• Published 15th Jun 2023
  • 224 Views, 7 Comments

Sides of Shadows - Ameliathefatcat

Five stories, five POVs, five sides we don’t see of the Shadow Five

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To say that I hate getting my allergy shots wound be an understatement. My brain goes numb and I’m usually knocked out for the day. I starred out of the window as mom drove to the allergy clinic . Blasting awesome beats through my headphones.

It's peanut butter jelly time, Peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time.”

I pulled off of my headphones and turned around to see my sister holding my phone.

“What the, Lime. How did you get my phone?” I asked reaching to the back seat to take my phone back. Lime crossed her arms and huffed.

“I’m not the one who’ll die if she touches a peanut why am I here?” Lime asked.

“Girls don’t fight, Lime you are grounded that’s why you are here. Plus we need someone to watch Lemon on the ride home in case something she goes happens,” Mom said.

“Lem’s a drunk toddler when she gets her shots. Last time she got her shots she puked on me on the way home.”

“At least you can eat any food you want without dying,” I said putting my headphones on. I hate how severe my allergies are, I’ve gotten mild reactions from hair products and my girlfriend kissing me after eating trail mix. I can’t even touch peanuts or tree nuts without breaking out in hives. My allergy shots are suppose to prevent me from anaphylactic shock in the long run or something like that. I don’t know how it works but if it means I don’t end up in the ER because I touched an almond I’m good. I have not need to use my epipen at all this school year and I’m so happy about that. The last time I had a reaction was a few weeks ago. Indigo gave me a kiss on the cheek before she headed to her physics class and I headed to algebra 2. I thought I was just nervous for my test and blushing because Indy kissed me but no I was having a reaction. Sunny took one look at my face and took me to school nurse. I puked on Sunny’s shoes before we got to the nurse’s office. The nurse gave me Benadryl and called my mom to pick me up. I got to stay home the next day and spend it with my dad playing video games. I got a three day weekend out of it and more time to study for my math test. Indy came over with my favorite candies apologizing for giving me an reaction.

“Lemon, sweetie, what do you want from the deli?” Mom asked as we pulled into the clinic parking lot.

“ Pastrami and hard salami,” I said turning off my music. The one good part of getting my shots is that there is a kosher deli fifteen minutes from the clinic. So days I have my shots we have deli sandwiches for dinner.

I took a seat in the waiting room after mom checked me in. It would be a long wait, so I just continue to listen to my music. I’ve been seeing my allergist since I was a toddler. Going to the allergy clinic four times a year for the last Fourteen years or so, yeah my sister is fourteen and my first appointment was when she was in mom’s stomach. Fourteen times four plus two equals, hmm give me a sec. Fifty eight times, roughly. I used my phone’s calculator to see how many times I’ve been here. I also thought about how scary some of my reactions have been, although not one of my most serious ones my scariest one happened when I was about six. I was at Sunny’s house and we were playing hair salon and Sunny used some of her hair product in hair. It must of have some nut oil or something my scalp was inflamed and super itchy. Being so young we didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t go into shock but it was still scariest reaction I had. Maybe because I don’t remember the times I go into shock. My worst reaction happened when I was nine, all I remember is eating a candy bar at Hebrew school then waking up in the PICU. Apparently the candy bar was ‘might contain trace levels of peanuts and tree nuts’ and I didn’t know that before eating it. I went into shock right away and my epipen was in the other room. I nearly died that day at Hebrew school.


“Lemon Zest for Doctor Sniffles,” a nurse called snapping me out of my day dream. I turned off my music and followed her to Doctor Sniffles office. She took my weight, my height, my blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, temperature all of that doctor office stuff. She asked a lot of questions to make sure I’m good for my shots. When she asked if I could be pregnant I wanted to say I’m a lesbian but mom gave me a look and I just said no. The nurse left and said Doctor Sniffles would be I shortly. More waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

“How are you doing Lemon Zest?” Doctor Sniffles asked as he entered the room.

“Good,” I replied.

“How’s school going for you?” He asked.

“Good, I’m gonna compete in the Friendship Games in two weeks,” I replied. More small talk later, Doctor Sniffles did a quick physical and put the blood pressure cuff and pulse ox on me. Shot time. I was starting to freak out, I hate these shots so much. Doctor Sniffles filled the three syringes with the medicine.
I closed my eyes as Doctor Sniffles gave me the three shots.

“Ouch,” I whispered after the last shot.

“Very good, just need to wait for fifteen minutes to make sure there are no ill effects then you can go home,” Doctor Sniffles said. Every thing started to feel woozy and wonky. Ok the bad feeling was setting in. Fifteen minutes later mom helped me into the car and buckled me in. As soon as we started to drive I fell asleep.


“Lemon, sweetie, we are home it’s time to wake up, we are home,” Mom whispered waking me up. I was very groggy as mom helped me out of the car and into our house. As soon as I got to my bedroom I passed out again. I spent the rest of the day sleeping. I didn’t even come downstairs for dinner because I was sleeping. I woke up in the middle of the night ate something before going back asleep in my room. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able do to stuff and not sleep all day.