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Everfree V

Always a fan of audio readings

Comments ( 51 )

Can't believe the ponies are this stupid!?

When the real Nightmare Moon/Luna does show up. They all owe Bellestarmon a huge frickin apology for being the attackers.

P.S. Why does Celestia even think that the Digimon gunslinging hottie is Luna!!??

Do they coincidentally have the same VA?


'The voice is the same, but her appearance is… what about her.' With a quick flash of her horn, Celestia scanned the woman with her magic. A dark blue glow coming from her. 'Her magic is there… could her form have changed from all those years on the moon.'

"What did you do?" Bellestarmon questioned.

"I scanned your body, do you really not remember who I am, Luna?" The white alicorn asked with concern.

Celestia did a scan of her magic and assumes that they're the same person. As well as a similar voice, the timing of the arrival and the pure chance that she ended up at the castle.


That makes no sense. Either Celestia's magic is malfunctioning, or there is something very fishy going in here.

Because it's obvious that our digimon protagonist sounds like a displaced. Not a amnesiac Luna that somehow turn into a digimon!?

I never said they were the same person, I just answered why Celestia thinks they're the same. They sound displaced because they are.

digimon in equestria ? hot damn and its bellstarmon too ! i cant wait to see where this is going.
also this is prob the one of the handful of mlp x digimon stories so this is gonna scratch a inch i havent had in years

Will this story have original digimon in it?

I hadn't thought about it, but now that you've put that idea out there, It might :)

i dont know what others might think but having gallantmon or dukemon as total opposite to her personality wise added would be interesting and maybe hes sent to "set her straight" after dealing with beezlemon he knows how shell cause lots of trouble and chaos

Maybe, I do have one in mind, but I don't want to spoil who I've selected. However I don't think I will throw out the idea of Gallantmon/Dukemon just yet. We'll see where things go.

Mask: Nice forth wall breaking Pinkie.

Comment posted by OP Omni God-Emperor Doom deleted May 23rd, 2023

Backing up into the wall, Celestia slid down to her bottom as she covered her face in sadness and frustration. "Oh Lulu… where did I go wrong…" She said to herself in the emptiness of the hall.

You fool.

Finally, there's the REAL Luna.

Celestia will feel like a total moron, once Luna is back here.

As for what happened with that pervert doctor.
Bellestarmon is totally in the right for doing that.

I'm very disappointed in Celestia for being against Bellestarmon about that. :facehoof:

Just gonna throw this question here for the next chapter, who should our main lady with anger issues meet when she gets to Apple Loosa?
Comment with your suggestions. I'll pick the one that works best.

Ohh it is so nice to see a fellow Digimon currently running a muck in Equestria. Nice fic, looking forward to more (oh and maybe bring in the Bullmon with the Buffalo sense bovine).

You got to be kidding me. Where do these new digimon keep coming from!?

"And what of you? Do you have one?" The chief asked, turning his head slightly.

"Maybe… somewhere… I just haven't met them yet." Belle stated as the two of them watched the digimon and buffalo embrace one another in a hug.


In the cave holding the tree of harmony, a Blue alicorn princess by the name of Luna stood looking out at the cave's entrance. A small black and silver device within her hand. As she looked out into the bright world, an annoyed look held tight across her face.

"Are you sure you are ready, princess?" A male voice called from behind her at the trunk of the tree.

"That digimon has been running amuck, tarnishing our good name for long enough. We refuse to simply sit idling any longer. Equestria needs their princess and thy monster needs a good beating." Luna said not turning from where she stood.

"Good Beating", like that will ever happened. :ajbemused:

Belle will need guidance, and don't do something that you will regret, Luna.

Plus, Celestia, the Mane Six, and the others OWNS Belle a huge ass apology for the misunderstanding and trouble.

Wow, never thought you give Braeburn a very nice gift in this story!? :pinkiegasp: :ajsmug:

honestly, neither did I. 🤣
One of the few who didn't have a bad time.

So to sum up, Celestia is an idiot, the mane six are morons, Spike is adorable and, ahem, (in a Ralph Wiggims voice) "Haha, I'm in danger." Luna is still okay at this point, Belle is just done with the ponies' stupidity, and Braeburn is a very lucky stallion.

That would be a good summary of what has been written so far ,yes.

One, those guards should be rightfully punished, and disciplined very harshly.

And two, I think Applejack needs to have that long talk to Belle about what happened with Braeburn coming out of the nowhere.

And three, will Luna finally show up soon? So, Celestia will know that she was the big stupid one here. And owns BOTH Belle and Luna herself a huge ass apology for the mix-up.

Have you ever thought of giving Bellestarmon a custom form/evolution? Just Curious and thought would ask.

I was thinking of using bio-evolution at some point down the line and possibly giving her Nightmare Moon's illusion magic since she absorbed her magic in the first chapter. Haven't decided on what the bio form would be yet. But I am aware that she does have an 'X' form and if she digi-fuses with Beelzemon they just make Beelzemon Burst Mode.

I might have kind of done two of the three things you've mentioned. I might have missed the first one.


Not really. You didn't exactly do the last two things either. Word for word I mean.

Comment back, and I will fully explain later.

By all means, please do. I enjoy the feedback. Just try not to spoil the chapter for those who haven't read it. Spoiler tags are good for that.

Edit: I've re-read your previous comment. And I'll address it here the best I can.

The next chapter would be a decent place for a one on one talk between Applejack and Belle.

The thing with the guards is a mixed bag since there are technically two events that would have to be looked at. 1: being how they handled the Bullmon incident. 2: being the comments made by the two mares in the bathroom. While punishment would be handled by Celestia or Shinning Armor, they were beaten by Belle herself.

As for Celestia feeling like an idiot about her confusion with Belle and Luna,
I only wanted to briefly touch on it since it wasn't the focus of the chapter. Yes she owes Belle an apology and it will come in time.

As for her getting one from the members of the main six, im not sure i fully agree. Pinkie got hurt over Ponyville’s stupidity and how she goes along with it, but at least tried with Belle. Applejack was in the right when she confronted Belle for stealing her apples and got hurt for it. An argument could be made for Rainbow, but she was helping her friend and got hurt worse. As for Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight, at not point did they do anything wrong outside of taking Celestia at her word. Which was proven false.

So while yes, I didn't completely address the three things you were hoping for, I do have things in mind. I am also one who can easily misunderstand things, so if I do in fact look forward to feedback so I can address things that others want to see in future chapters.

Ha I never thought about the origin of digieggs in such a way, interesting with how long it would last. I will say that after such an event it might have been cool to have her dedigivolve, but hey that is just me. You do you, and have fun!

Just imagine the God of displaced digimon talking to Marcus and Belle.

God: For you Marcus, I shall grant you the use of alternate forms.
Marcus: Bitch'n.
God: And for you Belle, thebpain of child birth.
Belle: oh what the fuck!
*teleports them away to their own stories*

Hahaha, yes that is one of the very few breaks that Marcus was given in his life.

Belle smirked as a thought entered her head. "I think I have a better punishment for you two." Belle stated as she glanced over to Capitan Armor. "I want these two stripped of their ranks and sent back to basics for training. When they have completed their tasks there, we will meet back her for a two on one match, if they fail to beat me in combat, they will have to start their training over again." Belle slowly turned her head to face the mares. "We will repeat this until you two can best me as a group. If you quit it will be seen as abandonment of the royal army. Which will be sentenced as life without release. Do I make myself clear."

Pfft. "Besting" you will be frickin impossible down to almost infinity.

If you fought the princesses and beat them quite easily, what tiny chance does these regular two sassy bitches have against you?

The likes of Discord or Tirek have way more of a chance to challenge you. Not these regular morons.

It's like comparing to a regular person with no superpowers whatsoever vs a very powerful DC or Marvel character that WON'T hold back. :pinkiecrazy:

( P.S. How the hell can they achieve a decent high rank like Lieutenant before. And still act like sassy teen b****** that you see in those high school dramas, really freaking baffles me????? At least their demoted big time. )

As someone that comes from a military family, you would be amazed. Typically the higher the rank, the cockier and more dickheaded they are, That doesn't mean everyone with a high rank is like that, just most whom i've personally met.

I’m kind of surprised you haven’t made a “this is gonna be a blast!” Joke with her wielding, guns, and all that.

Grate story:D

I'm more likely to use the Evil Dead 'Groovy' line to be honest. And Thanks

Woah, she was a soldier in her past lifetime?

Not bad, pretty decent work 👍.

That wasn't first person. That was second person

Was it? I've never had anyone give a good example of that. So I guess second is more of telling the reader their actions. Hmmm.

Yep, first person uses "I" to explain belles actions

I just love stories where pinkie breaks the fourth wall.

Don't worry, She might do that more later on. Just have to make it fit is all.

Why did you switch to second person?

We need more good digimon stories.

*shrugs* it just kind of ended up that way, was having a hard time writing the opening in third. Also I've been listening to the 'last son of dublin' fanfic recently, it's mostly 2nd person.

Good as in writing or character alignments?

Okay given how it seems Bellestarmon didn't have conscious thought during that encounter her possibly new and highly active Digimon instincts kicked in which if I remember correctly are primarily to destroyed other Digimon and absorb their data I'm guessing Nightmare Moon just got classified as a digimon by the instincts or at least a substitute in that moment.

She's a flipping Mega that even put back to Ultimate or even Champion is still too much for most of Equestria to take I'd say Rookie level is what most of Equestria can handle at best anything above that is too much. Digimon are flipping scary even more so in the physical world we're lucky there aren't any access to the digital world here like the internet cuz otherwise they could go all Tactimon here being giant near Invincible phantoms.

Please be a friendly Greymon and don't spontaneously digivolve into a Skullgreymon.

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