• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 3,146 Views, 28 Comments

A Lost Star - TankFBI

Never did I think that my second chance in life I had always hoped for would come as a small horse, but hey, I couldn't complain. Now I just need to figure out who this Luna is and why I'm being hunted by a cult.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Lunar Acquaintance

"Hello, Nova. It is nice to see you again."

We stared at each other momentarily, the tall unicorn with wings staring at me expectantly.

"Who are you?" I asked, causing the unicorn's smile to falter.

"I had hoped this would not happen…" She sighed, staring dejectedly at the ground. I gazed at her, wondering what she was talking about.

The sound of Twilight coming down the stairs was followed shortly by a gasp. "Princess Luna! What are you doing here?" she asked as she walked up beside me.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle. I received your letter and came immediately, the situation being of utmost importance," She declared.

"What's so important?" I asked, looking between them both.

"We shall explain, but first, I must talk to Twilight privately," She stated, motioning for Twilight to come outside.

Twilight quickly obeyed, closing the door behind herself as the two began conversing.

I couldn't make out anything they were saying, ultimately deciding that it wouldn't be wise to try and eavesdrop on them. Whatever they were talking about likely wouldn't make sense to me anyway.

I returned to the sofa, taking a seat as I patiently waited for them to return.

Looking out the window, their silhouettes could be seen against the backdrop of the night. Their conversation carried on, though it abruptly came to a halt.

They both reentered without a word, Twilight's expression now of awe and wonder.

They both sat across from me, sharing a glance before the tall unicorn broke the silence. "I am Princess Luna, and I assume you have a couple of questions you would like answered," She asked, to which I nodded in response. "Ask all your heart desires, Nova."

"First," I began, "how do you know my name?"

"That is part of a longer story that I will explain momentarily. But to put it simply, you are my former pupil,"

"Where am I?" I asked, hoping that I was close to home.

"You are in Equestria on the planet Equus," She responded simply.

"How much do you know about me?"

"I know a fair bit about you, Nova. You were once my star student, after all."

The sound of the kitchen door interrupted my thoughts. Spike was carrying a large pot as he approached us, emanating a heavenly scent.

"Food's ready everypony!" He said, setting the pot down on the table before us.

"Hello, Spike," Luna greeted, causing Spike to bow, which elected a small laugh.

"I will be right back with plates and the rest of the food," He said, disappearing a moment later.

Looking into the pot, I saw it was filled with pasta drenched in red sauce, herbs, vegetables, and likely dozens of spices. It smelled amazing. Spike sure knew how to cook a mean spaghetti.

"You are welcome to have some food, Luna," Twilight offered, which Luna declined.

Spike returned with plates and a basket of still-steaming garlic bread a few moments later.

I watched as a porcelain plate floated off the table, surrounded by a light purple aura. It flew gracefully through the air, filling with fresh pasta a moment later before arriving in front of Twilight.

A plate soon appeared on my lap, surrounded by a dark purple aura. I looked up and saw Luna's horn glowing, a sad smile on her face.

"Thanks," I said, looking down momentarily before stuffing my nose into the plate.

The food was delectable, the sauce was filled with flavor, and the pasta was cooked to perfection. What else could one ask for? My stomach agreed, happy that I was finally eating something.

"It looks like somepony is enjoying your pasta, Spike," Luna said with a chuckle that slowly turned into a sigh.

I momentarily looked up from my food, watching Luna's gaze drift to the floor. Something was weighing on her, but a rumble of my empty stomach caused me to return to my food.

"I must excuse myself; I will return momentarily," Luna said abruptly, quickly getting up and walking toward the kitchen.

"If I may ask," Twilight began, causing me to look up from my food, "What were you doing in the Everfree forest?"

"I don't know; I only remember waking up here," I said.

"How strange..." She said as she tapped her chin.

Her eyes lit up a moment later, her horn glowing a faint purple as I felt a tingly sensation run through my body. Yet, as quickly as it appeared, the sensation was gone.

Twilight's mouth went wide, her eyes growing to twice their size. She closed her eyes, the same sensation rippling through me as before. Though once it disappeared, Twilight had the same expression.

"You have almost no magic! How is that possible? How are you even alive?" she asked, baffled, looking me up and down.

"Is that bad?" I questioned hesitantly.

"I've never seen a pony with so little magic, especially a unicorn! However, that does explain why you don't remember anything."

"It does?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"As unicorns, our minds are interwoven with magic. To perform a spell, it has to be ingrained in our memory. But you seemed to have lost all your magic, which is why I suspected you had no recollection of why you were in there."

"So, what does this mean?" I asked, a bit bewildered.

"With how little magic you have, it could take months before your magic replenishes itself. It's a miracle you survived. Most ponies would have died from such extreme magic dysfunction."

"Well, that's good," I may be a talking horse now, but at least I wasn't dead.

"Just make sure that under no circumstances do you try to perform magic. Even the slightest strain could result in you permanently losing your magic, meaning you would likely die... painfully!" She said, emphasizing the painful part.

"Okay, well, I'll make sure I don't try any magic stuff," I responded.

"Pinkie promise me you won't try any magic," She stated.

"Okay, I... wait, how do I Pinkie promise?" I asked, remembering that my hands no longer existed.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said, crossing her forearm over her chest before sticking her hoof in her eye. "Just do that, and you've made a Pinkie promise."

"Okay..." I responded, skeptical of what that had to do with making a promise. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," I declared, repeating Twilight's actions.

I shivered as a chill ran down my spine, suddenly aware of someone watching me. Looking around, however, revealed the same room with Twilight and Spike still being the only other people.

Shaking off the strange sensation, the bathroom door opening could be heard, followed by Luna's reappearance.

"I apologize for losing my composure," She said as she retook her seat.

"There is no need to apologize, princess," Twilight assured.

"Alas, despite the circumstances, I still have my royal duties and must return to Canterlot shortly."

"But you just got here?" Twilight said.

"I still have my royal duties, but I wish to ask," Luna stopped, turning toward me. " Would you like to return to Canterlot with me, Nova?" She asked.

I stopped licking the last few scraps off my plate and looked toward Luna in contemplation. I have nothing against Twilight, but if Luna is as royal as she seems, I'd rather live wherever royalty does than inside a tree.

"Sure," I said with a shrug. It wasn't like I had anything else to do anyway.

"Then we shall be on our way shortly, and your patronage is much appreciated, Twilight Sparkle," Luna said as she gave Twilight a slight bow.

Twilight returned the gesture before turning toward me, looking me dead in the eye.

"Remember, no magic. You Pinkie promised!" She said, her voice ice cold.

"I promise I won't do any magic," I responded, crossing my heart with a hoof.

"Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise, remember that," she uttered, her expression softening a moment later. "Anyways, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll write to you soon, and I hope you and Luna can reconnect."

"Thanks, Twilight. I'll write as well," I responded, standing a moment later.

Twilight and Luna gave each other another bow before Luna turned toward the exit. I followed in pursuit, Twilight opening the door for us as we exited the tree and into the crisp night air.

She waved to us as we walked, saying her final goodbye. We continued into the dark town, the sound of the door closing being the only sound to penetrate the silence of the night.

The fur on my body shielded me from the cool night air's nip, the tree's warmth already being missed. My new hair fluttered, a strange sensation, especially since my hair had always been on the shorter side.

I wasn't paying attention and nearly bumped into Luna as she suddenly stopped.

We had stopped in front of a golden chariot. It was straight out of a Disney princess movie: a golden chariot with two identical white pegasi clad in equally gold armor stood in the middle of the road.

As we made our way closer, the intricate designs forged into the chariot became visible. Complex patterns in an alien text wrapped around the chariot, and pictures of pegasi, unicorns, and ponies were all over. The two pegasi at the front of the chariot were hooked up as if they were pulling it. They were clad in similar gold armor containing matching text and designs. In fact, they were identical. Everything from fur color to eye color was exactly the same. They looked like clones of each other, standing at constant attention.

Once we approached the chariot, the two pegasi unhooked themselves, turned toward us, and saluted.

"We are returning to Canterlot; haste is not required," Luna commanded softly.

They both bowed in unison before reattaching themselves to the chariot.

I followed Luna as she stepped into the chariot, sitting on the plush, red velvet seat beside her and sinking into its soft embrace. Its plush fabric was the softest I had ever felt, my body going limp as I sat.

"We are ready," Luna spoke, the guards giving another salute before they unfurled their wings.

Their wings started flapping steadily, and the chariot rolled forward before taking to the sky.

I watched in awe as we effortlessly took to the sky, the two pegasi not even breaking a sweat. It was as if we were floating more than flying. As beautiful as the chariot was, I assumed it was a land vehicle, not a flying one.

As awe-inspiring as it was to be in the sky, I instinctively scooched a little closer to the middle of the bench seat.

As we climbed, the air got thinner and colder. After every breath, a giant cloud appeared in front of my muzzle, and the cold became bone-chilling. I just hoped that our trip wouldn't take long.

"I might as well tell you what you have been waiting to hear," Luna whispered, causing me to look up at her.

She wasn't looking at me; instead, she was staring up at the moon. Her features were unwavering as she gazed before taking a deep breath.

"One thousand years ago," she began softly, "we used to rule the night together. You and I, we would show all those stuffy nobles what it meant to come to night court!" She chuckled, wiping away a tear. "I loved being your teacher and taught you everything I knew."

She stopped, her eyes closed as she took a shaky breath, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"But then I began to falter... I... I got jealous of all the love and adoration Celestia received while my nights went unnoticed. I got angry and fell into a depression."

She looked over toward me, eyes brimming with tears as she smiled. "But there you were, as my star in the night sky. You tried... You tried to help... only for me to push you away."

Luna looked away, her voice filled with shame. "Nightmare moon... I nearly killed you... I used my remaining dignity to spare you. Banishing you for one thousand years to protect you... from me."

She stopped momentarily, her breathing shaky as she wiped her cheeks with her hooves.

A moment later, she turned around, her sad eyes looking back at me. "I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me, Nova Nebula, though I do not deserve pity for my actions."

I looked at her sorrowfully, reminded of my mother, a strong yet fragile woman. My mother was there when I needed it most, yet she also had her own demons. She always told me I was her guiding light.

"I forgive you, Luna," I said with a smile. While I still had no recollection of what she did do, it couldn't have been that bad.

I wheezed as I felt the air get crushed out of my body, Luna wrapping her hooves around me in a tight embrace.

"I've missed you, Nova," She said softly between sobs.

The chill of the night sky was forgotten as I returned the embrace. While it wasn't quite as personal for me, that hug was the first true feeling of belonging since I had shown up here.

We sat in the embrace for a few more minutes, soaking in the moment. While I still had a lot of questions, I pushed them aside for the time being as Luna hugged me.

After a long embrace, Luna finally let go. Sitting back in her chair, she looked like a wreck. Having finally let out her pent-up emotions took a toll on her.

We rode silently for the remainder of the trip, Luna sniffling softly occasionally.

I continued to take in the view, noticing a large city we were heading toward that seemed perched on the side of a mountain. Dim lights could be seen throughout the city, giving it a soft glow against the night sky. A silhouette of a large castle that looked straight out of a fairytale became more noticeable the closer we got.

Our approach was rapid, only taking about ten minutes before we were above the bustling city crowds.

We descended gradually, the chariot slowly falling out of the sky as we approached the castle.

We soon were at a cruising altitude, not more than a few dozen yards above some of the tallest buildings.

Looking over the side, every pony on the ground was looking or pointing to our chariot in the sky. I even saw a few ponies bow.

But soon, we flew over a large cobblestone wall, the city below replaced with an elegant garden full of vibrant fauna.

We approached the ground, the landing barely noticeable as the pegasi brought us down gracefully.

Once we stopped, I followed Luna out of the chariot and onto the ground. She bowed to the guards, who quickly returned with a bow and salute of their own.

My eyes followed as they quickly returned to the sky, headed to whoever they had to pick up next.

That left me and Luna alone in the vast garden, staring at the sky together. By this point, I was shivering from the cold, hoping we would soon go inside.

Without a word, she began walking toward the castle with me in tow.

The rustle of a bush caused me to stop momentarily. Looking toward a large hedge that lined the garden, I quickly dismissed it as a squirrel or rodent.

We approached a large wooden door; it glowed in a purple aura before swinging open. A gush of warm air rushed out, instantly warming my shivering body.

As we entered the building, I squinted, my eyes blinking rapidly as they adjusted.

As my eyesight returned, I was greeted by a spacious corridor. Archways lined the corridor, torches hanging between them, lit with a glowing purple flame, sat below stained-glass windows. A plush velvet rug ran down the middle of the hall on top of the occasional chandelier on the ceiling.

Luna continued walking down the corridor without a word, my eyes taking in the elegance of the castle. It wasn't just a castle; it was a piece of art. The stained glass windows likely took hundreds of hours each to craft, each with a unique picture displayed in its colors.

The soft clop of our hooves on the carpet was the only sound, save for the occasional squeak of a mouse.

A crash could be heard down the hall, causing Luna and I to freeze.

"What was that?" I asked, my heart rate calming.

"We are unsure, but we should investigate and make sure nopony is hurt," She responded before she took off again, this time at a brisk walk.

We hastily walked down the hall, approaching the turn at the end. When we turned, all we saw was colored glass scattered on the ground. Looking up, one of the stained glass windows was missing, with only fragments remaining where the window once was.

As we stopped before the mess, I noticed a rock on the carpet with something tied around it. Luna, too, seemed to notice the rock, which was engulfed in a purple aura before floating over toward us.

She untied what looked to be a piece of parchment tied to the rock before reading it. She held it from my view, though I tried to catch a glimpse. However, I couldn't see anything before it disappeared with a poof.

Several running ponies could be heard behind us, their metal-clad hooves clanking loudly against the stone floor. Five ponies clad in dark purple and blue armor rounded the corned as I turned.

Their eyes locked onto mine as they shouted something in a language I couldn't understand.

My eyes widened, and I stepped back as they continued shouting, not slowing their approach toward me.

Before I realized what had just happened, I found myself at the bottom of a dog pile, unable to move.

I wheezed as they all lay on top of me, my chest being crushed from the weight.

I could hear Luna shouting something in the same foreign language, and I soon could breathe again.

My vision was blurry, and my entire body ached. I tried to take a deep breath, only to cry out in pain as my lungs partially expanded.

"Nova... are... can..." Luna's words turned into a jumble of incoherent words as my vision darkened.

My eyes slowly crept open, the light of the room blinding me. I rubbed the sand out of my eyes, squinting momentarily before my surroundings became focused.

I was lying in a bed, covered in silk sheets, with a curtain cutting the room in half.

Looking to the right, Luna sat beside the bed, writing on some parchment floating in the air.

"Luna," I croaked out, my throat dry as the Sahara.

Her head snapped over to me, eyes wide. The parchment fell to the ground as she went to the bedside.

"Nova! We are so sorry!" She nearly cried in apology.

"What happened?" I asked, my whole body aching at the exertion of talking.

"Our Lunar guards heard the disturbance and assumed you were attacking me." She stated, looking at the ground. "We failed to protect you as they jumped on top of you, giving you a mild concussion and fracturing one of your ribs."

She stared at the ground, her whole body manifesting a feeling of regret, not saying a word.

"I just hope you can forgive me again..." She choked out, her eyes filled with tears. "I just got you back... and this is how I give my sorrows..." She mumbled to herself.

I drew a breath, getting her attention. "W-w-water, please," I requested with difficulty.

She quickly nodded, a glass of water floating over to my mouth a moment later. I drank, feeling the water rejuvenate my parched throat.

The whole glass was gone a moment later, Luna pulling it away as I caught my breath.

"I forgive you, Luna. It wasn't your fault," I said, looking into her teary eyes.

"Thank you, Nova," She said, giving me a gentle hug.

"So why did they think I was attacking you?" I asked after our hug.

"Equestrians are rather prone to... legends, " she began, wiping away a stray tear. A legend is believed to be coming to fruition soon. It involves our castle, which has resulted in increased break-ins and vandalism on the premises. Tis why the guards were on high alert and did not wait for any explanation."

"That makes sense," I responded.

"I will make sure the guards give their apologies and make it known who you are, Nova," She stated, "No harm will come to you under any circumstance, not if I am still here."

"Thank you, Luna,"

"I appreciate your gratitude, but it is my duty. Now get some rest; you should feel much better tomorrow." She said, giving me one last hug.

We waved one more time as she made her way out the door, leaving me alone in the infirmary room.

I yawned, my body's exhaustion catching up with me, before lying in bed and snuggling up in the covers.

Comments ( 9 )

wooo! update!

Interesting so far hope you keep it up.

What is Nova's mane/tail color? Has that been mentioned, looking back I couldn't find it.

It's important... for later

"Sure," I said with a shrug. It wasn't like I had anything else to do anyway.

… also, what is a ‘Can’t Erp-lots?’ (Canterlot :trollestia:)

"I forgive you, Luna," I said with a smile.

I also have no idea what you’re talking about. No memories.

I’m interested how Twilight deduced that Princess Luna was the expert on Nova’s sudden appearance. Plus, the timely arrival of a rock through the window just as the new pony arrived at the castle with a princess: that would require quite a vigilant detective presence.

You are right, I rewrote this chapter a few times and some must have slipped through. Thanks for the correction. But Twilight did have a clue...

"You are in Equestria on the planet Equus," She responded simply.

That's a very odd answer unless it's a joke. Not "In village Ponyville south from Canterlot" or something like that.

Good start so far, really liking the story, cant wait for the next update (insert Kylo Ren meme of him screaming "more")

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