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Chapter 2: Holding the line at all cost, part 2

Moonlight, Sombra and Chrysalis were gauging each other. Earlier, he used his time magic on the girls, and also Stygian, to heal them (It’s not healing, to properly say, Moonlight just reversed the flow of time on their bodies to one where they were not injured)

“You 3 can rest” said Moonlight to the Sirens. “I can handle those 2 myself”

Sombra let out a loud laugh. Chrysalis felt a chill down her spine.

“Sorry, Sombra, but you’re on your own!!” she said.

She flew away from him. Adagio and her sister immediately went after her, managing to block off her escape.

“Still want to fight, worms?!” shouted Chrysalis. “Then let’s fight to the death!!”

“Last time, it was just you and me” said Adagio. “But it’s 3 against one, now...Your friend Sombra won’t save your ass this time around.”

“Pfft” said Chrysalis. “Even if you were healed, your magical energy should still be depleted.”

“That’s what you think, Chrysalis” said Moonlight. “Hey, girls!! Your magical energy is fully replenished!! Same for you, Stygian!!”

Adagio, Aria and Sonata powered up, same for Stygian, who was standing alongside Sunny.

“Time for round 2, baby” said Stygian. “Our powers combined will wipe the floor with this brute”

Sunny was surprisingly shocked by Stygian newfound confidence.

“I really want to fuck you so badly right now!” said Sunny to him. “But first, i’m gonna trash the guy who beat you to a pulp”

Sunny turned into an humanoid hybrid of an hydra and a wyrm and charged at Tirek. This one blasted her with a beam, that she dodged by diving underground. Next thing he knew, Tirek got punched in the nuts. Stygian made a grimace, feeling for him.

“You fucking bitch...” said Tirek, with a squeeky voice.

He didn’t have time to react that he received a barrage of punches from below, courtesy of Sunny, the finishing blow sent him flying in the air. Sunny got out of the ground and turned back to normal. Tirek already recovered from the attack and was grinning. Stygian tripped him over with a magic tentacle and Tirek fell off on his butt. Fast as lightning, Sunny moved the ground under him and lauched Tirek in the air again. Stygian grew magic wings, rushed toward Tirek, and barrage-punched him. Sunny joined in started doing the same in Tirek’s back.

“Double Barrage!!” they shouted.

They finished their assault with a double diving kick to the face. Tirek crashed on the ground, causing a shockwave.

“And we’re not done yet!!” said Sunny. “Full transformation: Salamander and Wyvern!!”

Sunny turned into a massive dragon hybrid.

“I won’t be outdone!!” said Stygian. “Magic Configuration: Dragon!!”

Stygian’s Gleam turned into a dragon, with him inside. Sunny combined the power of wind and fire to create a mega-powerful blast of fire and Stygian blasted a huge magic laser from the dragon’s mouth. The two projectiles hit their target, causing a massive explosion. Meanwhile, Moonlight was humiliating Sombra.

“Damn it!!” he shouted. “You can’t just keep doing that!!”

“Not my fault of none of your moves can touch me” said Moonlight. “Just step down, Sombra, you’re not the opponent i’m looking for.”

“SHUT UP!!” he yelled, angry.

He rushed toward Moonlight with the energy of despair.

“Oh well...Can’t be helped, i guess” said this one.

He immobilized Sombra with time magic and then blasted him with an explosion spell in the guts. When time resumed for Sombra, this one was sent flying backward violently. Moonlight appeared behind him and blasted him again, this time, toward the sky. He then reappeared again above Sombra and hit him with two magic blast to the chest. Sombra fell down like a meteorite and hit the ground violently. As for Chrysalis, she was at the complete mercy of the Dazzlings, who kept spamming their moves like pro-gamers in a competitive match.

“It’s time for the Finale, girls!!” said Adagio. “Let’s blast her!!”

Their magic avatars fired a huge-ass beam at the fallen queen, followed by a huge explosion. Grogar, who was seeing the battle live, smiled.

“Rise, my fallen warriors. I, Grogar, won’t let you fail your mission!” he shouted.

The villains’ magical artifacts suddenly glew bright. The next instant, Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek were back up at full health and strenght. Moonlight let out a small sigh of impatience.

“Not good” said Stygian. “Grogar must be using magic to juice them back up to full health.”

“And so can i” said Moonlight. “He’s only delaying the inevitable...”

Although their injuries had been healed, Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek’s started to doubt their chances at winning their fights.

“This fight will lead us nowhere” said Sombra. “If both you and Grogar are able to bring us back to full health once we fall, then this battle might never end.”

“And we both know that neither of us can run away” said Moonlight. “Grogar’s holding you on a leash, isn’t he? Those artifacts he gave you sure gave you a lot of power, but they’re also a mean for him to control you.”

“Isn’t the Alicorn Amulet also one of the artifacts he created?” asked Sombra. “The one you’re wearing right now? Certainly that mean he can control you too.”

“No chance” said Moonlight “I gave it back to Twilight, after i took the magic of the amulet for myself, of course. Long story short, the Alicorn Amulet’s powers reside within me now. More precisely, absorbing the Alicorn Amulet’s magic turned me into an Alicorn.”

“As for me” said Sunny. “I absorbed the magic of every dragon’s Dragonlord Scepter. More precisely, i was granted enormous power by the Dragonlords themselves. My magic ain’t as broken as my brother’s, but my immense raw power more than make it up for it.”

“Let’s head back to Canterlot” said Chrysalis. “Grogar, please send us back in town, that place isn’t fun to fight in anymore...”

The trio was teleported on Grogar’s whim.

“Is that true?” asked Adagio. “Did you really...?”

“Of course not” said Moonlight. “Turns out i didn’t even need the powers of the Amulet in the first place.”

“Wait, what?” said Stygian. “I mean, what was the amulet’s power?”

“The Alicorn Amulet grant to those who wear it the ability to cast any type of spell they want” answered Moonlight. “That’s what Twilight told me anyway. And it turns out the ability i possess already allow me to do the same thing than the amulet. So carrying it around was just not necessary anymore.”

“So, you’re that powerful all by yourself?” asked Aria.

“Power wise, yes, i’m on the same level as an Alicorn.” answered Moonlight. “Kinda like Starswirl the Bearded. It’s a power i cultivated for centuries. Also, she gave me this artifact after i helped her with some tasks.”

Moonlight showed them a mysterious pendant. He also casted a spell around them to prevent Grogar from hearing them.

“This pendant was made with the crystalline wood from the Tree of Harmony itself” he said. “Twilight told me it was infuse with it’s magic and that as long as my heart is righteous, i could call upon it’s power to draw an endless amount of magical energy from it. I want to protect Sunny, and i want Grogar to pay for what he’s done to me and many others. From the bottom of my heart. I also want to redeem myself, and save those 3 morons from Grogar’s clutches. I want to save everyone that can be saved...”

“The look in it’s eyes” thought Stygian. “It’s the same look that Starswirl used to have when facing hardships...A look of righteous fury...”

“Yeah yeah...” said Sunny, pulling Stygian by the arm. “But let’s not waste time and get back to Canterlot already.”

She turned into a Wyvern-Quetzacoalt dragon hybrid and told everyone to climb on her back. She took off and headed toward Canterlot. They reached their destination in only a couple minutes.

“They’re over here!!” shouted Sonata.

The group landed with style on the ground. Sunny turned back to a more human-like form and was flying above everyone.

“Well, it look like the eclipse has passed” said Stygian. “That mean the main force is going to be here soon!”

“I’m going to do them a favor and take out those 3 before they arrive” said Moonlight.

“You can try all you want” said Chrysalis. “You can slice us up to pieces, send us in another dimension, tear our hearts out or disintegrate us to dust, doesn’t matter, because Grogar can patch us right away.”

“So, he literally won’t let you die until his bidding is done” said Moonlight. “Is that how desperate you are without us, Grogar?”

He looked at his pendant.

“No, i swore to only use it’s power to defeat Grogar...” he thought. “I’ll let the girls deal with saving those 3 from Grogar’s cruelty. That’s my secret weapon and Grogar’s not allowed to know about it. That’s why i set up that anti-spying spell before talking about it to them.”

Moonlight looked at the villains

“Let’s just stall them for now” he thought.

He turned to the heroes.

“Here’s what we’re gonna do” he said. “We fight until THEY arrive.”

Moonlight opened the hostilities and rushed toward Tirek, followed by Aria. Stygian and Sonata went for Sombra and Sunny and Adagio, for Chrysalis. Upon touching Tirek, Moonlight froze him in time with his magic.

“Blast him, Aria!!” he said to her. “He won’t be able to do anything”

Aria followed his advice and unleashed a torrent of magical attacks upon her enemy. Moonlight undid the spell on Tirek, causing him to be smashed in the air by the accumulated kinetic energy of Aria’s attacks. Not so far from them, Stygian and Sonata were unleashing hell on their opponent. Stygian was blocking Sombra’s attacks while Sonata attacked him. But Sombra was also wearing down his opponents, since some of his attack managed to hit the duo. Sunny, her, was keeping Chrysalis on her toes, occasionally assisted by Adagio’s supersonic waves. Tirek got back on the ground and almost squished Aria to a bloody pulp.

“I don’t know what just happened, right now” he said. “Did you stop time?”

“I froze you in time, if that’s what you’re wondering” answered Moonlight. “And i can do it again, and again, and again.”

“But you need to touch me first” said Tirek. “I won’t let you touch me again.”

Without warning, Tirek disappeared and reappeared behind Aria. But his attack was stopped by an invisible wall. Aria got away and blasted Tirek.

“Another one of your tricks?!” shouted Tirek.

“One of many, actually.” answered Moonlight. “And i’m holding back on you, you know. You’ll already be dead by now, but i want to save you and that’s why you’re still alive”

“Because you think you can save us?” said Tirek. “Even the Elements of Harmony can’t save us. Grogar can just re-energize us back up to full power. And if we were to have a change of heart, Grogar would kill us without hesitation. It’s a go for broke situation for us; We beat you, Grogar reward us, we fail, Grogar kill us.”

“You really think they can stop us, Grogar!?” shouted Moonlight. “I know you’re watching...Just let them go and face me yourself! It’s you i want dead, not them!”

“Same goes for me as well, my dear Moonlight” answered Grogar by forced telepathy. “I have no interest in you, the girls are who i’m after. But don’t worry, once i’m done with them, i’ll finish the job i should have finished 3000 years ago...by killing you, that whore you call your sister and her precious daughter. No, i got a better idea...i shall have her kill her own daughter, then have you kill your own sister, then finish you myself. But your dead will be a slow, painful one...”

“And people call me sadistic...” said Chrysalis.

“Not even i’m that cruel!!” said Sombra.

“That seriously fucked up, dude!” said Tirek.

“Shut up, you 3, and get back to work!” shouted Grogar.

He took over their minds in an instant. The trio started attacking the heroes again.

“...And that’s when you girls arrived!!” said Moonlight, back to the present. “Be aware of those 3, even if you manage to depower them with your Rainbow Laser, Grogar can and will replenish their power...”

“This is why we need to destroy the relics they’re wearing first.” said Sunny. “They’re likely what allow Grogar to power them up as well as controlling them.”

“Tirek’s relic is around his waist, Chrysalis’ relic is on her forearm and Sombra’s relic is on his head” said Stygian.

“They’re probably indestructible” said Adagio. “So our only bet is to remove the relics from their bodies.”

“Also, look out for Nightmare” said Aria. “The creep still hasn’t shown himself”

“So, how do we proceed?” asked Moonlight to Sunset.

She looked at her friends and told everyone to get closer. She then explained her plan to them.

“Couldn’t have come with a better strategy myself” said Moonlight. “And that come from a master strategist...”

“Master strategist, you?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Ha!! Good one!”

“I was the one to come up with the famous Trojan Horse strategy, by the way.” said Moonlight. “Why do you think they used a horse as model? I was also the one who taugh Alexander the Great about war strategies...I was also the one who poisoned him...”

“Why?” asked Sunset.

Moonlight pointed at Sunny.

“Because the bastard slept with my whore of a sister...” answered Moonlight. “That was the straw that broke the camel back.”

“I wonder how much of our History you two are responsible for?” asked Twilight.

“A lot” answered Sunny. “From Ancient Egypt to the 20th century, we’ve been behind almost every major event.”

“It’s easy to get bored when you’re immortal...” said Moonlight.

“Have you worked for the Nazis?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Anyway, enough chatting” said Moonlight, ignoring the question. “You have a world, no, two worlds to save!”

“I’ll take that as a yes” said Pinkie Pie.

“We didn’t work for the Nazis” answered Sunny. “But we did kill their supreme leader!”

“Even we and Grogar have standards, believe it or not.” said Moonlight.

“You killed Adolf Hitler?!” said Rainbow Dash. “Awesome...”

“Shot him right in the head!” said Moonlight.

“And i burned down his bunker!” said Sunny.

“Wait, why are we still chatting?” asked Moonlight. “We have a world to save!!”