• Published 15th Jun 2023
  • 631 Views, 2 Comments

twilight gets stuck in scp-3008 - shadow_fanfiction

twilight receives a book from celestia

  • ...

where am I?

Journal entry

My name is twilight sparkle, I’m writing from a journal that I found. Something has happened and I want to know why. I don’t know where to start, so I guess I'll start from the beginning. It started back in my library, the golden oaks library and I was working on a spell from a book when I got a book from Celestia that she had given me and out of excitement, I opened the first page and started scanning its contents. I decided to scan through the book before choosing a spell that caught my attention the most. One however caught my eye when I was only half way through. Scp-3008. I took a look at the cover of the book again, puzzled but interested in what book Celestia gave me. What is a scp foundation? I looked back at what seemed to be a file printed page. I then realized that these files were marked by chapters. Celestia said she found this book in the library of enchanted novels, I was not gonna get sucked into another book if I could help it, not from last time anyway. Now that I think about it, I never heard of enchanted novels, other than ‘the house of enchanted comics’ as spike would put it. Maybe it’s a new section? Also why would Celestia send an enchanted book, what if I get sucked into it? Then again maybe it’s something good? Celestia wouldn’t send me a book if it was something bad. She would send me one if it was something she knew I would love to explore. Celestia mentioned that the book was new and didn’t look through the pages at all. I took in the detail of the page and noticed a photo that was printed at the top right of the paper and a description of whatever was on it. Looking closely I could see what was in the picture, the photo was of three creatures, standing on two legs with no face. The clothes they wore were yellow with blue stripes and blue pants, to which I stood there, not knowing how to process what I was looking at. I found myself looking down at the description of these things, before being met with a bright light that displayed on top of the opened book, using a powerful force to pull me in. Before I knew it, it was already too late, I was pulled in aggressively and now I find myself in an open wide building of some sort, with many varieties of furniture up for sale.

Signs hung from the ceiling, if there was a ceiling, or rather if I could see one. When I look up, it just looks like a bright light, yet it isn’t blinding. It looks like that in every direction actually. I went to take a step forward, when my hoof hit something with a small thud. I looked down to see a small book with the word ‘Ikea’ on it and a pen laying beside it. What’s an Ikea? Where am I? Now here I am, stuck in whatever place this is, is this so Called ‘Ikea’ this place? I mean there is no other place in Equestria that’s named Ikea, then this. I should find an exit, a place we’re there will be other ponies! Hopefully…

Well it’s been a few hours and I still haven't found anything that would be useful, not even other ponies that could help. Eventually I did find some beds, now realizing how sore my hooves were from wandering this seemingly endless place. I decided to rest for a bit, but when I was able to regain my energy and strength, a loud electrical click sounded from what felt like no we’re, but at the same time everywhere. I was now bathed in complete darkness and silence. I nearly had a panic attack when it happened and I tried calming myself down by taking deep breaths, repeating the technique cadence had shown me. I calmed down and processed what had just happened, well the lights had gone out! I can't do anything and now things have gotten more complicated than they needed to be. I decided I would sleep for the night, or day. I don't really know what to call this. I’ll just say ‘night out’ . I like that.

Waking up the next day I became very hungry, my stomach almost hurt, that's how bad I needed food. I figured I would try to find a food aisle that was hopefully nearby, otherwise I might have to take a journey around to find it. 2 minutes later I finally found what seemed like meatballs, don’t know what that is but can’t be bad right? Then I realized it had the word meat in it, so I decided to go for a salad. Who would eat meat? Is somepony so desperate for food that they would go crazy and murder another pony?! I’m not gonna think about it too much, all I care about is the salad I found, a daffodil and daisy sandwich would be great but this would have to do. At least I won’t starve while I’m here. I headed back after eating and was glad that I did before the lights went out again. I didn’t know I spent that much time eating, I guess my body wanted to savor the flavor of my breakfast even though there were more salads that were stocked. I again woke up and decided I would pick a direction to pursue and hope that I would find something new and promising.

I trotted down the path I went down before, hoping that nothing bad would come along the way.

It’s been 3 days and I haven't come across anything yet, if anything will come to me. Ponies say that good things come to those who wait, then again I’m just trying to look for it. Maybe I will go to those that are good? Probably not, but I hope so, can’t have too much hope in it either. I’ve been traveling endless paths for what felt like hours, yet I feel like something will happen and I feel like nothing will happen at the same time. Eventually I did find a ladder leaning against a bookshelf, then I figured if I climbed it, not having wings and all, I would be able to take a look around better. Better than just looking everywhere on hoof, right? I sauntered over and began the climb, reaching the top in no time and finding yet again an endless sight. When I was about to climb back down, I noticed a figure walking out of sight in the distance behind a shelf. Excited, I basically jumped down the ladder and galloped over to the pony I saw, at least I assumed it was a pony. Considering the entire time I was here, all I could think about was finding other ponies. I turned corners as I could feel myself getting closer to this “pony” I saw.

Turning the corner, I finally caught sight of what was not a pony! But some creature I saw in the picture of the book I read before being dragged here. The same two legged yellow shirt with blue stripes, the same blue pants, everything matched the creature in the photo. What the hay is this thing?! At first it seemed friendly, as it didn’t seem to be harmful, and was about to tap it on the shoulder to get its attention. But then I saw how large the end of its arms were, large enough to crush a pony's head I’m sure. So I left it alone and watched it leave my sight once again. I considered going the opposite direction of the thing, but I also wondered if I would run into it again. But I ALSO didn’t want to follow whatever this thing was. I don't want to take any chances.

I continued down the path I was on again, so as far as I have learned from this adventure of mine, creatures like that thing I just saw, may or may not be friendly and should be taken seriously, not to take any risks where I could get hurt, or possibly die. The lights went out again, to which I forgot about those bulbs and nearly had another heart attack. I was still in the middle of a journey when it happened, but I was able to find tables and tablecloths, thanks to my horn that radiated brightly. So I guess a makeshift bed is the best I got. I forgot I had my horn until now, guess my instincts didn’t kick in until they thought it was needed. Thank you, me. Now I feel like I found some comfort in my horn.

Have you ever had the feeling of Deja vu? That's what I’m feeling, but not in a way that makes me feel good, but rather confused and irritated! I can’t find a single clue as to why I’m here, let alone why those creature things exist! Did Celestia send me here as a prank? Is this some test? If this is a prank is it done by pinkie and rainbow? Am I just dreaming this? I don't know what to make of this?! None of it makes sense and it’s agony!! Calm down twilight, calm down, stressing isn’t going to get you anywhere if you let it boil. Just calm..down. Deep breathes twilight..deep..breathes.

Two days later, I found myself on the road once again and I tried keeping myself together each time I saw the same furniture. As much as I wanted to scream in anguish, it would do nothing or make things worse for me. I know better than to act impulsive in desperate situations like this. I cannot lose control, yet it feels like I lost my sanity. It had been hours of traveling just like days before, one shelf, table and chairs after the other, not forgetting every detail in the wood of the tables and shelves and chairs. I could remember the same design, I started to wonder if I was going in circles, even if I didn’t know every acute detail in the furniture. Then the lights went out again hours later, I was prepared for it this time and instead of sleeping, I decided to head onwards and use my horn as a guide to find my way around. If I come across that creature again, I would know not to mess with it. At some point during my hike around this so-called: Ikea. My ears twitched to the sound of something crashing just around the corner out of my view, another bookshelf that is. Once I turned the corner I found another one of those creatures standing over a chair that had been knocked over, maybe the thing had bumped into it? I was about to turn and ignore the thing when it looked up at me and started to charge me! I screamed and galloped as hard as I could, dodging the swipe attack the thing attempted and ran down the path. I could hear the thing trying to catch up to me, but since I was on four legs and this thing was on two, I could outrun it. I turned every corner down a path but this thing still kept the same distance behind me, then I decided to run into the maze-like shelf’s and by some chance I’ll lose it.

I almost tripped taking a sharp turn down the entrance to the labyrinth of shelf’s. Bounding down, I started to lose my breath, but I wasn’t going to let it. My chest ached and tightened, beads of sweat running down my neck and face, I felt my face heat up. I turned down more corners, not sure if I had lost the unknown creature or not. I felt dizzy, lightheaded and my consciousness was slipping from my mind, I shook my head to wake up, I can’t fall asleep now! Not now! I thought I really was gonna pass out, until I hit something hard and wooden, then my mind went blank, passing out instantly, my horn no longer radiated the light it displayed.

Waking up I didn’t think I would find such abnormal looking creatures so comforting, yet they look similar to those creatures on the outside of the fortress that I’m sitting in now, which is made of tables, shelves and other various furniture around this place, one of those creatures that seem to live here are called humans, I had to know if they were good or not, what those faceless creatures were. The so-called humans call the creatures staff. Makes sense. Turns out there are other towns like this where there are more or less humans, people actually now that I just learned that. Another way of saying humans, I have to write this down, can’t forget it. I was asked what I was and we’re I came from, but a lot of others didn’t seem to care. I said I was a unicorn and that I had come from Equestria. After telling some story about we’re I came from they seem to just take it in like another casual gossip. This led to me thinking if these humans came from another dimension, that sounds right the more I think about it. Some say they never heard of each other's own society, which is strange given they are all human, so shouldn’t they be a little different from each other?

I was found next to the town when the lights were on, passed out. They said that they heard a thud against the fortress but figured it was one of the staff trying to get in. There are staff that restock the shelves apparently, at least there is endless food. If you're gonna have an endless Ikea then you might as well have an endless amount of food. I guess.

I found out that there is a chance that I might be able to escape this place, someone told me that there are rumors about people being able to escape and get home safely. I have been here for 10 days now, but now that I think about it, if I can somehow find a way to find an exit, then the book that sucked me into this place might spit me back out! Someone else said that others will find the exit then it would disappear before they could do anything. I also found out that the staff is fine during the day, but when the lights are cut out, they go insane. I’ll have to note that: daytime safe, nighttime dangerous. I figured that out by now though. So everyone holds up during the night and me having unicorn magic, others seem to think it would be useful, though when I tried to use an application of magic, nothing happened, I apparently can’t use magic in this dimension. Sucks but I guess the book I was sucked into just doesn’t like to be easy on me. But for some reason I can use light but not any spells, at least not the one I was trying to use. I can levitate stuff though, which was useful during one of the nights when I was helping attack the staff. There were gaps in the walls just big enough for them to fit through.

We all went scavenging for food the next day, me and a few others were out and I was quite on edge being out there, even being in the light. Whenever I saw one of those staff things, I tried not to panic that the lights would go out, it was my first time back into the same old repeating furniture in a while and I felt like I was going back to being in a pillow padded room with a restraining jacket. After a while my head started to hurt from all of it. But I remained unphased some of the time, probably because some of the anxiety played a part in it. One of the characters in the group actually dealt with anxiety as well and told me a few tips, some I’ve never heard before, to calm myself down if I were to get an anxiety attack or panic attack. We got along well after that. Though when you recognize a few landmarks here and there, it’s not so bad. There are signs hanging from the ceiling which I forgot about. They were helpful though, that's for sure. Not far there were collapsed towers that somebody pointed out and assumed that it aimed east. The tower reaches to the seemingly endless ceiling. There were more other humans around that were days away, I guess I should consider myself lucky that I didn’t get injured all the time I was out here. Lucky me I guess!

We found lots of food, and while I was stocking up on food, I found a box with some small device attached to it with a wire that connected it to the main box. A person in the group told me it was called a phone. But she said it didn’t work and that every phone that they had never worked.

I took notice that when I was back at our fortress that the ceiling just reminded me of my friend rainbow dash, I don’t know why, probably because she was a weather pony and always raced the winds when she wanted, I imagined her doing so in the air, doing flips, spins and whatever she did since she was a Pegasus. I know that if rainbow dash was here, she would have raced up vertically into the air trying to see if there was a ceiling or some change. I know fluttershy would have tried to use her stare on the staff, then again would it even work? They don’t have eyes and it takes courage for her to do so. I know that she would be instantly frightened and run, I hate to say this but she would probably get hurt by those things before she could even lay a pupil on them.

Staff attacked the exchange last night and there must have been dozens of them. This happens pretty Regularly since everyone was prepared so I decided to help. One guy made a functional crossbow while the others had hatchets and machetes and hoof made spears made from broom sticks and knives. There were holes in the walls so I chose one or whatever I could get too and started using one of the spears with a levitation spell to take them down. They didn’t seem to bleed which was odd. Then again a lot of odd things are so it didn’t really surprise me after a while. They went down as easily as a pony so it was a full minute before all of them were down.

We hauled them over to pick up area and used these big trolley things to move them far from the exchange.

Pick up was pretty grisly, hundreds if not thousands of staff were piled up, luckily there was not any smell that was overwhelming. They don’t bleed nor do they smell, let alone rot. I got curious and went over to a body and checked a wound. It was just skin?! Just skin, all the way through, no entrails and no bones that I could see. It was odd since they did look alive and quite strong, so it was questionable when I didn’t see muscle. Again weird things happened here, I can't question things or I’ll start to overwork myself. But as long as they go down easy I’ll be good.

Feels like the apocalypse all of the sudden, forming groups of ponies, or rather people. Fighting unknown creatures and meeting others outside of the fortress. Many others came to either visit to see how things are or to trade. Sometimes they come and stay. They were like me, stranded and trying to find a way out of here, then to find a fortress named after a sign from above. Some people fight over food and other things, I was able to stop a fight or too but not many. Most wouldn’t listen to me so I just give up and sometimes let others try.

Some other people came running towards our fortress one day, only 12 of them, though they explained that staff took down their area called trolleys during the night, only 12 of them survived out of a hundred. I trotted up to one of the 12 survivors and asked how many Towns there were in this place, they said what they have counted there must have been at least 20-30 towns or more filled with people. Who knows how many people there are.

I’ve been here for over two months now, and a few more people showed up in the same situation as I had, finding themselves endlessly walking, getting attacked, then finding a fortress like I said. Sadly someone I think was Jared, died from trying to kill one of the staff members I think. Even more sad that none of us were doctors, if I could I would have used a healing spell but I couldn’t. Jared was a good guy and it was disheartening to see someone die in such a nightmarish place.

Apparently not everyone is from the same place from each other, I found out because not everyone knows what normal things are, like what an animal is or what everyday things are, let alone what earth is. Or even other planets. Some even say that they live outside of the Milky Way which is odd.

Just realized that it’s my sixth month anniversary here, a part of me wished pinkie was here, she would have been able to find ways to cheer me up, even in dark situations. She would have thrown a great party even, I’m also glad she isn’t here due to the fact she would have been stuck too. More people show up a few times a week now, food restocks and goes down, not having any shortage of supplies. It’s comforting in a way, that we’re not alone here. Even if it was just this town and those faceless monsters.

Speaking of faceless monsters, their attacks have been getting worse lately, 3 or 4 times a week and I have no idea where they came from, or why the attacks are increasing so rapidly. Me and another human decided to follow one of the staff and see if there is any place that they go. No we’re but the aisles themselves. We turned back before the lights went out again, my anxiety seemed to be handled better than I thought, maybe I’m just used to this place now. I don’t want to be though, I want to find a way out but I don’t have wings like rainbows or strength like applejack’s, otherwise I probably would have been able to take down more staff.

We got hit hard last night and Candace called a meeting to evacuate the fortress and go camp out at check outs. By the way we found a piece of one of the staff in a box of supplies. Frustrating but makes sense I guess. Too many bodies piled up and the walls were destroyed beyond repair. It’s getting late and we already left, we had to split up into groups else we wouldn’t have been able to keep each other together. Then it was like my luck just got luckier. As I was setting up camp with a light of my magic, I saw a bright open door and galloped over to it and sprinted through. It was an exit alright, and I took it. My whole world went white and next thing I knew I found myself back home in the golden oaks library, I cried tears of joy. I checked the time and apparently no time seemed to pass while I was gone. I looked back at the book on my book stand and it was closed. At once I was about to grab it, then before I knew it, the whole book began to glow bright. Forming into an orb of light and sped out the door of the library and into an unknown direction. I tried looking we’re it went but I couldn’t find it. It was too fast for me.

Well at least I’m home, I should probably report to the princess about my findings in the book, then again the book might as well be on its way back to Celestia now! But I’ll give it some time first, I’m exhausted and I want to sleep.

Comments ( 2 )


You won't get far as a writer if you can't even manage elementary school writing requirements, such as capital letters, puinctuation and basic spelling.,

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