• Published 1st Jun 2023
  • 725 Views, 9 Comments

Compendium - LittleFaerieFire

What would you be willing to do to track down the one that had saved you? What would you be willing to give up to thank them? Two questions that Twilight Sparkle is forced to grapple with in her pursuit for her savior.

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2. The First Spell

Twilight Sparkle was grounded. She wasn’t well balanced or stable, and while she was at the moment prevented from flight she was not grounded in that particular meaning. She however was still grounded. Her parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet had not taken kindly to the fact that she had attempted grave robbing, Twilight solemnly resolved to never let her parents figure out what she had been planning to do with the corpse.

Past failed grave robbings aside, Twilight Sparkle was still grounded. Had been grounded, and if her father’s words were to be taken literally instead of figuratively she would be grounded until she was 30. While it was unlikely that her grounding would indeed last that long she had been so far been grounded for an entire month.

She had been allowed to go to school and then back home. Her days of heading to the library to pore over relatively ancient texts were gone. She instead was forced to make do with the family computer that was heavily monitored by her mother. Twilight would freely admit that perhaps it hadn't been her brightest idea to look up on that computer ways to not get grave robbing. The scolding that her mother had given her had only compounded that fact.

This situation was unlikely to change any time soon. However, thankfully there were small mercies that she was afforded during this time. Shining Armor also was grounded for being out that late and his argument that if he hadn't been sneaking out he would have never caught her didn't help his case in Twilight's opinion. Her parents seemed to agree as he was grounded with her. This did however allow Twilight to spend more time than usual with Shining.

Which compounded into Twilight roping, Shining into her studies of magic. He agreed after two weeks of her persuasive arguments, and in Shining Armor’s own words “Soul crushing boredom.” Twilight however managed to finally acquire her best big brother's help. It only took the two of them nearly being entirely locked in the house during any moment that they weren’t at school.

Shining Armor had initially seemed incredulous at her desire to have him help her before she explained her reasoning to him, which then caused him to grow misty-eyed and agree. Twilight was nearly certain that he was helping due to a misplaced sense of pity but she would accept all the help she could get. She, after all, had yet to cast a spell.

Well technically she had cast 1032 spells at this point but who was counting? The problem was that none of the spells she had cast had worked. From the spells that should have teleported her across the room to even a simple spell meant to summon a small flame. One after another they had all failed.

Twilight was willing to believe that for the first 100 spells that perhaps, she was simply having a flawed set of data. At the 200th failure, Twilight could have believed that she simply needed an even larger data set. The 500th failure was met with a grim determination to continue on. By the 1000th Twilight was determined that by the end of her life, she would cast a spell even if it killed her.

Shining Armor did not take kindly when he walked into her room when she made that vow to herself. However Twilight managed to convince him that everything was ok and that he didn't need to go tell their parents. That this wasn’t anything he needed to worry about.

Unfortunately for Twilight, Shining had no better luck when it came to casting any spells. However Twilight had no idea that Shining was rather glad that his attempts had failed. He knew that had he actually succeeded that his sister would have never left him alone. Yet he loved his sister, even after the grave robbing.

Even if it had severely limited the amount of time that he managed to spend time with his now-girlfriend Cadance. Who was horrified at the little ladybug she had at times babysat for had turned to graverobbing. That had not been a fun conversation for the two of them. Especially considering that Cadance had revealed that she was hoping to take the next step in their relationship that night.

Shining had been equally awestruck and horrified at that revelation. First, his best friend had confessed her feelings to him, even if she had been shouting at the time. Next said friend, had realized her words and surged towards him pushing him against the wall, capturing his lips in hers. Shining could clearly remember the pressure that had all but encapsulated him in that near-ethereal moment.

“So then Shining would you care to dance with me?” Cadance cooed as her eyes flashed with a desire that Shining knew would swallow him alive. However, that did not prevent him from returning the kisses upon the smiling girl’s lips. That one moment had allowed Shining to survive the long days that had quickly approached. He may have no longer had a life outside of school but his life within the school building was quickly improving even if his life outside of it deteriorated.

“Shining? Shining! SHINING!” Twilight shouted into the ear of her brother that had once more gotten lost in his mind. Twilight had learned how to efficiently get her brother out of the thoughts he had lost himself within. The swiftest and easiest way was to shout his name until he came out of it. The tried and tested method once more worked wonders as her brother jumped with a small shriek on his lips.

“Twilight what have I said about shouting!” Shining attempted to admonish his little sister even as he attempted to calm his heart which was currently attempting to escape his ribs.

“You said not to and I had been attempting to attain your attention for the last five minutes. I have the preparations for the next test prepared.” Twilight said as she pushed the beaker into her brother’s hands. “Remember you need to drink every drop.” She reminded her favorite brother.

Shining just sighed as he looked at the ‘potion’ that Twilight had created. Supposedly drinking it would awaken a person’s innate magical talents. However, it in reality was a mixed fruit drink that actually smelled half decent. It was far better than the other things that Twilight had been preparing lately. Perhaps she actually was onto something or maybe she was no longer actively attempting to poison the two of them.

Either way, after seeing some of her first attempts at brewing these so-called potions for the sake of his sister's safety and wellbeing he had volunteered himself to be the guinea pig. Thankfully Twilight seemed far more hesitant to have him imbibe some of the more dangerous potions that she had been looking at creating. He wasn't sure where or how his sister had managed to get a bottle of arsenic but in truth, he didn't want to know. All he knew is that it had taken some convincing from his chemistry teacher, Mr. Bond.

Thankfully the elderly teacher had accepted the excuse of him finding it in his attic and not knowing the proper way to dispose of the bottle. Mr. Bond had even commented about how not everyone would go through the trouble of properly disposing of hazardous materials before taking the bottle off his hands. Cadance had managed to see the entire thing and made him promise to refuse any concoction that seemed to be dangerous. It wasn’t as if he was planning on drinking anything obviously dangerous.

“Sorry, Twilight,” Shining said with a small grin as he downed the most recent attempt that Twilight had created. An almost overpowering taste of citrus flooded his mouth. It definitely tasted as it smelled. Gulping down the remnants of the potion from the vial. “Ahh” Shining said as he opened his mouth to show his younger sister that he actually had consumed the entire vial.

“Good, now are you feeling anything different?” Twilight asks as she looks down at her written notes. “It says that you should be feeling an almost tingly sensation running through your diaphragm.” Twilight reads off. Missing the way that Shining frowned at his sister’s words.

Shining Armor didn’t know what a diaphragm was, but he felt nothing tingling. Which was a good sign that he wasn’t about to start losing his lunch. Especially since Cadance was going to be coming over later. It had taken plenty of convincing on his part to get his parents to agree to have her come over. After all, they were going to be going away for the evening and it wasn’t as if they could trust him to watch Twilight. Shining frowned at how that thought stung, even if it was worth being able to see Cadance again.

“No tingling at all.” He reported to his younger sister that was frowning but marking down on the pad that she had been writing upon. “Do you want me to try to cast a spell?” He offered a potential way to mitigate the failure.

“No, it is unlikely that anything would have changed.” Twilight sighed. Rummaging through the assorted mess that she had made while creating this most recent concoction. “Thank you, Shining.” Twilight thanked her older brother as she once more began to look into the possible reason that this attempt has failed.

Shining Armor briefly contemplated attempting to drag Twilight from once more going on a crusade. However, he knew when discretion was the better part of valor and instead chose to retreat from the scene. He placed the now empty vial down at her desk. Leaving his sister to the books and tales that had consumed her life he instead went to await the arrival of Cadance.

However, instead of spotting Cadance, Shining instead found both of his parents waiting for him as he bounded down the steps. He paused right before he would have barreled into his mother Twilight Velvet.

“Is Twilight going to see us off?” Twilight Velvet, asked in fruitless hope to see her daughter who shared her name.

“She just started on her next attempt.” Shining winced as he dashed his mother's hope. He knew that his mother blamed herself for everything that had happened to Twilight. Even if it wasn’t her fault. It was an unfortunate scenario that Twilight had escaped from, even if it had led his sister down a path that some would consider strange. However, if any dared to call his precious sister strange when Shining was within earshot would be in for a rude awakening.

Twilight Velvet glanced up towards where her youngest child was once more attempting to bring the impossible into reality. She had known that ever since that incident that had nearly stolen her daughter away from her those years ago, Twilight had found an entirely new world. One that she didn’t fully understand. One that she had however attempted to help her daughter explore.

That was before she realized how far those delusions had taken hold of her youngest child. Spirited her off into a place so dark that she had resorted to graverobbing and attempting to cast magic herself. She had done her best to try to understand what her daughter had been attempting to accomplish but she in truth could not understand it. Magic after all wasn’t real.

“I see, please don’t let her distract Cadance from actually ensuring that she gets something to eat.” Twilight Velvet said with a shake of her head as a faint sound of the horn being honked sounded through the house. “It seems your father is worried that we will miss the preview.” Her eyes hardened as Shining went rigid. “I do expect you to not distract Cadance either. She is after all here to watch Twilight.”

Shining Armor knew that there was no correct way to answer the demand other than silently nodding, so he, much like a trained dog, performed the trick. Thankfully his mother smiled before ducking out the door. Even as his parents left, Shining did not allow himself to break from the well-practiced routine. Only when they crested the horizon and slipped out of sight, did he once more allow himself to relax.

Only for his gaze to once more catch on the flashing of multicolored hair, that glistened in the sunlight. Instantly he was running out the door to greet the now chuckling Cadance.

“I see that you have missed me.” Cadance cooed at Shining’s response to wrap his arms around her. “Well let me tell you something. I missed you too.” She said with an amused smile at her boyfriend's actions. Some things never seemed to change. Hopefully, they never would.

“Well, that just means I haven't managed to chase you off yet.” Shining retorted with a smile as he loosened his arms from around Cadance once more meeting her shining purple eyes.

“Please we both know that once I had sunk my claws into you I wouldn’t let go.” Cadance’s smile grew feral as Shining gulped. Her hands snaked forwards and caught him by the scruff of his shirt pulling him ever closer to her. “However, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the chase.” Shining could only thank his lucky stars as once more he felt her lips upon his.

“Perhaps we should go check up on Twilight?” He sputtered out gasping for breath as they finally split, nearly a minute had passed. Cadance had made mention about setting the record for the longest kiss in the world. He however didn’t think that she was serious about it.

“What afraid she is going to go out searching for a new cadaver?” Cadance joked before considering that it actually was a real concern. One that would be rather difficult to explain to the authorities. “Perhaps we should go check up on the little ladybug. After all, who knows what she can get up to without someone responsible by her side.”

“I would like to say something in my defense but I know how pointless it would be so I am going to wallow in my shame,” Shining said with a chuckle. That quickly turned brittle as he spotted the billowing purple smoke pouring out of his sister's room. “Damn it Twilight.” Shining exasperatedly cursed as he quickly left Cadance’s embrace. Once more sprinting back to the house.

Pounding up the stairs all the while shouting for his sister. “Twilight are you alright? You better not have been playing with fire again! I swear I will tell…” He fell silent as he made it to the door that had been at the doorway of Twilight's room. His blood began to freeze as he turned and saw his sister sitting at her desk looking frazzled.

No, she looks like an explosion went off in her face. “Twilight are you alright? Do I need to drive you to the hospital?” He asked as he made his way to her side. Only to feel his heart nearly stop as her head impacted the desk. Thankfully she didn't impale herself on anything. Instead, all she did was begin to cry.

“None of them are working. I have tried almost every single one and yet nothing. None of them work. Why? Am I doing anything wrong?” Twilight blubbered still not noticing her brother who was beside her, nor Cadance who had appeared at her door with an expression of worry plastered upon her face.

No matter what field of magic she had tried nothing. From spells that were as simple as levitation to even a grand spell meant to make someone immortal. None worked for her. None of them had allowed her to grasp that so-called spark that her angel had sensed.

“Twilight you are attempting to redefine what is considered real. I would be more surprised if you got it so easily.” At Cadance’s voice, Twilight jolted back to reality.

“Cadance? What are you doing here? I thought that you…” As Twilight’s head twisted from the face of her favorite babysitter, even if she was a little old to have one, towards a clock that did show 16:03. “Never mind. But what do you mean?” She asked Cadance her head tilting in a clear show of her confusion at the older girl’s words.

“Well if it was easy someone else would have figured it out before you would have had a chance to. After all, it stands to reason that the only reason that it has taken so long for someone to discover how to once more use magic, is that no one as smart as you has attempted to do so.” Cadance softly explained as she bent down to meet Twilight’s gaze.

“Really? Even after all my failures?” Twilight whispered. Cadance only nodded. Shining put his hand on her head and ruffled her hair back into a much less exploded state.

“Werent you the one who keeps reminding everyone that she can, that each failure is simply a way to not do something?” Shing reminded his sister. “You just have to find the correct way to do it.” He continued on seeing Cadance’s smile widen as she nodded along with his words.

“Why don’t you have me try one of these spells you have been working on? After all, I wouldn’t want to be left out when you eventually become a grand wizard.” Cadance offered her own participation in the magical trials that Shining had been keeping her up to date with. “Then afterward you will be helping me and your brother fix up your room, little ladybug.”

“I’m not little anymore Cadance.” Twilight pouted for a moment before she looked through the various spells that had all failed. “What would you like to attempt to cast? A blood boiling curse, a spell designed to rupture someone’s eyes, or maybe-.” That was all Twilight managed to get out before Cadance cut her off.

“Perhaps something simple? Maybe it could do with love?” Cadance asked, trying to steer Twilight from spells that were designed to cause bodily harm. All the while silently mourning the once innocent child that she knew would have never suggested learning those spells. Twilight however unconcerned with her inner turmoil excitedly nodded as she began to search for a spell having to do with love.

“Here we are. Do you have a preference?” Twilight exclaimed after a few moments of finding the particular binder she had sorted all spells that had to do with love. Cadance could only gape at the rather full binder that Twilight had pulled from one of her desk drawers. Even the emblazoned smiling hearts that were stuck upon the front of the binder did anything to help her shock.

“Maybe something simple?” Cadance asked as she saw Shining backing away from the two of them. Twilight nodded and began to leaf through the binder before stopping on a page that was filled with various notes and quotations. ‘Awen Gwydd’ was written at the top of the page, below was written what the spell's origins were and what it was supposed to do.

“A spell that was based on an old druidic ritual meant to test the love of those within the circle. It is hypothesized that it was a spell that the druidic clans meant to detect would be traitors or any that held hatred in their hearts.” Twilight rattled off in succinct order. Pulling out what appeared to be a paintbrush and a small mason jar of paint. “Shining, can you go grab three blades of grass?” She asked her brother as she pushed the binder into Cadance’s hands.

“I am assuming for the spell?” Shining asks, seeking some clarification only for his sister to look at him as if he was dumb. Sighing at the cruelties of life he quickly retraced his steps grabbing a handful of grass before making his way back to his sister's room. It said something about how used he was to Twilight's recent actions as he barely even paused when he saw her painting strange symbols on Cadance’s face.

“Thank you,” Twilight mumbled to her brother, as she focused on ensuring that the designs she was copying onto Cadance were identical to the ones in the book. She wasn’t the most artistically inclined person but she felt that she did a decent enough job. “Alright, Cadance you just have to focus on the blade of grass within your hands while focusing on your feelings for the two of us. If the feelings are reciprocated the grass should bloom, while if either of us were intending to cause harm our blade should wilt.” Twilight excitedly explained before she paused. “Well if the spell works this time.” She continued with far less fervor.

While Twilight was busy explaining to Cadance what further steps she needed to perform for the spell to hopefully succeed she missed the way that both her elder brother and Cadance grinned at each other. Only for the grins to falter slightly at Twilight’s final words. Shining gave a blade of grass to both Cadance and his sister, as Twilight directed Cadance where to sit. Then following his sister's orders himself.

“Shall we cast some magic then?” Cadance questioned with a chuckle as both the siblings nodded in turn with the other. Closing her eyes, Cadance thought of the two of them. Shining Armor was someone that she likely would have never met. A chance meeting in after-school detention was what set their fates together. She had of course heard the various rumors about the so-called gallant knight that had stepped into a fight, and ended it in short order. She, however, at the time when she was attempting to find out more about the rumors, had asked the subject of them himself.

After she had gotten over her embarrassment that one interaction was all it took for them to share their names. From then on, they were friends, even if they were not close. They spent time together when they could but it was never something that either of them planned. Eventually, those meetings became planned. The two of them would forge a friendship that quickly was becoming evident of blossoming into something more.

Cadance’s thoughts then turned to Twilight. She was someone that you knew would do something great. It was clearly evident in the way that even at her young age that she was special. She was performing research that even with its particular topic being fantastical, was still being completed. So far she had yet to find anything yet Cadance knew that if there was anyone that could find the final embers of magic, she knew that it would be Twilight to find them.

Cadance upon hearing a gasp opened her eyes to an impossible sight. The blades of grasses sprouted small pink flowers that were reminiscent of roses. Cadance couldn't help her own gasp as she faintly saw the flowers continue to bloom, quickly growing larger in size. Becoming ever grander and more illustrious as time passed. It was an impossible sight that broke countless rules that she had grown up with and yet it was beautiful all the same.

“You did it.” Shining whispered out. “You performed magic.” Shining continued to mumble as he was too busy gaping at his girlfriend who has managed to perform this feat of pure mysticism. Cadance however managed to corral the amusement she felt at her own success to shoot a victorious grin at her boyfriend.

“I did indeed.” Cadance couldn't help the laughter that spilled from her mouth as was quickly lost in the accomplishment of what she had managed to do. Eventually, however, that laughter turned to a faint choking. Shining moved to ensure that Cadance was alright as the choking turned to hack, as Cadance closed her mouth in an attempt to stop the fit.

“Cadance are you alright?” Twilight asked her babysitter. Watching the way that the elation in her purple eyes from accomplishing the feat of magic quickly turned to panic. “Shiny I don’t think Cadance is alright!” Twilight exclaimed as she watched in horror as Cadance opened her mouth and blood began to seep out.

“Cadance I need you to move into the recovery position. Can you do that for me?” Shining Armor immediately asked his girlfriend as he made his way over to her side. Cadance didn't acknowledge his words. Instead, she put her hand to the blood that was still gushing from her mouth. Her purple eyes widened as she saw the life force that she was leaking.

Shining Armor slowly repeated his words, this time Cadance slowly nodded in understanding. Slowly she began to move towards the ground only to crumple. Shining Armor however didn't let her hit the ground, instead, she fell into his waiting arms. “Twilight, can you give me one of your blankets?” He asked his sister as he began to slowly lower Cadance to the ground. Her purple eyes had completely lost focus, as she lost conscience.

Immediately Twilight moved from where she had been frozen at her desk and grabbed a purple sheet from her bed. She turned around and quickly brought it to Shining who had just laid Cadance down, still supporting her head with his hands. “Can you fold it twice for me?” Shining Armor continued to ask his sister as he kept his gaze on Cadance. Twilight nodded and folded the blanket twice before pushing the blanket towards him.

Shining Armor took that moment to ensure that Cadance still had a pulse and was breathing. Thankfully for her, she was as he reached out for the blanket after carefully removing one of his hands and then lifting Cadance’s head so that she could now rest her head on the blanket. Once Shining Armor was certain that Cadance’s now unconscious form wasn't going to move he quickly fished out his phone and quickly called an ambulance.

“Why did this happen?” Shining Armor could barely hear his sister ask as he was relaying what had happened, minus a few key details, to the operator. “Why did Cadance get hurt?” Her confusion was ever present in her voice as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. “The spell shouldn't have hurt anyone.” Shining grabbed his sister’s hand and gave it a slight squeeze as he relayed their house’s address.

The two siblings stood vigilant over Cadance’s unconscious form; the only true sound still heard was the unseen operator on the phone ensuring that the situation did not worsen. For Twilight, however, that voice and even her brothers were but static spouts of noise. Something that should have made sense but to Twilight's senses was indecipherable. That was until the promised whine of salvation screeched through the air. Twilight finally turned from Cadance’s still form to see out her window what appeared to be a quickly approaching ambulance, blurring towards them.

“Twilight, can you go unlock the front door?” Shining Armor asked his sister who just gave a shallow nod before scurrying off down the stairs. Once his sister was out of sight, Shining Armor took a deep breath. “Everything is going to be alright Cadance. Hold on just a little bit longer. Please just hold on a little bit longer.” He begged at his unanswering partner's side.

The pounding of footsteps resounded through the air. Shining Armor could hear the screeching of tires. Shouts asking where everyone was, and what had happened. Thankfully it sounded as if Twilight was just leading them up the stairs. Only leaving her side when Cadance was being loaded upon the gurney.

Both siblings were unaware that a door previously locked had now been opened. For they were far too busy sharing concerns over Cadance as they quickly made their way after the ambulance that she had been loaded into. They were unable to see how the shadows of the house began to tumultuously roil. Whispered words spoken to unhearing ears.

“The Spark once more struck,
The Shield once more readied,
Love unshackled from chains of mortality,

The last freed,
Split in twain,
Tainted yet Pure,
Pure yet Tainted,
Endless eternities having awaited,

The Sun watches from far beyond,

as the final deal was taken.”

The final words whispered the shadows once more stilled. Eagerly awaiting their return.

Author's Note:

This chapter introduces the very real impact of magic and its cost to the unprepared. All the while showing that there were countless failures until once more the spark of magic had been brought into existence. Three of the four main characters have already been introduced. Unsure if there will be one more chapter before the fourth and final one will be introduced. That aside next chapter has a few potential avenues for me to go down and I am unsure which will be the most appropriate at the moment.

Comments ( 4 )

I truly am loving this, sad that Twilight has to face the fact that magic often comes with a price and this debt is probably going to be rough to swallow. Thankfully Cadence seems to be one of the three introduced of four main characters so she will likely be okay in some form or another.

I have a feeling that this is going to make Twilight really consider using magic again. Hopefully.

Interesting story. Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

This story is fascinating. I love the setup, I love the humor, I love "Mr. Bond" as a chemistry teacher's name, and I love how it teeters between serious and absurd. I've never seen a story like this, where Scitwi pursues magic with (almost) all the limitations of the human world, but now that I have, I really want to see it explored. I really hope you continue this, but if not, I loved it nonetheless.

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