• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer

Comments ( 19 )

Awesome, I didn't realize it was you who took my prompt. Totally worth the wait! :rainbowkiss:

Many thanks for writing this!

Does anyone know whether this actually works, or is it just a fetish thing? I know it does work if you get your tongue stuck to a flagpole, at the cost of being even more disgusting.


I like it.

I look forward to your next works

Wet Wincest = Win Win.

Great story Shakes. I loved it.

Jelly Jelly, now i got piss and cum in my belly.

Shakes takes the piss in more ways than one when Summer Sin rolls around. Upvoted. 👍

With my shitpost out of the way, I should offer commentary on the story itself.

"The party doesn't start until after sunset. Thestralia is the homeland of the batponies, and they're mostly nocturnal. It's high noon out here right now. The bright sunlight hurts their eyes."

"Oh. Well, that makes sense."

"And it means we get the beach all to ourselves!"

Wait until they get out to the beach and it's full of fellow seppos like them!

"You know how much I love corndogs!" Shining pranced in place with his surfboard waiting impatiently. Twilight rolled her eyes and grabbed her surfboard. She followed after him trotting to the water. She noticed with some reticence that the waves were more than twice her height.

"Um, I don't know..." she said. "These are a lot bigger than the waves we practiced on at Horseshoe Bay."

Welcome to the Pacific, Dorky Bangs! You haven't lived until you've seen a thirty-foot wave with a thirty-foot trough.

"Come on!" Shining cheered at he trotted out into the water. "Surfs up, big kahuna!"

Shredding the tube, it was like she and the wave were motionless in both time and space, and the only thing moving was the shore getting closer. The tube started to collapse behind her and the felt the cool rush of the air getting squeezed out past her. She cut her board to try to get a bit more speed down and off the wave. Her mind recited her training, Down and to the left... down and to the left... down and to the-

The crest caught the back of her mane and threw her off balance, sending her tumbling into the churning water. Twilight couldn't tell what was up or down. The dreaded washing machine.

Don't panic. The wave is going to throw you around. It's going to spin you. Shield your face from hitting the bottom. Don't try to swim, you'll just exhaust yourself. Just wait to float to the surface.

Awesome description of surfing! Do you know about surfing from personal experience, Shakes?

I didn't notice any issues with the writing. I have to hand it to you; you did a fantastic job selling a fetish I am not into at all. This experience was entirely worth it for the description of surfing alone. I could not have written this nearly as well were I assigned to create it. Nice work.


Do you know about surfing from personal experience, Shakes?

Yes. I was just doing it today, in fact.


No, it's a myth, just like trying to suck the poison out from the snake bite. But it's a pretty hot way to "save" your girl nevertheless. :ajsmug:

Even the theory behind urine is the same as the theory behind vinegar: Use a mild acid.
Not all acids are alike though, even at the same pH, which is why vinegar is likely to be more effective. And that's assuming your urine is even acidic; it can be neutral or basic in some circumstances, and definitely isn't clean.

But, this is (pony) Australia, and not all our stinging sea creatures can be neutralised with an acid. For some, it makes it much much worse.

well, the first half of this comment is accurate, at least

Love how we all know what it means when a number is posted with zero context.

Want you drinking gallons tonight

A large draft horse working hard on a hot day can drink up to 25 gallons throughout the day. A mini horse like Twilight might drink two in one sitting, I’d assume.

Urine isn’t terribly acidic; normal pH is 6.0–7.5. Anything between 4.5–8.0 is no cause for alarm. Vinegar is considerably stronger than that.

Great work as usual, Shakes! Not my typical read, but really fun.

Downing ponies don't scream

I didn't know that was a symptom of downs syndrome?

Not all of it was piss.

Shining sure is a one-pump-chump :P

Never turn your back on the sea. He turned back around and saw it.


Twilight grimace morphed into a smirk.

"Twilight Grimace Sparkle, but you can just call me Grimace"


You sure? Urea is a major component of skin lotions after all.

i'm not much for watersports, but as always, excellently written.

the dislike ratio, omg. people can't judge prose on its own merit it seems.

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