper is fungible. It works out much better than you'd think. Thank you for asking."

"Tell her I want to meet her and the squad."

"I will Ma'am. Succotash for you both?"

I touched hoof to heart. "I'm feeling like risotto."

"Is it true you're a pescatarian?"


He practically squealed. "We got crawdads in from the catch lake below the mountain for the pegasus staff. I'd suggest them."


"Blackened and spicy?"

"Yes, please."

He grinned. "I'd suggest a spinach blue cheese salad, with a cream horseradish dressing for sir and smoked mackerel-bacon vinaigrette dressing for ma'am."

"Sounds magnificent."

The pegasus all but zoomed happily away, leaving us with our flutes of sparkling water and silence.

We clinked the rims. Sunburst said, "Not a little filly anymore," sipping.

"Not the colt with his nose in books, either. I bet my friend Broomhill Dare, who's attending Prancetown and earning her Ph.d.—"

"One of the pardoned ponies?"

"You listened at my surprise coronation!" I grinned. "I'd bet Broomtail knows your work and would fall over herself to meet you."

Thinking of her, it occurred to me that like Sunburst, much of Equestria had been listening, or rather reading about my debut in the newspapers. Fellows had. By naming them for royal pardons, I'd outed Broomhill Dare—as well as Safe, Pig Pen, and Crystal Skies—as being somewhat more special, read criminal, than their normy friends thought they were. Zecora Zeb was isolated, so nopony would care about her. Did I need to contact my former team? Check if they were okay? It would be the friendly, supportive thing to do.

"Really?" he said, "It never occurred I might have fans."

"That you might be famous in magic circles?"

He laughed. "We grew up, huh?"

We didn't say much after that, both acting shy. Presumably he processed the same emotions he and I had released yesterday. A delightful meal arrived as the orange sun dropped below the horizon and darkness swiftly fell. Magic lanterns floated from inside and glowed in orbit around the balcony.

Smoke brought my main dish personally, dressed in a starched white blouse and black tie. She had an early-dawn purple mane, desaturated blood-red naked clawed wings, black fur, obvious muscle, and a long scar on her haunch. Her amber eyes glowed; the irises looked round. In bright light, they'd have dragon slits. She had nubbin fangs, like Carne Asada had, but since I hadn't yet learned her pony kind existed—they were rather rare—I hadn't figured out Carne Asada's ancestry until the end, thinking she was a handicapped featherless pegasus instead. That she always had kept her wings under her clothing made that reasonable.

We talked about her duties, and some pegasus fight moves I knew, like the fluffer and the feather cut she said she knew variations of. She agreed to spar with me next week so I could practice countermoves. I kept it brief. I didn't want to bore Sunburst.

Sunburst and I didn't talk much, even when we shared one enormous slice of Celestia's Favorite Chocolate Cake for dessert. While amazing, I wondered whether Celestia was secretly diabetic. Fine Spread gave us only one fork; helpful colt. Sunburst shared it, taking it in stride.

I wondered if the cursed crown princess thing was getting in the way.

The moment I thought that, a servant trotted up with a silver platter balanced on her back and a folded note.

Ens BT Cmdr E S to Capt 3rd AoEq Ms Glimmer HRHCPEq HRHEO Begin SIT nominal Min casualties no FAT Engaged hostile unk BDE blk pegasi advancing in EvrF shadow line Dispersed no FAT Investigating Mayor Pnyv, wthr BDE, and apple farm reps asstng Investigating deer tracks rptd by lcls Citron Streak R both assets THX rpt SIT nominal NRN End

This was what a military communiqué looked like; it made my hooves go ice cold as I deciphered the abbreviations. Light semaphore telegraphy. Her Royal Highness Eyes Only and finishing with No Response Necessary. BDE had to be brigade, Pnyv Ponyville.

Sunburst slid his chair over to read it. I let him. I focused on minimal casualties and no fatalities. What were hostile black pegasi? Why did the thought of my intuition being unfathomably correct make me tremble?

Sunburst's hooves reached over. Dexterous velvety frogs cupping against his hooves lightly massaged my withers; he noticed and stayed away from the griffon wound. My muscles unknotted in stages and I let out some unguarded deep sighs. The cake felt like lead in my stomach.

"Deer tracks?" he asked.

"Deer inhabit all of Equestria and they're never friendly, even if they keep to themselves. We might be inadvertently finding what we expect, but the Stoop is a warning for anyfawn who aligns with the Golden Stag."

He asked, "Hostile black pegasi? Night wings?"

I startled, heart racing as I stood. What else flying at a distance might look like dark furred pegasi, if not? I turned to the servant standing aside. "Is Shadow the leader of the Night Watch?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Ask her back."

I explained to Sunburst what Carne Asada (who'd been a terrorist as well as a gangster) and traditional night wings thought of Celestia: She was a usurper who'd committed genocide a thousand years ago. They'd been driven from the Crystal Caves below Canterlot, then Equestria. "The princess admits the latter is essentially true, but the details aren't, and details as to why are wrong. I doubt the ensign knows what she may have seen; she may never have met a night wing before."

Indeed, Shadow didn't know that history. I didn't explain the royal sisters battle was the origin of Celestia's curse, with the night wings supporting her sister. Shadow was a second generation Equestrian; had her parents not known the traditional story? She scoffed at the idea, and I chose to believe her reaction. I explained the Princess' warning, the communiqué, Celestia's use of "obliterated," and asked all the guards be put on alert.

"You trained for this?" Sunburst asked after the worried night wing pitched over the balcony. With an echoing canvas snap, she zoomed into the night on leathery wings for the palace aerie. He referred to the years Proper Step drilled me on becoming an earl, before I couldn't take it and ran away.

I snorted and ordered an apricot brandy. A heroine in a romance I'd once read drank the spirit to calm herself when her love interest did maniacal things. Seemed reasonable and I liked apricots.

Sunburst's hooves and attention helped a lot more than the cidering, but my few sips tasted interesting enough that they took my mind elsewhere. He sniffed and shook his head.

"Do I report this to Celestia's captains?" I eventually asked aloud.

"Whose? What?"

I explained my morning encounter and my distrust.

Sunburst pointed out, "You do admit you're a novice."

I motioned over a servant, got an envelope for the communiqué, and addressed it to Ice Sickle and Sky High. I scrawled below:

I acted. I was right. Your turn. Mess this up at your peril. —Ms. Glimmer HRHCPEq

Feeling like a foal pretending to be a grownup, I escorted him to his room. Still not having a place to crash (not that I couldn't ask for a suite), and feeling like I hadn't connected—when, with his stuttering burger suggestion, it seemed Sunburst wanted to—I said, "You wanted to go over today's lesson?"

He unlatched his door and innocently ushered not-so-innocent me in. I strode two pony lengths and stopped in shock when the lights popped on. He rammed nose first into my tail. Normally, that would have given me an opportunity for innuendo, but I let it pass.

Somepony had pushed plush sofas, red velvet chairs, and carved mahogany tables on top one another against a wall, leaving naught to sit on but the golden oak plank floor. Everywhere else lay tomes, grimoires with metal locks, hardbacks dark with age, stacks of periodicals, pamphlets, and scrolls ranging from important little notes to super-wides in gilt scroll cases, along with folios tied with everything from twine to gold chains. Oh, I don't want to forget the boxed stone plates and hoof-sized clay tablets! It reminded me of the library I shared with him back in Grin Having at my Sire's Hollow home. Celestia hadn't understood its dimensions when secretly stocking it.

I actually squealed. The sight made me so happy, I brushed aside the memory of the tower of books that had fallen on me, from which Sunburst had saved me, earning his cutie mark.

I gave a little filly's dance, horseshoes clattering rapidly, and pranced around the room, tail high, looking at titles, some of which I recognized from the Starswirl the Bearded Wing of the Canterlot library. Sunburst, Celestia's former protégé and magic researcher, had copies of anything he desired.

"Almost envious," I said. Then I looked at him and grinned. "But then I know their handsome librarian. Librarians are the best ponies."

"Sounds like the Starlight Starbright I once knew."

I grinned wider. "Once I ran away from Grin Having, getting books proved harder, but I could be creative." I decided not to mention dumpster diving periodicals at Prancetown University.

I trotted up to him a happy filly. My impulse was to kiss him. We were magic nerds. Compatible. Books served arguably—in my mind at least—as an aphrodisiac.

I stopped, though. I was being greedy again. He had not enticed me here to show me his book collection... or his etchings.

I'd invaded.

He didn't share my enthusiasm. Clearly. On his face. He looked happy that I was happy, but also pensive. Maybe he thought, I invited her in, but who is this monster?

I blurted out, "You hate me, don't you?"

He blinked at my mercurial outburst, his ears leaning back. Wearing no makeup, bruises darkened my lavender hide anywhere you looked, and though healed, the parallel slices cut through my fur on my shoulder were pinkish-red. I looked dangerous. I'd invited myself in. A thug in appearance, I had power second only to Celestia. I was dangerous.

Were I him, I'd think, I'm so screwed!

"Sorry! Sorry!" I cried, tears in my eyes. I walked past him for the door, but he reached out. A hoof on my heart stopped me.

"No," he said. He proved himself strong, pulling me around into an embrace. "N-n-not you. Never you. I'd constructed a boogiemare explaining what I'd seen, something I could hate, to reconcile what made no sense —but it wasn't you. Never was. I don't hate you."

He hugged harder. He didn't smell like cinnamon. He smelled like onions, and it wasn't the onions that made me sob. I hugged him back. His tears wet the back of my neck.

We eventually stopped. We weren't foals, and having been foals together, we felt the impetus to act adult as we had tried to back then, when we were anything but adult. We sat, eyes looking at the treasure of books, hooves making circles on the floor. Anything but discussing why our eyes were red and the fur on our cheeks slightly crusty.

I had more practice being assertive. "You were how I imagined my future. Us? Trotting together? Talking magic and mathematics, learning how the world worked and manipulating reality to suit our whims? Having brainy foals to teach our discoveries to. I felt so... betrayed—when Proper Step shattered that." I growled.

"Disappointed." He nodded, whispering as if he wanted to hide his words even from himself in his embarrassment. "I felt disappointed... Used and abused, and disillusioned. Colt-me thought we made a great team, but that was colt's thinking. I—I thought that, anyway. I stopped being a colt and created a stallion when it fully sunk in."

"Tricked. We were both tricked."

"Yes, we were, definitely. I'll never see Princess Celestia the same again—though I understand why she did it. You are amazing. I feel her choice, as hateful as it was, was like the destiny embodied in a cutie mark. It-it had to be."

What? Me becoming crown princess? Temporary mob boss? Beating the horse apples out of Celestia outside of Donut Joe's for everypony to see? Meeting and destroying a monster in a lightning storm because I'd be murdered otherwise? I took a deep breath, to tamp it all down. "You're amazing, too. New magic. I mean, wow. You'll have to teach me, all of it."

He nodded vigorously, then sighed. "Were we that naïve?"

"More than we can remember? We were foals, right? I feel..." I shook my head vigorously, my pigtails striking my head and neck. Yeah, I'd tied the pigtails in my nervousness while we sat, both struck dumb. Pathetic, right? "I don't know what I feel, other than confused and wanting us to be together, but what was was never to be."

Like reciting poetry, he whispered,

Starlight, Starbright, what little mare do I see tonight, with her nose oh so rosy red and her horn all aglow?

"You—you remember!" He'd said that days before he got his cutie mark and left me—

I reined myself in, keeping my betrayal saga from replaying my head. Old thought patterns were hard to break, yet the ugly emotions dissipated like morning fog.

Sunlight of clarity replaced it. He'd said that. The doggerel seemed like poetry in that light. Whilst it could be playful friendship, it sounded at my age, and with my experience, suddenly very romantic. My heart beat faster, growing and opening up in my chest.

"I do, but I'm— I mean—" He coughed, then again, then cleared his throat. "I wasn't thinking of commitments even when I had you completely out of mind. My-my research! Princess Celestia's p-plans! You—I mean... You're a princess and all—"

The P-word. I pursed my lips. "Celestia's bridled me. Her political maneuvers are irrelevant."

"I see responsibility... but, I get it was against your will. I—I avoided friendships, also, but that's doesn't mean I want to avoid you! N-Not after I understand what happened." He'd looked away; his face had reddened. Then he looked at me intensely, if only momentarily, adding, "I don't want to lose you again, Starlight. Us, together again, talking magic, laughing—i-i-it feels like my broken world is glued back together again. It's overwhelming."

My breath caught. I recaptured the fleeting essence of the innocence of those days as goosebumps formed. Was he leaning my direction?

Was he about to kiss me?

I speedily interjected, "I'm not looking for marriage—" Starlight! Where did that come from!? Right. His word. Me confused by the prince this morning. I coughed. "For, for, for commitments right now? I'm what? Too young? I mean. The next few years won't be the time to think about making families, or having foals, especially foals—" I'm saying that! I'm saying that? Foals conceived now would be one year old when Celestia's sister returned to bring eternal night. "That would be insane? Right?"

Would I make a good mother when I couldn't even remember my mother's face?

My face burned so hotly, it could have set off a fire alarm. In the following silence, I glanced back at him.

Was it my imagination, or did he look like he'd been shot down?

He said, steadily enough, "Friendship, though? Let's start that over."

I looked at him. He raised his eyes, and they met mine as boldly as his shy nature allowed. I smiled, suddenly feeling inordinately happy. My heart overflowed as I said, "That's a plan. Please. Let's do that."

He nodded, and instantly tracked us off into a discussion of magic. The torcheré lamps, also pushed to one corner, cast deep shadows, making us face one another to read the books he pulled unerringly from the pile. He went over our lesson, then his research as books, and three clay tablets, filled the space before us, keeping us emotionally and physically distanced. After a time, sitting on the hardwood floor made my rump fall asleep.

The bedroom seemed an afterthought it was so small, perhaps a walk-in closet at one time? I made no comment when he gathered us on the satin bedspread, continuing our discussion and debate. The skylight had a ring of magic globes, so it felt like late afternoon. even when the moon added its light.

In stages, his eyelids drooped, and his fervor flagged. I'm not sure what reserve I pulled from, but I kept going. I had nowhere to go, remember? Anywhere I desired to go, anyway, and a fear of being asked to leave filled me. I used to like being alone.

And then...

He fell asleep. I kept expostulating on dactylic phrasing in mnemonics, waiting for a snort or a penetrating comment. None came. He faintly whistled as his sleep deepened and his eyes moved as dreams started.

He wore his wizard's cloak. It had ridden up, held in place by his red tail, revealing a bit of haunch. He looked adorable and I enjoyed the sight for many minutes. I so wanted to see his cutie mark, to examine it as only I could. I'll admit I wanted a peek at other things, but I wasn't going to do that.

We had a fragile relationship.

We had all the time in the world to strength it. Well, actually, 599 days.

I carefully stood, using the remaining muscle control in my exhausted state to circle about and lay beside him. I felt his breathing, then I snugged my back and flank against his so I definitely felt his warmth.

My wounded and healed shoulder felt particularly warm with the contact. I ignored the itch. Dr. Flowing Waters had made a point of noting my body had to heal also, and that my magic only directed and sped it up.

I fell asleep, feeling content about everything I'd accomplished today. Especially the last bit.

Author's Note:

Next chapter arc: The End is Neigh

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