• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Tired always.


Rain Shine has a problem. Well, Autumn Blaze says it's a problem. But really, how can Rain Shine risk going full Nirik at the first political meet up in the kirin's history?

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, for Rain Shine, Autumn Blaze isn't the only one who doesn't agree with her preparations.

An Entry for the 2023 May Pairings Contest

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

Yes! A rhyming Zecora! As a fellow Zecora couplet enjoyer, I commend the effort. Nice start and I'm intrigued, especially with your more straightforward take on her and pairing with the ever-silent Rain Shine.

Why do I feel that Rain's silent treatment is 'River' induced?? :applejackunsure:

Oooh, very savvy Rain Shine. Didn't see that coming. Good trick for diplomatic negotiations.

I think you might be right 🤔🤔

Great short story

those chapter titles slap so hard
fantastically conceived and sturdily constructed ship! i feel blessed by this fic!

This was a lovely read. Thanks for sharing it! I'm glad you got the fic done in time for the contest.

A Mute Astute Meet Cute

off to a great start with a title like this!

This was not too surprising, the bonds between the races that stretched over the vast metaphorical gap of cultural differences were like a bridge and, like a bridge, needed steady careful maintenance to remain standing.

aww this is a nice way to explain why some species such as Kirin don’t seem to have much connection with Equestria despite geographically being right there

It was among these god-like entities that Rain Shine stood, representing her comparatively insignificant community of Kirin. Her assistant, the far more outgoing Autumn Blaze, fidgeted with anxiety and excitement. The younger kirin striking a stark contrast to Rain Shine herself who remained stoic, unmoving, silent. She had taken precautions to be sure of that.

hehe that is a fun dynamic! Autumn Blaze really does contrast a lot with the Celestia-like aloof Rain Shine

“Such strange creatures joined in this hall,
Intimidating forces to us so small.”

yay Zecora’s in this!

“Oh Rain Shine is great! She’s very subdued and uh…” Autumn Blaze searched for helpful words. “Anchory!” She said, failing to find any. “That’s why she’s such a good leader, she makes sure we don’t get carried away with any crazy ideas.”

hehe this is a really good Autumn Blaze

Yet in the face of these faces she’s impossibly sure,
Such that none but a liar could deny her allure.”

dang Zecora’s not so much dropping hints as dropping anvils! good for her

“I did have a matter that I wanted to ask,
A personal one, without need for a mask.
I heard tell from dear Fluttershy, who talks of your home,
That the plants there won’t grow in my dirt or my loam.
I wanted to visit, as a friend among friends,
And see what your flora might helpfully lend.
Not as ambassador, I stress now once more,
As a zebra, just zebra, to seek your plant’s lore.”

also good Zecora rhyming! you make it look easy

Yet, as Rain Shine looked to Autumn Blaze she didn’t see happiness. Instead the young kirin was biting her lip in what Rain Shine could only assume was worry.

ooh that is uncharacteristic!

A Devotion Notion and Emotion Potion

dang these are good titles

Yet, despite this grandeur that surrounded them, Rain Shine felt no sense of wonder or awe as she looked around, her eyes wandering the strange environment of pristine sculpted stone like it was no more than plain rock.

hehe Rain Shine is so difficult to impress! which will make it all the more meaningful if she is impressed by Zecora later

“Please… I don’t… I don’t know what to say to you right now to convince you. I know you don’t- won’t- can’t understand me when you’re like this. Not really understand me. You couldn’t last time either. Just drink it. Please.” Autumn Blaze punctuated the plea by pushing the tea cup slightly further towards Rain Shine once again.

augh love the idea that the kirins’ problem in that episode weren’t solved forever by the events of it

She knew that as long as Autumn Blaze was unaccounted for a distant and pernicious part of herself would prevent any attempt at truly falling asleep.


She was not alone however, a mysterious figure in a simple heavy cloak followed behind. The figure closed the door behind them before shaking back the hood to reveal the tell tale black and white mohawk of Zecora.

hehe love that Zecora’s mysterious heavy cloak look is back

“You’ve been a silly leader, I’m sure you must know,
Blocking out emotions for fear they might show
As if a spot of anger would make you undone.
Or an ounce of real feeling would cause us to shun.”

ooh Zecora sees right through her!

“You’re truly as wise as Autumn Blaze says you are.” Rain Shine managed to croak, her voice out of sorts after so much silence. She hated herself instantly, cringing internally at the idea that she was interacting with another representative like this.

oof, Rain Shine has had Social Anxiety this whole time!

Zecora, caught extremely off guard by the sudden drastic change of topic, blushed lightly and was momentarily struck silent as she tried to put together a beautiful rhyming sequence. She, both unfortunately and fortunately, didn’t have time as at that moment Autumn Blaze emerged from the kitchen.

hehehe what timing

“Thank you so much Zecora.” Autumn Blaze said, unwilling to let go of the hug she had started.

and aww!

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