• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 57 minutes ago


Literally, Reckless. Ponies give this sorrel mare purpose. Be kind. Be happy. Be a good pony. 🐎 1948 - 2024


The right to rule Equestria is granted to those with power.

The unicorn who seeks Man, is the unicorn who seeks power.

A guide to wings and rule. For unicorns only.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest II in the ‘Experimental’ and ‘Horror’ categories

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 20 )

I can think of no truer horror than a pony's search for the horrors of Man.

Unsettling, disorienting, and profoundly uncomfortable story.

Why aren’t there any character tags?

Instructional manual of how to remove dipshit evil unicorns. / What happens next. :D

Seriously though, I doubt our little power-obsessed unicorn really grasps the sheer power he just put himself against. Poor Fool.

Thanks, never written something like this before, so I’m glad.
It doesn’t exactly need one...

The unicorn is gunned down moments later. The end.

That is, in fact, the moral!
I know I sound sarcastic... so. One term to define this fic: unreliable narrator.
Yeah. Don’t kill cops in broad daylight!

That's really creepy.
I don't know what happened to cause this to escalate from fire to power, or why the unicorn And the men are there seeing red, but I'm afraid of the truth, because if true power is unleashed, no one will be able to escape.

Love this. It implies so much to get the mind racing without feeling completely alienating to read

Further study will eventually grant you power.

this power sure seems important!

Man are technologically advantageous; thus, dangerous.

Their warcraft is the power you seek.

that is true, humans have developed some pretty frightening warcraft

Ponies surpass Man in innumerable aspects, but chiefly, one: to rule ponies, one does not require war. Ponies will openly throw themselves down before those with power.

aww that’s just because alicorn rule is inherently justified!

You must first hone your skills in our world.

well, some awful things are on their way to ponykind i imagine

Creatures will be of no use to you. They will always sit below ponies.

oh no, not the inevitable consequences of pony racism!

You will need them all. Keep the feeble; a weaker creature yields a more productive result.

well now i am curious as to just what this unicorn is actually doing

And when Man come, you will take what is rightfully yours, and reclaim all knowledge briefly imparted to the folly creature.


oof! so they’re being used as innocent lures?

In time, you will learn that Man is but lies.

hurtful, yet merited

They are forged of Maniron.

oof what an unpleasant name for a building material

The black stone beneath you is dotted with white lines. You trace them to a stumbling figure.

aww, the car-less ponies wouldn’t recognize roads!

Momentarily, wield this false Blackiron. Your goal remains pure.

All Man will bleed until they relinquish what is rightfully yours.

well, a power-mad, armored unicorn crossing into the human world to indiscriminately murder humans until they get taken down, in an apparent misunderstanding of how reality works really is quite the mental image! and it’s always fun to describe the mundane elements of our human lives in ways that feel as alien as they would be to a visitor to our world. i don’t think i’ve ever read this kind of take on a Pony on Earth story, and it is quite refreshing. thank you for writing!

Thank you very much for reading and commenting! I always get a kick out of your comments.

Sometimes you’ve just got the rumblies. That only hands can satisfy.

Oh! Different kind of manhunger. Moving on…

I do appreciate the presentation of humans as an occult entity, dangerous but incredibly useful to those who truck with them carefully. The operative word, of course, is carefully. Not charging into a city and goring someone in broad daylight just because the manuscript you read told you this was how to become an alicorn. I can’t help but think this was a trap to filter out the foolish and overeager, like how Aleister Crowley included rituals that were actually chemistry experiments one should never perform in his books.

All told, fascinating little tale through implication of the dangers of grasping for power without wisdom or understanding. (And it’s honestly kind of funny when one considers the mirror portal. There are much easier ways to access the land of Man.) Thank you for it.

I love how nicely you wrapped up the lessons/precepts that contribute to the naivety of the decisions made herein. I wanted to construct a very, very silly pony, while still draping them in the shadows of amoral ways. Thank you very much for reading, and not shying away from making those connections.

Sometimes you’ve just got the rumblies. That only hands can satisfy.

And I especially appreciate this. It crossed my mind more than once when working on the title and cover art.

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