• Member Since 15th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

im a nopony

uhhhhhhh hi fluttershy best pony


Aria was handed money, a baby, and a whole lot of nothing better to do. So now she gets to watch Rainbow Dash grow up.

I didn't really have an idea for this I just typed for an hour and I got this.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 12 )

Work on the your and you're stuff a bit.
Otherwise this was an entertaining read.

thank you for the correction, it's been fixed

Aria was handed money, a baby, and a whole lot of nothing better to do. So now she gets to watch Rainbow Dash grow up.

I didn't really have an idea for this I just typed for an hour and I got this.

This story is at least as good as the long description seemed to promise!

But seriously, I think it does achieve a certain vibe.

This story is great!!!!

I love the bit at the end where Rainbow's thought process leads to "If they weren't lying about being magical monsters, then maybe they weren't lying about that other thing!"
Very fun.

I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of this.


Not even a real - HOW DARE

So, got pointed here from Paul's review and this turned out pretty much like i expected.

You say upfront that you're not putting a lot of effort into this and it shows. Not in any obvious mechanical issues but in the blatant lack of an overt overarching plot. But who cares about that! This was a fun little read that didn't take itself serious at all and just had fun with surface level humor.

Not really enough to go into my fav's, but gets a solid thumbs up. Even this little blurb is more than I usually do, so just saying good job. :twilightsmile:

I like quite, there is no plot or real characters to worry about, only sarcastic characters and problematic situations

This is a lot of fun. Though I find myself curious how the Band Battles would go from there...

This was pretty fun.

With this one I already have a story with Adagio and Aria as mothers of one of the Rainbooms; Now I need to find the one with Sonata.

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