• Published 9th Jun 2023
  • 421 Views, 28 Comments

I am still here - Idiotboy24

´Why won´t they leave me alone? What did I do to be haunted, by these monsters?´

  • ...

Feelings that can’t be formed

Eric walked through Ponyville head hung low, passing by the many ponies that stared at him with usual looks of distain. He was used to it by this point, and he honestly just didn’t care anymore about how they felt.

All that mattered was these nightmares, creatures, things, that continuously haunted his mind. They’ll never leave, they never stop torturing him and all he could do was watch as he tried holding back tears.


There it was again that noise, it was even louder now he knew it was real. But as he tried thinking more about it, he felt something behind him turning to see the face of a yellow bunny.

That had an emotionless face reaching for him ready to take him decaying as it got closer, with a yelp escaping his mouth he fled the other way as everypony else just stared with the same dirty looks.

“Freak.” One mare muttered.

“Insufferable” A stallion voiced.

But it meant nothing as he could only hear his breathing, get faster and more frantic as he ran. He eventually ran behind a building, sitting down placing his back against the outer wall, these monsters were appearing more frequently now… why?

He was so lost in thought that when he felt his shoulder be touched, he jumped in fright turning to see none other than Sweetiebelle looking at him with concern.

His fears and worries calmed down upon settling on her beautiful eyes, he began breathing slower as taking the time to recover from his panic. “Sweetiebelle? What are you doing?” He asked finally mustering up the courage to speak.

She still held a concerned face as she replied. “I heard noise from outside, and came to see what it was. And now I know.” She explained smiling.

Eric for the first time today smiled as well if only a little. “That’s nice to know. That somepony cares about me.”

Sweetiebelle then hopped down next to him, giving him company as to make sure he didn’t feel lonely. “What happened this time?” She asked.

Eric now facing her with a sad frown, was trying to hold back the pain he felt. “I don’t know, it was like a giant yellow bunny. And it tried to grab me, and it started look worse the closer it got.” He placed his hooves on the sides of his head. “What, did I do to deserve this?” He questioned with his voice breaking.

Sweetiebelle could only look on with sympathy as she then wrapped her hooves around him, bringing the frightened colt into her warm embrace. “Don’t worry, I’ll always be there for you.” She whispered, which made him accept the hug.

He felt his face burn from blushing, but he ignored it for now. “But that’s not the worst part.” He whispered back.

Sweetiebelle then pulled out of the embrace, but continued to hold his shoulders. “What’s happening?”

Eric hesitated wondering if this was something he should tell her. “The visions, all of the monsters, everything, it’s happening more frequently and I’m scared.”

Sweetiebelle could only continue to feel bad for him, he was suffering and all she could do was just talk to him about it. However her thoughts were stopped as a familiar voice entered her ears, which made her wince.

“Sweetiebelle! What are you doing being with him?!” They both turned to see Rarity, and she wasn’t happy to say the least.

Sweetiebelle could only look at her sister nervously. “I-I was trying to make him feel better.”

However Rarity rolled her eyes at this groaning, as she placed a hoof to her face in frustration. “This is why I don’t trust you outside the boutique, especially after school where you have troublemakers like him.”


Eric felt each word against him cut deep into his soul, did he really cause so many problems that his mere existence was a bad thing? He didn’t know, and what’s worse is that she was one of the element bearers that protected their home.

So the fact she was saying this out loud to him without any hesitation, told him everything he needed to know. “That’s not fair Rarity, Applebloom, Scootaloo and I always do stupid things and yet we’re still accepted. But when he’s seeing things that are hurting him, he’s automatically singled out because of it!”

Rarity however didn’t give her sister a chance to continue. “And how is seeing giant creatures normal? I don’t see any around here, he’s just looking for attention and you know it!”

That’s when Rarity came to realisation, after seeing Sweetiebelle’s face remain stern she gasped. “W-What you like him?!”

The little filly lost her stern look, Immediately being flustered. Rarity having enough growled in disappointment, as she pointed her hoof towards her younger sibling. “Sweetie head back inside now.”

“But Rarity-“ Sweetiebelle was cut off by her sister once more.

“Now!” Rarity demanded.

With a defeated sigh Sweetiebelle looked at Eric with sad eyes. “See you tomorrow Eric.” She then proceeded to walk away slowly as if to not leave h alone.

Rarity then faced the young colt who held so much guilt, he got her in trouble because of his existence what else could go wrong?

Rarity approached Eric with a deep glare making him shrink from how terrifying it was, as she breathed out her next words. “Don’t ever be around me, my sister, or the boutique ever again or you’ll find out what happens if you do.” She hissed.

The tears brimmed on the edge of his eyes, not just because of her words but the fact her face had changed into a disfigured version of Rarity, with sharp teeth and saliva dripping from the mouth.

It made him freeze in fear as he almost felt death grabbing at him, slowly towards his mind. He was never going to make anyone happy, he’s a curse to the world, a disease, nothing more than that and it was the truth.


He only looked down as he began turning around, saying his last words to the furious mare. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

Rarity caught onto the tone of his voice, it was something she’d never expect from a colt. It sounded Broken, and she didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

She however couldn’t dwell on it any further as Eric began walking away, his head still hung low with shame. He couldn’t dare himself to face her again, especially with how her once admired face turned into a vicious demon.

He shook his head to get rid of the thought, he just needed to remain calm and get home without hearing what other ponies had to say about him.

It would’ve worked out if it wasn’t for something else. ‘You’re lying to yourself.’

He went wide eyed from that, he looked around trying to figure out who just spoke to him. But nopony was near him, so was he just hearing things?

He continued his walk home when it came back again. ‘Why do you continue to hide how you really feel? They all despise you, and yet you think you’re the problem. Take a look around you, you’ll understand.’

Eric was taken aback there was a voice speaking to him from his mind, how is that even possible Nopony could have such a thing happen to them especially earth ponies like him.

But he followed through with the voice’s order and he knew why, all of the ponies around stared at him with a mixture of emotions that he couldn’t comprehend. It was daunting he continued to walk, moving slightly faster as he passed by multiple ponies that all faced him with the same look.

His breathing got faster alongside his galloping, more and more figures passed all turning demented, alongside some just being the monsters he’s seen before.

But he would then accidentally run into something, falling onto his haunches he looked up only to see the same giant bunny from before staring down at him with hate.

He felt they giant beast get closer reaching out for him, as the bystanders stood around him becoming shadows of what they once were laughing at him.

It was all interrupted by a voice. “Watch where you’re going kid!”

Eric blinked and everything changed back to normal, but what he saw as a Stallion who looked at him with anger. “I’m sorry.” Eric muttered pawning at the ground.

The stallion walked around Eric leaving, while all the other ponies looked at Eric with disbelief.

“Can’t watch where he’s going.” One said aloud.

“Trouble wherever he goes.” One mare stated.

“An abomination.” Another pony added.


It was getting too much for Eric as he hesitantly walked back home, all while hearing the comments from the ponies. He didn’t know how much longer he could this pain, but he was sure he would break soon.

Arriving to his front door he opened it slowly, as he walked in closing the entrance. He made his way to his bedroom where after entering, he sighed sadly hopping onto his bed.

He laid on his back staring up at the ceiling and knew for a fact, that no matter what happens he’s going to be stuck in that nightmare again.

And without so much as another second to breathe in the world around him, he closed his eyes dozing off into another restless sleep.

Author's Note:

The situation gets worse… who knew?