• Published 7th Jul 2023
  • 6,433 Views, 270 Comments

I Am Not Big Mac. - MrPip42

Trouble stirs at Sweet Apple Acres, as Big Macintosh claims to no longer be himself. Can he find out what happened to the real Big Mac? Or can Ponyville’s local psychiatrist find out what’s really going on within his troubled mind.

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9 - Where You Need to Be

A lot of unexpected things have happened in Dream Heart’s office these past two weeks. The scene in front of her today is probably the most surprising. Both Gabriel and Applejack were standing in her dimmed office. The candlelight she prepared dancing off of their red and orange fur. Applejack’s eyes furrowed as she looked across the dark room, the laid out bed, and Dream Heart.

“Now ah’m not one ta judge what kinda therapy ya’ll are doin, but… Why does this room look like yer about to roll in the hay?”

It was hardly subtle how hard Gabriel was trying to hold his laughter back. Dream Heart would’ve been happy to see his mirth, if it wasn’t for the alleged activity that was being suspected of happening inside of her workplace.

“I can assure you, Applejack, that no inappropriate actions have taken place here inside of this office. Especially those of the… ‘roll in the hay’ variety.” Dream Heart calmly explained, not that it got rid of Applejack’s confusion. “I can tell you what this all is, but first, Gabriel, I was not aware that Big Macintosh’s sister would be attending today’s session?”

“Ah asked her to come,” Gabriel replied.

“We’re bein’ more honest wit’ each other about what’s goin’ all wit’ all this,” Applejack continued after, “So ah’m just here as an observer.”


“I see. If you are alright with that, Gabriel, she may stay. Please, come have a seat.”

Gabriel sat on the couch turned bed, while Applejack sat in a chair next to Dream Heart. While this was entirely unexpected, it wasn’t unwelcome. Their relationship developing as much as it had could only be a good thing in Dream’s eyes. In fact, this was a fantastic opportunity to follow up on that particular thing.

“Gabriel, since Applejack is here, I would like to ask first before we start. Would you mind if we talked for a bit first?”

“Nnnope, go right ahead.”

“Perfect, I would first like to check up on one particular thing. How has your relationship with the Apple family been? We have discussed Applejack, and I see that your relationship with her has improved leaps and bounds from where you started. What about the rest of the family?”

Gabriel shifted some, and Dream Heart caught the slightest movement in Applejack’s ears next to her. As far as Dream knew, the other members of the Apple family did not know about Gabriel yet. He was adamant about letting as few ponies as possible know about his existence. As part of his ongoing plan to fill in for Big Macintosh until he was back in his own hooves. His feelings on that relationship, and whether or not that secret has stayed, was an important part of the talking process. If Gabriel was willing to speak on it.

“…They still don’t know, they think ah’m here fer headache problems.”

“So they see you as Big Macintosh still?”


“And does this feel uncomfortable for you?”

“…” Gabriel looked away with a frown. Something was definitely bothering him. Applejack must have known what it was, because she was nervously shifting her gaze between the two of them. There was an elephant in the room and Dream Heart didn’t know what it looked like.

“Ah…” Gabriel sighed, “Ah can’t quite… explain it right. Ah told Applejack this mornin’, and… she got a better way o’ sayin it.”

Applejack looked at Gabriel, shocked. “Ya want me to explain yer feelins?!”


“Are ya- Ya want-… Oh, honeycrisp…” Applejack sighed in defeat. Dream imagined that ‘honeycrisp’ was some Apple family curse word of some kind… She does enjoy a good honeycrisp.

“Urgh… Gabe told me this whole skadoodle this mornin’, and the way ah summed it up is that he’s gettin’ used to bein’ mah brother. Too used ta bein’ him that he sometimes forgets to differentiate the two.”


Gabriel was downcast after the explanation, and Applejack looked the part of an unsure third wheel, unable to determine if she should continue talking or let the main two continue the conversation. Dream marked this new information down on her overfilled notepad, alongside every other interesting little tidbit she had learned from this particular client.

“How exactly does this happen for you, Gabriel? Can you give me an example?”

“When ah’m thinkin’ to myself, ah usually hear mah voice. The way ah normally talk, but then ah’ll suddenly start usin’ pony phrases, or referring to myself as a pony.”

“Wait, ya don’t talk like this normally, Gabe?” Applejack couldn’t help but cut in.

“Nnnope, ah used to talk like-…” Gabriel coughed and worked his throat. “…Like this, I didn’t have a thick accent like Big Mac. It’s… hard to keep talking like this while I’m in his body…”


“…So ah just talk like he does, get’s the job done either way.”

“…Well that was the most terrifyin’ thing ah’ve ever heard come out my brother’s mouth… That just… ain’t right.”

The farm mare seemed physically shaken. The body of Big Mac talking like a standard city stallion. It probably reminded her more clearly that Big Macintosh wasn’t with her, and that was a reminder that hurt to her core… Or maybe it was just weird for her to see in general and Dream Heart was reading into it too much. Back on topic.

“I see, so you find yourself often acting as if you are a pony, and not a human. Is that right Gabriel?”


“Have you referred to yourself as Big Macintosh in these moments? Or just as a pony.”

His eyebrows wrinkled, clearly shifting through his memories to find the right answer. “…Nnnope?” He said, “At least… ah don’t think ah have?”

Dream Heart gave Gabriel a reassuring smile. Her attention pulled away from the notepad. “If that is the case, then I do not believe that this is something to be afraid of. Do you know of the idea of naturalization?”

The simple shake of his head confirmed that he did not understand what she meant.

“Naturalization is the method we use to evolve and adapt to changes. We as ponies, and I dare assume humans as well, are a species that quickly adapt to environments we are placed in. The physical sense of that adaptation is easy to recognize. A pony from the frozen north may grow thicker and longer fur than a pony from Silver Shoals, for example. But our minds adapt to new environments just as much as our bodies do. The Social norms we understand, the colloquialisms we use day to day, and even our entire identities change and evolve as we adapt. Until we ‘naturally’ fit into our new environment.”

“Huh.” The stallion snorted, “Ah don’t think that’s how that word was used back home.”

“Is that so?”

“Eeyup, naturalization is what we called the process of foreigners becomin’ full citizens in our country. Ah don’t think it had any other meanin’ like that.”

“Really? That is rather fitting still, is it not? A human’s process of naturally fitting into a new country, ending with them becoming a citizen. Rather similar, I think.” Dream Heart let a smile creep up her face. She hoped that Gabriel wouldn’t see it as condescending. The little fact about his home was actually quite fascinating to learn, and she couldn’t help the smile that emerged from it.

“While I understand the fear you have of growing too comfortable in Big Macintosh’s fur, I do not believe this is a cause for concern. You are becoming more used to being a pony, your body just had a bit of a head start in naturalizing.” An errant thought on the matter suddenly popped into her head. Ears on end, she continued her speak before Gabriel could reply. “Unless you are uncomfortable being a pony at all?”

There wasn’t an immediate response from the large stallion. Dream could catch the ears on Applejack’s head fall to the side upon seeing his delayed reaction. Pity? Fear? Dream wasn’t quite sure. It all depended on how she felt about Gabriel now and what had changed from the last time Dream had seen her. Gabriel shifted his hooves, and eventually spoke.

“Bein’ a pony is… well ah guess it’s supposed to be weird fer me, but it ain’t. Ah can thank Big Mac fer makin’ that transition easy. The only pony life ah really know about is life at Sweet Apple Acres. It’s a good life Applejack, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Big Mac have here. Ah wouldn’t mind bein’ apart of any o’ it.”

Applejack’s ears perked up.

“But ah can’t ask fer that. Since this is somepony-… somebody else’s life. That’s why ah ain’t comfortable actin’ and thinkin’ like a pony as myself.”

And Applejack’s ears went down again.

“That makes sense for you, Gabriel. The lengths you are willing to go to keep your promise for Big Mac are commendable, but do you believe fighting this particular thing will help with that? Do you feel that growing more comfortable as a pony would be a bad thing for you?”

“…Ah guess not.”

He wasn’t sure, there was no perfectly correct answer for Gabriel. Dream imagined that the idea of “being a pony” conflicted too much with his goal of removing himself from Big Macintosh. Even if it was truly harmless, it made Gabriel more comfortable here, and the last thing he wanted was to be too comfortable.

She wondered to herself how he would react if he had been placed in his own body, seperate from Big Mac. Would he still feel unbothered by the idea of being a pony? Would he more willingly adapt to his new environment? It was an interesting hypothetical to think about, and Dream wondered if there was any writing, fictional or otherwise, that explored this idea. Perhaps not too many, a different creature adapting to life as a pony wouldn't be that interesting, would it?

“This will be an interesting point to go back on. For now, why don’t we begin with the meat of our session?”

“Is this the part where ya’ll are gonna start sleepin?” Applejack asked,


“I am sorry, Applejack, I forgot to explain. Gabriel and I have begun using a spell known as dreamwalking to learn more about his condition, and the circumstances regarding Big Macintosh. The room is set up this way so that it is easier to fall asleep in. Unfortunately, I do not have a way for you to join us as we continue in Gabriel’s dream. I’m afraid there will not be much to watch or listen to from here.”

The mare shook her head at Dream Heart. “That ain’t a problem. Ah’ll just keep myself busy while ya’ll do yer thing.” Applejack picked up her stetson and reached inside of it. From the inside, she pulled out a small paperback book.

“The adventures of Huckleberry? A good choice.”

“Ya missed a Finn at the end there.”

Both of the mares gave Gabriel a confused look after his interjection. “Like… Huckleberry Finn?… Nevermind, ah’m sure it’s good too.”

“Well, thank ya. Ah’ll just be here, go ahead, do yer dreamin’ stuff.”

Dream Heart nodded, and turned her attention back towards Gabriel. “Are you ready to begin?”


Sweet Apple Acres never looked more vibrant when Dream Heart stepped into the mind of Gabriel. The green trees seemed almost too green. The sky shined bright with the promise of a wonderful day. Scent was a particular rare sense to feel inside of a dream, but she could smell the inviting apples that rested upon every tree that surrounded them. More interestingly, Dream Heart and Gabriel didn’t stand on the dirt road leading to the farm house. Today, they were closer to the house. Stood just outside the fence line that surrounded the Apple family household.

“It makes me happy to see that we are not in another nightmare,” Dream noted.

“Yup.” Gabriel replied, no sign of an accent to be found.

“Does this place still bring any bad feelings for you, Gabriel?”

“Yup, it does. This… is a lot closer than before.”

“It is, but let’s not assume that to be a bad thing. This is perhaps a sign of your growing relationship with the Apple family.” Dream was quick to assert that statement before Gabriel made any assumptions. It would be easy to say that this change in place signaled his desire to take everything from Big Macintosh away inside of his head. An assumption that Dream Heart assumed Gabriel would assume if he was given the chance to start assuming.

“…Maybe.” Is all that he replied, clearly not convinced, but at least he wouldn’t spiral. “…So what do we have to do to get Big Mac out here?”

“I am not certain how, but we may find the answer by retracing our steps. Do you remember how Big Mac appeared?”

“Nope, I wasn’t there. You were… after watching my memory.” The dots connected in Gabriel’s head. The stallion looked up at Dream Heart with a sudden realization. “We watched Big Mac’s memory, and I’m here… When we watch one of my memories, he’s here.”

“That may indeed be it.” Dream replied with a smile.

“But… but that means I’m not gonna be able to talk to him.”

“That… may also be true.” She pondered for a few moments, “If it happens again where you are not present, what would you like me to say to him?”

An important question like that needed time to be answered, and Gabriel took plenty of time to figure it out. It was fascinating for Dream Heart to watch the little changes in the world around them as the dream reflected his thoughts. Apples would change from red, to green, to blue. As if showcasing his feelings. The wind would blow one direction, and then the grass would be blown a different way soon after. A back and forth between two thoughts. It was not an easy question, but when the wind stilled and the apples were red again, Gabriel finally found an answer.

“Tell him… that everypony’s okay. That the farm’s okay.”

Dream Heart smiled at him, and nodded her head.

“…Any preference on what dream I show you this time?”

“Whatever you wish to share, I will be happy to watch.”

“Alright.” Gabriel drew a long breath, closed his eyes, and recalled one of his past memories. “Here goes nothin’..”

“The turn signal wasn’t broken, she just had this dangling on it.” Gabriel picked up a pink and puffy diceball keychain into his hands and showed his boss. An older man in his late sixties, who said he would quit smoking at least twenty different times. Yet he still had a cigar in his mouth.

Gabriel’s boss had a name, just like any person did, but he never called him anything but boss. He had too much respect for the man to call him anything else. Boss laughed to himself as he pulled the cigar from his lips. Pointed away towards the outside of the garage. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to smoke here, but it was his garage. As long as the inspector didn’t see him do it.

“Sometimes you wonder what people’re thinking when they come in for stuff like that. It’s like their common sense goes out the window on the drive here.”

Gabriel shrugged, tossing the dice back onto the nearby table. The client who had it decided she didn’t want it anymore, and left it at the garage. His coworkers commented on not being the lady’s garbage dump. Gabriel decided to keep it without any complaints.

“You’re gonna take it to Dany?” Boss asked him,

“Yup.” He replied, nothing more had to be said between them. They both knew that Daniella had a pink dice keychain just like that at the end of her phone. It was the only pink thing she owned.

“You can head out early, then. Just tell Dale to write down the malfunctioning car lift before you head out.”

“Boss, I can sti-“

“Nah, you’ve been workin’ every day for the past week. I can already get in serious trouble for lettin’ you stay on the clock for this long. Not to mention the toll it’s taken on you physically. Have you looked in a mirror lately, Gabe?”

He was always pretty blunt with Gabriel, but that was the relationship they had. Boss was his mentor, his guiding figure through most of his life. Gabe was very used to his straightforward teaching methods.

“Go home, clean yourself up, and go see her. You’re not allowed back here till Monday, got it?”


Straight away, he did as he was told. Taking the dice with him, Gabriel headed home and put on his best outfit. Afterward, he took the long drive across town in his beaten up corolla to Daniella. The check oil light was flashing in the dashboard, and something was rattling at the back end of the car. Gabriel knew he had to take it in for an oil change and a checkup on Monday. He would go earlier, but Boss would no doubt kick him out.

Soon enough, he was at his destination after a quick trip to a store. From the corolla he picked up the dice and the flowers that sat in the passenger seat. After they were secured in his grasp, he closed the door and stepped into the graveyard.

Passing dozens of tombstones and plaques, Gabriel found the one plaque he was looking for.




Gabriel was asked to write that final line. He had no idea what to say when the engraver asked him. There could have been a thousand better sayings to give her final resting place, but that was the only one he could offer. What was somebody supposed to say about their only dead relative?

He sat himself down in front of the plaque. Immediately reaching for the cigarette in his coat pocket. She never liked the fact that he smoked, but Gabriel had become so used to the feeling of a cigarette in his mouth that it felt impossible for him to stop. A small shame he had to feel while right in front of his sister.

“Got you this, Dan.” Gabriel said, using the pet name he had for her. She hated it because it made her sound like a dude. He placed the flowers and dice onto the plaque. Allowing the dice to roll and see what number they would land on. One landed on two dots, and the other landed on five. The number seven, the most common number for a dice to roll.

Just like how her death was by the most common cause in their city.

The rest of that time was spent quietly. Gabriel had much he wanted to say to his sister, but he never really believed in spirits or ghosts. Daniella had once told him she believed in life after death, in a brand new life to live after one passes. If that was true, then she already moved on to the next life. He could only hope that life was a better one than what she had to go through here.

So there he sat. Puffing a cigarette, reliving memories that only made him want to draw another puff. It was all he ever did when he wasn’t working.

“I’ll quit smokin’ tomorrow, I promise.” He lied to the plaque.

Dream Heart didn’t recognize what drug Gabriel was using in that memory, but she was glad that he hadn’t found any similar form of vice here in Equestria. It wasn’t an uncommon sight for a pony to drown themselves in short term pleasures after a loss. Chewing on straw may be bad for your jaw, but not nearly as bad as smoking.

“He did try ta stop, started chewin’ gum instead.” The voice of Gabriel spoke next to her in the graveyard memory they both stood in. Except it wasn’t Gabriel, it was Big Macintosh. Dream Heart knew this was a possibility, and the surprise of hearing his country drawl did not shock her out of his dream this time.

There he was, Big Mac. If he hadn't spoken, Dream Heart wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between him and Gabriel. Given that there wasn’t a second large red stallion with short orange hair and half lidded eyes in the dream, she assessed that Gabriel was no longer present.

“Hello, Big Macintosh.” Dream Heart says softly, no longer focusing her attention on the memory of a human in the background. The amazement didn’t hit as hard the second time. “Do you know who I am?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied, “Dr. Dream Heart of the Ponyville General Hospital.”

“We didn’t meet personally before Gabriel came to the hospital. Does that mean you are aware of what has been happening outside of here?”

“Eeyup. Why wouldn’t ah be?”

He was aware of Gabriel and the events going on outside. Big Mac wasn’t out of the loop, but that only brought about more questions. Before she could begin any of them, Dream had a promise to keep.

“You know of Gabriel, then?” She asked him.


“He wishes for me to tell you that everypony on the farm is okay, including the farm itself.”

A smile rose up on Big Mac’s lips. He mouthed a word that Dream couldn’t hear, but swore looked like an eeyup. “Ah know. Ah never doubted it wouldn’t be with him around.”

Now the real questions began. “Big Macintosh, Gabriel and I would like to know more about what happened two weeks ago. How you came to be here and he out there. Would you be alright with discussing it with me?”

No hesitation came from Big Mac. “Eeyup, fine by me. Ah dunno how much ah can tell ya, though… Maybe we could talk somewhere else?”

The two ponies looked around the dim graveyard scene where the human Gabriel still sat. It was a memory only, but she could agree that talking while standing before the human’s mourning would be rather disrespectful. Dream Heart planned to walk out of the memory’s boundaries, but Big Mac had other plans. He nodded his head, and within moments the two ponies were back in Sweet Apple Acres. Standing directly in front of the farm house’s door.

He directly controlled Gabriel’s dream. Dream Heart’s eyes went wide. If she had not found the common sense to hold back her surprise, she would have been ejected from the dream again. For once, she didn’t want to have to spend an entire day nauseous after a dreamwalking session. This was a revelation, a gigantic discovery that had greater implications than anything else before it, but she couldn’t think about it right now. Empty your thoughts, and stay in the moment, Dream Heart.

“Well…” Dream began while she composed herself, “Big Macintosh, do you know how you came to be here?”

“Nnnope.” He said with the nonchalance of a town hall receptionist.

“Can you tell me the last thing you do remember?”

“Ah… don’t think ah need to. You’ve already seen it.” Now there was emotion bleeding in. His ears fell, and Big Mac’s eyes shifted away from Dream.

The memory of Applejack and Big Macintosh’s fight, that had to be what he was referring to. The last thing that Big Mac remembers. “What happened when you fell asleep that night?” She asked.

“Ah slept, probably had some sorta dream or somethin’ ah don’t remember, and woke up.”

“But you didn’t wake up, Big Mac. Gabriel was the one that woke up.”


He talked as if Dream Heart already knew the same things he did. As if these questions didn’t need to be answered. Why was Big Mac intentionally leaving out more descriptive details? If he did know everything that was going on, then surely he knew that Dream Heart didn’t have any of these answers. So why was he doing this?

If she couldn’t get him to answer it directly, perhaps a different approach would help. She wasn’t a detective, but she was a psychiatrist. If she could understand his mental state before the transition to Gabriel, maybe she can better understand how things happened.

“May I ask you more about that night in particular? With Applejack?”

The discomfort was settling in again for Big Macintosh. He didn’t like looking ponies in the eye when he was uncomfortable. “…Alright.”

“What started the fight between you and your sister?”

“She convinced Granny to plant a whole new apple variety in the new plantation. It ain’t a smart decision, it’s a risky one. If the new apples aren’t as popular as Applejack thinks, we’ll now have a bunch o’ apples that nopony buys to add onto every harvestin’ season. More work and more danger to the farm.”

“And you disagreed? So you confronted her about it?”

“…Eeyup.” Shame was being added to his discomfort. He wasn’t proud of what he did. “Ah just wanted to explain that… and ah said more than what ah should have.”

“Do you know why you did that?”

“…Ah’ve never been an emotional stallion, Doctor.” Big Mac began, now looking her in the eye. “When there’s an entire farm to run, ya don’t worry about yer feelins too much. Ah can admit that ah never really had a healthy way of ventin’ the bad feelins. Bad thoughts just catch up to ya sometimes when ya do that. Thoughts ya wish ya didn’t have.”

“What kind of thoughts?”

“…Suppose you would wanna know ‘em, well.” Big Macintosh sighed and sat down in front of her. “Applejack’s been a grown mare for many years now, she’s always helped around the farm, but never took the lead until recently. She’s now makin’ decisions on how the farm should be run. She helps plan out the schedules and the business. Ah practically never run the stall in town anymore cause she’s better at it.”

“You felt your role in the family, the head of the farm, was being taken away from you.”


Dream Heart stepped forward towards Big Mac, her haunches lowered to the ground to sit across from the large stallion. With her head leaned forward, she looked up at his downtrodden eyes. “Do you still feel that?”

“…Eeyup, and ah hate it.”

“Do you think that it’s possible that Gabriel has taken your place because of this?”

There was no Nnnope that came from Big Mac. Instead, his head quickly shook back and forth in response.

“You don’t think so?”

“Ah’d never do that to somepony. Mah problems are mah problems, not his… Ah don’t know how it happened, but it wasn’t intentional, it just happened.”

“You two really are alike.”

“Eeyup, and he’s doin’ just fine.”

Now that caught her attention. “What do you mean?”

“He’s takin’ care o’ the orchard alright. Livin’ with the family on good terms. Not a lotta fightin’ goin’ on. He’s even got a good thing goin’ with Applejack. Everythin’s goin’ alright.”

“You’re… happy that he is doing a good job at living your life?”

“Eeyup.” It was so matter of fact. Like this was the obvious conclusion. Of course he’d be happy! Why would Dream Heart think otherwise? Another interaction that nearly sent the doctor flying out of the dream in surprise. What kind of conclusion is that?!

She had to ask him. She had to know for sure.

“Big Macintosh, do you want your body returned to you?”


There it was, the refusal that made half of this conversation make some form of sense. He understood the situation he was in, and was welcoming it. Gabriel could live his life, he would stay here and watch. “Why? Why don’t you want to live your life again?”

“… Ya already know what ah did!” Big Mac exclaimed, “Ah was an awful brother, an awful leader, a downright terrible pony. Ah told my own kin that she’d be better off sittin down and listenin’ to me. What kinda pony deserves to be a brother to sisters like Applejack and Apple Bloom when he does somethin’ like that? How can ah look ‘em in the eye and say ah actually care about ‘em?! They’re better off without me, Gabe’ll do just fine in mah place. It can’t get much worse than that.”

“Big Macintosh, are you sure that-“

“Eeyup, ah’m sure.” Dream Heart was not allowed to even ask the question. Big Macintosh shook his head immediately after cutting her off. “Ya wanted ta ask me how things ended up like this. Well ah dunno why ah’m here, but ah’m stayin’. As for why Gabe’s here… well ah don’t know why, but ah got an idea.”

She wanted to desperately pick apart at his refusal to retake his own life. There were just too many questions left to answer from it! So much hidden within the confines of his heart that she wanted to unearth! Unfortunately, Big Mac had placed a wall between her and those answers. No amount of digging would bring them to her. Dream Heart to give up that fight for now, and try again another time.

“What idea is that?” She asked.

“His last memory.”

“Oh, when he fell asleep at his workplace? Do you know what happened that day?”

“Eeyup, and he knows too.”

Dream Heart was about to press him for further details, but the world shifted before she could even utter a word. Big Macintosh was gone again, and a new memory was left for her to watch…

“Welcome back.” Dale said to Gabriel as he pulled into the garage. One of his coworkers he saw a lot, but not one he had a personal relationship with. “Is that gum in your mouth?”

“Yup.” Gabriel replied, it wasn’t his first time trying to quit. While the cigarettes were hard to get rid of, chewing gum made a nice alternative to tobacco chews. He could keep up with the chewing gum, but Gabriel wasn’t too sure he could keep the stick away for the whole day. “Nobody come in yet?”

His response was a shake of the head, “No sirree, completely empty shop. Feels like a damn ghost gonna crawl up my back any second now.” Dale shivered, “Just one of those bad feelin’ days.”

“Hm.” He hummed to Dale, handing him a pair of keys. “I need to check the rear axle on my car, could you get it on the lift?”

“Sure, ain’t nothin’ better to do.”

Thanks were given before Dale went off to get Gabriel’s car. While Gabriel himself went to the back to change into his work clothes. The weekend was rough, but now he could get back to work. Back into the garage he went, prepared to turn off his brain and fix up his car. He was happy to see the toyota corolla sitting up on the lift, just high enough where he could stand underneath it.

“You definitely got somethin’ busted in there. Was rattling the entire time.”

“Yup.” Gabriel replied, and immediately went and grabbed his kit. Dale hung around as Gabe first picked up his flashlight. A creak could be heard from the metal nearby.

Dale tried to start up idle conversation while Gabriel got to work. “Do you remember that show Dany used to watch when she was younger?”

He picked the worst opening conversation. “…Yup.”

“Heard from my niece it just ended. Nine seasons.”

“Great.” Gabriel replied sarcastically. He knew what show Dale was talking about, Dale had been around Daniella and Gabriel for six years as part of the mechanic crew. What stung for Gabriel was that he couldn’t remember anything about that show. In fact, he remembered Daniella once asking him to come watch it with him when she was about twelve or thirteen. He was always so busy with work, he never got the chance.

Gabriel couldn’t even remember the name of that show.

His near constant scowl had turned into a deep frown, and Dale realized he hit a nerve. Boss realized it as well, watching from the door on the far side.

“Hey Dale, Gabe.” He said as the two waved back at him. Boss then coughed as a gesture for Dale to come over to him. Leaving Gabriel to do the work on his car, he approached Boss.

“Did you seriously bring up Dany?” Boss asked him quietly, with the tone of a fed up janitor at a high school.

“What? I was just trying to chat a bit.”

“But Dany, seriously?”

“It’s been over a year, Boss, how was I supposed to know?”

He flicked a finger onto Dale’s forehead. “Ow!”

“Why’s he workin’ on his car?”

“Man… Somethin’s wrong on the rear axle side. Got some real bad rattlin’.”

“Huh.” The two men watched as Gabriel dilgently searched the undercarriage. “By the way, we ever get any word from the repair guy for the lift?”

“What’re you talking about?”

Another creak of metal. Boss was no longer interested in Gabriel. Eyes dead set on Dale. “The broken lift? The one Gabe was supposed to get you to report on friday? Did you get it done?”

“What? No, he didn’t tell me anything like that.”

“You’re kiddin’ me, Dale. Don’t tell me you’ve been usin’ it all weekend.”

“Haven’t had any problems, if somebody told me I would have shut it off!”

“Dale, you fucking dimwit! That thing’s been leaning for weeks and we just had three SUV’s this weekend! That lift’s more likely to give than a thousand year old boat in a hurricane! Which one was it?”


“The one Gabe’s usin’.”

Gabriel finally found the crack. A small one, but a big enough deal that he probably shouldn’t have been driving it this entire time. It would need an entire replacement for the car to be safe to drive again. He sighed at his misfortune, even if it wasn’t entirely surprising, given the age of the car. Frankly, he was happy it didn’t kill him when he was driving the thing. He could always rely on it to get him to where he needed to be.

“Oh… shit.” Gabe heard Boss call from the far door.


“Holy shit!” Dale yelled.

“Gabe, watch out!” Boss cried out.

The last thing Gabriel heard was Boss’ voice belt out his name in shock. Right before a crushing weight fell atop of him.

Everyone then woke up.

Author's Note:
