• Published 2nd Oct 2012
  • 6,826 Views, 118 Comments

Scootaloo Drops Her Ice Cream - DeiStar

In a very hot day, Scootaloo gets an ice cream, only to drop it before she could even taste it.

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Scootaloo Drops Her Ice Cream

“Blegh! I got dirt in my mouth.” Scootaloo spit a patch of grass and wiped her mouth with a hoof. She wasn’t exactly fond of having dirt in her mouth, but she wasn’t totally disgusted. Plenty of earth ponies and pegasi do stuff with their mouths, anyway.

Scootaloo dragged a hoof to her forehead and wiped the sweat away, sighing. “Well, at least it’s all done now,” she said to herself. She looked around to see the fruits of her hard work. The yard was free from any weed and the lawn was mowed to perfection. The intense sunlight fed the previously sprinkled flowers and decorative plants. “Ms. Lyra, Ms. Lyra!” Scootaloo dashed to the front door and knocked the door. A mint colored unicorn greeted her with a smile.

“Oh, are you done, Scootaloo?” Lyra asked, peering outside at her garden. She was surprised of how fast the filly got the work done. Not only the weed was gone and the lawn was mowed, but she was also kind enough to water her flowers. “My, you’ve done an outstanding job, Scoots!” She smiled at the filly, who returned a grin.

“Yup! I did everything you told me to do!” Scootaloo nodded. “Got rid of the weeds, mowed the lawn and everything!” Drops of sweat began to descend from her forehead. Once again, she wiped them away with her hoof. The intense sunlight was only getting hotter and stronger.

“Well, thank you so much, Scootaloo.” Lyra looked inside her house and her horn illuminated. She levitated some bits and showed them to Scootaloo. “Now, here’s your payment, as we agreed.”

“Thank you, Ms. Lyra!” Scootaloo snatched the floating bits with her mouth and looked at the unicorn. “See yeh lateh,” she said and sprinted away from the house. Her next destination was Ponyville’s Park.

“Bye, Scoots. Take care!” Lyra smiled and waved a hoof, looking at Scootaloo getting out of sight. “Such a sweet little filly,” she whispered to herself before stepping back inside and closing the door.


Can’t wait! Can’t wait! Scootaloo ran at full speed across the large streets of Ponyville. Her grin could have been bigger, but the gold coins in her mouth only allowed her to make an awkward smile, like if she had done something very bad. I’ll get the biggest, tastiest, yummiest… Her little legs wanted to go faster, but the dreadful heat was a heavy weight for her to carry. Soon enough, the sweat came back to her face, but her hooves were too busy to clean herself.

On her way, Scootaloo kept running into ponies that jumped back in reflex to avoid colliding with the full speed filly. She could feel her stamina dropping, and slowly, her pace decreased. Just… a little… longer, she panted, feeling as if her legs gained some weight, but she was so close already. She had already entered the park. Must… have… ice cream… She looked around the park; nothing but foals and ponies playing around or taking a stroll. She kept trotting, her legs giving up.

At long last, Scootaloo heard a bell chiming. There was no mistaking it. In all her life, that unmistakable sound could only mean one thing, and it was Frozen Scoop, the white unicorn with the mint colored mane who brings smiles to the foals’ faces with his scrumptious ice creams and popsicles.

Scootaloo looked around and spotted the little stand on one corner. Her eyes gleamed in joy as she ran towards the source of frosty smiles. Her worn legs seemed like if they had received a stamina boost for that last sprint to the ice cream pony. “Mr. Scoop!” Scootaloo squeaked, braking in front of the stand.

Frozen Scoop chuckled and greeted her with a smile. “Ah, Scootaloo, nice to see you in this awfully hot day. What can I do for my number one customer?”

Scootaloo placed the bits on top of the stand and looked at his merchandise. “I want an ice cream. A big vanilla ice cream! I’ve been craving for some ever since I woke up!”

“Ah, of course. Just a moment.” Scoop levitated an ice cream cone and opened up one of his containers. Cold steam rise from inside, as well as the fragrances of the plenty of flavors he had to offer. Not only vanilla, but strawberry, chocolate, lemon, coconut, you name it. He levitated a small silver scoop and took a big chunk from the vanilla container, placing the ball of ice cream on top of the cone. “Here you go, missy.” He gave Scootaloo the ice cream, levitating it in front of her.

Scootaloo took the ice cream with her hoof and gazed upon it. She looked at the creamy texture of the vanilla, which got softer thanks to the sunlight. In just a matter of seconds, she would be delighting her tongue with the amazing coolness of it. “Thanks, Mr. Scoop!”

“Enjoy yourself, Scootaloo. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go back to Ponyville. See you soon!” Frozen Scoop grabbed his cart and pushed it walking towards the exit of the park.

“Bye, Mr. Scoop!” Scootaloo then turned her stare back at the ice cream. “At long last… all my hard work pulling out those horrible weeds and mowing finally paid out!” Her only thought was to bite on the frozen ball of ice. “Ice creams always taste extra special on really hot days!” She wasn’t going to stand and eat it, though. A well-deserved ice cream could only be enjoyed on a great park bench. Luckily, for her, there was one right behind her. “Now, let’s go and—”

Scootaloo turned her body, unaware of the tragic event that was going to take place right after doing so. As soon as her body spun, one of her legs tripped, causing her front hoof to lose grip of the precious frozen treasure it was carrying. She didn’t have time to react. Everything happened too fast. She only felt as something slipped out from her hoof. She looked down at her hoof, which was supposed to be carrying certain ice cream, yet there was none to be found. Her fears were confirmed as soon as she stared to the ground, where she saw the horrid scene. Her ice cream, the one she had worked hard for, was splattered all over the floor.

Scootaloo didn’t know what to do. Her mind went blank, still processing what just took place. She wanted to say something, but a knot in her throat prevented her from doing it. She wanted to scream, to yell, to kick something, but she found herself unable to do it. She didn’t move, her eyes still looking at the wasted treat. A watery and itchy sensation ran through her eyes. A tear leaked out of it, but she didn’t feel it. She didn’t even feel the ridiculous heat anymore.

Her world stopped.


“I’m bored…” Rainbow Dash grunted, looking down at Ponyville from above. It was her daily flying routine, but nothing out of the ordinary had happened since she woke up, thing that annoyed her. “Argh, I wish there were something interesting to do.” She flew above Ponyville’s Park, where she spotted somepony familiar. “Hey, isn’t that…”

Rainbow decreased her speed and slowly pulled her body down. She landed relatively close from where the familiar pony was standing, or rather, lying. Scootaloo was on a park bench, hooves on her face and sobbing. A little puddle of water formed below the bench. “Hey, kid. What’s up?”

As soon as Scootaloo heard that characteristic rash voice, she raised her head. “R-Rainbow…?”

“Hey, why are you crying? Did someone steal your lunch money?” Rainbow walked towards the filly. She had never seen her that sad before, not even when she was sorry about that incident with the school newspaper.

Scootaloo answered with a whimper, covering her face once again with her hooves.

“C’mon, kid. What’s the matter?” Rainbow tapped the filly’s head. “If you’ll keep crying like a baby, ponies will think you’re a softy!”

“M-my… i-ice…” Scootaloo sniffled. She pointed one of her hooves to the other side of the road, where the dropped ice cream was. It was no longer a ball of ice, though. Most of it was already melted due the heat.

Rainbow looked to where Scootaloo’s hoof pointed. “Oh, don’t tell me you dropped your ice cream.” Rainbow could have laughed, but she didn’t. She looked back at Scootaloo and sat on the bench, tapping head with her hoof once again. “Hey, it’s all right. It happens to everypony.”

“No! It’s not all right!” Scootaloo exclaimed, looking at Rainbow Dash with the tears still leaking like cascades from her eyes. “I- I broke my hooves working for that ice cream, and-and…” She whimpered, clenching her teeth to hold back any more of her anger. She threw herself at Rainbow and pressed her face against her chest, crying out loud.

“Hey, hey! Snap out of it!” Rainbow pushed her away, holding her by the shoulders. “It’s just ice cream. It’s not the end of the world!”

Scootaloo sniffled. Sure, it was easy for Rainbow to say. It wasn’t her ice cream that dropped. “B-but…”

“What do you say if I invite you for an ice cream? Just promise me that you’ll stop crying, okay? I won’t accept the fact that my number one fan is a crybaby.” Rainbow tilted her head and looked down at the floor. “Besides… I don’t like to see ponies crying,” she whispered.

“R-really? You… you will invite me for an ice cream?” Scootaloo sobbed. Did she hear all right? Was Rainbow Dash really going to invite her for an ice cream? This had to be the best day ever, regardless if her ice cream was now ants’ food. The only way it could get better would be if she got her cutie mark.

“Sure. Just wipe those tears away and let’s go to Sugarcube Corner. I’m sure Pinkie can give you an extra special treat just for you,” Rainbow said, climbing down the bench. “What do you say, kid?”

“O-okay!” Scootaloo did as instructed and dried her face from both sweat and tears. She smiled for the first time since the tragedy occurred. A smile of satisfaction displayed on her face, knowing that her idol would invite her for an ice cream. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash!” She hugged Rainbow, who rolled her eyes and returned the hug, quickly breaking it.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, let’s go.” Rainbow was thinking about flying, but she remembered that somepony hadn’t learned yet. Maybe she could help the squirt with that problem, someday. But for now, she was going to give her probably the best dessert of her life.

“Yay!” Scootaloo skipped alongside Rainbow. The huge sadness she felt moments ago was replaced with excitement about sharing a tasty treat with Rainbow Dash.

“Heh,” Rainbow chuckled. She stared at the filly, then at the splattered ice cream. “Well, I guess I don’t want you to go through what I went when I was a filly.”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

“Let's just say I know better than anypony how you feel about dropping an ice cream.”

Comments ( 116 )

More tragic than King Lear

Some awkward dialogue, but eh :rainbowkiss:

The grammar is off in places, for example, "invite me for an ice cream" but it's not bad. The ending felt kind of rushed though.

:fluttercry: that was the saddest thing i evah read.

and then they fucked :pinkiecrazy:......oh wait this wasnt a clopfic.:unsuresweetie:
dont know what to say....kind of intresting, made me remember the time it happened to me, but the clerk was nice and gave me another for free.:pinkiehappy:

Awww, some nice Scoots and Rainbow. We've all been there Scootaloo, I feel for you.

On a side note... What do you say if I invite you an ice cream?, R-really? You… you will invite me an ice cream?

Pinkie Pie is gonna EXPLODE, :pinkiegasp: They are apparently inviting the Ice Cream to a PARTY

Ice Cream+ Party = :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

that's an easy error, if you speak spanish, (that's exactly how you say it in spanish, literaly translated) and just checked deistar's youtube channel and that happens to be true. So if you take into account he isnt english native, i'm quite impressed by his grammar, If it were me instead, i'm sure i would have been buried alive XD

Written nicely, and totally believeble :pinkiehappy:

Somepony bring us four scoops of ice cream and extra hot fudge, stat!

oh come on this is a sweet fic but now you need to explain to us what happened to dash as a filly

Couldn't have said it better myself. <insert Princess Bride references about 'invite' not meaning what one thinks it means>

That actually ruined the fic, ti's a pointless sentence that adds nothing to the story, it just distracts from everything else that was going on.

There's potential here, it just needs to be cleaned up a little bit in places, and word choice needs to be considered a little better.


Is it not clear that Rainbow says that to mean she dropped an ice cream when she was a filly? Hence why she stares at the ice cream and says "I don't want you to suffer what happened to me as a filly." Meaning she doesn't want to see Scoots sad about dropping an ice cream.

1373608well yes it is clear of that but there is a hint of something more in depth, like there might have been something else that happened to her other then dropping her ice cream, but might have transpired because of it.

No, the sentence is quite awkward. It's vague enough and worded in such a way that implies Rainbow is referring to some greater tragedy, like abandonment or something to that effect. The root of this issue is, "suffer the same thing that happened to me as a filly." There's no specific incident mentioned, and the verb "to suffer" exacerbates the vague nature of the wording when it is combined with the equally vague "me as a filly." Together, those words imply some sort of ongoing event from Dash's childhood that she's trying to spare Scootaloo from. It would be better to just have Dash answer with something like, "Because I want to be" and follow it up with some description of a memory that Dash has of dropping ice cream. We don't know what Dash is thinking unless you describe it to us.

A quick-fix would be to just to have Dash say: "Let's just say I know how you're feeling." Actually, forget that, just don't have Scootaloo ask why, Scootaloo wouldn't question something like that and Rainbow hasn't really shown herself to be a jerk to Scootaloo.

Better now?

Much :pinkiehappy: And props for sifting through my own incoherent mess of a comment.

Side note, how long as your avatar been 'Let it Be?' I'll have you know I had to listen to Abbey Road 3 or 4 times after reading 'She Came in Through the Bathroom Window'!

Ever since I created my account. I haven't swapped my avatar ever since.
And that's cool. My favorite part of Abbey Road is the medley.

I'm sorry I didn't notice it at the time, seems more than one of your stories is taken from one of the Fab Four's song titles :rainbowlaugh: Is the next one going to be "Mean Mr. Mustard?" Nearly any title off Abbey Road works 'cept for maybe Maxwell's Silver Hammer *shudder.* Really, nearly anything out of their catalogue works.

Being for the Benefit of Silver Spoon!
If you want to reply, I'd appreciate if you did in my userpage rather than having a chat in the fic's comments.

Not very deserving of the 'Sad' theme, I think 'Slice of Life' fits this just fine by itself. But at any rate, a very cute read. Great at being in-character, and very hnnnnng-filled. Nice job.

Short, but touching, and it's easy to relate to being a situation we've all experienced in some form or another. Overall, great work :pinkiehappy:

...You know what? Watch this get featured. :pinkiesmile:


Tears...they fell like waterfalls!
Love it

1373495 I see, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know, I will be sure to not mistake that again in the future. In light of the fact that English is a second language to Deistar, I am very impressed by his writing. :pinkiehappy:

You're welcome for this amazing idea.

...I expect $100. Cash. On my doorstep tomorrow.


In the words of Darth Vader and Spike the dragon: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Scootaloo, and Lyra, for once she's not paired with Bon-Bon and is a nice and sweet mare I can enjoy...I like her.:pinkiehappy: This fic was great, one or two error but they are minor.

You monster, how could you be so cruel to poor Scootaloo?:raritydespair::raritydespair::raritycry:

Awww, such a sweet story. Just when I needed it :)

I just read Regidar's Guardian Angel chapter, Rainbow Dash.
And crying was her turn on
LOL DURP:derpytongue2:

Well, the story matches the description, I'll give it that. I am now in the mood for ice cream. There is frozen custard place nearby, so it will do. :yay:

1373948 really do you post that on every comments page ?
I think you gave that to me TWICE!!!

Let's just say I know better than anypony how you feel about dropping an ice cream.”

:rainbowhuh: don't get it

No tears were shed nor was any sadness felt, Scootaloo crying over ice cream? That's sad? Really?

I'm really glad you gave this a happy ending. You've brought me an unexpected smile. ^^

I like it, DUDE THAT PART WHEN SCOOTS DROPPED HER ICE CREAM...... :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershbad: the tears... the tears...

good job :pinkiesmile:

I think the 'sad' tag is applied from the perspective of Scootaloo, i.e. she's sad she dropped her ice cream. The entire story is subtle Scootabuse bait, and the switch is that it's actually Scootalove. The last line implies that Rainbow Dash can commiserate with Scootaloo in that Rainbow Dash, too, has dropped ice cream and been sad about it. :rainbowdetermined2:


1375326 ok that's wierd:rainbowhuh:
But I see what ur getting at

This is why you get ice cream on a stick. :rainbowdetermined2:

I imagined Rainbow's last line as implying that if you drop ice cream in Cloudsdale, where she lived, it goes straight through the clouds and is gone forever. No five second rule.

Excellent and all, but certainly one of the sliciest slices of life I've ever seen. You could at least have added a twist at the end, like Scootaloo dropping her second ice cream as well. That being sad, I guess there is nothing wrong per se with something utterly harmless being added to our cultural heritage, and even becoming popular.

I hate it when that happens. Poor Scootaloo, I'm sure all of us has been there.

Dammit, I wanna know what Dash's tragic ice cream childhood was like now! :raritydespair:

The tears . . . they fall thick and fast for the tragic loss of dear Scootaloo's ice cream. A moment, for those who were lost . . . :fluttercry:

By the way. That picture. I may have contracted a minor case of diabeetus.

*looks at sad tag* "oh no!" *looks at story title* "oh no!" *reads it anyway*
"aww, now that wasnt so bad. Not really a sad story if it ends on a good note"
Meh, this story doesn't have too much plot to it, but I still walk away feeling satisfied. I guess i'm just a sucker for short lil stories that have happy endings. Most of rainbow's comments were totally on character. But that one "mushy", as rainbow would say, bit where she said "besides, I just dont like to see other ponies crying", idk, I think it may have been a tad off character, but I could be mistaken. Overall, good story.

“Let's just say I know better than anypony how you feel about dropping an ice cream.”

Was that...... oh dear Celestia, was that supposed to mean the same thing as dropping the soap?!?! :pinkiegasp:

holy sh*t, just realized this author is same guy who wrote She came in through the bathroom window , I loved that story too.

...But the ice cream was actually Fluttershy, who she allowed to fall toward her death, stopped only by a migrant flock of butterflies.

Ha HA!

Fun story, no matter where it goes from here.

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