• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 323 Views, 5 Comments

Too Shy To Say Anything - Partycannon_

With a low social battery and tied words, life can be difficult but sometimes there is something to be said.

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Chapter 2: Tidying Up

My head felt woozy, my body stiff. It was safe to say that I did not feel well. I sat up as my eyes slowly began to open. The blanket on top of me fell to the ground and I rubbed my eyes. What a horrible dream, then noticing that I was in my cottage, I reiterate. What a horrible night. During my yawning I stretch while flapping my wings.

I know I should get up and get the day started but instead I just frowned. My loneliness seeped into me like a depression. My excitement the day before was completely zapped as I sat alone. Then my ears perked up as I started to hear a continuous sound.

“Is somepony here?” I said more to myself than any possible intruder. Flapping my wings I got out from my rut and flew downstairs with the sound only growing louder. Making my way to the kitchen I was shocked to see none other than demon bunny cooking greens on the stove. The hungry home invader stood on a wooden stool and wore a white chef's hat. He held the pan in one paw and a wooden spoon in the other.

“Um, Mr Bunny? What are you doing?” I ask softly. He answers with an eyebrow raised and tilted his little head to the pan. He then threw half of the pan’s contents on one plate nearby then emptied it on another. He turned the stove off and took one of the plates as he jumped down.

“Is this for me?” I point to the plate still on the counter. He turned back and gave a simple nod, the bunny then continued to the living room. I pick up the plate and follow him into the room. Looking around I once again get reminded of all the broken furniture. Demon bunny placed his plate on the ground and sat next to it while throwing a small chunk of green into his mouth. With little other options I sat on the cold floor and took my first bite. It wasn’t bad, just flavorless. I really needed to get some seasoning.

“Thank you so much my little friend but there really was no need to go through all this effort, wouldn’t you rather go home with all your friends and family?” I try to give a kind smile. The bunny looked at me with his small eyes and gave a firm shake to his head. I was really hoping he wouldn’t do that.

“Oh come now, I’m sure they will miss you dearly if you decide to cook for me every morning,” I say, hoping there was truth in what I said. By his unimpressed face I could tell that he knew that wasn’t the case. Well, I guess it’s okay. Maybe he just thinks that he owes me, I’m hoping that he will stop soon. Demon bunny finished his plate quickly and then just looked at me. I finished my meal as fast as I could.

“Yum! Super tasty, thank you,” I attempted to lie and I don’t really know if it worked as he simply picked up both of our plates and hopped back to the kitchen. Returning moments later he looked at me expectantly.

“Well, thank you for the meal but I have to go pick up some new furniture. Sorry I couldn’t stay and chat, why don’t you go on and get back to your family,” I said kindly with a large smile as I closed my eyes. Then I felt a furry critter hop on my back, oh no.


Hiding in my mane is usually not that hard, that is unless there is a super mean bunny holding your head up as you trot. Thankfully I can still have my eyes firmly planted on the dirt below but still. I’m my own pony, I shouldn’t have to deal with this. I turned my head the most I could and looked at the bunny, he crossed his paws as I opened my mouth.

“Nevermind,” I give in and hold my head up. Every building we pass I quickly glance up at the sign before falling just as quick to the ground. Finally we made it to our first challenge, and when I mean challenge I mean-

“Hello there, Miss, may I help you find what you’re looking for?” a brown stallion approached me. “Do you need a quill or a sofa?” I stagger back a little bit and he doesn’t seem to notice. “You look new to town, so I bet you're looking for the best sofas in all of Equestria aye.”

This is too much, I could never deal with these types of ponies. I think it’s time to go back and cry in my bed… Go cry in my blanket on the ground. That's when my head moved up and down but it wasn’t me, demon bunny is in so much trouble after this.

“Perfect!” He claps his hooves before pushing me inside. Before I get my bearings he quickly begins explaining the sofa in front of us. It’s way out of my price range and is definitely not what I’m looking for. I let him continue on and on, not knowing when to start listening.

“I take it you want this awesome sofa?” The stallion got a bit too close and I backed up.

“I-It’s a-a b-bit too e-expensive,” I touch my front to hooves together bashfully.

“You can make payments monthly,” he proudly exclaims.

“I-I-I d-don’t really want it,” I whisper.

“You couldn’t ask for a better sofa,” he stated.

“F-Fine…” I reached for my bag in defeat when I felt the soft weight from my back landing on my head. I started to hear grinding teeth and I began to panic. “No, no, no, Mr Bunny do not attack the sofa clerk he means well, really he does,” I start flying and trying to get him down from my head but he doesn’t budge.

“Oh, um, uh, why don’t we move on, uh, how about this one over here?” from my panicked state I manage to look at the sales pony and notice a whole lot of sweat. The bunny calms and I give a sigh of relief. The next sofa was a little too big. The third was perfect, it was cheap too. Reaching for my bits I noticed the pink envelope in my saddle that I forgot to open from yesterday. I pushed it to the side for now and grabbed my money.

“Thank you, it will be shipped by the end of the week,” the stallion said with a smile but was cut off quickly as Mr Bunny once again as he started to grind his teeth. “Um, it will be shipped tomorrow,” he faked a smile but the sound didn’t stop. “TODAY, it will be shipped today.”


The rest of the shopping went the same way, even buying a simple haywich ended with a very delicious fruit salad being added for free. Finally we got to sit down with our order and Mr Bunny jumped to the seat next to me at our table. I slid the salad to him while beginning to chomp away at my haywich.

I smiled brightly but I didn’t exactly know why. The food wasn’t that good, well atleast mine wasn’t, Mr Bunny’s face said otherwise. Was it finally getting the shopping done? No, that couldn't be it. Staring at Mr Bunny I noticed I was missing something, what was it? He finished his food quickly and I never saw a bunny so happy before. Mr. Bunny looked back at me and tilted his head. What was I missing? I was so close but I couldn’t put my hoof on it.

“Mr Bunny, would you like to stay with me?” I asked wholeheartedly. He answered swiftly with a nod before hopping to me, he then gave me the cutest hug I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. I snatched him up in my hooves and returned the hug, of course I remembered to be gentle.

I know what was gone, it was loneliness. I sat Mr Bunny down back to his seat. It’s been almost a whole day without the feeling of loneliness creeping up on me. The visualization of Mr Bunny kicking a dark fog far away made me chuckle.

“No way, Fluttershy, is that you?” a very familiar voice came from above and I turned.

“R-Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?” I was genuinely shocked to ever see her outside Cloudsdale.

“Well, it's sort of a long story. To sum it up they keep on asking me to lead the weather team someplace outside Cloudsdale but I don’t really want to leave the greatest city in Equestria, I always promise to check out the towns when Cloudsdale finds itself over them though. I was flying by until I saw you. It's been awhile, how’s it going?” She spoke quickly as she joined me and Mr Bunny at our table.

“It’s going wonderful, meet my second friend, Mr Bunny,” I smile brightly as I present the bunny. He tapped his foot as he crossed his arms. Rainbow smiled the best she could.

“Right… Hello there…” Dashie tried.

“Mr Bunny, this is my very first friend, Rainbow Dash,” he wasn’t very impressed.

“Is that his name? You didn’t think to name him something else?” Dash questioned and I guess I didn’t really think about it.

“That’s just what I have been calling him, did you want a different name?” I turn to Mr Bunny. He gave me a very unreliable shrug. “Oh, but I’m just terrible at coming up with names.”

“Well, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about him? How about ‘unremarkable’,” Rainbow grinned while Mr Bunny stuck his tongue out. I ignored them both as I thought. What comes to mind first when I think about him. I turn to Mr Bunny.

“How does ‘Angel’ sound?” I asked curiously and he gave me a light smile with a nod. To be honest it wasn’t my first thought, to be frank it was the opposite but I know deep down that he is a very good little bunny, even if he does cause a lot of heartache.

“Angel huh? Sure,” Dashie shrugs. “Anyways, I haven’t seen you in… Well, I don’t know how long,” her eyes moved to the sky.

“It’s been four years. We finished middle school together, afterwards we had a choice to enroll in the weather team or continue with our studies,” I answered softly as I brushed my hair with my hoof.

“That’s right. The choice for me was so obvious that I kind of forgot,” she gave a lighthearted laugh and I just nodded silently. “If that was four years ago that means that you finally got out of school, good for you,” Rainbow gave me a smile and I responded with the best grin I could muster, she probably knew that I didn’t want to talk about it.

“Mom and Dad gave me a cottage here in Ponyville, we just got all the shopping done today,” I moved on quickly and it seems like I caused a little bit of conflict in her head.

“Oh wow, you went shopping all by yourself. I guess you have really come out of your shell,” Dashie answered with shock. I think I blushed a little, I’m glad to hear that I’m improving even if it wasn’t entirely true. To some ponies Rainbow comes across as rude but I know she never means any malice.

“Well actually, Angel helped a lot today. I don’t think I could have gotten through it if he wasn’t there,” I give my fluffy friend a smile and he looks away. Was he being bashful? That is so cute, I want to give him the biggest hug.

“Relying on others is a strength too, I think. I don’t really need to, I’m sort of awesome,” Rainbow remarked and I couldn’t help but giggle. I think she might have actually blushed for a moment, no, there's no way.

Our small table heard as a big group of ponies trotted past us. I’m not really sure what they were talking about but I hid in my mane as they got close, out of the corner of my eye I saw Angel staring daggers at the group and I felt Rainbow’s gaze from beyond my shell. After they pass I remember to breathe.

“Fluttershy, did you hear what those ponies were talking about?” Dashie questioned with a straight face. I felt sort of put off by the question.

“No, not a word,” I said, still in my shell.

“Sounds like there was this awesome party last night,” I could hear the smile as she spoke.

“I think so too, I saw lights,” I look back up to both of my friends and gave them a light grin.

“Well, looks like I found a new home,” Rainbow said nonchalantly and I staggered in my seat. I sort of felt like she wasn’t telling me something but that didn’t really bother me especially because she said something completely unlike her.

“Guess I should go and tell my boss, see you soon Flutters,” and with that she bolted off, leaving me completely dumbfounded.


With a lot of sweat and tears me and Angel broke down all of the ruined furniture and threw it in a pile outside away from any trees and grass. I laid on the wooden floor, the cool boards felt nice on my back. Staring at the ceiling I panted with tired breaths. The good bunny he is, Angel placed a cold cup of water next to my head. It was difficult getting the cup to my lips on the ground however the refreshing liquid told me it was worth it.

I felt like I could never get up from the ground again, my body too weak to lift a hoof. Well, at least it gave me time to think. This has been such a chaotic week so far, as soon as I entered Ponyville things have just been going crazy all of a sudden. Do I want to go back to living with my parents? I’m sure they would understand.

Turning my head to the right my eyes land on a cute bunny curling up for a nap. No, I think I want to stay here, it's where my friends are after all. Hm, I never realized how quiet it is here. I think the new furniture is supposed to be here in a few hours, I should probably clean. Maybe after I close my eyes for a few moments…

Somepony pounded on the door. With my eyes half open and my hair everywhere I get up from the ground. Wobbling to the door I opened it without a thought in my head.

“Wow, you look terrible. Oh, sorry,” said the mare on the other side of the door. I couldn’t really see her as my eyes were completely unfocused and the sunlight flashbanged me but finally a thought entered my head. I am the stupidest pony ever.

“J-J-JUST A M-MINUTE!” I yell with a full blush. Running to the washroom I threw water on my face and gave a quick comb to my hair. Hearing trotting downstairs I began to panic. I rushed out of the washroom and came to a stop as I saw a Pink mare brushing Angel.

“You’re a cute bunny, yes you are,” she said in a cutesy voice. Angel purred loudly as I stood, shocked.

“W-Who a-a-are you?” I asked as my heart raced.

“Oh, sorry, you left the door open. My name is Pinkie Pie. I work at Sugarcube Corner but I’m also a party planner. Derpy asked me if I could help her deliver your furniture and I was already on my way over here anyways,” she smiled brightly while scratching under Angel’s chin. The bunny continuously kicked the ground in delight as his ears fell. I nod instinctively while staring at Angel.

“Your name is Fluttershy right?” the pink pony darted to me with crazy speeds and t-touched our m-muzzzels t-together. I fell to the ground and my mind ran too fast to be able to register a single thought.

“I actually came by last night but I figured you were probably sleeping. Derpy said you got my letter, did you read it?” Pinkie asked. I managed to slow down my mind just enough to remember the pink envelope. I shakily raised my hoof to my saddle across the room and the mare wasted no time picking up the pink envelope. Pinkie opened the letter and it shot out confetti, turning to me the mare laughed a little.

“You’re probably going to think this is really funny but um, this was an invitation to last night's party. It was a ‘welcome to Ponyville, Fluttershy’ party and um, a lot of ponies might be mad that you didn’t show up because we couldn’t eat the cake until you got there. Then you didn’t show up. Funny right? Right Fluttershy?” my pupils went small and I sunk into the ground. It was crying time, there wasn’t actually a better time to cry other than right now. I hid my face and curled up slowly.

“Um, Fluttershy? Are you okay?” my face became filled with tears.

“I can fix this, um. Here, I can make all your furniture,” after a few moments of crying she came back. “Done, here I can move it in too,” the next minute was filled with swift sounds going from outside to inside. But I didn’t think about it as my fear overwhelmed me and that only made the floor more wet.

“Done, all better?” her voice began to crack. I felt as she got close and I tensed up, only crying more. She sat next to me and picked me up slowly. Pinkie placed her hooves around me and I placed mine around her.

“Sometimes everypony needs a hug.”

“B-But I’ll make your fur all wet,” I sniffed.

“Friend’s shoulders are meant to be cried over.”

And I wept. The darkness faded quickly, yet I didn’t let go and the tears didn’t stop. I don’t know how long I stayed in my friend's hooves but my soft bed met me while I dreamed of my new friend.


Author's Note:

Acoustic Guitar Instrumentals is what powers this story. :ajsmug:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter despite it being pretty slow. Next chapter should be more fun. Have a good rest of the day :yay: