• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 225 Views, 2 Comments

Since Before the Stars Swirled - The Real Darkness

Shadow Aura struggles to co-exist with an Equestria he has long since not paticipated in.

  • ...

A Dedication to Finalization

"Sunset Shimmer! I understand you like him, but you can't just be inviting just any guy to your home! What if-."

"He's not just any guy! He's literally the most powerful mage in all Equestria!"

"That title means nothing here," Rarity floofed her hand into the air, dismissing the respect she had for him earlier.

"That's true, but it means he can be trusted. He's spent thousands of years dedicating his research to his people."

"He spent thousands of years isolated. I'm just trying to watch out for you, darling."

Sunset Shimmer walked back in and sat down on the loveseat, the door gently swinging close behind her.

Just a moment of silence before conversation picked up again.

"Rarity, I...I'm pretty sure I like him."

"I could tell," Rarity picked up her phone and sent out a single text to a group chat.

Girls, we need to talk. Come to my house.

Pulsar Splash had decided to just head to the school, it was far after hours and only a few extra curicular activities were going on there, He opened the front door without saying a word to any of the students lounging around on the grass, even after some whispers about him were going around.

He looked about the halls, students were still there chatting, which may have been normally, he didn't know.

He never had any formal schooling, in fact he developed the first curicular for magic studies of unicorns, before that, it was all home taught and magic expertise varied wildly.

That reminded him. His parents had died and he was still quite alive, his mind romaed around that topic while he went down a familiar path, but to a different room. His mother and father both died while he was still a filly, they never made it back home from an evening stroll while he was being babysat. His father used to be chamberlain to he got raised by Princess Platinum's caregivers as well.

And when he grew up, he eventually became a magic advisor to King Bullion while Starswirl had much more time to himself to research and do the actual magics, Pulsar became a member of the court at an exceedingly young age and still advised the two sisters upon magic at a young age, even taught some of their base magic understanding before he casted the spell and decided to isolate himself. And now, he was thinking about a mare all day.

He resolved that life can change quicker than he could process at times.

Pulsar Splash entered Vice Principal's Luna's office. He figured if there was any way to be left unbothered by people, it was here. He could freely think and there was even guaranteed paper and pencil to think out his thoughts better.

Luna was known to be a formidable pony, even since she was a filly, in this world it was likely to be true as well.

"Now that I have some quiet and alone time, let's see what I can think out."

Pulsar Splash began searching around the room for empty paper and a writing utensil of some kind, using his rune the entire time while speaking to himself, "alright. Obviously it is okay to interfere with the natural going sof things. Social interactions should certainly be acceptable and my magical contributions to Equestria should be well appreciated and haven't had a catatrophic impact in my world, but here."

He had found some paper, but now he was attempting to identify a writing utensil.

"Sunset Shimmer began a demon because of my work...I know that is the result of her adapting my base incantation to suit her needs. I don't beleive I ahve responsibility for it."

"As long as nopony duplicates my immortality spell, I cna undo anything that arises from my interactions, that should be easy enough."

He found a pen, close enough to a quill, in Luna's office. The papers were laid out to overlay over each other and he levitated the pen around to begin writing and planting a magic symbol on it, "but since I'm still concerned and I have my suspicions," the symbol he made was the base for any mind and some charm magic, "I'll ask her if what this sensation is as my intuition says."

He planted his hands to the rune and held it over the circular table and began focusing, the symbol lit brightly with his magic before going to a cyan glow after a while, signalling a connection. He was condusting a physical telepathy, the easiest kind, but an amazing feat since he did so across parallel worlds.

"Huh, what?! Who's there?! Who is talking to me?!"

"Princess Cadenza, this is Shadow Aura."

"The mystery spell crafter? Waaaait, didn't Twilight talk with you."

"I see she's spreading the knowledge of my existence around, wonderful. Yes, this is Shadow Aura, however I have questions for you regarding the magic generated by love."

"I see, let me close my court," the clopping of hooves could be heard from the incantation circle in front of him, "how may I assist you, esteemed researcher."

"I appreciate the compliment and your support in reading my works, Princess Cadenza."

"Call me Cadence, now...what was it about love magic you wanted to know?"

"Princess Cadenza," Pulsar asserted, it was a habit from his age, "I felt a sensation earlier today...and since then I've had such a mare on my mind. It's very unlike myself as I have kept myself isolated and if Celestia or-," he cleared his throat, "I come from a time where courting was treated very differently, as I'm sure you know."

She chuckled during his pause.

"It's...I have never taken any interest in a mare as they've always been drawn to me for my horn, for my excellency in magic and my court position before Equestria formally united. How can I be sure that I'm interested in her and she's interested in me for a different purpose?"

"Well, you're in a place where magic does not occur naturally and I can be certain you are interested in her. She's been on your mind and a source of concern. Showing and having concern and care for another pony is love. Love can come in many different forms."


"This is a romantic kind of love. The love you have for friends is being ready to stand with them, sharing their struggles...but showing a special interest in getting to know someone. Showing affection or tenderness to them can be a good indicator of them, let alone freely giving or sharing without feeling like there is a risk. That's the best way I can define it for you to understand."

"I see."

Cadence laughed aloud again, "I always wanted to see what it was like to interrupt a stuffed unicorn from back then."

"I-...I'm not that pretentious!"

"I'm only teasing you, Shadow Aura. Was this the only thing you needed?"

"Yes, thank you Princess Cadenza."

"Formality is bred into you I suppose. Why...why are you using such a primitive telepathy for a unicorn of your abilities?"

"I'm on the other side of your mirror."

"That's quite impressive. Take care, Shadow Aura. I wish you luck in your romantic endeavors."

And the door soon opened while the spell was cancelled and Pulsar stopped pushing magic into it.

"Hmm, I was expecting a student planning something mischeivious when my door alarm went off on my phone, but instead I find you. I suppose you are the visiting Equestrian," Luna stood at the door before coming in and closing it, "and casting a spell none the less. Why did I hear Cadence's voice? What were you doing?"

She was just as intimidating, but Pulsar had helped teach the parallel's at such a young age, he kept a professional and posture of authority.

"And somehow even here you remind me of my first days at court. I was contacting back to Equestria to ask Cadence for advice, she's a Princess and is often sought advice from as a specialist of a rather broad topic."

"And you chose my room?"

"I needed a quiet place that would afford me no interruptions, your office seemed natural given your imposing nature," Pulsar Splash reverted the paper and pen to their earlier forms before teleporting them away nice and neat, "like I was never here."

"Watch your step, Shadow Aura. You are a guest here and represent Equestria."

Pulsar nodded and left the room, Luna following and locking it, "do you have somewhere to stay?"

"Sort of? I was invited, but I can always make my own beds wherever I need."

"Try to keep your magic to a minimum," Luna took a sticky note out and wrote on it before handing it to him, "our address, we have a guest room in case you need to use it during your stay."

Luna left down a different hall without another word while Pulsar Splash left the school, odd stares inside until he opened the door.

"That's one piece of information sorted out. And more. Why was I here to learn about friendship anyways? I already knew about it," a habit of his.

He looked about and swore he could see some similar ponies still hanging at the school..well, their parallels at least.

"While I've had time to calm on down and think over some things...I suppose shed would need it as well and judging from her reactions to me," he walked into the parking lot, seeing some student vehicles still there, "she might need more than I do."

He climbed under a vehicle and brushed his fingers onto hsi rune, teleporting himself to the top of the school, "then again, what do I know? How would I be able to say I've solved my own emotions?"

The mage glanced around the city, looking at everyone and everybody, not a single one could see him due to the invisiblity spell he cast, "I'm the most inexperienced as this kind of shit," he teleported himself down to the students and grasped a leather clad shoulder, hands busy with a guitar.

Pulsar Splash tracked through his memories of streets before he found what he needed to in order to identify the places he was given.

The student almost fell over, "Flash, you 'aight, man?"

"Just..jsut a bit lightheaded," he looked behind him and Pulsar was already walking away, still invisible, "coulda sworn someone touched my shoulder."

"Thanks for the tip, Sunset Shimmer," Pulsar whispered and made himself visble once he got around the statue.

He was getting more resolved in one decision, but he just really needed to push himself.

"I found him!" He heard a voice shout and immediately broke into a clumsy sprint, looking behind him to see.

This world's equivalent of Rainbow Dash and he stopped.

"Kinda stupid to run from you I guess. Could you not shout?" Passerbys stared at them, "I don't enjoy undue attention."

"You're Shadow Aura, aren'tcha?" He nodded, "been looking for you," Rainbow tapped somethign into her phone, but Pulsar still hadn't yet figured out those devices.

"Of course you have...Sunset Shimmer's friend?"

"Yup. I see you're still on a full name basis."

"I don't expect you to understand the etiquette of ancient Equestria," Pulsar huffed, "you are just like a pegasus from back then, even here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pulsar began walking down the street again before going down an alleyway, Rainbow following him, "you can't just decide to dip out!"

"You don't have a muffler installed or anything, do you?" Pulsar's attempt at humor here was poor...but the insults still carried.

"You're just as rude as...as..."

"I can't handle all this right now," it was late afternoon and Pulsar Splash always made it a point to sleep early, particularly so he could awaken refreshed at 2 or 3am and make use of the night for some special researches into Luna's dreamscape and magic.

Rainbow Dash went to grab him and he already teleported away, "damn."

Pulsar Splash appeared in front of the home he was given the address to, a large white family home stood in front of him, two cars in its driveway, a large perfectly styled lawn. It was still somehow more extravagant than Rarity's home was.

He began walking up to it and Luna came out of the front door, "I had another alarm, Shadow Aura," Celestia was next.

"You offered a guest room while I visited here?" Pulsar questioned and Luna nodded.

"Should have talked with me first, but that's okay. He doesn't seem too bad," Celestia spoke, "except for when he walked out while I was still speaking."

"And why was that Pulsar Splash?" Luna smiled.


"He's already used magic, no point in forbidding it," Celestia sighed, "welcome to our home, Shadow Aura."

"Sister, he's quite adept with it. He reached to the Cadence of his world after all."

"I'm aware, I just rather pretend he didn't," Pulsar came to the conclusion that magic was not the topic really enjoyed here.

"Apologies, magic is my life, it's how I maneuver through all my manners and how I contribute to Equestria. You know I'm a powerful mage who spends his life researching away."

"Come inside," Luna welcomed him in and Celestia entered. The three of them took a seat in their large living room.

"This home is more than Rarity's..."

"Ah, so that's where you talked with Sunset Shimmer and Rarity. You know those seven are out looking for you, right?" Celestia mentioned.

"I appreciate you two not informing them of where I am, I like to retire early. Always enjoyed waking up early to enjoy the night as well."

"Why is that?" Luna was immediately piqued.

Pulsar smiled, "your counterpart in Equestria is the only pony to control dream magic and enter into the dreamscape to travel the nightmares and dreams of all Equestria."

"That's...that's why Luna in Equestria does?!" Celestia sounded shocked.

"Celestia, you're the face of Equestria, all of it. You're the pony in charge of the nation. You also raise and lower the Sun each and every day."

"Can...can you remind me how we're parallel worlds, again?" Celestia was certainly surprised, but composed enough to speak.

"There is only one way each of you behave and it's the same across worlds. I'm sure I would have had a duplicate here, but immortality is not acheivable here."

"Hold there, Shadow Aura. You're immortal? How do you look young enough to be one of our students? How old are you in years, Shadow Aura?" Luna assualted him with questions.

"I made the first dark magic when I cast a spell that made me immortal. I've been alive for more than two thousand years, I'm actually a little older than the Celestia and Luna of Equestria. I actually taught them magic."

"Luna, we might want to stave our questions for later. He's looking pretty tired," Pulsar Splash acknowledged this, but as a unicorn born in the era he was, weakness was not allowed to be displayed.

"I'm surprised you could tell. I try to hide flaws well. Unicorn Court could do that to you."

"Sounds a lot like our jobs," Celestia laughed, "we'll be eating, are you hungry?"

"I make my own food, I'll be okay. Where is the guest room?"

"Upstairs, last door in the hallway," Luna answered back.

And thus Pulsar went.

"Have a goodnight," Celestia warmly said.

"Sleep well, Shadow Aura."

"Same to you both," and he went up the last steps and into the guest room, quietly closing the door behind him.