• Published 24th May 2023
  • 5,835 Views, 98 Comments

Maternal Mayhem - Some Leech

Being the only human in Equestria ain't all that bad, but having an overly affectionate, naive, older mare as a caretaker isn't the easiest thing to deal with...

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Barely Restrained

Anon walked out of the locker room, shielded his eyes from the sun, and smiled. Maybe he’d been wrong - maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad afterall. Pueblo de Caballos, the relatively little village in which he lived, didn’t have all that much to offer the world, but the town’s pool was one of its most popular destinations.

At some point or another, some ingenious or idiotic official had decided to go buck wild with the city’s budget and invest in a top-tier pool for the residents. Complete with a large changing and showering facility, a diving pool, a foal’s pool, and the olympic sized main pool, the place was almost always packed during the hotter months of the year. Stepping to the side, allowing two young colts to wiz past him and jump headlong into the cool, clear water, he contentedly sighed.

Given the balmy heat, cloudless sky, and the fact that it was the weekend, it felt like everyone in town had come to relax and cool off. It was actually kind of heartwarming to see the younger ponies having fun, splashing one another or learning how to swim with their parents’ help, though the sight of them did evoke a subtle melancholy within him. Gone were the carefree days of his youth, replaced by the ennui of adulthood.

Walking over to the deep end of the pool, he eased himself down and slipped his legs into the water. Like many of his days off work, he was going to play things by ear. If and when he got tired of swimming or lounging, he’d probably head back home, maybe take a nap, and probably tidy up his room before he retired for the evening. He turned his face upward and watched a pair of pegasi sail overhead.

“There you are, sweetie!” a recognizable voice bleated.

As he twisted his torso and looked to the side, the blood drained from his face. He’d had no doubt that Leech had called out to him, her pitch and subtle accent being quite distinct, yet nothing could have prepared him for what his eyes beheld. With one hand held above her head, waving and smiling in his direction, the amazonian mare jogged toward him.

The flow of time seemed to dilate, stretching seconds into what felt like an eternity, which prolonged and amplified his torment by an unfathomable degree. He’d been out to the pool with Leech on many occasions, more than he could easily count, yet nothing could have prepared him for seeing her in such an unseemly way. Instead of the typical one-piece swimsuit she normally wore, a modest garment that, while tight, wasn’t revealing in the slightest, her current outfit was anything but conservative.

He’d seen ponies in skimpy bikinis plenty of times, but even the most revealing ones were downright tame compared to the getup Leech had stuffed herself into. Parts of his brain overloaded, while his eyes tried to drink in each and every sinful feature of her unseemly attire. Her breasts bounced with each bounding step she took, threatening to pop into the open air, and fabric clinging to her nethers left nothing to the imagination.

“How does it look?” she mused, wheeling around and bringing her hands behind her head.

The second he got a look at her back, his jaw nearly hit the concrete beneath him. Whatever cloth had been meant to cover her tush had been consumed by the large, supple mounds of her ass. He didn’t know if the article was meant to be a thong, yet a single strip of material jutted from between her buns, drew taut over her lower back, and forked over her shoulders. Her swimsuit, if the thing could even be classified as one, was easily the most obscene piece of clothing he’d ever seen anyone wear in person.

Her bikini would have turned heads and stirred loins regardless of its color, yet the neon pink of the garment was superbly eye-catching. Though the dark coat on her body and the white fur of her face, mane, and tail clashed with the outfit, the bawdy beachwear did complement her eyes almost perfectly. Drawn to a touch of alabaster on her groin, he noticed that her snowy, downy bush was painfully visible for any and all to see.

Standing in front of him, she cocked her head to the side. “Honey, are you alright?”

He gazed up at her in open awe, too shocked to speak. He’d unintentionally seen her stark naked before, but this - this was somehow more erotic than her being nude. A number of questions burst into his head, ranging from where she’d gotten the sling bikini to how in the hell she’d been allowed to exit the changing room while adorned in something so risque, yet those concerns were countered by the crippling compulsion to bask in her radiance.

Her height, the outfit, the sun gleaming behind her - if he hadn’t known better, he could have mistaken her as the embodiment of some ancient fertility goddess. Though she’d never had any children of her own, her full, weighty bosoms, foal-bearing hips, and the healthy amount of pudge she bore spoke of a fruitfulness belying her age. Unable to look away from her, lost to his stunned awe, he was broken from his trance when a wolf-whistle split the air.

She looked over and beamed at the teenage colt who’d been ballsy enough to openly heckle her. “Was that for me?”

Wading through the water and closer to her, the young unicorn stallion reached up and brushed his mane back. “I don’t see any other cute mares around,” he chuckled, shooting her a wink. “Wait - no fucking way…”

“Language!” she tutted, stomping a foot and sending a ripple up her thighs and to her bust.

The stallion climbed out of the pool, got to his feet, and grinned. “You’re that cool mare that lives by the railroad tracks ~ aren’t you?”

“I don’t know about the cool part,” she giggled, bashfully grinding her thighs together, “but I do live near the tracks.”

“My friends and I used to walk by your place on the way back from school every day!” the unicorn exclaimed, ignoring the man steadily rising behind him. “There was one time we went by and saw you sunbathing in your front yard! Holy cow - I don’t think I’ll ever forget about - Gah!”

Anon leered down at the pool, his arms outstretched from having shoved the stallion into the depths. He hadn’t the slightest idea who the punk was, but he knew good and damned well what the little bastard had been up to. While it was an all too common occurrence, spotting youthful studs eyeing her like a piece of meat, this was the first time anyone had been brazen enough to openly start flirting with her.

“Anon,” she huffed, scowling down at the man, “there’s no need to be rude!”

Turning to face her, having inadvertently drawn more attention over to them, he glared up at her. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

Her expression softened slightly. “Is something wrong?”

Looking to the side, noticing a number of vacant lounge chairs to the side, he nodded. “Just come on.”

He didn’t wait for her reply, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her behind himself. A pony of her size stood out like a sore thumb in any situation, but her choice of swimwear would all but guarantee every stallion who was even remotely straight quickly took notice of her. Stopping under the shade of one of the poolside umbrellas, he motioned for her to sit.

Where did you get that?” he grumbled, his eyes tracing the twin strands of cloth sinking into her bosoms.

Peeking down at herself, she scrunched her snout. “My bikini?”

“Yes,” he groaned, “the damn bikini…”

“Oh! Well I was out at the mall last weekend when a fine young stallion in the mare’s clothing store pointed it out to me,” she merrily exclaimed. “I wasn’t going to get it, considering how much the silly thing cost, but the salespony offered me a discount!”

As he squinted up at her, his frown deepened. “He offered you a discount…?”

Mmmhmm!” she hummed. “After I tried it on, he liked it so much that he let me have it for fifty percent off - heck, he even asked if he could take a few pictures of me wearing it!”

“Lee -” he began, cutting himself off as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Mom, you didn’t let him take pictures ~ did you?”

With a proud smile on her face, she nodded. “I sure did - in fact, I was thinking about going back there soon! The clerk said he’d be willing to let me model more of their clothes, as long as he had his camera handy!”

He clenched his jaw and balled his fist, seething at the thought of some random asshole taking unscrupulous pictures of the naive mare. “If you go back, I want to come with you - you know, so I can meet this nice stallion who was being so generous…”

“Of course, sweetheart!” she chirped, shooting forward and trapping him in a hug.

With his face pressed firmly to the fur of her chest, his head entombed in her rack, he gently pushed himself away and freed himself. Had this been any other occasion, he would have started blushing in embarrassment, yet all he felt was cold, unyielding contempt. She may have been a royal headache at times, but he wasn’t about to let some slimy dickhead, regardless of what sort of discounts they offered, take advantage of her gullibility.

Stepping back, she quirked a brow. “So what did you want to talk to me about, honey?”

“Did you bring a change of clothes?” he asked, gathering his thoughts and tamping down his indignation.

She shrugged and shook her head. “No, but I made sure to pack us towels, water, and some suntan lotion ~ why?”

Hanging his head, he closed and rubbed his eyes. “Wait right here.”

He turned and ran back to the changing area. Though he’d intended to use his towel after he’d finished swimming, the less than ideal circumstances demanded he grab their supplies post haste. His only hope was that nobody would harass Leech while he was away, yet that felt like praying for rain in the Sahara desert.

Collecting his things in less than a minute, he shot out of the locker room in a dash - sadly, it was already too late. Seeing an older, admittedly burly pegasus standing over the then supine mare, laughing and chatting with her, his temper flared. He slowed as he approached, not wanting to instigate a fight but fully prepared to shoo the big lug off, and lifted a hand.

“Here we go!” he chipperly noted, circumventing the beefy stallion to sit on the edge of her seat. “Wouldn’t want you to get a sunburn ~ would we?”

Gingerly taking her wrist, he lifted and kissed the back of her hand. The way he saw it, there was one possible way for him to throw a monkey wrench in the pegasus’ plans - he’d act like Leech’s paramour. He knew it would be awkward, especially if she got the wrong idea, but going toe to toe with the musclebound lug would end one of two ways - he’d either end up getting folded like a lawn chair or he’d be made a laughing stock.

“So - uh - who’s this?” the stallion grumbled, casting a baleful glance over to the human.

“Oh that’s Anon!” she blithely replied, sitting up and running her fingers over his head. “He’s my -”

“I’m her man,” he interrupted, grinning at the stallion’s face. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure my special little mare doesn’t get too crispy while getting her tan.”

The pegasus’ reaction couldn’t have been better, sullenly frowning as he turned and shuffled off, but Leech’s reaction was equal parts bewildering and disconcerting. Looking from the retreating stallion to her face, fully expecting her to be confused, he discovered her biting her bottom lip. Gone in a blink of an eye, the bizarre look on her face disappeared so quickly that he couldn’t be certain he’d seen it in the first place - still, for a fleeting instant, he could have sworn he’d seen a glimmer in her heavily-lidded eyes.

“You’re my man?” she purred, twisting her arm and seizing his wrist. “Tell me, what exactly does that mean?”

“I - um - well, y…you see,” he sputtered, trying to stand.

“You’re not going to leave ~ are you?” she pressed, the corners of her full, pouting lips turning up.

He swallowed hard, feeling her vice-like grip on his arm. Unless he was willing to gnaw the extremity off, there was no escape. Being firmly held by a scantily clad mare would have been off-putting in and of itself, yet the contemptuous stares he got from a good number of the pool’s attendees made his position all the more mortifying. Virtually every virile male in the place gazed upon him with admiration, jealousy, or some combination of the two, making him increasingly self-conscious about the predicament he’d flung himself into.

Slipping one hand into their belongings from the ground, Leech smirked. “Since you offered…”

“Offered?” he parroted as she released his wrist.

“You said you didn’t want me to get burned,” she whispered. “Since you’re so worried about me, how about you be my man and put some lotion on me.”

Unease, excitement, and confusion waged a pitched battle in his mind, locking his higher functions and robbing him of the ability to move. Had she misinterpreted his bluff? Did she actually want him to slather her with lotion? Could she possibly have the slightest idea of what of him being her man entailed? Pushing herself up on one arm, she rolled onto her stomach and rested her head on her hands.

“Don’t leave me waiting for too long,” she cooed, peeking over her shoulder at him with a glint in her eye.

The view of her back was staggering, giving him a moment for pause. While she wasn’t what he’d describe as athletic, he could make out the muscles on her shoulders, neck, and upper back - what’s more, her nearly-bare buns practically begged to be squeezed. Jumping when something bumped against his thigh, having completely missed her pulling the bottle of suntan lotion from the bag, he stared down at her hand.

Rolling her hips from side to side, she faintly chuckled. “If you don’t do it, I’m sure somepony else will…”

He sank to one knee, his legs nearly giving out, and grabbed the lotion from her hand. Though he was loath to admit it, she’d made a very valid point. He’d bet everything he had and would ever own that leaving her for even a moment would give some intrepid, lustful soul an opportunity to put their hands all over her - likely in a very unscrupulous way. With but the slightest bit of hesitation, offering a mute plea for any higher powers listening to give him strength, he uncapped the bottle and squirted some of the thick, viscous fluid into his hand.

What happened after that moment, once he’d slicked his palms in lotion, was a total mystery. He’d heard that people could occasionally mentally check out in times of psychological duress, acting in a daze without thought, and this must have been one of those occasions. When he finally came back to his senses, with the sun having dipped toward the horizon, he realized hours had passed.

He looked over as Leech sat up, arching her back and stretching her arms over her head, and licked his lips. The sheen on her body led him to believe he’d coated every exposed inch of her with the sunscreen - a conclusion made all the more concrete by the flashes and repressed memories of his hands gliding over her belly, thighs, and bust. If he’d done anything unsavory to her - with her, she showed no sign - if anything, she simply looked relaxed and very content.

“I really needed that,” she sighed, swinging her legs over and standing beside him. “Are you ready to go, sweetheart?”

As he went to get up, he numbly nodded. “Yeah…”

She took him by the hand and smiled, her contented look as pure and innocent as the first snow of winter. “Would my little man want some pizza tonight? It’s getting late and I’d rather not cook anything.”

Despite himself, he grinned. He was sun-burnt, exhausted, and heaven only knows what sort of display he’d put on while rubbing her down, yet the promise of pizza soothed his tattered nerves. As he strolled along beside her, her wobbling bosoms dominating his peripheral vision, a small amount of pride welled within him. He may not have actually been her man, but he was most definitely her human…