• Published 9th Jul 2023
  • 699 Views, 73 Comments

Bulletproof Heart: The Great, The Powerful, and the Bulletproof - PaulAsaran

Rarity ventures to Manehattan only to get caught up in one filly's family drama. Luckily (?), she has a certain great and powerful mage willing to help. But what does said mage want out of the deal?

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The Author's Note

Wow, am I glad that's over. The Great, the Powerful, and the Bulletproof has been easily the most troublesome story in the BPH franchise for me to release.

This story started out as an early chapter in what was going to be the long-form sequel of Bulletproof Heart, at least until I made the decision to write the content as short stories. One of the things unique about BPH 2 was that I wanted each chapter to be its own standalone story that built upon what prior stories had established. Sunset at Little Longhorn, for example, was originally the first chapter of the book, although I expanded it significantly in the short story version.

The chapter this story is based off was an exception. It was never written to be a standalone story, and if I tried to release it a such it wouldn't have worked. There was no significant conflict or theme or lesson learned. It was a filler chapter, no more. Recognizing this, I concluded that the only option would be to rewrite the chapter from scratch, something I didn't have to do for Sunset at Little Longhorn. This proved a frustrating process, and I ended up restarting the story from scratch at least five times because I'd end up unhappy with how things were going. Characters were created and discarded, plot points added and removed, themes conceived and ignored. Eventually I realized that all my wishy-washiness was helping nobody, so I decided that this would be the final version and to heck with whatever weaknesses it might have.

The original version focused strictly on Rarity meeting with Trixie and getting her weapons and Element examined. Lyra was still there, but her presence wasn't any larger then than it is now. The Nightshade Armor was also still brought up. While I worked it as best I could, the chapter was still a bit of an info dump. That being said, this content was some of the most important in the intended sequel, because the things revealed here would have recurring consequences big and small for Rarity down the line. Trixie herself, while largely in the background, would also be a major player in future events. Every last one of the reveals, both subtle and blatant, have been retained in this version, because if I manage to get that far with these shorts then they will be important.

On the other hand, everything involving Scootaloo, Blow Dry, Vapor Trail and Big Mac are new to this version. I needed a bona fide conflict to make the story a story. All of the things that we learn about them here were already established in my canon, but I hadn't meant to bring them out until much later. I chose to bring them forward now because I didn't have a solid plan for doing so in the future anyway, and they made for a nice adventurous side-element from the main purpose of the story. The little adventure also gave Trixie a chance to show that she's not all talk, something I hadn't managed to do in the original version.

I do have plans to eventually bring the CMC together, but we won't be seeing Scootaloo again for a while as this series's MO is a sort of 'guest of the week' format. They also won't be the CMC as we traditionally know them for a wide variety of reasons. That being said, I've often entertained the idea of writing a non-canon joke story in which Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle capture Rarity in an effort to get their cutie marks in bounty hunting. Don't know if I'll ever do it, but oh, does it sound fun.

I've released two BPH fics in a row, so it's time for me to get something unrelated out. When I do return to Sunburnt Equestria however, I already know exactly what story it will be. It'll have another previously unseen guest character and the return of a character I'm sure everyone's forgotten about by now. Best of all, it's chapter was written to be its own story, so it shouldn't take me two years to adapt it as a standalone release this time (I hope). In the meantime, feel free to visit the The Unrestricted Bulletproof Heart Q&A blog to ask me anything whatsoever about the BPH universe. Just beware that I do mean anything, so spoilers are a very real risk.

Comments ( 29 )

So, why did those guys want Scootaloo dead, and who hired them?


That's actually really beautiful. Good job, man.

They didn't want Scootaloo dead; they wanted Big Mac dead. Scootaloo was a means to get close to Vapor Trail, who was a means to get close to Big Mac.

Mac was the target; anyone else would've just been collateral damage. Who hired them? Doesn't really matter; it could've been anyone of the other ruling families. It might have even been the Bad Apples putting them up to it through money and favors; besides Rarity, Applejack is the biggest danger to them, but they can't rightly do anything about her directly. Getting rid of Mac and weakening the Apples in Manehattan would've made it easier to get rid of AJ, just like it would've made it easier for the other families to consolidate power.

Chaos against Harmony; death against life. That's how it is in this Sunburnt Equestria.

Site Blogger

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Site Blogger

You're right that specifically who is responsible doesn't matter, but I will go on record as confirming that it was one of the Houses of Manehattan and the Bad Apples had nothing to do with it. In one version of the story, a representative of one of the houses actually approached Rarity with an offer to assassinate Big Mac and/or Applejack. I ultimately got rid of the scene though, mainly because it didn't really add anything necessary to the short.

Site Blogger

At no point has it ever been stated that the Elements are Luna's handiwork. Or Celestia's, for that matter.

I have my moments, even if they are a rarity.

I believe that was supposed to be a reference to Silver Lining. I don't recall ever seeing evidence that Luna had anything to do with that, either, but there it is.

Don't feel too sad about the departure of Blow Dry. When you strip away all the thematic elements, every chapter of the Bulletproof Legacy is a spaghetti western. The civilians may simply walk out of the story once their part is played, but the gunfighters never leave that easily. And without any doubt, Blow Dry is a gunfighter.

Site Blogger


I believe that was supposed to be a reference to Silver Lining.

Huh. I suppose it could have been. You're right either way.

Site Blogger

Fleur holds an unusual place for my stories as a whole, due largely to a mistake I made while connecting certain timelines in another AU. Simply put, if ever I made a major crossover event amongst all my assorted AUs, she would be at the center of it.

But yes, that was indeed her role in this AU.

Site Blogger

Indeed, it was a rather important chapter in the first story. Which isn't saying much, since every chapter was important to one degree or another.

Site Blogger


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Actually, it does, although it's a very specific definition among many.

Thanks for the corrections, I'm just glad you caught so few.

Are you saying that the meeting is in a chapter in the first BPH story, or are you saying that it was part of a previous draft of this story?

Site Blogger

In the first BPH story. It's out there, you just gotta get to it. Unless you just want to jump straight there, of course.

I read the story, so perhaps my memory just needs refreshing. In which chapter did Rarity meet Spike?

Well, even if the bit with Vapor, Mac, and Scoots was added as a vehicle to get those original points delivered, it was still very well done. Sucks that you had such a difficult time getting this all put together.:applejackunsure:

This was another good addition to the BPH-verse and I look forward to what else is to come.:twilightsmile:

Site Blogger

:pinkiegasp: You forgot? Forgot? Shame upon thee! Do you even BPH, bro?

It's actually two back-to-back chapters, but you can find the first one here.

Site Blogger

Now that you've finished, I can respond to this:

That felt like one of the more darker BPH gunfights I've read. Some of those attackers...really didn't have a good time, to say the least.

There's actually an underlying purpose behind Trixie's actions on my part. I'm not sure anyone's picked up on it though.


Although, her fixation on the Nightshade Armor is a bit concerning and will definitely come up again as a point of contection in the future, I feel.

Oh, yes. That was one of the topics I absolutely had to have happen in this story for future... events.

The subject of ammo for Ruby Heart is certainly an interesting one. It brings up all sorts of questions if that gun is linked to Siren magics...

That Ruby Heart was a siren weapon was always part of my plan from the first story, but I still don't know if we'll ever actually see any sirens, much less the ones people are actually interested in. That said, if they do show I know exactly where it would be.

Great story and I do hope we don't have to wait for more though I do like the idea of the CMC's all together and causing trouble.

Another thrilling installment of this strange, sun-blasted Equestria. Great stuff all around, with plenty of mysteries to look into in the future and more ponies who can attest to the heroics of the Bulletproof Heart. (It's not why she tries to do the right thing, of course, but it doesn't hurt.) Plus, Rarity has a better idea of just what she's packing... though Ruby Heart's magical origin may not play well with her efforts to keep the peace. It depends on just what the sirens did to that thing. And it raises questions of what the state of the ocean-dwelling sapients is these days. At least Equestria has pegasi available to fend off hurricane season...

Plus, that panic attack suggests that Rarity's become emotionally dependent on the Element of Generosity to a concerning degree. That may just come back to bite her.

In any case, eagerly looking forward to future installments and whatever else you make in the meantime.

Site Blogger


Plus, Rarity has a better idea of just what she's packing... though Ruby Heart's magical origin may not play well with her efforts to keep the peace. It depends on just what the sirens did to that thing.

Eh, I wouldn't worry about this one. I have no plans to introduce the sirens and I never intended this to indicate some sort of hidden downside to the weapon. The only reason I originally thought of this origin for it in the first place waaaay back while writing the first story was to serve as a nod to the fact that sirens as a race did and may still exist in this world.

I might include them someday, but there are no concrete plans. Although I do have an idea for an AU where Aria is a monster hunting gunslinger, and should I ever write that story a crossover would be a ton of fun.

Plus, that panic attack suggests that Rarity's become emotionally dependent on the Element of Generosity to a concerning degree. That may just come back to bite her.

Pardon my grin, it's a medical condition. That being said, if this does bear fruit then it'll be a long time from now.

Excellent story (even with my usual cynical commentary).

While it does seem like a "gathering of the fellowship" is in the works, I have to wonder if it will be the cannon!Mane6.

Twilight is still completely unaccounted for, and while we have Trixie as a back-up Magic, she is certainly not cannon, and Trixie's relationship with Rarity is, at best, shaky.
Fluttershy is very, potentially murderously, angry with Rarity.
Rainbow has disappeared into the desert without a trace.
And then there are Applejack and Rarity's "issues" (since apparently even Rarity can't seem to make up her mind if what Applejack did was rape or not).

Admittedly, we haven't seen many others who got enough screen time to be potential bearers -- Starlight, Sunset, Octavia, Trixie (as noted), Strongheart (big maybe) ... I suppose Cranky?

Site Blogger

Ah, yes, the old "will the elements get together?" topic. I shall not confirm or deny anything, but I will say that even if they were supposed to eventually get together in this AU, we only know where four of the actual, physical elements are.

Not a fan of this style for the story

For the CMC capturing the Bulletproof Heart. Perhaps it’s a story within a story. With the CMC telling the story to other foals their age to make themselves look better. Though I would have it be, “How the CMC saved the Bulletproof Heart from bandits”.

Site Blogger

I dunno. The image of Rarity hogtied with the CMC standing over her going "Now what?" tickles me pink.

It could still work as a story in a story.

If I did that...
I wouldn't be surprised when it does come out...

Speculation on my part, for the most part. But it would certainly add another different angle to Sunburned Equestria. Elements that start a pony down a path; then having to be pushed away when they get to possessing the Bearer far too much. It's already canon that in the future, the Element Powers are more aligned with the pony, not the rock they wore.

I do like your handling of TGaP Trixie. I always felt she was always being held back just to be Twilight’s pain in the dock. Here, she has substance. A modicum of real skills. And being an apprentice, she was trying to develop them. I also do not condemn her trapping choices. Life and Death are turning on the spin of a bullet. So it would be on forced entry by a desperado.

I await your next chapters on Bulletproof. I must see how this all turns out...or does this goes on like the Isekai?

Site Blogger

Wish I could say a lot about Trixie, but alas, if/when I ever get around to continuing the series then she'll be very important down the line and I don't want to spoil things. Still, glad you approve of her character for this story!

I await your next chapters on Bulletproof. I must see how this all turns out...or does this goes on like the Isekai?

There is a planned ending, but we're a very long way from that. The original plan was for the story to be released in three books. Then I expanded it to six books because I realized there were six overall stories involved. And then I switched to these short (for a certain definition of "short") stories because I was struggling to get them out in the larger medium. And as for the latest release? It's still very early in the intended book 2 of 6.

So while there is an end in mind, I gotta be honest: I might be dead before we ever see it.

I've been taking a break from BPH material this past year. There was a long period of several years were BPH made up the vast majority of what I was writing and I needed a break so I could work on other material. But perhaps I'll come back to it soon...

Don't wait too long...

Things happen...and not just in stories..

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