• Published 19th Jun 2023
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The Doctor saves the timelines - Snakes0

Doctor Whooves being the local and only Timelord of Equestria he deals with threats so that Equestria can remain the happy loving place he wants it to be.

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Chapter 1: prologue

Author's Note:

I have not watched Doctor Who and I wasn't interested either until I watched MLP: FIM and saw Doctor Whooves and Derpy. So just like how I got into MLP by doing an MLP FIM rp while not knowing anything about it... I'll get into Doctor Who while writing a story based on what I read from others.

Comments about possible realities they could explore will be taken into consideration.

"This is my first journal entry. Most would write about their lives or how things are going day to day. But as a Timelord I write because I don't know if or when I won't be able to. I might die permanently. I might regenerate without my current memories... But I supposed I should start at the beginning so that if I do regenerate in Equestria I might have something to fall back on.

I am known as "The Doctor". I learned later that ponies were very suspicious of that name so I created an alias: "Time Turner" or "Doctor Whooves". How did I get here? Good question! The Flux Capacitor destabilized the TARDIS's quantum movement through Time and space while mid-travel. The TARDIS ended up crashing into a reality I never knew existed. I hadn't even heard of Equestria before. I was worried for a while about if I had crashed into a lower dimension and become part of some children's TV show. It was a hard crash and I was sent flying out of the TARDIS when I looked down at my hands I saw they had turned to hooves and I had a strange tattoo on my flank which looked like an hourglass. I later learned that it was called a "Cutie Mark".

Why they call it that I will never understand. My initial observations were that the gender ratio of mares to stallions was 10:1. There were four kinds of ponies. Ones with horns that use magic (Still need to investigate what exactly is "magic") called unicorns, ones with wings called Pegasi (Like my current assistant Derpy Hooves), and Earth Ponies which have neither wings nor horns (I appear to be this kind), and then there are ones with both wings and horns known as Alicorns. Said to be Immortal though Ponykind is still primitive and doesn't understand the difference between long-lived and immortal so that's up for debate. Side note: This is a fantasy world why no Bicorns or Thestrals? Future edit: There appears to be a race of bat-ponies that serves as Luna's night guards. Every time I ask about where they fit in the four kinds of ponies everyone (or everypony as they say) tells me to "not worry about it".

Good news! I finally got the TARDIS back online! I'm just going to chalk it up to Deus Ex Machina. Derpy has been a grand help in learning how to blend in with the locals. I made some Bits (The currency of this world) and was able to make a laboratory. 3 years of peace. I laughed with new friends. I saw that this place is not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm not used to this kind of peace for this long. I'm starting to become less homesick and more like this place could be my home. I'm not giving up Time Travel.

This is my last entry before I start up the TARDIS and get back to adventures so it might be a while before I write back if I even do. Derpy Hooves has decided to journey with me and I am happy to have her. I'm... Scared. The saying on Earth does justice here: "If something seems too good to be true.... Then it probably is". I don't want to lose this place. EveryonePONY is kind (most of them) and unlike other races, I have seen like Humans, they aren't as greedy and they are very slow to war, and even when they do it is because somepony is behind the scenes manipulating and putting these ideas into their heads. Chrysalis, Discord, Grogar, and Sombra are usually the ones who are the real evil. Anyway, I fear that eventually there will be a time that Friendship will not be able to save the day. There are multiverse travels causing rifts, parallel timelines, and realities influencing each other. So I must go and stabilize this Equestria I have come to love by traveling through other Equestrian realities and making it more like this one so that their influence will be kept to a minimum."

Doctor Whooves drops the pen from his mouth. He looks back at Equestria before turning back to the TARDIS and Derpy who is sitting on top of it.

"Allons-y?" asks Derpy with a smile and a head tilt.

The Doctor nods with a grin, "Indeed. Allons-y! Let's save some alternate Equestrian realities."

And so they both go into the TARDIS which was much larger on the inside than on the outside. After pressing some buttons the TARDIS begins to shake. There were many many realities to save so it didn't matter to him which one he starts with.

Derpy walks around and tries not to touch anything as she knows she tends to break stuff unintendedly. "Doctor? Where are we going? Are we going to the future?"

Doctor Whooves chuckles as he explains, "Not quite, Derpy. We are going to another Equestria. I guess we are going to their future so in a way yes. But we must not forget that this is not our Equestria. At least not exactly how we may remember it. There should still be ponies, and magic, and still be in the Steam Era. It will however be in a state of crisis and our job is to handle it or to help guide them to solve it. I don't know exactly the issues they might have. Maybe a food shortage? Maybe a Necromancer though I doubt that last one."

Derpy thinks and asks, "Oh! I see. What if it is super dangerous?"

"That's part of the fun. We'll find a way. I promise. Besides. I'm the Doctor. I faced Daleks, Cybermen, other timelords, Weeping Angels, The Celestial Toymaker, etc. The list goes on. However... I'm worried more about your safety. So unless I confirm that you can leave the TARDIS... I don't want you to go outside. I hope you understand." Doctor Whooves says reflecting on his past adventures.

"I know! I'll wait for the all clear!" Derpy says saluting.

Next Time: My Little Pony: When Day Breaks.