• Published 18th Jul 2023
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Stormgate: The Coronation of Galient and Thessia - Glorious Birb Leader

This is what royalty is, this is what it takes to rule Stormgate. When foolish rulers take charge, it's up to those with strong wills, sharp minds, and the might to make right. Against impossible odds, nothing short of real leaders must take a stand.

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A Children's Story

Author's Note:

This is but a short story, settled in as a pre-amble for a world to be explored in Pathfinder/D&D - esc tabletop games. I'm planning on greatly expanding upon this at a later date, in either a full blown story or sets of short stories that follow in the wake of this tiny tale.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, an old foolish King of might once sat, idle on his throne. Such a thing had never been seen in this era, and the foolish King properly earned the title 'The Lazy' for his lack of ambition. Though strong and true, he had bested the king and queen before him, earning his seat fairly to the throne. Once taking the crown, he was there known as Vinette 'The Lazy' Stormgate. His rule, careless and fickle, would reign for years. He'd hardly speak to anyone below his entrusted nobles and gave no public decrees. His rule was for his own sake, and only his own, and for the first time in an age no queen sat beside a king.

At first, all was well, no major change came to be. The peasants remained well fed, the merchant's pockets full of golden coins, and the nobles feasted and quarreled as they do. It was then from the month when things took a turn, specifically a lack of intervention, as belligerents swelled beyond the safe walls of their capital. Bandits, monsters, and even devilish cults sprung from the lands, seeking feast and fortune.

The Capital, a fortress of little faults, found themselves sacked and raided, day in and day out. At first, the surrounding farmlands were choked by flame and left to roast and the skies filled with black smoke. Then came the outposts, steel-plated soldiers left to be picked clean as canned food for the carrions. Before the year was out, the walls were met with a siege unlike those that came before. Not of traditional troops and trebuchets, but of monstrous infantry and demon engines. Balefire boulders pounded the mighty walls of Stormgate, butchering those who couldn't make it to the safety of the walls with fang and claw, yet still, the King idly sat by. What guardsmen were left took to the defense of their homeland, raining arrows and flaming tar upon the invaders. It was, of course, to no avail. By the time the mighty gates began to yield to the invading forces, all had seemed lost.

It was then a duo of gryphons stood above the fields of battle, looking on in horror that they decided to act. They had seen this attack coming, months in advance, but to no ears of nobles did their outcries reach. So they do what those fail to acknowledge. The first of the two, no more than a refined peasant, stepped forward, pulling from his side a blade of steel, and reached high to meet with the blackened sky. He turned to face the army he had collected behind him. He cried out to his small army, voice booming loud over the hill they sat across, preparing, rallying together.

"Today, we either live as kings or die as heroes!"

The fairest of maidens turned with these words, adding her own with a standard raised, voice reinforced by magical might.

"For if we fail, all will be lost, so fight with the might of our lord Raum himself!"

And it was with that a rallied cry blasts over the hill, chanting a battle hymn to their God as the flanking army pushes over the hill and directly into the backline of the invading forces. The flank had been strategic, lead on by the mighty maiden, completely encircling army of beasts, their strongest at the front to capture the commanders at the back, then reinforced with armored calvary to sweep in the sides. Pushing together the hostile masses for the combined archers of the Captial's guards and their own to slaughter with ease, hitting from both sides at once. Such a strategy worked almost too well, as the brave peasant lead directly from the front, pushing directly into the enemy's lines. Such a blatant act of selflessness propels those beside him, driving steel into the backs of the wavering enemy.

Completely trapped and resolve broken, the invading beasts were cut down by the hundreds, many of which chose to surrender instead. Mercy, of course, was granted, as the two brave leaders of this assault had ordered. The battle would rage no longer than two hours before a month's siege was over.

Having survived the grand battle for the capitol, the two brave heroes of lowly birth were exalted by those saved within the walls. Regaled by those within, they were allowed entrance to the home they had saved. The two would push past the praise, despite being winded from battle and covered in fresh scars and blood, they'd charge directly forward, heading up to the castle. Nothing would make the two yield even as the royal guards attempted to stop them. Forced to fight through, cutting down a league of hardened warriors by themselves, they'd finally push open the final gates to the King's throneroom. Dumbfounded, they'd see Vinette, true to his moniker, sitting on his throne without so much as a care in the world. Despite all the trouble, fighting against exhaustion, the brave peasant would raise his crimson-coated steel to the king, issuing his challenge.

"I, Galient, issue to you a challenge, the Right to Rule!"

"I, Thessia, issue to you a challenge, the Right to Rule!"

His beloved would speak with him, both warriors to the core, and horrifically at a disadvantage. The king would chuckle, then laugh outright at such a notion. Long had it been since a challenge was issued, he thought it a joke, even as he stood tall from his indented seat.

"I accept, know well that your heads shall serve to only stain the floors!" A billowing laugh would ring out, the large doors swinging shut as the ritual had begun.

The battle would rage, and all those that would witness would do so from beyond the closed door. The dance of steel and the song of magic blasting within the halls of the castle would be loud enough to hear to the walls far below. It would go on for hours, as before sundown would it finally end.

A new King and Queen would take the seats, weary from a battle long fought, but soundly won. Changes would come another day, for now, they shall feast. Thus begins the reign of King Galient Stormgate, and Queen Thessia Stormgate, titles earned and consequences awaiting.