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If we Must Start Again

The next morning dawned, and the team gathered at New Romney station. Sunny yawned as they stopped in the station food court for breakfast. "That was a surprisingly good sleep," she said. "Thanks for pulling a few strings, Alphabittle."

"No problem," Alphabittle smiled. "I still have connections here, and the company bunkhouse is a little better than I remember it." He glanced over to Misty. "I'll rouse the staff and get some breakfast on the go."

"Sure thing, dad," Misty said quietly. "You know, I don't really know this bit of the world hugely well. Maybe I need to travel a bit more."

"That can be arranged, Misty Wisty!" Alphabittle replied, as he checked with the staff. The smell of ovens being started up was soon joined by the smell of anthracite from the engine shed.

"Misty Wisty?" Misty asked.

"It's what I used to call you as a little kid," Alphabittle answered. "Of course, I can retire it if you'd prefer but-"

"I'll give it some thought," Misty commented.

Meanwhile, Lady Haven seemed to be an a rather more agreeable mood than yesterday. "While obviously I'm still a little concerned at you two speeding off without telling me where you were going," she said, "going into action to save your friend is admirable. It would be rather hypocritical to punish you two for that, seeing as I got into plenty of similar scrapes myself when I was your age."

"Really?" Zipp asked.

"Indeed," Lady Haven replied. "That could fill a story in its own right. But what matters most is all of you are safe. I just ask if that you're dashing off somewhere, at least drop me a text at the bare minimum? And," she said quickly, before Pipp could speak, "that even applies to digital detox days."

Alphabittle wandered over. "Orders?" he asked, sliding menus to them.

"We'll study these and get back to you," Pipp replied.

Whilst they were waiting, Pipp was observing the interactions between Misty and Alphabittle. "Isn't it just so heartwarming?" she asked.

"I suppose it is," Zipp replied, who wasn't really paying attention. "I suppose Misty is more like a sibling than a friend. She has lived in our home for over a year."

"And she's welcome to stay as long as she likes, and come back whenever she wants," Lady Haven said. She smiled and walked over to Alphabittle. "I will admit, when I learned that the father of the girl I was helping to care for was an old family friend it rather surprised me at how small the world can be sometimes. But, I also wish you two nothing but the very best in the world. Although I've been many things in my life, to me the most important of those is being a mother. And speaking from experience there's nothing more wonderful than having a daughter."

"That's presumably why you had two," Alphabittle jokes.

"I helped!" Lord Haven said from across the room.

Just then, Lady Haven's phone buzzed, and she took it out of her pocket. Her face fell as she read the message. "Bother. I am needed on urgent business. See you soon!" She headed for the door. "Parker? Fetch the Bentley!"

"Yes, m'lady!"

Meanwhile, it seemed Alphabittle had had an idea. In his mind. "You said your memories of childhood were foggy, right?" he said. "I've had an idea. How about we go to places you used to enjoy going and see if any memories get triggered, huh?"

"I suppose that could work," Misty said quietly again.

"That's our cue!" Hitch said. "I need to get back to Falmouth too. I've got... er, stuff to do."

Pipp got up as well. "Does it involve ironing dogs, by any chance?"

As Alphabittle and Misty talked, Sunny and Zipp were having their own conversation on another table. "Did you hear any of that?" Zipp said. "Misty just mentioned something about a taking over the world game. If we act fast, we could figure out Opaline's plan and be able to strike where she least expects!"

"Zipp, maybe you should be detecting a little less?" Sunny suggested. "I mean, they are having a family moment."

Zipp threw her arms up in the air. "Every second we waste not dealing with this is a second for Opaline to grow more powerful- and seeing as the authorities seem unwilling to do anything about her that makes it more important. If we're just reacting to what she's doing then we dramatically increase the risk of being caught with our pants down!"

Izzy looked over. "I can't be caught with my pants down- mainly because I'm wearing a dress today!"

"Figure of speech, Izzy," Zipp replied.

"Perhaps we should have a cup of something and mull it over?" Sunny suggested.

Zipp sighed. "Oh, how British is that. The world is ending, have a cup of tea. We're in danger, have a cup of tea. We have a ready source of information to help us, but let's have a cup of tea instead."

"As long as you haven't hidden a spy drone in the tea," Sunny said. "Seriously, how did you even get it inside the smoothie bottle without me noticing?"

"I am a woman of many mysteries," Zipp replied. "And that is a trade secret, I'm afraid."

"Maybe we could investigate another lead while they're off doing something else?" Sunny suggested.

Izzy then appeared. "If you're looking for the past I think I have a lead. A family friend who used to work for the government is coming down to Falmouth, so you could ask them a few questions."

"Sounds good," Zipp said. "Let's get some food, then head off to Falmouth to meet them." She glanced to one side. "Talk about plot convenience."

Misty and Alphabittle had now left the building, and were walking along a road next to the line. "I still remember these roads like the back of my hand," Alphabittle smiled. "I must have walked every road and passage during my time in this part of the world. And to see it all again with you beside me is wonderful. Remember this tree? You used to love stopping here and resting under its leaves on hot summer's days."

"I did?" Misty asked. Truth be told she didn't remember any of this at all.

A man with a flat cap walked by. "Hello Mr Blossomforth! I haven't seen you around here in a while. Nor Misty either!"

"So everybody but me knows this stuff," Misty said. "No pressure, then."

Then, they arrived at a playground. "You used to love coming here," Alphabittle said. "The carousel was your favourite, and the trains rattling by was just the icing on the cake."

Misty looked over at the equipment. "I think I'm a bit big for this."

A teenage boy then walked past. "I remember you. You're the kid who was sick on the slide!"

"I assume that was a bad thing," Misty replied.

But the boy was out of earshot by that point.

"Let's try something else," Alphabittle said.

Meanwhile, Sunny and Zipp were back in Falmouth, and soon a train arrived. "She must be onboard this train!" Izzy said.

As the doors slid open, a woman with purply skin and white hair walked towards them. "Fancy seeing you here, Izzy!" she said.

"I live here now," Izzy replied. Dad's still connected to that oil rig project near the Scilly Isles."

"Well they should have built them near the Sensible Isles!" the woman joked. She looked over. "Funny. I don't recall you having siblings."

"I'm still an only child," Izzy replied. "But these are my friends, Sunny and Zipp!"

The woman smiled. "Well, any friend of Izzy is a friend of mine." She walked over. "I'm Elderflower."

"Nice to meet you, Elderflower," Sunny said. "May I ask how you know Izzy?"

"That's quite the story," Elderflower smiled. "I was employed in local government at the time, and was the one who signed off her birth certificate as that was rather my job. I even babysat sometimes when Aurora or Isaac were elsewhere!"

"We were wanting to ask you some stuff," Zipp said.

"Sure, but on one condition- could you convey me to Swanage first? I've always wanted to visit the seaside in Dorset."

Sunny looked over. "Didn't we just come from there?"

"Eh, coals to Newcastle," Zipp said. "I'll get a train put together so we can set off as soon as possible."

Back in Kent, Alphabittle and Misty had arrived at another location. "I enjoyed coming here after clocking off after work," Alphabittle admitted. "Of course, that often meant you came with me as well."

"OK," Misty nodded. Truth be told she didn't remember this place either. How much had she forgotten from her life?

They entered the building, and sure enough there was somebody at the counter, waiting for patrons. "A drink, sir?" he asked.

"A coffee for me," Alphabittle replied. "Anything for you, Misty?"

"No thanks," Misty replied. "I'm not thirsty."

Alphabittle nodded. "Is the Dizzie Gillespie Experience playing today?"

"You're just in time," the bartender said. "They're about to start playing in the beer garden."

"Perfect!" Alphabittle said. "Let's have a listen, shall we?"

Misty had no chance to react before she was outdoors, and all sorts of weird music assailed her eardrums.

Charles rumbled into Swanage with his train. "It doesn't feel like ten minutes since I left," he commented. "It's been two months, I know, but time can be strange sometimes."

Zipp hopped out of the cab and handed him over to a member of depot staff before walking back down the train. She then opened a door. "We're here!"

Elderflower got out, surprisingly sprightly for her age. "That was fun!" she said. "Reminds me of the old expresses down from Manchester to London. Several hours behind a steam engine- now that's something you don't see every day!"

As they walked onto main street, Sunny began to speak. "So, we had a few ques-"

"I recognise that suit!" Elderflower said, pointing to a window display. "It's so similar to the one Sir Vincent wore! Remarkable how things come back into fashion, isn't it!"

"I see," Zipp said. "But we need some info. Do you know anything about Opa-"

"And can it be? A vintage Dobson Brothers hat!" Elderflower said suddenly. "Not easy to find, these days. The safari hat they did was nothing short of marvellous. Poor Charles was so embarrassed when the Dowager gave him one?"

Zipp leaned into Sunny. "Do you have any clue what she's on about?"

"Nope!" Sunny said. "But if we can find a way to focus her thoughts we might get something useful out of her. Does Swanage have a museum? That might do the trick."

"Good idea!" said Zipp. "As mom's one of its patrons I have lifetime membership, so I can get us in, no problem. Hopefully it'll jog her memory."

"Speaking of jogging," Sunny said, "she's going pretty fast!"

Both girls took off after the surprisingly sprightly retiree.

Misty wouldn't have been able to tell you a lot about the music, other than it was a very odd experience. Her eardrums were assailed by horrible sounds from saxaphones and other instruments, and this was all far too loud.

She needed an excuse to get out of this, and found one. "I need to take a bathroom break!"

"OK," Alphabittle nodded. He didn't think too much of this. After all, Misty had loved this sort of stuff when she was younger. Why would that have changed?

When she didn't return after a few minutes he knew something was up, and so excused himself to go indoors. As he walked in, he saw Misty sitting at the bar, her head down. "Hey, is something wrong? You used to love doing these sorts of things."

Misty looked over at him. "That's the problem," she said. "Used to. But I can't remember any of it."

Alphabittle took a seat next to her. "You really can't remember?" he asked. "What did Opaline do to you?"

Misty hung her head. "I can't recall anything before Opaline. How can I even know who I am if I can't remember my own origins?"

Alphabittle had nothing to say, and let her continue.

"This is gonna be hard to hear, but the child you knew is dead. I may look like her and have the same voice, but I'm a different person to the one you knew. I've made my life in Falmouth, and something in me doesn't want to leave that behind."

"And you shouldn't have to," Alphabittle said gently, putting his arm around her. "I'm sorry for today. I was so preoccupied with recreating my memories of your childhood that I never considered the ways you've changed. I'm too stuck in the past.

"And that being the case, I think we need to start again. I'll stay in Falmouth, but I won't be taking you away from your friends. You can continue to live with Lady Haven for as long as you want- I've been out of your life for so long she's effectively your parent."

"Funny you should say that," Misty snorted. "She's asked me to start calling her mom. That's gonna take some getting used to."

Alphabittle laughed. "Fancy that. Well, I think it's time to leave this part of my life behind. A new beginning awaits us in Falmouth, and I don't want to waste a single second of it."

Meanwhile, Sunny and Zipp had lured Elderflower into the museum. Unfortunately, it was having little effect, as Elderflower was still rambling incoherently.

"And one time I attended this really strange wedding in the Dean Forest where the groom turned up covered in mud!"

"This isn't working," Sunny said.

"Tell me about it," Zipp sighed. "Wow, look at the time. If you're going to get back to Bury we'll need to be setting off now."

Elderflower nodded. "And that was like this time when an engine's water tanks were filled with milk!"

When they arrived back at the station, Charles was conveniently ready to go. "Elderflower, thank you for your time," Sunny said.

Charles snorted. "what they really mean is thank you for wasting our time."

"Charles!" Sunny snapped.

"Just saying it as it is," Charles replied.

"She's old as well," Zipp added.

"So was Robert Mugabe, yet I don't see you being polite about him!"

"They aren't remotely comparable!" Sunny retorted.

Zipp sighed. "He often makes ridiculous comparisons."

Elderflower looked over. "That reminds me!" she said. "A long long time ago, there were these secret tunnels dug deep under the ground. These tunnels were very special and very secret, as nobody was to find them. And some important people hid many things in them. When the time was right, they would bring these things out and use them in a time of crisis."

She looked at them. "And that is why badgers don't eat flies."

"Finally!" Zipp said. "We have a lead!"

"Status report," Opaline said.

"We've recovered about a quarter of the stockpile," the soldier said. "We're continuing to recover assets and prepare for the plan."

Opaline smiled. "Perfect," she said. "My plans are one step closer to victory. Now all I need to do is figure out where the Forgotten Ones are."

Author's Note:

Loosely based on the MYM episode Father of the Bridlewood. The chapter title is taken from Now and Then, a song released by the Beatles in 2023 which utilised a demo tape recorded by John Lennon as its basis.

Explain the phrase 'I need to iron my dog'.

I don't think Robert Mugabe needs an introduction, but just in case for my younger readers Mugabe was the dictator of Zimbabwe between 1980 and 2017, and generally considered to be one of the most horrible men to have ever lived. Charles using him as an example is intentionally ridiculous; age does not neccesarily make somebody unpleasant (I know plenty of young people who are pretty awful).