• Published 2nd Jul 2023
  • 493 Views, 52 Comments

Digital Dustin - Campout or Freakout - Prince Dustin Hogan

  • ...

The Dragon and the Maiden




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

The Dragon and the Maiden

OP - The Voice by Celtic Woman

Twilight and Spike were running along the pathway into the woods on route to the location. All of a sudden, she saw a shining pink light glowing in the distance, causing her to slow down for a moment.

"What is that?" Twilight asked before accidentally having her face catch a spider web, making her shriek immediately while brushing it off of. A hand came over her mouth, being to Sunset while said girl shushed her

"I better go Digital!" Dustin readied his Digitrix before taping the screen, becoming the all too familiar humanoid fox named Firefox.

"Firefox!" Firefox exclaimed before a raimbow energy wave enveloped him, making him change to a new fork composed of plant matter and having green glowing eyes instead of the usual red. "Foxglove!"

(Transformation Index)

Name: Foxglove

Species: Vulpisapien

Not going to lie, this one looks pretty cool. Judging by thelooks, it's probably obvious that he has plant-based powers.

"Whoa." Twilight uttered in awe.

"That looks like a Timberwolf back in Equestria." Sunset said when she noticed Spike was looking to Foxglovs with w mouth wide open and drooling.

"Don't even think abkut it!" Foxgllve said in a warning tone, snapling Spike back to reality. "Lets move!"

They moved through the underbrush of the forest, Sunset rabbing Twilight's right arm as they raced off to the cave. They then arrived at the quarry, peeking out from behind the trees as they saw the somewhat ominous glow emanating from the cave.

"What's going on down there?" Twilight asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"I think it's Gaea Everfree," Sunset responded. "Or rather, someone who wants us to think she's back…"

The gang then proceeded to walk out and head into the cavern, Sunset and Twilight grimacing worriedly upon entering. Once inside, they saw that there were red crystals all around them, glowing brightly to illuminate the area, including a giant white one at the very end of the tunnel.

"Whoa..." Sunset uttered out of shock at the majesty of what she saw.

"This place is beautiful," the scientist commented while glancing around.

"Dear God almighty." Foxglove spoke in awe. "This is a miner's wet dream!" Sunset and Twilight shot a surprised expression to Foxglove. "Yes, I've heard it." Foxglove sighed with a deadpan look.

Suddenly, the Digitrix symbol on Foxglove's chest beeped profusely.

"Energy Signature Detected." The Digitrix AI spoke before a projection of a map with four yellow dots and a single red dot located not to far away.

"That's new!" Foxglove asked with a surprised look. "We must be close."

"There's… Equestrian magic here…" Sunset pointed out after a moment as they all stopped before the large, white stalagmite before them, "I can feel it!" Suddenly, a growl was heard, catching the gang by surprise as the Digitrix beeped again.

"Warning! Digital Lifeform Detected!" The Digitrix AI spoke as a larger red symbol appeared near the red dot. "Threat Level: Unknown! Intelligence Level: Sapient! Proceed with caution!"

"Oh great!" Foxglove rerorted with a scowl. "Just what we needed!"

"We better keep our guard up!" Sunset stated while Twilight looked around nervously.

"Judging by the size of this dot displayed," Fixglove said, pointing to theblarge red dot, "it looks like it's a big one."

"And its sapient to boot?!" Twilight declared, shaking in worry. "I dint think I want to find out what it is."

"Then we better make this quick!" Sunset replied as then took notice of the two gemstones upon the stalagmite, with five other indentations upon it. Upon closer inspection, she noticed the crystals colors were red and violet respectively. "Five are missing…"

Suddenly, the Digitrix then began beeping again.

"Now what?!" Foxglove asked as the map vanished.

"Digitalisman Detected!" The Digitrix AI said, making the other look to each other in confusion. "Scanning Now! Please Syand By!"

The Digitrix then began to beep non-stop whike the Digitrix screen glowed a bright white.

Then, just from a stalagmite near them, an a small oval-shaped orange stone hovered upwards. They grouo were stunned upon seeing the stone, but they see that it had a symbol that resembled four diamonds aligned to form a bigger one.

"What the..." Sunset uttered in disbelief upon seeing the stone.

"It looks almost like that red stone Dustin found earlier." Twilight uttered in awe.

"Beginning Scanning Process!" The Digitrix AI declared as the orange stone turned into orange energy before getting sucked into the Digitrix. "Digitalisman Scanned And Acquired!" After that, the symbol that was shown on the orange stone was displayed onto the Digitrix's screen.

"Digitalisman?" Sunset asked woth a perplexed expression. "Maybe that's what that red stone you found earlier was!"

"Maybe that stone, as well as the one you've just obtained, actually did come from Cyberspace." Twilight pondered.

"So you've now two of the Digitalismans already, young knave!" A deep voice spoke, echoing through the cavern walls while the gang looked around in shock. "Tis a pitty that you shan't live long to utilize them!"

"What the..." Foxglove declared in shock before getting ready to fight. "Alright! Whoever you are, come on out!"

"If you come to fight, then you've pick the wrong people to mess with!" Sunset chimed in while Tiwkight hid behind her.

"Such mighty words from such frail little heathens!" The voice replied in a taunting manner, an antagonizing chortle audible. "Trust me when I say that you do not wish to challenge me, maiden!"

"Sounds like we've got a big shot with a big mouth!" Foxglove said fo Sunset and Twilight. "You gonna hide in the dark like a little pussy?! Or are you gonna come out and confront us face to face?!"

"Youth these days have no control of the words that escape their lips!" The Voice spoke said as the sound of heavy footsteps was heard approaching. "Make no mistake, stripling!" The gang held their ground as Pendragon stepped into the light. "A quarrel with me, is a guaranteed execution!"

"Holy crap!" Sunset uttered in shock upon seeing the floral dragon. "Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this!"

"I assure you, maiden! I am as real as the ground stand upon!" Pendragon retorted woth a snarl.

Foxglove's right ear twitched, making himook to the space beside Pendragon. "I know you're here Gloriosa! Come on out!"

"Perceptive…" a familiar voice responded softly, and they see Gloriosa coming out from the shadows of the cavern. "I honestly expect nothing else."

"Gloriosa?!" Sunset exclaimed out of surprise, while the others were somewhat stunned, "But... Timber…" she uttered slowly as she placed her hand upon her head in confusion, "I was sure he was the one trying to make it seem like Gaea Everfree was back."

"So it was you!" Foxglove declared. "You were the trying to scare everyone away?"

"I would never try to scare anyone away from Camp Everfree," Gloriosa responded in a somewhat hypnotized-sounding tone as she stood beside Pendragon. "And I see you've met Pendragon."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Pendragon chimed in with a smirk.

"Gloriosa..." Foxglove looked to Gloriosa, a soft expression visible. "Just listen to me. It doesn’t have to be like this!" Foxglove pleaded to Gloriosa. "I know you don't want to lose the camp, and niehrwr do I or the others, but what your planning is not the way! Please, reconsider it!"

"What are you talking about?" Sunset asked, her eyebrow cocked up in confusion.

"See for yourself, wench!" Pendragon said, mototioning his head towards Gloriosa. "Go ahead!"

Sunset looks to Pendragon with a skeptical look, butbshe walked to Gloriosa and grabbed the woman's right arm, letting her eyes flash a bright white before peering into the girl's memories.


"My, oh, my," Filthy Rich uttered as he stood before Gloriosa at her desk in the camp office building, "You fell behind on your payments, Gloriosa. I own the land now,"

"Please! My great grandparents founded this place!" Gloriosa pleaded in desperation "It's been in our family for generations! You have to let the camp stay!" she exclaimed.

"Instead of turning it into a spa resort that will line my pockets with more money than this camp ever could?" I don't think so." Filthy Rich concurred with a shake of his head.

"Please!" Gloriosa begged, clasping her hands together, "I-I-I-I just need a little more time!" she stammered with a breaking voice, practically on the verge of tears.

"Fine!" Filthy Rich reluctantly agreed as he turned around, "I'll give you 'til the end of the month." With a scoff, he walking out of the office. The girl broke down into tears after he departed, evidently distraught by the situation at hand.


She was out in the woods, sitting upon a log before the river while still crying.

Pendragon approached Gloriosa, draping his wing over her while looking to her in sympathy.

"What'll I do?" she asked Pendragon, sobbing.

"I'm not sure Gloriosa." Pendragon retorted, before going into thought. But then he had an idea in his mind. "Actually... I might have a solution." Pendragon suggested, looking to her.

After a brief flight, Pendragon landed onto the ground near the mountainside

"I've discovered this earlier this morning." Pendragon said to Gloriosa. "Come." Carefully, Gloriosa looked back to see if anyone else was around before following Pendragon and made her way towards the fissure between the large boulders.

Upon entering, she took the scenery before her.

"Wow…" she uttered in amazement, clasping her hands before herself upon the crystalized stalagmite before her.

"Incredible, is it not?" Pendragon said with with a amused chuckle at seeing Gloriosa's reaction.

Out of curiosity, she placed her hand upon them, suddenly causing an unknown energy to surge in her arm
She gasped in schock, attempting to pry her arm free. She did so and fell back, but luckily landed upon some brambles that came out of ground, much to her surprise.

"Thanks for that, Pen." Gloriosa thanked Pendragon, only making him look to her.

"What? That was not I." Pendragon retorted.

Gloriosa looked to brambles she landed on, then she looked in her left hand to see that she had pulled out the later five crystals, staring at them in wonder as they floated above her hand.

"What you now posses are not ordinary jewels." Pendragon said as he examined the crystals. "When I examined them earlier, I've felt a strange surge of powerful emanating from them." Pendragon explained, looking to Gloriosa. "The moment I saw them, I figured they could provide the solution to your problem."


A while later, she was back in the office, confronting Timber over the revelation of her new abilities.

"You don't know what those things are!" he argued, noting how she had organized the shiny rocks into a necklace, which glowed ominously.

"But I know what they can do!" Gloriosa retorted angrily, letting her right hand become immersed within a greenish aura as she threw it up, "I've been practicing with Pendragon!" she yelled as vines began growing rapidly from the plants hanging on the ceiling, grabbing her laptop and pencil cup off of the desk and hoisting them up slightly, "I can control their power now!"

"You don't know that for sure! Pendragon said that he only found those things earlisr this morning" he shouted back at her defiantly while placing his left index finger against the tabletop. "And speaking of..." Timber then walked to the door and opened it, seeing Pendragon standing there. "Just what were you thinking showing her those things?!"

"I admit it's an extreme idea," Pendragon admitted, "but those stones could be the way that this camp your great-grandparents founded remains!"

"Yeah!" Timber rolled his eyes with sarcasm in his tone. "Can't wait to see this blow up in your face."

"Timber, I was the reason your great-grandparents founded this place!" Pendragon declared with a flare of his nostrils. "I saved them from near death, and they founded this campsite as a token of their appreciation! And I will be damned if I'm going to let it be taken by that swine in clothing!" Pemdragon gets into Timber's personal space. "I'd sooner kill him let him take the only thing I have to remember your great-grandparents by!"

"You better get out of my face, Pendragon!" Tinber growled.

"That's enough! Both of you!" Gloriosa declared as she got in-between the two.

"Ugh! Fine! Do whatever you want! Just leave me out of it!" Timber groaned, waving them off as he was about to leave. But Pendragon wrapped his tail and brought him back to where he originally was.

"Do not walk away from me, stripling!" Pendragon declared angrily.

"This is our camp, and it's being taken away!" Gloriosa pointed out in a desperate tone. "If this has to be our last week here, Pen and I are going to use whatever it takes to make it count!"

"And we won't let your lack of passion for the forest get in the way of it!" Pendragon declared angrily, then suddenly, Timber grabbed an axe and cuts off the tip of his tail. "OW!"

"Pendragon!" Gloriosa called out in worry, but luckily Pendragon's severed tail regenerated. "What the Hell, Timber?!" Gloriosa declared to Timber in anger.

"I keep telling you I don't like to be manhandled, Pendragon!" Timber exclaimed, making Pendragon growl furiously at him before taking off in the air.

"Pen!" Gloriosa called out in concern before looking to Timber with anger. "Fine! Me and Pen will do this without you!"


"You were using magic all over the place!" he noted to her, "I had to tell them something to cover for you!" he mentioned out of frustration as she kept on looking away, "What did you want me to do?!" he asked angrily while shrugging.

"I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" she replied out of rage, waving him off before turning around and heading towards the door.

"Ah, this is all too much for you!" Timber pointed out as his arms were stretched to their respective sides, "You have to let it go!" he demanded desperately.

“At least Pendragon believes I can do it!” Gloriosa hot.

“That senile garden weed is just as in over his head as you are!” Timber argued. "No wonder you and Dustin had that argument last night!"

Gloriosa gasped in shock before growling in absolute rage, grabbing Timber by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't you ever insult Pendragon in front of me, you bastard!" Gloriosa growled angrily while Timber looked to her in shock. "And never mention that name to me again!"

End Flashback

After Sunset witnessed the Gloriosa's memories, she grabbed her head in agony and lets go.

"Timber wasn't talking about letting go of the camp…" Sunset realized, "He was talking about you letting go of the magical gemstones! All those things you were doing to make this week the best week ever… every time you used magic to do them, you caused another problem somewhere else! Timber was... covering for you!"

"Gloriosa, I told you those geodes were bad luck." Foxglove said with concern for her. "It's not too late. Just give us the geodes, and we'll try to work something out."

"I'm afraid that will not be a possibility!" Pendragon declared before taking a deep breath, then breathing a plume of green fire at Foxglove soon afterwards. Foxglove was ae to dodge the attack as the flames struck a fee stalagmites. "You may have avoided your peril at the hands of my colleagues, but this time you will not escape your coming end!"

"What are you..." Foxglove asked in confusion, his eyes widened in realization. "You've sent that squid after me?! That was you?!"

"You mean Kraekan?" Pendragon retorted a chortle. "Most definitely. As well as Fehng and the Leveau sisters!"

"Leveau sister?" Foxgloves asked before a memory popped up in his mind."


But suddenly his eyes widened as slowly turned his head back again to see what he saw. Before him stood what appeared to be a massive brow wolf with yellow eyes and fangs that looked like those of a sabertooth tiger.

"Whoa!" Dustin uttered in shock as the giant canine slowly approached him. "What the have have you been eating to get this huge, kujo?!"


"Don't think you've won yet, foolish child!" A voice spoke, catching Lightning Bug by surprise.

He turns around to see three women near the fire pit, each one dressed like Voodoo witch doctors.

"So this is our target?" The woman in yellow asked with a smirk.

"You may have easily beaten the last few enemies." The woman in red spoke with a sinister rgrin.

"But let us see how you fare against three!" The womann in blue finished, chuckling slightly.

"What the... who are you?!" Lightning Bug asked in shock.

"I am Rouge!" The woman in red eplied.

"I am Amarillo!" The woman in yellow added.

"And I am Ciel!" The woman in blue finished.

"And we are the Laveau sisters." Rouge spoke with a smug grin. "Three of the most resound Voodoo queens in Cyberspace."

End Flashback

"That big sabertooth and those three voodo chicks!" Foxglove declared in disbelief.

"And they would have succeeded in their task, had Timber Spruce not intervene!" Pendragon declared, allowing another memory to pop up in Foxglove's head.


Just as the monster wolf was about to devour him, it began to whimper in pain as it held onto its ears.

"What's the matter with you?!" Rouge asked the canine.

"Oh dear!" Ciel said in a panic. "We've got company!" Ciel, Rouge, and Amarillo look to see Timber had arrived, a dog whistle in hand.

"Oh great." Rouge called out in terror. "We've been compromised! Retreat!" The Laveau sisters vanished in a thick puff of deep purple smoke while the canine monster ran into the woods.

Timber with a sigh appraches to the still paralyzed Dustin before kneeling down. "I'm sorry dude, please don't hate me." Timber replied before punching Dustin, knocking him unconcious. Timber then picks him up while casting a glare at the forest.

End Flashback

"No way!" Foxglove declared in shock.

"Timber saved your life..." Twilight uttered in disbelief.

"He's the reason I've got that black the following morning!" Foxglove exclaimed in shock while Sunset and Twilight looked at him with deadpan expressions.

"So you've gunning been after Dustin this whole time?!" Sunset asked to Pendragon in rage. "Why?! He's never done you wrong!"

"No, he has not." Pendragon admitted. "But to ensure Camp Everfree stays forever more, we must remove all obstacles in out way!"

"And by obstacle, you mean Dustin!" Twikight gasped, a look of disbelief visible on her face.

"Yes. Or that was the original plan." Pendragon looks to Sunset and Twikight as he spoke. "But he is not the only thing standing in the way of our goal!"

"Me and my frisnds!" Sunset declared through clenched teeth, glaring at Pendragon in rage.

"Indeed." Pendragon nodded. "Now that you know the secrets, it's time for you to perish!"

"Yeah, I don't fucking think so!" Foxglove declared before leaping upwards, and with a wave of his arms he sent a barrage of leaves like daggers at Pendragon. The attack only did some light scratches on him though.

"Surely that couldn't be your best move." Pendragon taunted with a chuckle. "If so, then I'm quite disappointed."

Foxglove smirked in response. "I'm just getting started!" He then suddenly vanished on a shower if what looked like blossom petals, taking the others by surprise as Foxglove reappeared before punching Pendragon at the top of his head.

"You little mongrel!" Pendrgaon roared in rage, onlynfor Foxglove to fire puffs of red fog from his hands into Pendragon's face. Suddebly Pendragon roared in agony as he clawed at his eyes. "GAH... WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"Irritant Spores!" Foxglove declared with a chuckle. "Can cause itching and skin irritation upon physical contact! But it's a real bitch when it gets in your eyes!"

"How do you know what that stuff does?" Spike asked in confusion.

"The powers of my transformations come to me naturally." Foxglove shrugged in reply.

"Pendragon!" Glorisa declared in worry, then looking to Foxglove in anger. "You're going to regret that!" Gloriosa then grabbed the last two geodes, letting them combine with the ones already on her necklace.

Her hair was noa moderate cyan and   light brilliant turquoise in color while being more wild and unkempt, her eyes became blue violetish black with light brilliant harlequin pupils, and her skin tone changed to a ceriseish gray. Her clothing has also been altered into a floral dress.

"Oh shit!" Foxglove uttered in fear.

“Oh shit is right!” Gloriosa grinned maliciously conjured vines under Sunset and Twilight, even Spike got ensnared.

"Dammit Gloriosa, release them now!" Foxglove declared, only for Pendragon to smack him to the ground with his tail, causing thr ground to shake a bit.

"Dustin!" Sunset and Twilight cried out in horror as Foxglove reverted back to Dustin.

Gloriosa grabs him by the color of his shirt and lifts him up. "I'm afraid Gloriosa is gone, sweetheart." Gloriosa said with a wicked grin. "The name's Gaea Everfree now. And don't worry about your friends. They'll live." Gaea's face then contorted to a scowl. "Just long enough to see you suffer for breaking a girl's heart!"

Pendragon then wrapped his tail around around Dustin while Gloriosa hopped onto Pendragon's back.

"Sorry, girls," Gaea Everfree said to the two girl, "I know what I need to do, But I feel like we're not on the same page. So..." Pendragon heads out with Gloriosa on his back and Dustin bound in his tail.

As Gaea Pendragon both exited the cavern, Gaea hops off and turns around before her hands up in a green aura, grinning evilly as she made brambles come out of the earth and push the boulders in front of the entrance towards each other, sealing it off.

"Dammit!" Dustin yelled as he struggled to escape. "I swear you big weed, when I get out this you...!" Dustin was interrupted as when Gloriosa conjured a vine to cover his mouth.

"That's quite enough lip out of you, sugar." Gaea declared as she got back onto Pendragon's back.

Pendragon took a deep breath before raising his head and breathed large plume of green fire that reached above the canopy.

In another part of the forest, Rouge was perched on a branch when she took noticed of the stream of green fire.

"That's the signal!" Rouge declared before grabbing a conch whistle and blew into it.

Not too far off, Ciel, Amarillo, Fehng, and Kraekan were near the river when the heard the sound of the conch horn.

"Excellent!" Amarillo declared with grin.

"Kraekan! Fehng!" Ciel said to the two animals. "Ready the troops!"

Fehng barked in response while Kraekan saluted before both went to ready thwir respective squadrons.

"Ready sister?" Amarillo said to Ciel.

"When you are!" Amarillos noted before she extended her hands forward, causing a large violet magical seal to appear in the ground.

"By the power of the of the ancient forces, we call upon the aid of the land!" Ciel and Amarillo chanted as the seal glowed a bright violet. "Spirits of the natural world, request your assistance! Heed our call! We beseech you!"

A bunch of rocks and stones then began to hober from the ground and float towards the circle, the rocks being bound together by vines and brambles intertwining them.

"Skin of stone! Bones of vines! Though the blessings of nature, be breathe life into you!" Ciel and Amarillo continued to chant as th more stones and rocks piled up together to form humanoid figures as tall as semi trucks. "Step forward, and aid our cause!"

A series of strange glowing purple symbols appeared on them and strange tribal masks manifested on top of them to act as heads.

Once the seal had vanished, the nearly constructed golems released mighty roars while Ciel and Amarillo chuckled.