• Published 18th Jul 2023
  • 465 Views, 1 Comments

"10 Seconds Flat" - Pixieon

The what if question nobody asked for! What if Rainbow Dash was flattened by a cloud wringer in the first episode?!

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Ok, haha we get it, I'm flat like paper! Hey wait! What do you think you're doing?! Keep that curser away from this! Don't you dare click on this or I swear to Celestia I'll-

"Hey! I could clear the sky in 10 seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash said as she reassured the preparations checker that she had everything under control for the summer sun celebration; "Prove it" Twilight said, squinting her eyes as she challenged the mare above. Rainbow Dash, who could never say no to a challenge, took to the sky as she began bashing and clearing out stray clouds left and right.

"I'll show her! This'll be a snaAAAAHHHPP!!!" Rainbow Dash suddenly screamed as she felt something tugging on her tail. She turned around and realized her tail got caught in one of Clouds Dale's newest inventions; the patented "Cloud Wringer" which was capable of sucking up clouds and storing them inside of its storage component for later use. The clouds it sucked in are also compressed thin thanks to the rollers in the front, allowing it to hold much more cloud storage inside the tank. The clouds can then be re-inflated later with a bike pump or anything of the sort.

The invention was still in its experimental phase, so there were plenty of accidents involving ponies getting sucked in and being reduced to a thin paperfied mockery of their former selves. Of course, the driver (whom was usually a unicorn or earth pony) was always generally on the lookout for fellow Pegasi as the machine was known to cause accidents like this. But one look through the windscreen told Rainbow Dash a different story as she saw the driver inside reading a manga book for his favorite Ponime series while listening to publicly cringe worthy songs on his headphones.

"WHAT THE BUCK!!! HEY JACKFLANK!!! GET YOUR HOOF OUTTA YOUR PLOT AND TURN THIS THING OFF!!!" Rainbow Dash screamed at the driver, trying to get his attention. To Rainbow's Dismay, he didn't hear a single word she had said as the machine continued driving forward and sucking more of her tail in; "Aw Buck no! Why today?! Why of all days did this have to happen today?!" Rainbow said as she tried spreading her legs over the rollers to try and slow them down and pull her tail out.

To her horror, the rollers were a lot stronger than she thought and they ended up getting sucked in and quickly compressed; "NO! BUCK! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! NOT TO ME! RAINBOW DASH!!" The rest of her body soon got sucked in as she was pressed flat like a pancake against the rollers. Rather than going into the storage tank like the rest of the clouds, she was instead stuck to the top roller like a plastered sticker as the rollers kept spinning around and pressing her more and more flat.

[Rainbow Dash's Poorly Smushed Up Brain:]
("Urrrgggg, I must've been practicing my stunts a lot longer than I thought. They probably thought I ditched the job and sent this poorly paid bozo to pick up the slack. Buck my life!")

Meanwhile Twilight below was having a laughing fit over how much of a fool this "Rainbow Dash" made herself out to be right before her very eyes; "Twilight? Don't you think you should help her out? She looks like she could use some assistance." Spike said as he tried to convince Twilight to help the poor mare; "Oh alright Spike, sorry, I just couldn't help myself." Twilight said as she lit up her horn and peeled off the rainbow sticker with a loud sccccclllllrrrrppp like sound.

Finally, she hovered the paper Pegasus before her eyes and looked over its new curvy thin form; "You know, you were right about one thing. You did manage to clear most of the sky in 10 seconds and ended up flat. So, I guess I'll give you that." She said with a sly smirk as the cloud wringer above finished getting the last cloud out of the sky; "Yeah whatever, how about you stop teasing me and start helping me get back to my normal self before any pony else sees me like this. This is already embarrassing enough as is."

And as luck would have it, as soon as she had finished saying that, A white colored unicorn with a purple curly mane came running out of the nearby town hall towards the three; "Who's doing all the shouting out here! Can't you see I'm trying to-" The Unicorn's eyes suddenly sparkled as she laid her eyes upon the flattened mare; "Oh my darling! Is that my new fabric for my next clothing line?! Oh, I've been waiting ages for this to arrive! Oh, I cannot wait a moment longer! I simply must take this back to the boutique and begin working right away! Thank you so much for personally bringing it to me! we are going to be the best of friends you and I! Ta-Ta!" The Unicorn said as she suddenly stole Rainbow Dash away in her magic, rolled her up like a towel, and began trotting off.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Twilight yelled to the purple maned unicorn, but it was too late as the mare was already too far away for her to hear; "What are we gonna do Twilight?" Spike asked, concerned for the paper mare's safety; "There's nothing we can do Spike. Let's just hope that this is one of those problems that resolves itself."

"And there! Perfection!" The white unicorn said as she tried on her new dress and looked at herself in the mirror; "Oh, don't I look glamorous darling. I think I'll call it, bold and brash!"

"More like, belongs in the trash! Now take me off Rarity! and I am not your bucking dress!"

"Wah?! Who said that?! And how dare you insult fashion!" Rarity said as she looked around, wondering where the voice came from; "Down here!" Rainbow Dress said as she stared up at Rarity with extreme annoyance in her eyes. Rarity screamed as soon as she saw that she had turned Rainbow Dash into her latest dress and quickly threw the dress off in a panic.

"Oh my heavens Dash! I am so sorry! I had no idea! I just got so excited I-"

"Yeah yeah I know, look, I just need a hoof getting back to-"

"I just don't know what sick twisted mare would think about wearing other ponies as clothing!"

"Hey! I was just thinking the same thing!" Pinkie pie said as she suddenly appeared in the room causing the two mares to get a bit startled by her unannounced appearance: "Pinkie Pie! What have I told you about snooping around my boutique!" Rairty scowled as she berated the Pink mare for her unexpected intrusion; "Sorry Rarity, couldn't help myself, you see, I was passing by when I noticed you were turning Rainbow Dash into a dress and I thought that was cool and all, but I figured she would want to get back to normal soon, which is why I'm here to help!"

"Pinkie, I swear to Celestia if you tell any pony about this, I'll-" Rainbow Dash was cut off as the end of a bike pump was shoved into her mouth and Pinkie began pumping air into her furiously. Rainbow slowly felt herself getting filled, which she couldn't really complain about since this is what she wanted. She felt her third dimension slowly come back to her as she was slowly inflated like a pool toy. Her skin and fur popped back and eventually she felt whole and like herself again.

She expected Pinkie to stop there but she kept on going, she felt herself becoming more bloated and overstuffed as Pinkie kept going past her limit. She tried to muffle a protest but the air being forced into her effectively left her silent; "Pinkie, I think she's had quite enough darling. Pinkie?!" Rarity Noticed Pinkie was wearing headphones and a construction helmet and going up and down on the bike pump like a jack hammer. This increase in motion rapidly inflated Rainbow Dash way too quickly and she started filling up the space in the boutique, pinning Rarity against the wall and threatening to smush her; "Pinkie! Stop! I think she's gonna-"


Rainbow Balloon exploded into bits and pieces, thankfully, Pinkie's cartoon logic wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to Rainbow Dash, so there was no gore or anything nasty, it was just exploded cyan balloon bits and pieces of rainbow streamers scattered around. Rarity looked at Pinkie with a deadpan stare and Pinkie sheepishly grinned as she realized her mistake; "Uh, oopsie?"

"Cheer up Dashie! The doctor said you'll be fine in a couple weeks!" Pinkie said as her and Rainbow Dash (Whom was currently in a wheelchair after just finishing getting stitched back together) stood next to each other at the town hall awaiting Mayor Mare to announce the start of the summer sun celebration; "Pinkie, after today, I don't want to see or talk to you for a couple weeks. Understood?" Pinkie contemplated this for a moment but understood that in Dassh's current condition, she probably didn't want to party; "Okie dokie Lokey." And the rest of the night went off without a hitch.

Later that night, Pinkie wandered into a dark alley and met with a mysterious figure obscured by the darkness. The shadowy figure wore a fedora and a business suit like one of those suits you would see in an old school mafia film; "So, is the job done? Can we begin the operation?" The figure asked as it turned its head up, and popped a lollipop in its mouth; "Yep! Timeline is all changed! Nightmare Moon didn't show up!" The figure smiled at this answer and began moving forward, revealing itself to be another Pinkie Pie; "Excellent, I think we can do business here. Those cupcakes aren't gonna sell themselves." The other Pinkie said with a sinister smirk.

Comments ( 1 )

Lol, poor Rainbow :rainbowlaugh:

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