• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


Looks like I write stuff again.


Rainbow Dash is having a hard time again. As awesome as she wants to be by day, at night in her room the mask comes off. Why does she feel like this?

Written for the Thousand Words Contest II in the slice of life category because I thought it'd be 'fun'.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

This sounds like it could be tactile hyperesthesia, which may be treatable. Rainbow should really talk to a doctor about this. I can kind of relate, I've had something similar in my fingertips to certain textures. It's not fun.

Best of luck in the contest, fellow competitor!

It's not really meant to reflect a real or known condition. More of a 'what if there was a reason Rainbow Dash puts on the tough mare front.' Of course, you then have to go down the rabbit hole of Equestrian RD for evidence. Always flying instead of walking, constantly pushing her body to the limit, obsessive napping, not liking when other ponies touch her hooves.
Almost all (the comedy entry was pure fluff) of my stories for the contest were done in the form of 'what if' scenarios. I like encouraging the old mental gears to grind. Glad you took the time to comment so I could expound a bit on the piece :twilightblush:
Good luck to you as well!

Quite a mystery what happening to her. It itches our mind to know what it is as much as she wants to rid the feeling.

"Hey, Lover..? Have you noticed anything off lately with Dashy?"

aww that is a good name Windy has for Bow

After a few minutes she sighed, opening her eyes and walking over to her bed. It wouldn't surprise anyone that a girl who enjoyed her naps so much would have something of an extravagant sleep setup. Silk sheets adorned a high end waterbed. It had raised a few eyebrows between her friends that had seen it and her parents who had to pay for it.

considering this version of her can’t just nap in a cloud, it’d take a lot to make up for it!

Being a man wouldn't change that her sense of touch turned her stomach. Flying through the air wouldn't keep the wind from slithering over her feathers. The sensation of a lover's touch on her skin wouldn't distract her from the fact that it was THERE.

ooh that is a fascinating sense of wrongness

Rainbow Dash lay down on her cloud bed, limbs spread slightly, breathing slowed, eyes tightly closed.

She hated this.

and oof, confirmation that pony Rainbow is going through the exact same thing… from all of the problems that this was stated not to be, the only thing i can think of is discomfort with the fact of physical existence, of being a finite being with an outside and an inside and a sensorium. and oof, there’s not an easy solution for that, even in magical pony land. is that why Rainbow Dash is always pushing her body to the limit? fascinating thought. thank you for writing!

This is equal parts fascinating and deeply tragic, taking a throwaway line about sensitive hooves and extending it into a low-key living hell. I sincerely hope this wasn’t written from personal experience, and if so, I hope you have found a way to live with it. It is more the presentation of an idea than a story in its own right, but it’s still fascinating in that regard. Thank you for a lovely bit of thought provocation.

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